Motorno ulje- kako izabrati - koju marku; vrstu

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#51 Re: Motorno ulje- kako izabrati - koju marku; vrstu

Post by and »

chuchumbamayumbe wrote:
and wrote:
chuchumbamayumbe wrote:Moje pitanje se odnosi na slijedece:
Da li su ulja koja mi kupujemo ulja namjenjena iskljucivo za dizele, ili za benzince, ili se mogu koristiti za oba motora.
Recimo, Mobil1 5-30, Castrol 5-50, sintetika, moze li u u dizela i u benzinca?!
Na pakovanju ne pise nista specificno osim da je Mobil1 "certified for gasoline engines" - sto opet ne znaci da ne moze i u dizela?!
najjednostavnije i naispravnije je pročitaš u servisnoj knjizi koje ulje ide u tvoje auto,vw ima neke oznake 505/01 ,nešto u tom fazonu i nađeš ulje na kojem ima ta oznaka.ostalo je pametovanje
Ne radi se samo o mom automobilu. Ja nemam servisnu knjigu, kod mene je Honda Civic, 1990. I kada sam gledao u njenom uputstvu, za nju preporucuju 10w-20 ulje ili sta ti ga ja znam vec koje, uglavnom neko koje danas haman i da ne postoji. A ja cisto sumnjam da zimi Castrol Sintetika 5w50 moze da nesto naskodi mom motoru. Ili ljeti isto tako 20w-40, ili 10w50. Zbog toga pitam, nevezano za ove fabricke preporuke.
ne znam ti ni ja nešto puno oko toga,ali od jednog dobrog majstora sam čuo recimo da ful sintetička ulja nisu dobra za starije motore zbog toga što u sebi imaju nekakve dodatke koji starijim motorima škode,a pravljeni su za nove aluminijske motore.
po mom jako skromnom znanju tebi bi bilo najbolje sipati mineralno ili polusintetičko ulje.
nije baš da možes sipati šta hoćeš u neke motore,recimo u vw pumpa dizna motor ako ne naspeš tačno ono ulje po specifikaciji,cijelo vrijeme će ti goriti lampica i upozoravati te na servis.
pitaj u hondinom servisu u hrvatskoj ili negdje šta bi ti oni preporučili.
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#52 Re: Motorno ulje- kako izabrati - koju marku; vrstu

Post by taxi_driver »

shell 5w30,i mjenjas ga svakoh 30000 km ili svake dvije godine.S uljem naravno mjenjas i filter.Ulje je skuplje ali si zato dvije godine miran il 30000 km zavisi koliko vozis.
Preporuka volkswagena u Holandiji gdje ja odrzavam auto.
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#53 Re: Motorno ulje- kako izabrati - koju marku; vrstu

Post by Grga07 »

meni su na servisu pegeot-u(2.0hdi) nasuli castrol edge 5w-40 sinteticko i rekli da na 10.000km treba zamjeniti.. 20.50km litar
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#54 Re: Motorno ulje- kako izabrati - koju marku; vrstu

Post by Goran69 »

Koja je razlika medzu ulja 5w-30 i 5w-40?
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#55 Re: Motorno ulje- kako izabrati - koju marku; vrstu

Post by respo »

tekstualno sve lijepo objasnjeno i vizualno na tablici podrucja radnih temperatura takodjer glede druge brojke nakon crtice -30, 40, 50 ili 60 broj oznacava podrucje radnih temperatura sto moze utjecati na efekte u motoru motorna ulja s vrlo visokim vrijednostima 5W-50 ili 10W-60 podesna su samo za kratke intervale zamjene ulja od nekoliko tisuca km jer se viskozitet smanjuje gubitkom smicne cvrstoce ulja sto je ovaj broj veci ulje motora ima veci viskozitet pri visokim temperaturama
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#56 Re: Motorno ulje- kako izabrati - koju marku; vrstu

Post by shown »

porodica citava i po neki prijatelj vozi francuze,renault peugeot ,najbolje nam se pokazalo ulje total
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#57 Re: Motorno ulje- kako izabrati - koju marku; vrstu

Post by respo »

mislim da i na autu pise peugeot preporucuje total ili tako nesto u tom fazonu
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#58 Re: Motorno ulje- kako izabrati - koju marku; vrstu

Post by ado-šampion »

Ulje se može promijeniti u svakom servisu, daš im ulje, filter i 5 KM i promijene ti. :) Zavisi gdje si, Šandor, Strojorad, to je što se tiče Grbavice. Ma svaki majstor će ti to uradit i košta petaka...

Total ulje, ne znam, nisam čuo neke kritike, a i ne koristi ga raja nešto previše ovdje, ako ga tankaju kod nas, odmah je sumnjivo... :-)

Za Civic, 10W-40 ili 15W-40, kod mene je Japanac iz '97., i ne smijem sipat "rijeđe" od 10W.

Kad smo već kod "originala", ja sam u punjenje Castrol Magnatec 15W-40 dosuo isto ulje, ali 10W-40, jer mi je zahvalilo a imao sam još litar od predzadnje izmjene, jedno od Šandora, drugo sa Selex pumpe, i zapijenilo je... Castrol moš mislit :roll:
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#59 Re: Motorno ulje- kako izabrati - koju marku; vrstu

Post by karanana »

hvala za lokacije. sandor i strojorad su mi blizu.
pise u mom auto manualu da se preporucuje 5w 30. nisam to ulje nigdje vidio. ima li ga gdje i koliko je para? ja sam zadnjih par puta koristio 5w 40. jeli to u redu? mogu li sletiti i na 10w 40 jer mi je jeftinije a i dalje je sinteticko?
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#60 Re: Motorno ulje- kako izabrati - koju marku; vrstu

Post by mayab »

Ljudi, generalno ste preoptereceni tim izborom ulja, jebem ga kao da svaki od vas vozi nabrijani sportski auto i to konstantno u crvenom podrucju obrtaja itd... ne znam, stvarno?!
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#61 Re: Motorno ulje- kako izabrati - koju marku; vrstu

Post by Gile Šampion »

karanana wrote:hvala za lokacije. sandor i strojorad su mi blizu.
pise u mom auto manualu da se preporucuje 5w 30. nisam to ulje nigdje vidio. ima li ga gdje i koliko je para? ja sam zadnjih par puta koristio 5w 40. jeli to u redu? mogu li sletiti i na 10w 40 jer mi je jeftinije a i dalje je sinteticko?

Nisam čitao sve komentare,bilo mi mrsko.To što si ti koristio 5 W 40 umjesto 5 W 30 nema veze.Uglavnom da pojednostavimo.Sintetička i polusintetička ulja nisu dobra za motore koji su u lošijem stanju,koji su više prešli i za motore starijih generacija.Zašto? Pa jednostavno zato što su rjeđa i zna se desiti kada počnete koristiti sintetička ulja da motor ''probali'' na raznim dihtunzima.''Rjeđe ulje lakše nađe puta da iscuri'' ako se može tako laički reći...

Dalje...Neko napravi pravu famu oko izbora ulja,gdje,šta i kako,i misli da ako je nasuo u svoje vozilo ''sintetičko ulje'' da je to ulje i najbolje za njegovo vozilo,što uopšte i ne mora biti tačno.Pri izboru ulja gledaju se mnogi faktori tj. oznake koje je proizvođač naveo na etiketi odnosno deklaraciji proizvoda.
Glavnu karakteristiku motornih ulja čini viskozno-temperaturna ovisnost i to pri zimskim,odnosno hladnijim uvjetima prilikom pokretanja motora, pa sve do najviših temperatura ulja pri ljetnim temperaturama. Zato i postoji SAE međunarodni standard.

Motorno ulje je prema SAE standardu dijeli se na 6 šest zimskih klasa viskoznosti (0W, 5W, 10W, 15W, 20W i 25W), te pet ljetnih klasa viskoznosti (20, 30, 40, 50 i 60).

Kratko i jasno ''običnim riječnikom' kazano:prva oznaka ulja kada je manja npr. ulje 5 W 30 je bolje za koristiti u hladnijim uslovima od npr 10 W 40,15 W 40 itd...dok je ulje druge veće oznake npr.10 W 50 bolje koristiti ljeti od npr. ulja 5 W 30...

Preliminarni odabir motornog ulja ovisno o potrebnoj viskoznosti može se odrediti za veliku većinu vozila.

U slučaju kada motor ima do cca. 25% radinih sati u odnosu na projektni vijek trajanja motora,(govorimo o novom motoru ) potrebno je upotrijebiti multigradno ulje SAE 5W-40 ili SAE 10W-40.

Kada motor posjeduje cca 25% - 75% radnih sati u odnosu na projektirani vijek trajanja motora, govorimo o srednje iskorištenom motoru, te je preporučljivo upotrijebiti SAE 10W-40 ili SAE 15W-40 u ljetnim uvjetima, te SAE 5W-40 ili SAE 10W-40 zimi, odnosno gradaciju viskoznosti SAE 5W-40 kroz cijelu godinu.

U slučaju starog motora, dakle više od cca 75% radnih sati u odnosu na projektirani vijek trajanja motora, preporučljivo je koristiti ulje viskoziteta SAE 15W-40 ili SAE 20W-40 u ljetnim uvjetima, te SAE 5W-40 ili SAE 10W-40 pri zimskim uvjetima, odnosno SAE 5W-40 tokom cijele godine.
Zatim u novije vrijeme pošto tehnika dosta napreduje,imamo motore novije generacije tipa common rail,pumpa-dizna itd,pri čemu su razvijene posebne vrste ulja,koje proizvođač vozila preporučuje da se koriste u njihovim vozilima.

Neke stvari mozete procitati i na stranici i nadam se da će vam mnogo toga postati jasnije...
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#62 Re: Motorno ulje- kako izabrati - koju marku; vrstu

Post by karanana »

hvala. veoma interesantne i korisne informacije. vjerovatno pise i na ovoj datoj stranici, ali evo prije nego pogledam sajt, i da ovdje upitam: kad kupujem ulje, koji datum proizvodnje je prihvatljiv? cesto na kanisterima pise samo datum proizvodnje, ne pise kada ulju istice rok trajanja. koliko unazad je datum proizvodnje ok? ne znam ima li i ovo veze od viskoznosti ulja, ali ako ima, evo recimo da upitam vijek trajanja 5w 40 i 10w 40 ulja u kanisterima na policama prodavnica.
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#63 Re: Motorno ulje- kako izabrati - koju marku; vrstu

Post by ado-šampion »

5W-30 ili 5W-40, svejedno je. Za starije motore bolje 10W-40. Rijetkost ulja nema veze s tim jel sintetičko il je mineralno, gradacija je bitna, al uglavnom sintetička ulja su "rjeđa" (5W i manje, rijetko koji proizvođač ima 10W potpuno sintetičko) pa raja to poistovjećuje.

Starost ulja nema veze, hermetički zatovreno ulje može i 10 godina.

I nešto o uljima generalno, vidim da neke buni:


Ispred crte su "zimske"oznake, iza crte "ljetne". 15 označava do koje najniže temperature ulje zadržava svoja svojstva, tj. "protočnost", 15 je (ugrubo) do -15 stepeni, 10 je do -20, 5 do -25, itd. W označava winter tj. zima. Druga oznaka, 40 označava da ulje zadržava svoja svojstva do (ugrubo) +40 stepeni, 30 je do +30, 50 do +50, itd. Gradacije xxW-50 i xxW-60 su rijetke i takva ulja se obično koriste u sportskim automobilima, kod kojih postoji realna potreba za visokim obrtajima. Ulja sa oznakama 5W-xx i niže se zovu "lakotečiva" i ta ulja nisu preporučljiva za starije motore.

Što se tiče vrsta ulje po sastavu, postoje tri (poredana po skupoći, po rastućem redosljedu): mineralno, polu-sintetičko i sintetičko. Sva ulja neovisno o vrsti se sastoje od baznog ulja i aditiva. Kod mineralnog i baza i aditivi su mineralni, kod sintetičkog je obrnuto (i baza i aditivi sintetički) dok je polu-sintetičko ono s mineralnom bazom i sintetičkim aditivima. Treba napomenuti da je polu-sintetičko ulje po kvalitetu jako blizu mineralnom, ako ne i isto, a isto tako jako daleko od potpuno sintetičkog. Toliko... :)
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#64 Re: Motorno ulje- kako izabrati - koju marku; vrstu

Post by chuchumbamayumbe »

Gdje si ti ovo procitao/saznao?!
Da ti nisi nesto ovdje pobrkao, pogresno razumio?!?!
:shock: :?
ado-šampion wrote:5W-30 ili 5W-40, svejedno je. Za starije motore bolje 10W-40. Rijetkost ulja nema veze s tim jel sintetičko il je mineralno, gradacija je bitna, al uglavnom sintetička ulja su "rjeđa" (5W i manje, rijetko koji proizvođač ima 10W potpuno sintetičko) pa raja to poistovjećuje.

Starost ulja nema veze, hermetički zatovreno ulje može i 10 godina.

I nešto o uljima generalno, vidim da neke buni:


Ispred crte su "zimske"oznake, iza crte "ljetne". 15 označava do koje najniže temperature ulje zadržava svoja svojstva, tj. "protočnost", 15 je (ugrubo) do -15 stepeni, 10 je do -20, 5 do -25, itd. W označava winter tj. zima. Druga oznaka, 40 označava da ulje zadržava svoja svojstva do (ugrubo) +40 stepeni, 30 je do +30, 50 do +50, itd. Gradacije xxW-50 i xxW-60 su rijetke i takva ulja se obično koriste u sportskim automobilima, kod kojih postoji realna potreba za visokim obrtajima. Ulja sa oznakama 5W-xx i niže se zovu "lakotečiva" i ta ulja nisu preporučljiva za starije motore.

Što se tiče vrsta ulje po sastavu, postoje tri (poredana po skupoći, po rastućem redosljedu): mineralno, polu-sintetičko i sintetičko. Sva ulja neovisno o vrsti se sastoje od baznog ulja i aditiva. Kod mineralnog i baza i aditivi su mineralni, kod sintetičkog je obrnuto (i baza i aditivi sintetički) dok je polu-sintetičko ono s mineralnom bazom i sintetičkim aditivima. Treba napomenuti da je polu-sintetičko ulje po kvalitetu jako blizu mineralnom, ako ne i isto, a isto tako jako daleko od potpuno sintetičkog. Toliko... :)
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#65 Re: Motorno ulje- kako izabrati - koju marku; vrstu

Post by ado-šampion »

chuchumbamayumbe wrote:Drug,
Gdje si ti ovo procitao/saznao?!
Da ti nisi nesto ovdje pobrkao, pogresno razumio?!?!
:shock: :?
ado-šampion wrote:5W-30 ili 5W-40, svejedno je. Za starije motore bolje 10W-40. Rijetkost ulja nema veze s tim jel sintetičko il je mineralno, gradacija je bitna, al uglavnom sintetička ulja su "rjeđa" (5W i manje, rijetko koji proizvođač ima 10W potpuno sintetičko) pa raja to poistovjećuje.

Starost ulja nema veze, hermetički zatovreno ulje može i 10 godina.

I nešto o uljima generalno, vidim da neke buni:


Ispred crte su "zimske"oznake, iza crte "ljetne". 15 označava do koje najniže temperature ulje zadržava svoja svojstva, tj. "protočnost", 15 je (ugrubo) do -15 stepeni, 10 je do -20, 5 do -25, itd. W označava winter tj. zima. Druga oznaka, 40 označava da ulje zadržava svoja svojstva do (ugrubo) +40 stepeni, 30 je do +30, 50 do +50, itd. Gradacije xxW-50 i xxW-60 su rijetke i takva ulja se obično koriste u sportskim automobilima, kod kojih postoji realna potreba za visokim obrtajima. Ulja sa oznakama 5W-xx i niže se zovu "lakotečiva" i ta ulja nisu preporučljiva za starije motore.

Što se tiče vrsta ulje po sastavu, postoje tri (poredana po skupoći, po rastućem redosljedu): mineralno, polu-sintetičko i sintetičko. Sva ulja neovisno o vrsti se sastoje od baznog ulja i aditiva. Kod mineralnog i baza i aditivi su mineralni, kod sintetičkog je obrnuto (i baza i aditivi sintetički) dok je polu-sintetičko ono s mineralnom bazom i sintetičkim aditivima. Treba napomenuti da je polu-sintetičko ulje po kvalitetu jako blizu mineralnom, ako ne i isto, a isto tako jako daleko od potpuno sintetičkog. Toliko... :)
Sve je kako piše...
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#66 Re: Motorno ulje- kako izabrati - koju marku; vrstu

Post by respo »

malo si se ado zeznuo sto se tice ovih temperatura 40 oko 40°, 50 oko 50°itd

reci mi onda kako izdrzi ulje kad se motor zagrije a tu je sigurno temperatura veca od ovih 40 ili recimo 30?

p.s. to su oznake za viskoznost na 100° a ne koliko koju temperaturu moze dostici
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#67 Re: Motorno ulje- kako izabrati - koju marku; vrstu

Post by chuchumbamayumbe »

malo protrkeljah, wiki


The Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) has established a numerical code system for grading motor oils according to their viscosity characteristics. SAE viscosity gradings include the following, from low to high viscosity: 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50 or 60. The numbers 0, 5, 10, 15 and 25 are suffixed with the letter W, designating their "winter" (not "weight") or cold-start viscosity, at lower temperature. The number 20 comes with or without a W, depending on whether it is being used to denote a cold or hot viscosity grade. The document SAE J300 defines the viscometrics related to these grades.

Kinematic viscosity is graded by measuring the time it takes for a standard amount of oil to flow through a standard orifice, at standard temperatures. The longer it takes, the higher the viscosity and thus higher SAE code.

Note that the SAE has a separate viscosity rating system for gear, axle, and manual transmission oils, SAE J306, which should not be confused with engine oil viscosity. The higher numbers of a gear oil (eg 75W-140) do not mean that it has higher viscosity than an engine oil

A single-grade engine oil, as defined by SAE J300, cannot use a polymeric Viscosity Index Improver (also referred to as Vicosity Modifier) additive. SAE J300 has established eleven viscosity grades, of which six are considered Winter-grades and given a W designation. The 11 viscosity grades are 0W, 5W, 10W, 15W, 20W, 25W, 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60. These numbers are often referred to as the 'weight' of a motor oil.

For single winter grade oils, the dynamic viscosity is measured at different cold temperatures, specified in J300 depending on the viscosity grade, in units of mPa·s or the equivalent older non-SI units, centipoise (abbreviated cP), using two different test methods. They are the Cold Cranking Simulator (ASTM D5293) and the Mini-Rotary Viscometer (ASTM D4684). Based on the coldest temperature the oil passes at, that oil is graded as SAE viscosity grade 0W, 5W, 10W, 15W, 20W, or 25W. The lower the viscosity grade, the lower the temperature the oil can pass. For example, if an oil passes at the specifications for 10W and 5W, but fails for 0W, then that oil must be labeled as an SAE 5W. That oil cannot be labeled as either 0W or 10W.

For single non-winter grade oils, the kinematic viscosity is measured at a temperature of 100 °C (212 °F) in units of mm²/s or the equivalent older non-SI units, centistokes (abbreviated cSt). Based on the range of viscosity the oil falls in at that temperature, the oil is graded as SAE viscosity grade 20, 30, 40, 50, or 60. In addition, for SAE grades 20, 30, and 40, a minimum viscosity measured at 150 °C (302 °F) and at a high-shear rate is also required. The higher the viscosity, the higher the SAE viscosity grade is.

For some applications, such as when the temperature ranges in use are not very wide, single-grade motor oil is satisfactory; for example, lawn mower engines, industrial applications, and vintage or classic cars.

[edit] Multi-grade
The temperature range the oil is exposed to in most vehicles can be wide, ranging from cold temperatures in the winter before the vehicle is started up to hot operating temperatures when the vehicle is fully warmed up in hot summer weather. A specific oil will have high viscosity when cold and a lower viscosity at the engine's operating temperature. The difference in viscosities for most single-grade oil is too large between the extremes of temperature. To bring the difference in viscosities closer together, special polymer additives called viscosity index improvers, or VIIs are added to the oil. These additives are used to make the oil a multi-grade motor oil, however it is possible to have a multi-grade oil without the use of VIIs. The idea is to cause the multi-grade oil to have the viscosity of the base grade when cold and the viscosity of the second grade when hot. This enables one type of oil to be generally used all year. In fact, when multi-grades were initially developed, they were frequently described as all-season oil. The viscosity of a multi-grade oil still varies logarithmically with temperature, but the slope representing the change is lessened. This slope representing the change with temperature depends on the nature and amount of the additives to the base oil.

The SAE designation for multi-grade oils includes two viscosity grades; for example, 10W-30 designates a common multi-grade oil. The two numbers used are individually defined by SAE J300 for single-grade oils. Therefore, an oil labeled as 10W-30 must pass the SAE J300 viscosity grade requirement for both 10W and 30, and all limitations placed on the viscosity grades (for example, a 10W-30 oil must fail the J300 requirements at 5W). Also, if an oil does not contain any VIIs, and can pass as a multi-grade, that oil can be labeled with either of the two SAE viscosity grades. For example, a very simple multi-grade oil that can be easily made with modern baseoils without any VII is a 20W-20. This oil can be labeled as 20W-20, 20W, or 20. Note, if any VIIs are used however, then that oil cannot be labeled as a single grade.

The real-world ability of an oil to crank or pump when cold is potentially diminished soon after it is put into service. The motor oil grade and viscosity to be used in a given vehicle is specified by the manufacturer of the vehicle (although some modern European cars now have no viscosity requirement), but can vary from country to country when climatic or fuel efficiency constraints come into play.
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#68 Re: Motorno ulje- kako izabrati - koju marku; vrstu

Post by respo »

1) Specifications shown in red indicate that the manufacturer of the oil did not provide the
data for that specification. Thus, in order to still be able to calculate ranking scores for all oils,
has inserted default values for these specifications. For the most
part, these default values are taken directly from the max/min allowable values based upon
the viscosity of the oil or the API classifications claimed to be met.
For instance, in order to be classified as an SAE 5w30 motor oil, an oil must have a minimum
HT/HS (High Temperature/High Shear) score of 2.9. Thus, if an oil's manufacturer indicates
that an oil has a 5w30 viscosity but does not list an HT/HS score, TheMotorOilEvaluator
website inserts this default minimum value of 2.9. The oil MAY have a higher HT/HS value
than that, but, since the manufacturer does not provide the data, it is assumed the value is
near 2.9 (otherwise, why not publish it).
Hopefully, the information provided in this document will help you form an objective opinion of
the quality of various oils on the market. Of course, only multiple oil analyses over time will
TRULY establish the overall “real world” quality of an oil (some specs can be “doctored” a bit
with heavy treatment of low quality additives that quickly break down – leaving a much lower
quality oil than you started with).
So, I recommend oil analysis as the ultimate judge of oil quality in your vehicle, but this
document is at least a start.
Visc. Brand Product Type Score Rank VI PP FP Noack TBN HTHS CCS V. CCS T. cSt @ 100 cSt @ 40 Last Update
0w20 Castrol Syntec Syn 3165 7 150 -45 415 13 8 2.6 6200 -35 8.8 0 15 Apr, 2009 15:10:09
0w20 Synergyn Racing Syn 3524 2 165 -65 410 13 8 2.6 6200 -35 8.8 48.2 15 Apr, 2009 17:58:21
0w20 Pennzoil Platinum Synthetic Syn 3421 3 171 -49 435.2 13.4 8 2.6 5580 -35 8.43 44.2 14 Apr, 2009 23:26:14
0w20 Valvoline Synpower Syn 3393 4 170 -49 428 13.5 8 2.6 5600 -35 8.65 45 18 Apr, 2009 10:43:23
0w20 Eneos Fully Synthetic Syn 3266 5 199 -49 446 13 5.1 2.6 6200 -35 8.5 41.5 17 Aug, 2009 22:53:45
0w20 Mobil 1 Adv. Fuel Econ. Syn 3244 6 150 -45 438.8 13 8.5 2.6 6200 -35 8.6 45.5 15 Apr, 2009 15:04:01
0w20 AMSOIL Synthetic 0w20 Syn 4624 1 165 -65 442 8.6 12.1 2.8 4069 -35 9 49.1 14 Apr, 2009 13:29:02
0w20 Torco SR-5 Syn Racing Syn 3043 8 150 -40 392 13 8 2.6 6200 -35 8.13 0 18 Apr, 2009 11:51:12
5w20 Valvoline Durablend Blend 3517 22 161 -32.8 428 13 8 2.6 4400 -30 8.38 45.78 17 Apr, 2009 16:46:45
5w20 Pennzoil High Mileage Petro 2760 46 150 -27.4 384.8 14.5 8 2.7 5800 -30 8.86 51.9 14 Apr, 2009 20:18:47
5w20 Royal Purple Multi-Grade Syn 3181 32 156 -25 455 13 8 2.6 6600 -30 8.7 49.5 15 Apr, 2009 17:40:13
5w20 76 HP Syn Syn 3985 10 159 -38 444 13 8.1 2.7 4000 -30 8.3 45.9 15 Apr, 2009 15:10:09
5w20 Mobil Mobil Clean 5000 Petro 3225 28 156 -38 392 13 8 2.6 5100 -30 8.5 47.8 15 Apr, 2009 15:10:09
5w20 Shell Formula Shell Petro 2865 43 151 -33 420 13 8 2.6 6600 -30 8.16 46.28 17 Apr, 2009 09:05:46
5w20 TropArtic Full Syn Syn 3985 11 159 -38 444 13 8.1 2.7 4000 -30 8.3 45.9 18 Apr, 2009 12:07:29
5w20 Mobil Mobil Clean 7500 Petro 3347 26 159 -44 392 13 8 2.6 5190 -30 8.9 50 15 Apr, 2009 15:10:09
5w20 TropArtic Syn Blend Blend 3594 20 164 -44 435 13 7.8 2.6 5300 -30 8.7 51 18 Apr, 2009 12:09:23
5w20 Havoline Synthetic Blend 3640 17 165 -33 405 11.5 8 2.6 4200 -30 8.9 47 19 Feb, 2009 17:05:24
5w20 Lucas Synthetic 5w20 Syn 2898 42 155 -25 308 13 8 2.6 6600 -30 8 48 15 Apr, 2009 15:10:09
5w20 Valvoline MaxLife Petro 3201 30 152 -43.6 422.6 13.4 8 2.6 5900 -30 8.8 51 18 Apr, 2009 10:23:57
5w20 Castrol Syntec Syn 3013 37 140 -25 405 13 8 2.6 6600 -30 9 0 15 Apr, 2009 15:10:09
5w20 Mobil Mobil Clean Petro 2997 39 153 -26 392 13 8 2.6 4900 -30 8.3 47 15 Apr, 2009 15:10:09
5w20 Castrol Syntec Syn 3013 38 140 -25 405 13 8 2.6 6600 -30 9 0 15 Apr, 2009 15:10:09
5w20 76 Super Syn Blend Blend 3925 12 165 -44 457 13 7.8 2.6 3800 -30 8.6 46.3 15 Apr, 2009 15:10:09
5w20 Pennzoil Platinum Synthetic Syn 4002 9 164 -43.6 435.2 13.2 8 2.6 4250 -30 8.46 45.73 14 Apr, 2009 23:28:40
5w20 Citgo Supergard Syn Syn 3814 14 158 -27 466 13 8 2.8 4040 -30 8.5 47.2 15 Apr, 2009 15:10:09
5w20 Kendall GT-1 Full Syn Syn 4111 6 159 -44 444 13 8.1 2.7 4000 -30 8.3 45.9 15 Apr, 2009 15:10:09
5w20 Castrol Syntec Blend Blend 2796 44 140 -25 405 13 8 2.6 6600 -30 9.1 0 15 Apr, 2009 15:10:09
5w20 Mobil Drive Clean Petro 2953 41 153 -26 392 13 8 2.6 5130 -30 8.3 47 15 Apr, 2009 15:10:09
5w20 Valvoline Synpower Syn 4121 5 170 -49 429.8 13.5 8 2.6 4200 -30 8.65 46 18 Apr, 2009 10:44:23
5w20 Pennzoil Multi-Grade Petro 3299 27 158 -49 445 13 8 2.65 6600 -30 8.6 48 15 Apr, 2009 15:10:09
5w20 Citgo Supergard Petro 3133 35 152 -31 421 13 8 2.6 5000 -30 8.2 46 15 Apr, 2009 15:10:09
5w20 Mystik JT-8 Premium Blend 3416 24 150 -35 450 13 8 2.6 5130 -30 8.1 46 18 Apr, 2009 12:33:58
5w20 Schaeffer Sup.7000 Syn Plus Blend 3755 16 158 -41 439 13.86 7.5 2.6 3587 -30 7.5 43 16 Apr, 2009 18:16:33
5w20 Petro Canada Supreme Multigrade Petro 3429 23 159 -33 444 13 7 2.6 3690 -30 8.6 47.8 16 Apr, 2009 23:07:07
5w20 Kendall GT-1 HP Blend Blend 3526 21 150 -44 433 13 7.8 2.6 5300 -30 8.4 49 15 Apr, 2009 15:10:09
5w20 Quaker State Peak Perf. Petro 2786 45 151 -27 445 13 8 2.6 6600 -30 8.1 45.5 15 Apr, 2009 16:22:47
5w20 Wolfs Head Syn-Pack PCMO Syn 3413 25 140 -43.6 410 13 8 2.6 6600 -30 6.8 38 18 Apr, 2009 11:19:44
5w20 Mobil 1 Ext Perf Syn 4017 7 171 -59.8 455 13 8 2.7 6600 -30 8.9 47.4 17 Aug, 2009 23:07:35
5w20 AMSOIL XL 5w20 Syn 4410 2 165 -45 439 10.7 9 2.7 3818 -30 8.5 45.4 14 Apr, 2009 12:53:23
5w20 Wolfs Head Super Duty PCMO Petro 2973 40 130 -43.6 410 13 8 2.6 6600 -30 6.5 37 18 Apr, 2009 11:20:32
5w20 Exxon Superflo Petro 3196 31 153 -38 392 13 8 2.6 5180 -30 8.3 47 15 Apr, 2009 15:10:09
5w20 Pennzoil SUV, Truck Blend 3611 18 157 -43.6 406.4 13.1 8 2.6 4750 -30 8.3 46.2 15 Apr, 2009 16:36:55
5w20 Conoco Super Syn Blend Blend 3594 19 164 -44 435 13 7.8 2.6 5300 -30 8.7 51 15 Apr, 2009 15:10:09
5w20 Castrol GTX Petro 2618 47 140 -25 405 13 8 2.6 6600 -30 5.6 0 15 Apr, 2009 15:10:09
5w20 Torco SR-1 Syn Syn 3223 29 140 -31 449.6 13 8 2.6 6600 -30 7.37 42.69 18 Apr, 2009 11:47:39
5w20 Redline Synthetic Syn 4611 1 145 -49 484 8 8 3.3 5000 -30 9.1 55 15 Apr, 2009 16:54:01
5w20 Valvoline Prem. Conv. Petro 3072 36 152 -32.8 428 14.9 7.5 2.6 4700 -30 8.7 49.97 17 Apr, 2009 16:32:34
5w20 Mobil 1 5w20 Syn 3776 15 163 -52.6 442.4 13 8 2.62 6600 -30 8.8 48.3 15 Apr, 2009 15:10:30
5w20 Chevron Supreme Syn Syn 3857 13 165 -33 405 11.5 8 2.6 4200 -30 8.9 47 18 Feb, 2009 20:54:05
5w20 AMSOIL Dominator Racing Syn 4015 8 165 -49 437 13 8 3 5695 -30 9 49.6 15 Apr, 2009 15:10:09
5w20 Redline Racing Syn 4290 4 139 -58 455 6 8 2.6 6600 -30 7.4 42 15 Apr, 2009 17:25:10
5w20 Chevron Supreme Petro 3178 33 146 -35 392 13 7.8 2.6 4700 -30 8 47.5 15 Apr, 2009 15:10:09
5w20 Havoline Motor Oil Petro 3178 34 146 -35 392 13 7.8 2.6 4700 -30 8 47.5 15 Apr, 2009 15:10:09
5w20 Shell Formula Shell Syn Syn 4328 3 140 -56.2 440.6 13 8 2.6 3480 -30 8.7 35.1 17 Apr, 2009 08:58:01
0w30 Lucas Synthetic 0w30 Syn 3643 9 193 -55 425 13 8 2.9 6200 -35 10.5 55 15 Apr, 2009 15:10:30
0w30 Castrol Syntec Syn 3542 11 175 -55 410 13 8 2.9 6200 -35 12.1 0 15 Apr, 2009 15:10:30
0w30 Citgo Citgard Syndurance Syn 4052 3 165 -71 374 13 12 2.9 5490 -35 11.3 65.1 15 Apr, 2009 15:11:50
0w30 76 Syn HD Arctic Syn 3762 7 176 -49 370 13 9.7 3.3 5500 -35 11.6 65 15 Apr, 2009 15:11:50
0w30 Maxima Maxum4 Ultra Syn 3404 14 153 -50 422 13 8 2.9 6200 -35 9.3 46.8 15 Apr, 2009 15:11:50
0w30 Brad Penn Penn-Grade1 Racing Blend 3529 12 170 -54 385 13 9 3.38 6000 -35 11 63.5 15 Apr, 2009 15:10:30
0w30 Shell Rotella T SB Blend 3266 15 175 -49 410 13 8 2.9 6200 -35 11.3 0 17 Apr, 2009 09:32:10
0w30 Chevron Delo 400 Syn Syn 4111 2 190 -60 419 13 10 2.9 4750 -35 10.3 52.2 15 Apr, 2009 15:11:50
0w30 Klotz Snow X4 Estorlin Syn 3526 13 175 -48 410 13 9.4 2.9 6200 -35 10.9 0 15 Apr, 2009 15:10:30
0w30 Petro Canada Duron Syn HD Syn 4003 4 175 -60 448 13 9.2 3.3 5651 -35 11.5 64 16 Apr, 2009 23:27:04
0w30 Petro Canada Duron XL Blend Blend 3959 5 176 -60 448 13 9.1 3.5 5249 -35 12.1 68.7 17 Apr, 2009 08:32:42
0w30 Mobil 1 Adv. Fuel Econ. Syn 3663 8 175 -55 442.4 13 8.5 2.99 6200 -35 11 63.1 15 Apr, 2009 15:11:50
0w30 Mobil 1 0w30 Syn 3786 6 169 -65.2 442.4 13 8.5 2.99 6200 -35 11 63.1 15 Apr, 2009 15:11:50
0w30 Petro Canada Synthetic PCM Syn 3583 10 170 -44 455 13 7.6 2.9 5434 -35 10.4 57.6 17 Apr, 2009 08:41:33
0w30 AMSOIL Signature Series Syn 4314 1 173 -60 446 8.7 13.2 3.2 5927 -35 10.3 56.6 14 Apr, 2009 13:43:34
5w30 Havoline Motor Oil Petro 2988 61 151 -33 392 13 7.8 2.9 5400 -30 9.7 59.4 15 Apr, 2009 15:11:50
5w30 Shell Formula Shell Syn Syn 3707 20 160 -32.8 437 13 8 2.9 4300 -30 10.51 57.47 17 Apr, 2009 08:58:40
5w30 Valvoline Durablend Blend 3393 30 169 -32.8 429.8 13.5 8 2.9 4800 -30 10.33 57.89 17 Apr, 2009 16:48:33
5w30 Pennzoil High Mileage Petro 2853 72 157 -27.4 384.8 14.2 8 3.3 6000 -30 11.7 74.1 14 Apr, 2009 20:20:28
5w30 Mobil 1 Truck & SUV Syn 4044 6 169 -65.2 446 13 8 3.09 6600 -30 11.3 64.8 15 Apr, 2009 15:11:50
5w30 Royal Purple Multi-Grade Syn 3200 43 161 -25 455 13 8 2.9 6600 -30 11 65.3 15 Apr, 2009 17:40:43
5w30 76 HP Syn Syn 4029 8 166 -44 455 13 8.1 3 4250 -30 10.5 60 15 Apr, 2009 15:16:00
5w30 Havoline High Mileage Petro 2882 70 156 -33 401 13 8.2 2.9 6400 -30 12 0 15 Apr, 2009 15:18:14
5w30 Mobil Mobil Clean 5000 Petro 2839 73 161 -27 392 13 8 2.9 5940 -30 10.6 62.2 15 Apr, 2009 15:12:33
5w30 Valvoline MaxLife Synthetic Syn 2442 78 162 32 437 10 8.5 2.9 6000 -30 11.7 70 18 Apr, 2009 10:04:26
5w30 LE 8530 Monolec SPB Blend 3298 39 145 -33 435 9 6.2 3.23 6600 -30 11.05 70.11 19 Feb, 2009 20:11:23
5w30 Shell Formula Shell Petro 2856 71 153 -33 420 13 8 2.9 6600 -30 10.75 66.16 17 Apr, 2009 09:06:14
5w30 Valvoline MaxLife Petro 3019 60 163 -38.2 429.8 14.9 8 2.9 5800 -30 11.3 67 18 Apr, 2009 10:07:01
5w30 TropArtic Full Syn Syn 4029 9 166 -44 455 13 8.1 3 4250 -30 10.5 60 18 Apr, 2009 12:08:08
5w30 Havoline Syn Blend Blend 3164 47 157 -37 392 13 7.8 2.9 6000 -30 9.7 62.4 15 Apr, 2009 15:11:50
5w30 Castrol SLX Pro OE Syn 3557 25 160 -49 405 13 8 2.9 6600 -30 12.1 73 15 Apr, 2009 15:11:50
5w30 Mobil Mobil Clean 7500 Petro 3155 49 160 -44 392 13 8 2.9 5950 -30 10.6 62.5 15 Apr, 2009 15:11:50
5w30 Lucas Synthetic 5w30 Syn 3178 45 171 -25 420 13 8 2.9 6600 -30 11 63 15 Apr, 2009 15:11:50
5w30 TropArtic Syn Blend Blend 3365 32 163 -38 430 13 7.8 3.1 5900 -30 10.8 65 18 Apr, 2009 12:10:09
5w30 76 Super High Mile Blend 3293 40 162 -40 410 13 7.8 3 6100 -30 10.8 66 15 Apr, 2009 15:11:50
5w30 Shell Formula Shell Blend Blend 2942 65 158 -27 420 13 8 2.9 6600 -30 10.67 63.86 17 Apr, 2009 09:08:35
5w30 Havoline Synthetic Blend 3568 22 167 -33 405 13 8 2.9 3700 -30 10.6 59.9 15 Apr, 2009 15:11:50
5w30 Mobil Mobil Clean HM Petro 3033 59 160 -38 392 13 8 2.9 6000 -30 10.6 62.5 15 Apr, 2009 15:11:50
5w30 Synergyn Racing Syn 3181 44 156 -30 406 13 8 2.9 6600 -30 12.3 77.9 15 Apr, 2009 17:54:09
5w30 TropArtic High Mileage Blend 3484 26 160 -45 430 13 7.8 3.2 6100 -30 11.3 68.2 18 Apr, 2009 12:11:50
5w30 Mobil Mobil Clean Petro 3115 53 159 -38 392 13 8 2.9 5500 -30 10.5 62 15 Apr, 2009 15:11:50
5w30 Castrol Syntec Syn 3102 55 160 -25 405 13 8 2.9 6600 -30 9.7 0 15 Apr, 2009 15:11:50
5w30 76 Super Syn Blend Blend 3709 19 167 -44 433 13 7.8 3.1 4700 -30 10.8 62 15 Apr, 2009 15:11:50
5w30 Pennzoil Platinum Synthetic Syn 4015 10 166 -49 435.2 11.6 8 3 5200 -30 10.2 57.5 14 Apr, 2009 23:29:49
5w30 Valvoline NSL Syn Racing Syn 3452 28 157 -38.2 460.4 13 5.9 2.9 5700 -30 10 59 18 Apr, 2009 10:40:24
5w30 Citgo Supergard Syn Syn 3568 23 162 -22 460 13 8 3.1 4610 -30 10.6 61.8 15 Apr, 2009 15:18:14
5w30 Kendall GT-1 Full Syn Syn 4029 7 166 -44 455 13 8.1 3 4250 -30 10.5 60 15 Apr, 2009 15:18:14
5w30 Castrol Syntec Blend Blend 2884 68 160 -25 405 13 8 2.9 6600 -30 11 0 15 Apr, 2009 15:11:50
5w30 Schaeffer Sup.7000 Syn Plus Blend 3430 29 159 -41 448 13.9 7.5 3.18 5610 -30 10 47 16 Apr, 2009 18:10:38
5w30 Citgo Supergard Ultralife Syn 3340 35 159 -25 457 13 8 2.9 5760 -30 11 65.8 15 Apr, 2009 15:11:50
5w30 Kendall GT-1 HM Syn Blend Blend 3343 34 160 -40 441 13 7.8 3 6100 -30 10.8 66 15 Apr, 2009 15:11:50
5w30 Mobil Drive Clean Petro 3115 52 159 -38 392 13 8 2.9 5500 -30 10.5 62 15 Apr, 2009 15:11:50
5w30 Valvoline Synpower Syn 3845 14 170 -43.6 433.4 13 8 2.9 4900 -30 10.7 60 18 Apr, 2009 10:45:13
5w30 Maxima Maxum4 Premium Petro 3137 50 167 -45 416 13 8 2.9 6600 -30 10.69 60.8 15 Apr, 2009 15:11:50
5w30 Pennzoil Multi-Grade Petro 3162 48 160 -44 420 13 8 3.1 6600 -30 10.5 60 15 Apr, 2009 15:11:50
5w30 Valvoline Synpower MST Syn 3850 13 163 -49 440.6 10 7 2.9 6200 -30 11.7 69.9 18 Apr, 2009 10:50:59
5w30 Citgo Supergard Petro 3042 58 157 -31 448 13 8 3.1 6100 -30 10.6 64 15 Apr, 2009 15:11:50
5w30 Mystik JT-8 Premium Blend 2975 64 158 -22 446 13 8 2.9 6140 -30 10.9 158 18 Apr, 2009 12:34:42
5w30 Petro Canada Maximum Multigrade Petro 3323 37 162 -38 444 13 7 2.9 4530 -30 10.8 63.1 16 Apr, 2009 23:02:49
5w30 Pennzoil Syn w/ Pennzane Syn 4134 5 159 -54 405 6.9 8 3.05 6600 -30 9.87 57.4 15 Apr, 2009 17:15:55
5w30 Maxima Snowmobile 4T Petro 3137 51 167 -45 416 13 8 2.9 6600 -30 10.69 60.8 15 Apr, 2009 15:11:50
5w30 Quaker State Higher Mileage Petro 2984 63 176 -43 410 15 8 2.9 6600 -30 12.2 68.91 15 Apr, 2009 16:18:19
5w30 Petro Canada Supreme Multigrade Petro 3207 42 160 -33 444 13 7 2.9 4600 -30 10.6 62.3 16 Apr, 2009 23:07:44
5w30 Kendall GT-1 HP Blend Blend 3251 41 155 -38 433 13 7.8 3 6200 -30 10.6 65 15 Apr, 2009 15:12:33
5w30 AMSOIL Synthetic 5w30 Syn 4909 1 170 -58 439 6.9 12.2 3.2 5190 -30 10.8 60.7 15 Apr, 2009 15:15:09
5w30 Quaker State Peak Perf. Petro 2740 74 159 -27 405 13 8 2.9 6600 -30 10.7 64.1 15 Apr, 2009 16:23:26
5w30 AMSOIL S3000 HD Diesel Syn 4905 2 170 -58 439 7.6 12.1 3.4 5271 -30 11.4 65.4 14 Apr, 2009 12:48:58
5w30 Wolfs Head Syn-Pack PCMO Syn 3464 27 160 -43.6 410 13 8 2.9 6600 -30 10.5 60 18 Apr, 2009 11:19:44
5w30 Mobil 1 Ext Perf Syn 3843 15 169 -54.4 446 13 8 3.1 6600 -30 11 61 17 Aug, 2009 23:09:12
5w30 AMSOIL XL 5w30 Syn 4481 4 173 -45 453 8.9 9 3.2 4341 -30 10.5 58.2 14 Apr, 2009 12:54:45
5w30 Wolfs Head Super Duty PCMO Petro 2902 67 145 -38.2 410 13 8 2.9 6600 -30 10.5 60 18 Apr, 2009 11:21:03
5w30 Quaker State Full Synthetic Syn 3697 21 177 -49 440 13 8 2.9 6600 -30 10.5 56.8 15 Apr, 2009 16:27:22
5w30 Exxon Superflo Petro 3115 54 159 -38 392 13 8 2.9 5500 -30 10.5 62 15 Apr, 2009 15:11:50
5w30 Pennzoil SUV, Truck Blend 3325 36 160 -38.2 404.6 13.7 8 3 5400 -30 10.6 62.8 15 Apr, 2009 16:38:07
5w30 Conoco Super Syn Blend Blend 3365 33 163 -38 430 13 7.8 3.1 5900 -30 10.8 65 15 Apr, 2009 15:11:50
5w30 Castrol GTX Petro 2707 75 160 -25 405 13 8 2.9 6600 -30 9.3 0 15 Apr, 2009 15:11:50
5w30 Conoco Syncon HP Syn Blend 3812 17 166 -44 455 13 8.1 3 4250 -30 10.5 60 15 Apr, 2009 15:11:50
5w30 Chevron Supreme Blend Blend 3164 46 157 -37 392 13 7.8 2.9 6000 -30 9.7 62.4 15 Apr, 2009 15:11:50
5w30 Petro Canada Syn Blend PCM Blend 3070 56 150 -25 437 13 7 2.9 5218 -30 10.8 64.9 17 Apr, 2009 08:38:44
5w30 Torco SR-1 Syn Syn 3306 38 160 -31 453.2 13 8 2.9 6600 -30 12.05 67.91 18 Apr, 2009 11:48:10
5w30 Redline Synthetic Syn 4623 3 162 -49 486 6 8 3.8 6000 -30 10.6 62 15 Apr, 2009 16:55:39
5w30 Chevron Supreme High Mileage Petro 2882 69 156 -33 401 13 8.2 2.9 6400 -30 12 0 15 Apr, 2009 15:12:33
5w30 Exxon Superflo HM Petro 3067 57 159 -38.2 442.4 13 8 3.03 6600 -30 10.4 61.8 15 Apr, 2009 15:18:14
5w30 Castrol GTX High Mileage Petro 2707 76 160 -25 405 13 8 2.9 6600 -30 12 0 15 Apr, 2009 15:18:14
5w30 Valvoline Prem. Conv. Petro 2919 66 162 -32.8 428 14.9 7.5 2.9 5541 -30 10.78 63 17 Apr, 2009 16:34:22
5w30 Petro Canada Synthetic PCM Syn 3868 12 167 -33 437 13 7.6 2.9 3404 -30 10.3 58.2 17 Apr, 2009 08:42:12
5w30 Mobil 1 5w30 Syn 3839 16 169 -54.4 446 13 8 3.09 6600 -30 11.3 64.8 15 Apr, 2009 15:11:50
5w30 Chevron Supreme Syn Syn 3785 18 167 -33 405 13 8 2.9 3700 -30 10.6 59.9 15 Apr, 2009 15:11:50
5w30 Torco SR-5 Syn Racing Syn 3372 31 160 -40 397.4 13 8 2.9 6600 -30 11.96 67.2 18 Apr, 2009 11:51:37
5w30 Castrol GTX Startup Petro 2707 77 160 -25 405 13 8 2.9 6600 -30 10.3 0 15 Apr, 2009 15:11:50
5w30 Mobil 1 ESP 5w30 Syn 3960 11 164 -49 489.2 13 8 3.58 6600 -30 12.1 72.8 15 Apr, 2009 15:11:50
5w30 Chevron Supreme Petro 2988 62 151 -33 392 13 7.8 2.9 5400 -30 9.7 65.3 15 Apr, 2009 15:11:50
5w30 Petro Canada Turbo Syn Syn 3567 24 175 -25 441 13 8 2.9 4672 -30 11.3 63.4 17 Apr, 2009 08:50:46
10w30 Klotz Racing Techniplate Syn 3527 58 140 -30 415 13 8 2.9 7000 -25 9.3 0 15 Apr, 2009 15:23:03
10w30 Castrol PowerRS GPS 4T Blend 3100 107 140 -20 420 13 8 2.9 7000 -25 10.5 0 15 Apr, 2009 15:23:03
10w30 Havoline Motor Oil Petro 3386 75 134 -35 401 13 7.8 2.9 5400 -25 9.7 65.3 15 Apr, 2009 15:23:03
10w30 76 Guardol QLT Petro 3720 42 142 -33 430 13 12.2 3.5 6700 -25 11.8 77.3 15 Apr, 2009 15:23:03
10w30 Shell Formula Shell Syn Syn 3953 29 140 -27.4 442.4 13 8 2.9 4090 -25 10.5 61.5 17 Apr, 2009 08:59:22
10w30 Valvoline Durablend Blend 3499 62 141 -27.4 420.8 10 8 2.9 6200 -25 10.84 71.45 17 Apr, 2009 16:49:30
10w30 LE 8130 Blend 3615 52 140 -24 420 13 10 3.7 6700 -25 11.5 77.3 15 Apr, 2009 15:23:03
10w30 Pennzoil High Mileage Petro 3257 91 138 -27.4 384.8 13.7 8 3.4 6100 -25 11.7 80 14 Apr, 2009 20:22:13
10w30 Royal Purple Multi-Grade Syn 3399 74 141 -20 455 13 8 2.9 7000 -25 10.7 70.3 15 Apr, 2009 17:41:12
10w30 Shell High Mileage Petro 2985 109 143 -22 430 13 8 2.9 7000 -25 12 80.7 17 Apr, 2009 09:03:13
10w30 76 HP Syn Syn 4587 7 154 -44 450 13 8.1 3.1 3100 -25 10.4 63 15 Apr, 2009 15:23:03
10w30 Havoline High Mileage Petro 3248 92 140 -33 401 13 8.2 2.9 6400 -25 12 0 15 Apr, 2009 15:23:03
10w30 Mobil Mobil Clean 5000 Petro 3304 83 138 -33 392 13 8 2.9 5760 -25 10.4 68.7 15 Apr, 2009 15:23:03
10w30 Valvoline MaxLife Synthetic Syn 4397 14 152 -38.2 455 8 8.5 2.9 4700 -25 11.7 76 18 Apr, 2009 10:05:30
10w30 Pennzoil Long-Life HD Petro 3662 46 144 -38 400 13 10 3.5 6500 -25 11.7 78 14 Apr, 2009 20:27:47
10w30 Shell Formula Shell Petro 2861 116 138 -17 430 13 8 2.9 7000 -25 10.5 69.04 17 Apr, 2009 09:06:40
10w30 Valvoline MaxLife Petro 3356 79 146 -38.2 420.8 14.9 8 2.9 6200 -25 11.5 75 18 Apr, 2009 10:07:49
10w30 Havoline Syn Blend Blend 3443 69 138 -33 392 13 7.8 2.9 6000 -25 9.7 64.3 15 Apr, 2009 15:18:57
10w30 Royal Purple Max-Cycle Syn 3480 65 145 -20 420 13 10 2.9 7000 -25 11 71.2 15 Apr, 2009 17:46:41
10w30 Mobil Mobil Clean 7500 Petro 3454 68 145 -38 392 13 8 2.9 5640 -25 10.7 68.6 15 Apr, 2009 15:18:57
10w30 Pure Power Motor Oil Petro 3574 54 145 -33 430 13 13.43 2.9 7000 -25 10.7 68.5 15 Apr, 2009 17:49:40
10w30 TropArtic Syn Blend Blend 3682 45 157 -33 435 13 7.8 3.1 5900 -25 10.4 69 18 Apr, 2009 12:10:46
10w30 76 Super High Mile Blend 3755 41 144 -35 435 13 7.8 3 5100 -25 10.4 77.4 15 Apr, 2009 15:23:03
10w30 Shell Formula Shell Blend Blend 3260 89 139 -27 430 13 8 2.9 7000 -25 10.6 70.74 17 Apr, 2009 09:09:01
10w30 Mobil Mobil Clean HM Petro 3311 82 138 -33 392 13 8 2.9 5710 -25 10.4 68.7 15 Apr, 2009 15:23:03
10w30 TropArtic High Mileage Blend 3889 34 142 -40 450 13 7.8 3.4 5900 -25 11.6 77.6 18 Apr, 2009 12:12:31
10w30 Havoline Synthetic Blend 4182 20 149 -38 420 7 8 2.9 4100 -25 10 61.1 19 Feb, 2009 17:07:31
10w30 Lucas Synthetic 10w30 Syn 3827 38 185 -35 420 13 8 2.9 7000 -25 10.5 57 15 Apr, 2009 15:23:03
10w30 Mobil Mobil Clean Petro 3220 96 137 -33 392 13 8 2.9 6300 -25 10.6 71 15 Apr, 2009 15:23:03
10w30 Shell Rimula Prem. Petro 3281 86 141 -30 400 13 11 2.9 7000 -25 11.9 78 17 Apr, 2009 09:15:50
10w30 Valvoline NSL Racing Petro 2918 112 133 -27.4 413.6 13 5.9 2.9 6800 -25 11.2 78.03 18 Apr, 2009 10:38:04
10w30 Citgo Citgard 600 Petro 3512 60 143 -27 431 14 11 3.5 6500 -25 11.9 81 18 Feb, 2009 22:04:13
10w30 TropArtic Turbo Petro 3422 73 142 -33 424 13 8.3 3.1 6050 -25 11.5 77 18 Apr, 2009 12:21:33
10w30 76 Super Syn Blend Blend 4379 15 163 -44 444 13 7.8 3.1 3000 -25 10.8 63.1 15 Apr, 2009 15:23:03
10w30 Shell Rimula Super Petro 3123 102 144 -23 400 13 10.6 2.9 7000 -25 12 80 17 Apr, 2009 09:17:58
10w30 Castrol Syntec Syn 3329 81 140 -20 420 13 8 2.9 7000 -25 10.1 0 15 Apr, 2009 15:23:03
10w30 Pennzoil Platinum Synthetic Syn 4482 11 154 -38.2 464 9.9 8 3.1 3990 -25 10.2 61.4 14 Apr, 2009 23:31:04
10w30 Shell Rotella T Petro 3434 71 142 -40 400 13 10.1 2.9 7000 -25 12.1 83 17 Apr, 2009 09:20:04
10w30 Mystik JT-8 Blend Blend 3621 49 148 -27 442 14 11 2.9 6000 -25 11.8 77 18 Apr, 2009 12:26:04
10w30 Valvoline NSL Syn Racing Syn 3863 36 156 -38.2 478.4 13 5.9 2.9 6200 -25 10.2 60.81 18 Apr, 2009 10:40:58
10w30 76 Fleet Sup EC Petro 3948 30 146 -49 441 13 8.4 3.6 6200 -25 12.2 81.2 15 Apr, 2009 15:23:03
10w30 Citgo Supergard Syn Syn 4083 23 148 -27 464 13 8 3.2 4310 -25 10.6 66.5 15 Apr, 2009 15:23:03
10w30 Shell Rotella T w/ ASC Petro 3565 55 155 -40 410 13 11 2.9 7000 -25 11.9 0 17 Apr, 2009 09:22:27
10w30 Kendall GT-1 Full Syn Syn 4587 6 154 -44 450 13 8.1 3.1 3100 -25 10.4 63 15 Apr, 2009 15:18:14
10w30 Pennzoil High Mileage Petro 3103 104 137 -22 420 13 8 3.4 7000 -25 12 83.3 15 Apr, 2009 14:55:43
10w30 Castrol Syntec Blend Blend 3100 106 140 -20 420 13 8 2.9 7000 -25 11 0 15 Apr, 2009 15:18:57
10w30 Citgo Supergard Ultralife Syn 3518 59 144 -20 457 13 8 2.9 6300 -25 11.9 79.1 15 Apr, 2009 15:18:57
10w30 Brad Penn Penn-Grade1 Racing Petro 3813 39 138 -44 400 13 10.6 3.54 6500 -25 10.8 68.6 15 Apr, 2009 15:18:57
10w30 Kendall GT-1 HM Syn Blend Blend 3606 53 144 -29 430 13 7.8 3 5200 -25 10.6 70 15 Apr, 2009 15:18:57
10w30 Mobil Drive Clean Petro 3222 94 134 -33 392 13 8 2.9 6200 -25 10.4 70 15 Apr, 2009 15:18:57
10w30 Schaeffer Sup.7000 Syn Plus Blend 3837 37 150 -41 444 13.57 7.5 3.16 5728 -25 10 62 16 Apr, 2009 18:14:46
10w30 Valvoline Synpower Syn 4271 19 152 -38.2 433.4 9.3 8 2.9 4700 -25 11 69 18 Apr, 2009 10:46:30
10w30 Pennzoil Multi-Grade Petro 3269 88 140 -33 415 13 8 3.2 7000 -25 10.5 67 15 Apr, 2009 15:18:57
10w30 Castrol Tection HD Petro 3787 40 140 -49 420 12 10.7 2.9 6613 -25 11.3 77 18 Feb, 2009 19:53:51
10w30 Citgo Supergard Petro 3189 97 140 -20 448 13 8 3 5700 -25 10.4 68 15 Apr, 2009 15:23:03
10w30 Mystik JT-8 Premium Blend 3619 50 140 -33 451 13 8 2.9 5700 -25 10.4 67.6 18 Apr, 2009 12:35:16
10w30 Schaeffer Sup.7000 Syn Plus Blend 3945 33 155 -38 444 11.03 8.2 3.16 5728 -25 10 62 16 Apr, 2009 18:20:58
10w30 Shell Rotella T SB Blend 3617 51 140 -35 405 13 10.7 2.9 6600 -25 12.1 0 17 Apr, 2009 09:30:15
10w30 Mobil Super HP SM Petro 3148 99 139 -27.4 431.6 13 8 3.1 7000 -25 10.3 68 15 Apr, 2009 15:23:03
10w30 Petro Canada Maximum Multigrade Petro 3356 78 142 -27 441 13 7 2.9 4860 -25 10.4 67.2 16 Apr, 2009 23:04:25
10w30 Pennzoil Syn w/ Pennzane Syn 4465 12 150 -52 420 4.4 8 3.15 7000 -25 10.15 63 15 Apr, 2009 17:21:36
10w30 AMSOIL HD Diesel Syn 4489 10 141 -33 446 6.7 12 3.4 5917 -25 10.5 66.3 10 Apr, 2009 00:05:52
10w30 Valvoline VR-1 Racing Petro 3107 103 143 -27.4 413.6 14.9 8 2.9 6200 -25 11.5 77 18 Apr, 2009 10:55:21
10w30 Castrol Act>Evo X-tra 4T Blend 3100 105 140 -20 420 13 8 2.9 7000 -25 11 0 15 Apr, 2009 15:23:03
10w30 Mobil 1 Synthetic 10w30 Syn 4065 25 147 -49 435.2 13 8 3.14 7000 -25 10 62 07 May, 2009 22:47:02
10w30 Conoco Guardol ECT Blend 3993 27 144 -40 439 13 9.5 3.6 6300 -25 12.2 79 15 Apr, 2009 15:23:03
10w30 Chevron Delo 400 LE Petro 2966 110 145 -17 399 13 8.7 2.9 6400 -25 12 80 15 Apr, 2009 15:23:03
10w30 Quaker State Higher Mileage Petro 3259 90 150 -22 425 15 8 2.9 3500 -20 12.2 79.33 15 Apr, 2009 16:20:04
10w30 AMSOIL Synthetic 10w30 Syn 5373 1 164 -58 441 5.4 12.2 3.2 4034 -25 10.7 62 10 Apr, 2009 00:14:30
10w30 Petro Canada Supreme Multigrade Petro 3468 66 143 -33 448 13 7 2.9 5060 -25 10.5 67.4 16 Apr, 2009 23:08:15
10w30 Kendall GT-1 HP Blend Blend 3682 44 157 -33 435 13 7.8 3.1 5900 -25 10.4 69 15 Apr, 2009 15:23:03
10w30 Phillips 66 Injex Marine Petro 3423 72 145 -44 406 13 6.3 3.3 7000 -25 11.9 48.8 17 Apr, 2009 14:20:59
10w30 Quaker State Peak Perf. Petro 2931 111 139 -22 410 13 8 2.9 7000 -25 10.5 69.1 15 Apr, 2009 16:24:52
10w30 Conoco Hydroclear Power-D Petro 3157 98 142 -33 130 13 12.2 3.5 6700 -25 11.8 77.3 15 Apr, 2009 15:18:14
10w30 Mobil Delvac 1300 Super Petro 3486 64 145 -22 446 13 10.5 3.6 6500 -25 11.9 79 15 Apr, 2009 15:23:03
10w30 Phillips 66 Super HD II Petro 3641 48 143 -38 419 13 9.3 3.5 6550 -25 12 79.4 17 Apr, 2009 14:24:41
10w30 Mobil 1 Ext Perf Syn 4076 24 148 -49 446 13 8 3.1 7000 -25 10.7 66.1 17 Aug, 2009 23:11:21
10w30 Petro Canada Duron Multi HD Petro 4178 22 146 -49 448 13 9.1 3.5 4814 -25 11.4 74 16 Apr, 2009 23:17:18
10w30 AMSOIL XL 10w30 Syn 4722 4 155 -40 450 6.7 9 3.2 4007 -25 10.5 63.6 14 Apr, 2009 12:56:33
10w30 Wolfs Head Super Duty PCMO Petro 3139 100 140 -31 419 13 8 2.9 7000 -25 10.5 69 18 Apr, 2009 11:21:34
10w30 Conoco HD Fleet Supreme Petro 3641 47 143 -38 419 13 9.3 3.5 6550 -25 12 79.4 15 Apr, 2009 15:18:57
10w30 Quaker State Full Synthetic Syn 3864 35 160 -40 440 13 8 2.9 7000 -25 10.5 61.9 15 Apr, 2009 16:27:47
10w30 Kendall Super-D XA Blend 3993 28 144 -40 439 13 9.5 3.6 6300 -25 12.2 79 15 Apr, 2009 15:23:03
10w30 Exxon Superflo Petro 3220 95 137 -33 392 13 8 2.9 6300 -25 10.6 71 15 Apr, 2009 15:23:03
10w30 Chevron RPM HD Petro 3275 87 145 -22 453 13 10.3 2.9 6400 -25 12 80 15 Apr, 2009 15:23:03
10w30 Pennzoil SUV, Truck Blend 3498 63 139 -27.4 411.8 12.8 8 3.1 5700 -25 10.6 70 15 Apr, 2009 16:39:04
10w30 Phillips 66 Fleet Sup. EC Petro 3948 32 146 -49 441 13 8.4 3.6 6200 -25 12.2 81.2 17 Apr, 2009 14:33:55
10w30 AMSOIL 4-Stroke Marine Syn 4876 2 152 -54 457 4.8 10.5 3.6 7000 -25 11.7 74.5 14 Apr, 2009 13:24:18
10w30 Conoco Super Syn Blend Blend 3682 43 157 -33 435 13 7.8 3.1 5900 -25 10.4 69 15 Apr, 2009 15:23:03
10w30 Quaker State Universal HDX Petro 3065 108 140 -22 410 13 10 2.9 7000 -25 11.5 78 15 Apr, 2009 16:47:20
10w30 Castrol GTX Petro 2912 113 140 -20 420 13 8 2.9 7000 -25 9.3 0 15 Apr, 2009 15:23:03
10w30 AMSOIL 4-Stroke Small Engine Syn 4287 17 146 -38 451 4.1 8.4 3.25 7000 -25 10.6 67 14 Apr, 2009 13:24:32
10w30 Conoco Syncon HP Syn Blend 4358 16 154 -44 450 13 8.1 3.1 3100 -25 10.4 63 15 Apr, 2009 15:23:03
10w30 Valvoline All-Fleet Plus Petro 3461 67 143 -27.4 420 13 10 3.5 6600 -25 11.9 80 17 Apr, 2009 16:11:39
10w30 Chevron Supreme Blend Blend 3443 70 138 -33 392 13 7.8 2.9 6000 -25 9.7 64.3 15 Apr, 2009 15:23:03
10w30 Petro Canada Syn Blend PCM Blend 3302 84 140 -20 455 13 7 2.9 5631 -25 11.4 77.1 17 Apr, 2009 08:39:22
10w30 Torco SR-1 Syn Syn 3334 80 140 -16.6 460.4 13 8 2.9 7000 -25 12.27 82.64 18 Apr, 2009 11:48:37
10w30 Conoco Fleet Supreme EC Petro 3948 31 146 -49 441 13 8.4 3.6 6200 -25 12.2 81.2 15 Apr, 2009 15:23:03
10w30 Chevron Supreme High Mileage Petro 3248 93 140 -33 401 13 8.2 2.9 6400 -25 12 0 15 Apr, 2009 15:23:03
10w30 Castrol GTX High Mileage Petro 2912 114 140 -20 420 13 8 2.9 7000 -25 12.1 0 15 Apr, 2009 15:23:03
10w30 Exxon Superflo HM Petro 3372 77 139 -38.2 431.6 13 8 3.1 7000 -25 10.5 69.4 15 Apr, 2009 15:23:03
10w30 Redline Synthetic Syn 4701 5 142 -49 480 6 8 3.8 6500 -25 10.7 70 15 Apr, 2009 17:03:02
10w30 76 Guardol ECT Blend 3993 26 144 -40 439 13 9.5 3.6 6300 -25 12.2 79 15 Apr, 2009 15:18:14
10w30 Valvoline Prem. Conv. Petro 3138 101 141 -27.4 420.8 14.9 7.5 2.9 5800 -25 10.67 69.74 17 Apr, 2009 16:35:20
10w30 AMSOIL Motorcycle Syn 4754 3 150 -51 450 5.89 11 3.52 7000 -25 10.9 69.2 14 Apr, 2009 13:50:05
10w30 Petro Canada Synthetic PCM Syn 4180 21 153 -33 455 13 7.6 2.9 3687 -25 10.3 62.8 17 Apr, 2009 08:43:52
10w30 Chevron Supreme Syn Syn 4412 13 149 -38 420 7 8 2.9 4100 -25 10 61.1 18 Feb, 2009 20:56:34
10w30 Klotz MC Techniplate Syn 3546 56 140 -30 425 13 8 2.9 7000 -25 9.3 0 15 Apr, 2009 15:18:57
10w30 Castrol GTX Startup Petro 2912 115 140 -20 420 13 8 2.9 7000 -25 11 0 15 Apr, 2009 15:18:57
10w30 AMSOIL Dominator Racing Syn 4283 18 161 -44 459 13 8 3.6 6524 -25 11.5 69 15 Apr, 2009 15:18:57
10w30 Exxon XD-3 Mono Petro 3297 85 145 -27.4 428 13 11 2.9 7000 -25 11.5 76 15 Apr, 2009 15:23:03
10w30 Redline Racing Syn 4548 9 131 -58 518 6 8 2.9 7000 -25 10.5 72 15 Apr, 2009 17:29:03
10w30 76 Firebird LD Petro 3501 61 141 -38 428 13 8.1 3.1 6150 -25 10.5 67.7 15 Apr, 2009 15:23:03
10w30 Chevron Supreme Petro 3386 76 134 -35 401 13 7.8 2.9 5400 -25 9.7 65.3 15 Apr, 2009 15:23:03
10w30 Klotz MX4 Techniplate Syn 3546 57 140 -30 425 13 8 2.9 7000 -25 9.3 0 15 Apr, 2009 15:23:03
10w30 Mobil 1 High Mileage Syn 4584 8 145 -65.2 447.8 13 8 3.66 7000 -25 11.79 78.2 15 Apr, 2009 15:23:03
0w40 Castrol SLX Pro Longtec Blend 3661 4 169 -70.6 464 13 10.2 2.9 6200 -35 13.5 79.3 15 Apr, 2009 15:23:03
0w40 AMSOIL Formula 4-Stroke PS Syn 4000 2 184 -60 439 7.3 10.5 2.9 6139 -35 14.7 83.7 14 Apr, 2009 13:10:59
0w40 Klotz Snow X4 Estorlin Syn 3432 5 175 -48 410 13 9.4 2.9 6200 -35 14.4 0 15 Apr, 2009 15:23:03
0w40 Mobil 1 0w40 Syn 3991 3 186 -55 446 13 11.3 3.7 6200 -35 14 78.3 15 Apr, 2009 15:23:03
0w40 Petro Canada Duron E Syn Syn 4130 1 179 -66 430 13 8.11 4.04 5548 -35 15 88.7 17 Apr, 2009 08:53:27
5w40 Castrol PowerRS R4 4T Syn 3538 24 165 -40 440 13 8 2.9 6600 -30 13 0 15 Apr, 2009 15:26:27
5w40 Mobil 1 Turbo Diesel Syn 3980 11 155 -40 455 13 10.7 3.9 6600 -30 14.9 100.4 15 Apr, 2009 15:26:27
5w40 Castrol R4 Superbike Petro 3435 26 165 -40 440 13 8 2.9 5150 -30 13 0 15 Apr, 2009 15:23:03
5w40 76 Pure Syn Syn 4253 7 175 -51 450 13 10.1 3.8 6100 -30 14.3 84.5 15 Apr, 2009 15:23:03
5w40 Havoline Synthetic Blend 3817 17 170 -43.6 440 10 8 2.9 5000 -30 13.9 87 19 Feb, 2009 17:07:01
5w40 Shell Helix Ultra Syn 3631 22 187 -43.6 402.8 13 8 2.9 6600 -30 13.8 76.3 17 Apr, 2009 09:10:34
5w40 Valvoline Prem Blue Extreme Syn 3973 12 170 -38.2 440 13 10 3.8 6300 -30 14.5 88.6 18 Apr, 2009 10:36:38
5w40 Castrol Syntec Syn 3538 23 165 -40 440 13 8 2.9 6600 -30 14 0 15 Apr, 2009 15:26:27
5w40 Citgo Citgard Syndurance Syn 3730 19 174 -33 446 13 10 2.9 5800 -30 15.7 174 15 Apr, 2009 15:26:27
5w40 Kendall GT-1 Full Syn Syn 4261 6 175 -51 450 13 10.1 3.8 6050 -30 14.3 84.5 15 Apr, 2009 15:26:27
5w40 Shell Rotella T Syn Syn 3814 18 176 -40 431.6 13 11.5 2.9 6400 -30 15 90 17 Apr, 2009 09:28:22
5w40 Valvoline Synpower Syn 3709 20 170 -38.2 446 10 7 2.9 6000 -30 14.5 89 18 Apr, 2009 10:51:10
5w40 Valvoline Synpower HST Syn 4007 9 178 -43.6 446 10 10 2.9 6000 -30 14.5 85 18 Apr, 2009 10:52:15
5w40 Maxima Maxum4 Ultra Syn 3694 21 171 -50 424 13 8 2.9 6600 -30 12.66 74.5 15 Apr, 2009 15:26:27
5w40 Mobil Delvac 1 Syn 3846 14 151 -49 438.8 13 12 2.9 6600 -30 14.8 102 15 Apr, 2009 15:26:27
5w40 Chevron Delo 400 Syn Syn 4028 8 172 -45 449 13 12.5 2.9 6000 -30 15.6 96.6 15 Apr, 2009 15:26:27
5w40 Mobil Delvac 1 ESP Syn 3917 13 156 -54.4 480.2 13 10.1 2.9 6600 -30 14.7 98 15 Apr, 2009 15:26:27
5w40 Mobil Delvac 1 SHC Syn 4434 3 172 -65.2 438.8 13 16 2.9 6600 -30 14.5 93 15 Apr, 2009 15:26:27
5w40 AMSOIL European Syn 4331 5 177 -44 446 8.7 8 3.7 5121 -30 13.7 79.7 14 Apr, 2009 13:13:16
5w40 Petro Canada Duron Syn HD Syn 4425 4 173 -54 426 13 10.8 4.3 6187 -30 15.5 95.4 16 Apr, 2009 23:25:03
5w40 AMSOIL Premium CJ-4 Syn 4473 2 175 -51 450 9.7 10.4 4 6075 -30 14.6 87.1 14 Apr, 2009 13:26:54
5w40 Redline Synthetic Syn 4761 1 170 -49 480 6 8 4.6 5500 -30 15.1 94 15 Apr, 2009 17:00:44
5w40 Torco SR-5 Syn Racing Syn 3487 25 165 -40 411.8 13 8 2.9 6600 -30 14.47 85.47 18 Apr, 2009 11:52:03
5w40 Chevron Supreme Syn Syn 4004 10 170 -43.6 440 10 8 2.9 5000 -30 13.9 87 18 Feb, 2009 20:58:55
5w40 Mobil 1 ESP 5w40 Syn 3822 16 167 -38.2 456.8 13 8 3.8 6600 -30 13.35 81.1 15 Apr, 2009 15:23:03
5w40 Mobil 1 Formula M 5w40 Syn 3831 15 167 -38.2 456.8 13 8 3.83 6600 -30 13.39 81.1 15 Apr, 2009 15:26:27
10w40 Castrol MTX Petro 3638 36 157 -38 415 13 8 2.9 7000 -25 15.5 104 15 Apr, 2009 15:26:27
10w40 Mobil 1 High Mileage Syn 4516 9 156 -38.2 464 13 8 4.06 7000 -25 14.71 98.16 15 Apr, 2009 15:26:27
10w40 Mobil 1 MC Racing 4T Syn 5266 5 164 -65 487 13 8 2.9 2900 -20 13.8 86 15 Apr, 2009 15:26:27
10w40 Klotz Racing Techniplate Syn 3840 23 150 -30 415 13 8 2.9 7000 -25 12.5 0 15 Apr, 2009 15:26:27
10w40 Castrol PowerRS GPS 4T Blend 3484 46 150 -25 415 13 8 2.9 7000 -25 13.5 0 15 Apr, 2009 15:30:14
10w40 Havoline Motor Oil Petro 3257 68 146 -22 401 13 8 2.9 6400 -25 14 109.7 15 Apr, 2009 15:30:14
10w40 Torco TR-1 Prem Racing Petro 3100 75 150 -14.8 444.2 13 8 2.9 7000 -25 16 111 18 Apr, 2009 11:58:47
10w40 Valvoline Durablend Blend 3699 33 155 -27.4 428 13 8 2.9 6200 -25 14.02 93.04 17 Apr, 2009 16:50:33
10w40 Pennzoil High Mileage Petro 3624 38 148 -22 384.8 13.4 8 4.1 6150 -25 15.5 110.6 14 Apr, 2009 20:22:55
10w40 Royal Purple Multi-Grade Syn 3686 34 149 -25 400 13 8 2.9 7000 -25 13.8 94 15 Apr, 2009 17:41:43
10w40 Shell High Mileage Petro 3257 70 152 -22 430 13 8 2.9 7000 -25 15.5 108.4 17 Apr, 2009 09:03:47
10w40 Havoline High Mileage Petro 3289 66 150 -22 401 13 8.2 2.9 6400 -25 15.8 0 15 Apr, 2009 15:26:27
10w40 Mobil Mobil Clean 5000 Petro 3545 39 147 -33 392 13 8 2.9 6140 -25 14.55 102.1 15 Apr, 2009 15:30:14
10w40 Royal Purple Max-Cycle Syn 3879 17 155 -25 415 13 10 2.9 7000 -25 13.7 90 15 Apr, 2009 17:46:13
10w40 Shell Formula Shell Petro 3113 74 147 -17 430 13 8 2.9 7000 -25 14 96.95 17 Apr, 2009 09:07:04
10w40 Valvoline MaxLife Petro 3314 59 158 -38.2 220 14.9 8 2.9 6200 -25 15.3 102 18 Apr, 2009 10:08:49
10w40 Pennzoil Motorcycle Petro 3721 30 159 -27 415 13 8 3.69 6300 -25 15.9 107 14 Apr, 2009 23:13:33
10w40 Castrol Small Engine Petro 3353 56 135 -29 433 13 8 2.9 7000 -25 14 86.6 15 Apr, 2009 15:26:27
10w40 Pennzoil Motorcycle Petro 3721 31 159 -27 415 13 8 3.69 6300 -25 15.9 107 14 Apr, 2009 23:15:56
10w40 76 Super Petro 3935 15 150 -33 441 13 7.8 3.8 6000 -25 15.4 106 15 Apr, 2009 15:26:27
10w40 Mobil Mobil Clean HM Petro 3756 26 148 -38 440 13 8 2.9 6179 -25 14.7 103 15 Apr, 2009 15:26:27
10w40 Lucas Semi-Synthetic 10w40 Blend 3510 41 170 -25 380 13 8 2.9 7000 -25 15 97 15 Apr, 2009 15:26:27
10w40 TropArtic Racing Blend Blend 4131 11 150 -33 441 13 7.8 3.9 6200 -25 15 103 18 Apr, 2009 12:17:16
10w40 Mobil Mobil Clean Petro 3406 52 147 -27 392 13 8 2.9 6100 -25 14 97 15 Apr, 2009 15:26:27
10w40 Castrol Syntec Syn 3719 32 150 -25 415 13 8 2.9 7000 -25 13.2 0 15 Apr, 2009 15:30:14
10w40 Maxima Maxum4 Extra Syn 3844 22 144 -30 432 13 8 2.9 7000 -25 12.5 82.2 15 Apr, 2009 15:30:14
10w40 Mystik JT-8 Blend Blend 3909 16 155 -27 442 14 11 2.9 6000 -25 15 102 18 Apr, 2009 12:27:02
10w40 Brad Penn V2 4-Stroke Petro 4088 12 162 -35 425 13 7.5 4.39 6600 -25 13.5 85.5 15 Apr, 2009 15:26:27
10w40 Maxima Maxum4 Blend Blend 3491 43 143 -25 436 13 8 2.9 7000 -25 15.17 111.2 15 Apr, 2009 15:30:14
10w40 Pennzoil High Mileage Petro 3533 40 149 -22 415 13 8 3.93 7000 -25 15.5 109.4 15 Apr, 2009 14:56:21
10w40 Castrol Syntec Blend Blend 3484 45 150 -25 415 13 8 2.9 7000 -25 15.9 0 15 Apr, 2009 15:26:27
10w40 Citgo Supergard Ultralife Syn 3845 21 153 -25 442 13 8 2.9 6555 -25 15.8 110.2 15 Apr, 2009 15:26:27
10w40 Maxima Maxum4 Premium Petro 3346 57 184 -20 425 13 8 2.9 7000 -25 14.88 85.44 15 Apr, 2009 15:26:27
10w40 Kendall GT-1 HM Syn Blend Blend 4162 10 155 -29 435 13 7.8 4.3 6250 -25 15.5 104 15 Apr, 2009 15:26:27
10w40 Mobil Drive Clean Petro 3406 51 147 -27 392 13 8 2.9 6100 -25 14 97 15 Apr, 2009 15:26:27
10w40 Pennzoil Multi-Grade Petro 3746 28 153 -33 415 13 8 3.7 7000 -25 13.5 88 15 Apr, 2009 15:02:37
10w40 Shell Rotella T SB Blend 3771 25 150 -30 405 13 9.5 2.9 6400 -25 13.5 0 17 Apr, 2009 09:29:37
10w40 Kendall GT-1 HP Petro 3739 29 150 -27 441 13 7.8 3.9 6600 -25 15.3 108 15 Apr, 2009 15:26:27
10w40 Citgo Supergard Petro 3681 35 148 -25 432 13 8 3.6 5900 -25 13.9 96 15 Apr, 2009 15:26:27
10w40 Castrol Act>Evo X-tra Offroad Blend 3484 44 150 -25 415 13 8 2.9 7000 -25 14 0 15 Apr, 2009 15:26:27
10w40 Maxima ATV Premium 4T Petro 3139 73 139 -20 425 13 8 2.9 7000 -25 14.92 111.6 15 Apr, 2009 15:26:27
10w40 Petro Canada Maximum Multigrade Petro 3215 72 147 -17 448 13 7 2.9 6000 -25 14.5 101 16 Apr, 2009 23:05:28
10w40 Castrol Act>Evo X-tra 4T Blend 3484 47 150 -25 415 13 8 2.9 7000 -25 14 0 15 Apr, 2009 15:30:14
10w40 Maxima PWC Marine 4T Petro 3346 58 184 -20 425 13 8 2.9 7000 -25 14.88 85.44 15 Apr, 2009 15:30:14
10w40 Petro Canada Supreme Multigrade Petro 3405 54 148 -22 433 13 7 2.9 5320 -25 14.1 97.2 16 Apr, 2009 23:08:58
10w40 Quaker State Peak Perf. Petro 3238 71 148 -22 430 13 8 2.9 7000 -25 14.4 99.9 15 Apr, 2009 16:24:22
10w40 Castrol Go! ATV Petro 3292 60 150 -25 415 13 8 2.9 7000 -25 16.1 0 15 Apr, 2009 15:26:27
10w40 AMSOIL XL 10w40 Syn 5024 6 160 -36 453 5.7 9 4.3 6036 -25 15.7 104.4 14 Apr, 2009 13:07:25
10w40 Wolfs Head Super Duty PCMO Petro 3291 64 145 -25.6 419 13 8 2.9 7000 -25 13.5 97 18 Apr, 2009 11:26:33
10w40 Castrol GPS Petro 3282 67 150 -25 410 13 8 2.9 7000 -25 15.3 0 15 Apr, 2009 15:26:27
10w40 Conoco Super Petro 3938 13 150 -33 441 13 7.8 3.9 6200 -25 15 103 15 Apr, 2009 15:26:27
10w40 Castrol Grand Prix MC Petro 3384 55 150 -25 464 13 8 2.9 7000 -25 15.9 0 15 Apr, 2009 15:26:27
10w40 Exxon Superflo Petro 3454 48 147 -27 439 13 8 2.9 6400 -25 14.1 94 15 Apr, 2009 15:26:27
10w40 AMSOIL Motorcycle Syn 5394 1 152 -51 453 6.44 11 4.52 7000 -25 13.9 93.36 14 Apr, 2009 13:15:49
10w40 Valvoline 4-Stroke MC Petro 3418 50 155 -27.4 420.8 14.9 8 2.9 6200 -25 15.2 104.1 17 Apr, 2009 16:06:52
10w40 AMSOIL 4-Stroke Marine Syn 5364 3 154 -51 453 6.4 10.5 4.5 7000 -25 14.1 93.8 14 Apr, 2009 13:24:18
10w40 Petro Canada Duron XL Blend Blend 4949 7 156 -54 448 13 10.3 4.3 6385 -25 15.7 106.9 17 Apr, 2009 08:35:10
10w40 Castrol GTX Petro 3292 62 150 -25 415 13 8 2.9 7000 -25 12.5 0 15 Apr, 2009 15:30:14
10w40 Klotz American V-Twin Syn 3849 20 150 -30 420 13 8 2.9 7000 -25 12.5 0 15 Apr, 2009 15:30:14
10w40 76 4T MC Petro 3825 24 150 -33 441 13 7.8 3.8 6800 -25 15.8 109 15 Apr, 2009 15:30:14
10w40 Petro Canada Syn Blend PCM Blend 3751 27 155 -25 466 13 7 2.9 5415 -25 15 101.4 17 Apr, 2009 08:39:55
10w40 Torco SR-1 Syn Syn 3491 42 150 -13 447.8 13 8 2.9 7000 -25 14.37 96.7 18 Apr, 2009 11:49:09
10w40 Chevron Supreme High Mileage Petro 3289 65 150 -22 401 13 8.2 2.9 6400 -25 15.8 0 15 Apr, 2009 15:30:14
10w40 AMSOIL 4-Stroke Scooter Syn 4742 8 162 -36 450 5.4 7.4 4.12 7000 -25 14.7 94.3 14 Apr, 2009 13:31:08
10w40 Castrol GTX High Mileage Petro 3292 61 150 -25 415 13 8 2.9 7000 -25 16 0 15 Apr, 2009 15:26:27
10w40 Exxon Superflo HM Petro 3635 37 150 -27.4 435.2 13 8 3.7 7000 -25 14.4 99 15 Apr, 2009 15:26:27
10w40 Redline Synthetic Syn 5383 2 164 -49 478 6 8 4.7 6500 -25 14.6 93 15 Apr, 2009 17:02:36
10w40 Klotz Skicraft X4 Syn 3937 14 150 -33 410 13 8.5 2.9 7000 -25 12.5 0 15 Apr, 2009 15:30:14
10w40 Valvoline Prem. Conv. Petro 3406 53 151 -27.4 428 14.9 7.5 2.9 6000 -25 14 95.41 17 Apr, 2009 16:39:00
10w40 Petro Canada Duron-E Syn Syn 5274 4 160 -54 455 13 10.3 4.3 5957 -25 15.1 99 17 Apr, 2009 08:47:30
10w40 Klotz MC Techniplate Syn 3859 19 150 -30 425 13 8 2.9 7000 -25 12.5 0 15 Apr, 2009 15:26:27
10w40 Castrol GTX Startup Petro 3292 63 150 -25 415 13 8 2.9 7000 -25 15.9 0 15 Apr, 2009 15:26:27
10w40 Klotz MX4 Techniplate Syn 3859 18 150 -30 425 13 8 2.9 7000 -25 12.5 0 15 Apr, 2009 15:26:27
10w40 Valvoline ATV 4-Stroke Petro 3427 49 150 -27.4 420 13 7 2.9 6000 -25 15 105.6 17 Apr, 2009 16:45:23
10w40 Chevron Supreme Petro 3257 69 146 -22 401 13 8 2.9 6400 -25 14 109.7 15 Apr, 2009 15:26:27
15w40 76 Guardol QLT Petro 3548 24 139 -33 437 13 12.2 4.4 6500 -20 15.3 116 13 Feb, 2009 18:59:30
15w40 Chevron Ursa Super Plus EC Petro 2903 73 138 -25 410 13 8 3.7 6400 -20 15.4 117 18 Feb, 2009 21:44:49
15w40 Valvoline Durablend Blend 3342 33 141 -16.6 438.8 9 8 3.7 5700 -20 14.04 105.58 17 Apr, 2009 16:51:33
15w40 Royal Purple Multi-Grade Syn 3227 47 140 -20 435 13 8 3.7 7000 -20 14.9 110.1 15 Apr, 2009 17:43:00
15w40 Pennzoil Long-Life HD Petro 3253 44 136 -27 400 13 11 4.3 6400 -20 15.8 118 14 Apr, 2009 20:26:47
15w40 TropArtic Diesel Motor Oil Blend 3738 16 139 -33 446 13 10.8 4.3 5850 -20 15.3 116 18 Apr, 2009 12:06:01
15w40 LE 8800 Monolec Ultra Petro 3090 55 130 -24 430 13 10 4.1 6500 -20 16.1 129.3 19 Feb, 2009 20:13:24
15w40 76 Royal Triton QLT Blend 4350 5 144 -40 445 13 13.7 4.5 4200 -20 15.5 115 18 Feb, 2009 13:39:26
15w40 76 Super Diesel Blend 3633 17 139 -33 444 13 9.5 4.4 6200 -20 15.3 115 18 Feb, 2009 13:40:56
15w40 Citgo Citgard 500 Petro 3031 63 140 -11 450 12 10 4.2 6200 -20 15.7 119 18 Feb, 2009 21:54:09
15w40 Valvoline Prem Blue GEO Petro 2690 79 135 -22 425 13 5.8 3.7 6600 -20 15 115.3 18 Apr, 2009 10:29:28
15w40 Pennzoil Marine Petro 3590 23 145 -38 415 13 10 4 3500 -15 14.6 105 14 Apr, 2009 23:21:43
15w40 Valvoline Prem Blue Classic Petro 3304 39 135 -22 415 11.22 12 4.23 6600 -20 15 112.9 18 Apr, 2009 10:32:58
15w40 Citgo Citgard 600 Petro 3059 56 137 -17 450 13 10 4.3 6540 -20 15.5 119 18 Feb, 2009 21:59:27
15w40 TropArtic Racing Blend Blend 3738 15 139 -33 446 13 10.8 4.3 5850 -20 15.3 116 18 Apr, 2009 12:15:24
15w40 Valvoline Prem Blue Petro 3129 52 134 -22 415 12 10 4.2 6500 -20 15.2 118 18 Apr, 2009 10:34:38
15w40 Citgo Citgard 700 Blend 3298 40 138 -17 440 13 10 4.3 6150 -20 15.4 117 18 Feb, 2009 22:01:10
15w40 Lucas 15/40 Magnum Petro 2963 66 145 -15 375 13 14 3.7 7000 -20 16 130 09 Apr, 2009 15:06:57
15w40 Shell Rimula Prem. Petro 3033 62 137 -27 400 13 11 3.7 7000 -20 15.8 118 17 Apr, 2009 09:15:20
15w40 Citgo Citgard 600 Petro 3121 53 139 -17 442 12.7 11 4.2 6470 -20 15.4 116 18 Feb, 2009 22:03:04
15w40 Shell Rimula Super Petro 2976 65 139 -25 400 13 10.6 3.7 7000 -20 15.5 118 17 Apr, 2009 09:17:33
15w40 Synergyn Magnum Petro 3027 64 138 -20 440 13 12 3.7 7000 -20 14.6 108 15 Apr, 2009 18:01:07
15w40 Mystik JT-8 Blend Blend 3280 41 139 -17 457 12 11 3.7 6400 -20 15.5 118 18 Apr, 2009 12:24:20
15w40 Mobil Delvac 1300 Super 531 Petro 3330 38 133 -22 446 13 12 4.3 6000 -20 15.6 123 09 Apr, 2009 22:39:25
15w40 Shell Rotella T Petro 3239 45 135 -40 400 13 10.1 3.7 7000 -20 15.5 120 17 Apr, 2009 09:19:27
15w40 Schaeffer Moly Bond X-200 Petro 4089 10 140 -41 442 13.37 12 4.08 2791 -20 14.5 109 16 Apr, 2009 17:53:27
15w40 76 T5X HD Petro 3354 32 137 -33 455 13 9.5 4.1 6300 -20 15.2 115 18 Feb, 2009 14:00:46
15w40 Shell Rotella T w/ ASC Petro 3237 46 141 -33 415 13 11.5 3.7 7000 -20 15.7 118 17 Apr, 2009 09:21:55
15w40 Schaeffer Sup.7000 Syn Plus Blend 4101 9 154 -38 440 9.5 10 4.3 5700 -20 14 102 16 Apr, 2009 18:08:26
15w40 76 Fleet Sup EC Petro 3334 36 137 -36 441 13 8.4 4.3 6600 -20 15.3 117 18 Feb, 2009 14:04:15
15w40 Mobil Delvac Elite Blend 3474 27 140 -32.8 465.8 13 10.7 3.7 7000 -20 15.2 111 09 Apr, 2009 23:05:23
15w40 Kendall GT-1 Diesel Blend 3633 19 139 -33 444 13 9.5 4.4 6200 -20 15.3 115 19 Feb, 2009 17:35:52
15w40 Mystik JT-8 EMT Blend 3254 43 137 -17 415 13 10 4.3 6100 -20 15.3 117 18 Apr, 2009 12:32:39
15w40 Castrol Syntec Blend Truck Blend 2933 69 130 -20 437 13 8 3.7 7000 -20 14.8 0 18 Feb, 2009 19:50:41
15w40 Castrol Tection HD Petro 3054 59 139 -20.2 415 13 12 3.7 6500 -20 14.9 111.7 18 Feb, 2009 19:55:24
15w40 Pennzoil Syn Blend Blend 2698 78 135 -17 415 17 8 4.1 7000 -20 16 125.1 15 Apr, 2009 16:08:26
15w40 Mystik Power Lube Petro 2907 70 140 -11 450 12 10 3.7 6200 -20 15.7 119 18 Apr, 2009 12:37:14
15w40 Castrol Tection Extra Petro 3430 28 136 -43.6 449.6 13 10 3.7 6800 -20 14.89 114 18 Feb, 2009 20:00:30
15w40 Chevron Delo 400 LE Petro 2885 76 131 -22 399 13 9.6 3.7 6400 -20 15.7 125 18 Feb, 2009 20:05:52
15w40 AMSOIL HD Blend Blend 4236 6 144 -32 450 9.4 12.1 4.4 4677 -20 15.6 114.9 10 Apr, 2009 00:08:59
15w40 Conoco Guardol ECT Blend 3633 21 139 -33 444 13 9.5 4.4 6200 -20 15.3 115 19 Feb, 2009 08:44:48
15w40 Cenex SuperLube TMS Petro 3423 29 142 -40 415 13 10 3.7 6000 -20 15.6 118.1 16 Aug, 2009 15:12:04
15w40 Chevron Delo 400 Multi Petro 3137 51 125 -23 460 13 12.2 3.7 6500 -20 15.1 125 18 Feb, 2009 20:08:27
15w40 Texaco Ursa Super Plus EC Petro 2903 71 138 -25 410 13 8 3.7 6400 -20 15.4 117 17 Apr, 2009 14:17:55
15w40 Castrol Agri Powermax Petro 3043 61 138 -20 449 13 12 3.7 7000 -20 14.62 108.8 18 Feb, 2009 16:37:46
15w40 AMSOIL HD Diesel Marine Syn 4985 1 157 -44 460 7 12.1 4.3 4386 -20 14.2 93.2 14 Apr, 2009 12:46:38
15w40 Petro Canada Supreme Multigrade Petro 2958 67 136 -16 491 13 7 3.7 5090 -20 14.6 110 16 Apr, 2009 23:09:39
15w40 Kendall SHP Diesel Blend 3938 11 143 -33 442 13 13.7 4.4 6000 -20 15.5 113 19 Feb, 2009 17:48:46
15w40 Conoco Hydroclear Power-D Petro 3487 26 136 -33 439 13 12.2 4.3 6700 -20 15.3 117 19 Feb, 2009 08:49:26
15w40 Petro Canada Duron Multi HD Petro 3874 12 143 -44 437 13 10.6 4.5 5327 -20 15.4 112.8 16 Apr, 2009 23:14:07
15w40 Conoco HD Fleet Supreme Petro 3421 30 135 -38 440 13 9.5 4.1 6300 -20 15.2 115 19 Feb, 2009 08:52:09
15w40 Mobil Delvac Delvac 1300 Super Petro 3213 48 137 -22 456.8 13 10.5 4.3 6500 -20 15 114 09 Apr, 2009 18:14:52
15w40 Phillips 66 Super HD II Petro 3421 31 135 -38 440 13 9.5 4.2 6500 -20 15 115 17 Apr, 2009 14:25:36
15w40 Mobil Delvac Delvac MX Petro 3274 42 138 -27.4 442.4 13 10 4.3 6500 -20 14.2 105 09 Apr, 2009 18:18:18
15w40 Phillips 66 Super HD 3000 Blend 3738 14 139 -33 446 13 10.8 4.3 5850 -20 15.3 116 17 Apr, 2009 14:27:26
15w40 Kendall Super-D 3 Petro 3497 25 138 -33 439 13 12.2 4.3 6700 -20 15.3 118 19 Feb, 2009 17:53:23
15w40 Kendall Super-D XA Blend 3633 18 139 -33 444 13 9.5 4.4 6200 -20 15.3 115 19 Feb, 2009 18:50:56
15w40 Chevron RPM HD Petro 3141 50 130 -25 446 13 11.6 3.7 6500 -20 15.5 125 18 Feb, 2009 20:18:58
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#69 Re: Motorno ulje- kako izabrati - koju marku; vrstu

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15w40 Phillips 66 Fleet Sup. EC Petro 3334 35 137 -36 441 13 8.4 4.3 6600 -20 15.3 117 17 Apr, 2009 14:33:00
15w40 Pennzoil SUV, Truck Blend 2955 68 139 -13 415.4 13 8 4.1 6500 -20 15.5 118 15 Apr, 2009 16:40:21
15w40 Wolfs Head ED Syn Blend Blend 3332 37 145 -31 419 13 10 3.7 7000 -20 15.8 115 18 Apr, 2009 11:42:44
15w40 Quaker State Universal HDX Petro 3051 60 137 -27 410 13 11 3.7 7000 -20 15.8 118 15 Apr, 2009 16:45:51
15w40 Chevron RPM LE Petro 2903 72 138 -25 410 13 8 3.7 6400 -20 15.4 117 18 Feb, 2009 20:23:51
15w40 Mobil Fleet Petro 2891 74 132 -22 400 13 10 3.7 6600 -20 15.4 124 09 Apr, 2009 18:35:04
15w40 Valvoline All-Fleet Plus Petro 3057 57 135 -22 415 13 10 4.2 6600 -20 15.2 117 17 Apr, 2009 16:10:41
15w40 Petro Canada Duron XL Blend Blend 4194 7 146 -44 444 13 10.7 4.5 4677 -20 15.3 109.6 17 Apr, 2009 08:36:25
15w40 Mobil Fleet Petro 2891 75 132 -22 400 13 10 3.7 6600 -20 15.4 124 09 Apr, 2009 18:38:28
15w40 Conoco Fleet Supreme EC Petro 3334 34 137 -36 441 13 8.4 4.3 6600 -20 15.3 117 19 Feb, 2009 16:42:18
15w40 Castrol GTX Diesel Petro 2731 77 130 -20 437 13 8 3.7 7000 -20 14.8 0 18 Feb, 2009 17:09:42
15w40 Redline Synthetic Syn 4764 2 155 -49 486 6 8 4.7 6500 -20 14.5 97 15 Apr, 2009 17:04:07
15w40 76 Guardol ECT Blend 3633 20 139 -33 444 13 9.5 4.4 6200 -20 15.3 115 16 Feb, 2009 13:50:50
15w40 76 Firebird HD Petro 3168 49 137 -24 460 13 9.6 4.1 6400 -20 15.2 115 13 Feb, 2009 17:24:50
15w40 Petro Canada Duron-E XL Blend 4107 8 142 -49 448 13 10.3 4.4 5686 -20 15.5 115 17 Apr, 2009 08:48:20
15w40 Petro Canada Duron-E Petro 3591 22 139 -44 446 13 8.3 4.3 6000 -20 15.4 117 17 Apr, 2009 08:49:16
15w40 AMSOIL Premium CJ-4 Syn 4664 3 153 -40 464 6.8 10.4 4.2 5210 -20 14.5 98.2 14 Apr, 2009 16:26:14
15w40 Torco MPZ Sup. Diesel Petro 2512 80 130 -9.4 438.8 13 8 3.7 7000 -20 15.7 112.2 18 Apr, 2009 11:54:58
15w40 Exxon XD-3 Mono Petro 3101 54 138 -27.4 464 13 10 3.7 7000 -20 15 113 19 Feb, 2009 16:52:06
15w40 Redline Racing Syn 4467 4 143 -49 527 6 8 3.7 7000 -20 13.8 98 15 Apr, 2009 17:29:51
15w40 Torco MPZ Syn Diesel Syn 3055 58 130 -14.8 428 13 8 3.7 7000 -20 16.04 108 18 Apr, 2009 11:56:21
15w40 Castrol Hypuron Blend 3751 13 140 -43.6 415 13 11 3.7 6020 -20 15 110 18 Feb, 2009 17:40:36
20w40 Castrol PowerRS V-Twin 4T Blend 3560 1 125 -10 415 13 8 3.7 9500 -15 13.5 0 15 Apr, 2009 15:30:14
20w40 Castrol Act>Evo X-tra 4T Blend 3560 2 125 -10 415 13 8 3.7 9500 -15 14 0 15 Apr, 2009 15:30:14
5w50 Synergyn Racing Syn 3811 8 162 -36 410 13 8 3.7 6600 -30 17.6 162 15 Apr, 2009 17:53:11
5w50 Castrol Syntec Syn 4046 4 185 -40 435 13 8 3.7 6600 -30 17.4 0 15 Apr, 2009 15:30:14
5w50 Pennzoil Platinum Synthetic Syn 4419 3 186 -49 435.2 12.5 8 4.1 5940 -30 17.8 106 14 Apr, 2009 23:32:18
5w50 Pennzoil Syn w/ Pennzane Syn 4562 1 176 -50 435 8.1 8 4.45 6600 -30 18.5 118 15 Apr, 2009 17:15:55
5w50 Maxima Maxum4 Ultra Syn 4005 5 178 -40 432 13 8 3.7 6600 -30 16.3 92.1 15 Apr, 2009 15:30:14
5w50 Quaker State Full Synthetic Syn 4001 6 193 -35 435 13 8 3.7 6600 -30 18.2 104.8 15 Apr, 2009 16:29:48
5w50 Mobil 1 5w50 Syn 4461 2 184 -40 442.4 13 11.8 4.3 6600 -30 17.4 104.6 15 Apr, 2009 15:30:14
5w50 Torco SR-5 Syn Racing Syn 3975 7 185 -38.2 415.4 13 8 3.7 6600 -30 20.26 134.11 18 Apr, 2009 11:52:34
10w50 Castrol PowerRS R4 4T Syn 4099 1 160 -35 455 13 8 3.7 7000 -25 17 0 15 Apr, 2009 15:30:50
10w50 Kendall GT-1 HP Blend Blend 3730 2 158 -22 430 13 7.8 4.3 6700 -25 19.6 142 15 Apr, 2009 15:30:50
15w50 Synergyn Racing Syn 3498 11 154 -20 410 13 8 3.7 7000 -20 20.9 162 15 Apr, 2009 17:54:47
15w50 Joe Gibbs XP4 Petro 2437 13 160 10.4 352.4 13 8 3.7 7000 -20 17.1 130 15 Apr, 2009 15:30:50
15w50 Synergyn Magnum Petro 3427 12 146 -20 440 13 12 3.7 7000 -20 17.7 134 15 Apr, 2009 18:00:36
15w50 Joe Gibbs XP6 Syn 3639 9 155 -38.2 300.2 13 8 3.7 7000 -20 16.3 113 15 Apr, 2009 15:30:50
15w50 Mystik JT-8 Blend Blend 3567 10 147 -17 435 12 11 3.7 6250 -20 19 147 18 Apr, 2009 12:25:11
15w50 Pennzoil Platinum Synthetic Syn 4667 2 175 -27.4 435.2 7.6 8 5.2 4070 -20 21.4 143 14 Apr, 2009 23:33:00
15w50 Maxima Maxum4 Extra Syn 4087 6 164 -45 426 13 8 3.7 7000 -20 17.42 116.8 15 Apr, 2009 15:30:50
15w50 Klotz MC Techniplate Syn 3762 8 160 -30 425 13 8 3.7 7000 -20 16.3 0 15 Apr, 2009 15:30:50
15w50 Redline Synthetic Syn 5138 1 162 -49 486 6 8 5.8 6500 -20 19.6 138 15 Apr, 2009 17:04:59
15w50 Mobil 1 15w50 Syn 4152 5 154 -38.2 455 13 8 4.5 7000 -20 18.1 131.2 15 Apr, 2009 15:30:50
15w50 AMSOIL Dominator Racing Syn 4326 4 162 -33 453 13 8 5.4 6695 -20 17.5 119.6 14 Apr, 2009 16:23:20
15w50 Redline Racing Syn 4645 3 158 -49 522 6 8 3.7 7000 -20 16.8 116 15 Apr, 2009 17:30:49
15w50 Klotz MX4 Techniplate Syn 3762 7 160 -30 425 13 8 3.7 7000 -20 16.3 0 15 Apr, 2009 15:30:50
20w50 Chevron Supreme Petro 3166 58 124 -11 401 13 8 3.7 8000 -15 18.5 175.2 15 Apr, 2009 15:34:05
20w50 Mobil 1 MC Racing 4T Syn 5340 5 150 -60 518 13 8 3.7 2930 -10 17.7 130 15 Apr, 2009 15:34:05
20w50 Klotz Racing Techniplate Syn 3989 19 125 -30 415 13 8 3.7 9500 -15 16.3 0 15 Apr, 2009 15:34:05
20w50 Castrol PowerRS GPS 4T Blend 3418 43 125 -15 425 13 8 3.7 9500 -15 17.5 0 15 Apr, 2009 15:34:05
20w50 Havoline Motor Oil Petro 3166 57 124 -11 401 13 8 3.7 8000 -15 18.5 175.2 15 Apr, 2009 15:34:05
20w50 Torco TR-1 Prem Racing Petro 3006 61 125 -4 444.2 13 8 3.7 9500 -15 21.3 189 18 Apr, 2009 11:59:17
20w50 Valvoline Durablend Blend 4006 17 135 -16.6 456.8 8 8 3.7 6200 -15 18.6 155.27 17 Apr, 2009 16:52:26
20w50 Pennzoil High Mileage Petro 3947 23 130 -11.2 384.8 5 8 5.3 7040 -15 21 190.6 14 Apr, 2009 20:23:36
20w50 Torco TR-4 Blend Racing Blend 3555 37 125 -18.4 449.6 13 8 3.7 9500 -15 21.4 165.3 18 Apr, 2009 12:01:17
20w50 76 HP Syn Syn 5674 2 153 -49 507 13 9 5.7 4750 -15 20.5 157 15 Apr, 2009 15:34:05
20w50 Castrol PowerRS V-Twin 4T Blend 3418 40 125 -15 425 13 8 3.7 9500 -15 17.5 0 15 Apr, 2009 15:34:05
20w50 Royal Purple Multi-Grade Syn 3756 27 138 -15 435 13 8 3.7 9500 -15 20.2 170 15 Apr, 2009 17:43:27
20w50 76 HP Petro 3994 18 120 -27 446 13 7.8 4.8 6150 -15 18.6 173 15 Apr, 2009 15:34:05
20w50 Royal Purple Max-Cycle Syn 3871 25 138 -15 425 13 10 3.7 9500 -15 19.5 162.2 15 Apr, 2009 17:45:28
20w50 LE 8820 Petro 3951 22 127 -18 445 13 10 5.42 8800 -15 20.1 183.4 15 Apr, 2009 15:30:50
20w50 Shell Formula Shell Petro 3191 55 122 -11 460 13 8 3.7 9500 -15 17.63 158.32 17 Apr, 2009 09:07:32
20w50 Valvoline MaxLife Petro 3692 32 132 -27.4 456.8 14.9 8 3.7 7400 -15 19.5 170 18 Apr, 2009 10:10:39
20w50 Citgo Citgard 500 Petro 3910 24 125 -6 471 7 10 4.8 7200 -15 18.4 164 18 Feb, 2009 21:55:25
20w50 Lucas Synthetic 20w50 Syn 3653 33 125 -15 425 13 8 3.7 9500 -15 18 111.5 15 Apr, 2009 15:34:05
20w50 Pennzoil Motorcycle Petro 3976 20 140 -22 425 13 8 4.64 5350 -15 20.2 167 14 Apr, 2009 23:18:57
20w50 76 Super Petro 4135 13 121 -33 446 13 7.8 4.7 5900 -15 18.6 172 15 Apr, 2009 15:34:05
20w50 TropArtic Racing Petro 3966 21 121 -27 441 13 7.8 4.8 6500 -15 18.6 173 18 Apr, 2009 12:13:33
20w50 Joe Gibbs XP5 Blend 3719 29 130 -27.4 413.6 13 8 3.7 9500 -15 17.7 150 15 Apr, 2009 15:34:05
20w50 Mobil Mobil Clean Petro 3276 48 124 -17 392 13 8 3.7 8200 -15 18.1 162 15 Apr, 2009 15:34:05
20w50 Valvoline NSL Racing Petro 3123 59 119 -11.2 478.4 13 5.9 3.7 8740 -15 17.8 163.5 18 Apr, 2009 10:38:45
20w50 Lucas 20/50 PLUS Racing Petro 3262 49 140 -15 400 13 8 3.7 9500 -15 21.5 195 15 Apr, 2009 15:34:05
20w50 Castrol Syntec Syn 3653 34 125 -15 425 13 8 3.7 9500 -15 19.7 0 15 Apr, 2009 15:34:05
20w50 Schaeffer Micron Moly Racing Petro 4253 11 125 -33 450 12.2 7.1 4.47 3466 -15 18.5 162.1 16 Apr, 2009 18:05:04
20w50 Valvoline NSL Syn Racing Syn 4754 8 153 -38.2 500 13 5.9 3.7 4000 -15 17.3 124.4 18 Apr, 2009 10:41:43
20w50 Pennzoil GT Performance Petro 3718 30 130 -11 450 13 8 5.1 4300 -10 17.5 189 15 Apr, 2009 14:52:03
20w50 Maxima Maxum4 Blend Blend 3755 28 137 -25 436 13 8 3.7 9500 -15 19.66 165.6 15 Apr, 2009 15:30:50
20w50 Castrol Syntec Blend Blend 3418 41 125 -15 425 13 8 3.7 9500 -15 21.6 0 15 Apr, 2009 15:30:50
20w50 Brad Penn Penn-Grade1 Racing Petro 4829 7 140 -33 420 13 10.6 6.2 4600 -15 20 159 15 Apr, 2009 15:34:05
20w50 Maxima Maxum4 Premium Petro 3240 51 146 -5 480 13 8 3.7 9500 -15 20.33 162.91 15 Apr, 2009 15:34:05
20w50 Kendall GT-1 HP Petro 3846 26 120 -22 446 13 7.8 4.8 6600 -15 18.6 175 15 Apr, 2009 15:34:05
20w50 Mobil Drive Clean Petro 3276 47 124 -17 392 13 8 3.7 8200 -15 18.1 162 15 Apr, 2009 15:34:05
20w50 Schaeffer Sup.7000 Syn Plus Blend 5183 6 140 -41 465 7.5 7.5 5.31 3506 -15 16.5 129.5 16 Apr, 2009 18:18:24
20w50 Valvoline Synpower HST Syn 4741 9 154 -32.8 446 8 7 3.7 4800 -15 19.5 145 18 Apr, 2009 10:52:58
20w50 Citgo Supergard Petro 3634 35 121 -15 473 13 8 4.6 7800 -15 18 165 15 Apr, 2009 15:34:05
20w50 Mobil Super HP SM Petro 3705 31 125 -22 446 13 8 4.8 9500 -15 18.5 166 15 Apr, 2009 15:34:05
20w50 Valvoline VR-1 Racing Petro 3316 46 132 -11.2 478.4 14.9 8 3.7 8000 -15 20.5 181.8 18 Apr, 2009 10:54:32
20w50 Castrol Act>Evo X-tra Offroad Blend 3418 42 125 -15 425 13 8 3.7 9500 -15 19.4 0 15 Apr, 2009 15:34:05
20w50 AMSOIL 20w50 HP Syn 5673 3 172 -33 451 6.5 12.1 5 3525 -15 18.9 123.8 22 May, 2009 15:33:06
20w50 Castrol Act>Evo X-tra 4T Blend 3418 44 125 -15 425 13 8 3.7 9500 -15 19.4 0 15 Apr, 2009 15:34:05
20w50 Petro Canada Supreme Multigrade Petro 3412 45 127 -11 480 13 7 3.7 6140 -15 19 169.5 16 Apr, 2009 23:10:53
20w50 Quaker State Peak Perf. Petro 3016 60 120 -6 441 13 8 3.7 9500 -15 18.1 167.6 15 Apr, 2009 16:25:25
20w50 Conoco High Performance Petro 4131 14 123 -33 486 13 8.6 4.8 8800 -15 19.6 182 15 Apr, 2009 15:34:05
20w50 Wolfs Head Super Duty PCMO Petro 2884 62 125 -0.4 428 13 8 3.7 9500 -15 18 165 18 Apr, 2009 11:27:03
20w50 Castrol GPS Petro 3219 54 125 -15 422 13 8 3.7 9500 -15 19.5 0 15 Apr, 2009 15:34:05
20w50 Castrol Grand Prix MC Petro 3537 38 125 -15 464 13 8 3.7 6000 -15 17 0 15 Apr, 2009 15:34:05
20w50 Exxon Superflo Petro 3175 56 124 -6 464 13 8 3.7 8200 -15 18.1 162 15 Apr, 2009 15:34:05
20w50 AMSOIL Motorcycle Syn 5608 4 153 -38 464 3.9 11.1 6.02 9500 -15 20.1 152 14 Apr, 2009 13:17:23
20w50 Valvoline 4-Stroke MC Petro 3519 39 124 -11.2 446 7.3 8 3.7 7800 -15 18.6 169.4 17 Apr, 2009 16:07:48
20w50 Castrol GTX Petro 3226 52 125 -15 425 13 8 3.7 9500 -15 16.3 0 15 Apr, 2009 15:34:05
20w50 Klotz American V-Twin Syn 4011 15 125 -30 425 13 8 3.7 9500 -15 16.3 0 15 Apr, 2009 15:34:05
20w50 76 4T MC Petro 4149 12 121 -33 493 13 9.4 4.7 9050 -15 18.6 172 15 Apr, 2009 15:34:05
20w50 Torco SR-1 Syn Syn 3607 36 125 -9.4 464 13 8 3.7 9500 -15 18.88 140.48 18 Apr, 2009 11:49:37
20w50 Castrol GTX High Mileage Petro 3226 53 125 -15 425 13 8 3.7 9500 -15 21.4 0 15 Apr, 2009 15:30:50
20w50 Redline Synthetic Syn 5950 1 155 -49 491 6 8 6.1 5000 -15 19.8 148 15 Apr, 2009 17:05:44
20w50 Valvoline Prem. Conv. Petro 3246 50 121 -16.6 456.8 14.9 7.5 3.7 8751 -15 18.5 170.9 17 Apr, 2009 16:39:55
20w50 Klotz MC Techniplate Syn 4011 16 125 -30 425 13 8 3.7 9500 -15 16.3 0 15 Apr, 2009 15:34:05
20w50 Torco SR-5 Syn Racing Syn 4375 10 125 -38.2 500 13 8 3.7 9500 -15 20.98 169.26 18 Apr, 2009 11:53:01
20w60 Redline Racing Syn 600 1 167 -49 518 6 8 3.7 9500 -15 22.5 162 15 Apr, 2009 17:33:35
SAE 30 Chevron Supreme Petro 2428 49 107 -27 401 13 8 2.9 1 -10 10.3 80.8 15 Apr, 2009 15:42:11
SAE 30 Shell Formula Shell HD Petro 2449 46 101 0 425 13 8 2.9 1 -10 11 94.2 17 Apr, 2009 09:00:57
SAE 30 Havoline Motor Oil Petro 2428 50 107 -27 401 13 8 2.9 1 -10 10.3 80.8 15 Apr, 2009 15:42:11
SAE 30 Chevron Ursa Super Plus Petro 2512 36 105 -29 474 13 7.4 2.9 1 -10 11.5 98 15 Apr, 2009 15:42:11
SAE 30 LE 8430 Petro 2771 19 95 -17 425 13 10 3.57 1 -10 11.88 105.7 15 Apr, 2009 15:42:11
SAE 30 Citgo Citgard 500 Petro 2801 16 105 -0 489 13 8 3.6 1 -10 12 104 15 Apr, 2009 15:42:11
SAE 30 Pennzoil Long-Life HD Petro 2648 28 107 -22 400 13 7 3.8 1 -10 10.9 97 14 Apr, 2009 22:58:31
SAE 30 Castrol Small Engine Petro 2501 38 103 -24 450 13 8 2.9 1 -10 12 103 15 Apr, 2009 15:34:05
SAE 30 Citgo Citgard 600 Petro 2918 6 110 -11 471 13 10 3.6 1 -10 12 100 15 Apr, 2009 15:34:05
SAE 30 Valvoline MaxLife Petro 2467 42 124 -22 429.8 14.9 8 2.9 1 -10 11.4 85 18 Apr, 2009 10:25:02
SAE 30 Shell Rimula Petro 2748 22 97 -10 455 13 12 2.9 1 -10 10.9 105 17 Apr, 2009 09:12:09
SAE 30 Joe Gibbs XP1 Syn 2851 13 110 -54.4 366.8 13 8 2.9 1 -10 9.1 50 15 Apr, 2009 15:34:05
SAE 30 76 Super Petro 2782 17 110 -0 482 13 8.6 3.4 1 -10 11.5 95 15 Apr, 2009 15:34:05
SAE 30 Pennzoil Marine Petro 2699 26 100 -5 460 13 8 3.5 1 -10 11.5 101 14 Apr, 2009 23:22:50
SAE 30 Joe Gibbs XP3 Syn 2860 11 110 -65.2 372.2 13 8 2.9 1 -10 12 70 15 Apr, 2009 15:42:11
SAE 30 Lucas 30 wt. PLUS Petro 2505 37 109 -10 440 13 8 2.9 1 -10 11 94 15 Apr, 2009 15:34:05
SAE 30 TropArtic Racing Blend Blend 2964 5 105 -27 475 13 8.6 3.4 1 -10 11.2 95 18 Apr, 2009 12:17:52
SAE 30 Synergyn Magnum Petro 2771 18 113 -20 435 13 12 2.9 1 -10 11.9 97 15 Apr, 2009 18:01:51
SAE 30 Mobil Delvac 1630 Petro 2805 15 117 -22 446 13 12 2.9 1 -10 11.5 90 15 Apr, 2009 15:42:11
SAE 30 Mystik JT-8 Blend Blend 2996 4 113 -17 478 13 11 2.9 1 -10 12 98 18 Apr, 2009 12:28:13
SAE 30 Schaeffer Sup.7000 Syn Plus Blend 3052 3 105 -10 455 13 10 3.5 1 -10 11.5 97.79 16 Apr, 2009 18:12:36
SAE 30 Shell Rotella T Petro 2481 41 110 0 450 13 7.3 2.9 1 -10 10.9 0 17 Apr, 2009 09:25:08
SAE 30 Mobil Drive Clean Petro 2513 34 105 -6 453 13 8 2.9 1 -10 11.5 100 15 Apr, 2009 15:34:05
SAE 30 Kendall GT-1 HP Petro 2753 20 102 -22 482 13 8.6 3.4 1 -10 11.2 95 15 Apr, 2009 15:34:05
SAE 30 Mystik Power Lube Petro 2578 29 105 -11 489 13 8 2.9 1 -10 12 104 18 Apr, 2009 12:38:08
SAE 30 Chevron Delo 100 Petro 2466 43 99 -22 475 13 7 2.9 1 -10 12.1 110 15 Apr, 2009 15:34:05
SAE 30 Citgo Supergard Petro 2559 30 100 -10 489 13 8 2.9 1 -10 12.2 110 15 Apr, 2009 15:34:05
SAE 30 Texaco Ursa Super Plus Petro 2512 35 105 -29 474 13 7.4 2.9 1 -10 11.5 98 17 Apr, 2009 14:15:11
SAE 30 AMSOIL HD Diesel Syn 3773 1 141 -33 446 6.7 12 3.4 1 -10 10.5 66.3 10 Apr, 2009 00:06:36
SAE 30 Valvoline VR-1 Racing Petro 2391 53 111 -22 413.6 14.9 8 2.9 1 -10 11 87.9 18 Apr, 2009 10:56:44
SAE 30 Conoco Hydroclear Power-D Petro 2878 9 115 -27 464 13 9.3 3.6 1 -10 11.1 92 15 Apr, 2009 15:42:11
SAE 30 Phillips 66 MM Motor Oil Petro 2434 48 104 -22 444 13 6.1 3.1 1 -10 11.1 94 17 Apr, 2009 14:22:32
SAE 30 Castrol Assuron Petro 2425 51 104 -15 424 13 7.5 2.9 1 -10 11 92.2 15 Apr, 2009 15:42:11
SAE 30 Chevron Delo 400 Petro 2680 27 104 -24 468 13 10.2 2.9 1 -10 12.1 105 15 Apr, 2009 15:34:05
SAE 30 Kendall Super-D 3 Petro 2869 10 109 -13 464 13 9.5 3.6 1 -10 11.1 101 15 Apr, 2009 15:34:05
SAE 30 Chevron Delo 1000 Marine Petro 2732 23 97 -6 446 13 12 2.9 1 -10 11.9 110 15 Apr, 2009 15:34:05
SAE 30 Petro Canada Duron Single HD Petro 2813 14 123 -33 480 13 7.9 3.5 1 -10 11.2 83.2 16 Apr, 2009 23:20:13
SAE 30 Phillips 66 Super HD II Petro 2714 24 115 -27 369 13 9.4 3.6 1 -10 11.1 92 17 Apr, 2009 14:29:11
SAE 30 Wolfs Head HD PCMO Petro 2461 44 103 -5.8 428 13 8 2.9 1 -10 11.8 103 18 Apr, 2009 11:28:04
SAE 30 Conoco Super Petro 2752 21 105 -27 475 13 8.6 3.4 1 -10 11.2 95 15 Apr, 2009 15:34:05
SAE 30 Chevron RPM HD Petro 2499 39 105 -16 474 13 7.2 2.9 1 -10 11.5 98 15 Apr, 2009 15:34:05
SAE 30 Wolfs Head Non-Det. PCMO Petro 2455 45 110 10.4 410 13 8 2.9 1 -10 10.1 0 18 Apr, 2009 11:29:26
SAE 30 Exxon Superflo Petro 2521 31 107 -6 453 13 8 2.9 1 -10 11.5 100 15 Apr, 2009 15:34:05
SAE 30 Wolfs Head Extreme Duty Blend 2852 12 116 -5.8 428 13 10 2.9 1 -10 11.2 88 18 Apr, 2009 11:44:32
SAE 30 Quaker State Universal HDX Petro 2423 52 107 -22 435 13 7 2.9 1 -10 10.9 97 15 Apr, 2009 16:48:42
SAE 30 Valvoline All-Fleet Plus Petro 2710 25 113 -11.2 440 13 7 3.7 1 -10 11 86.89 17 Apr, 2009 16:13:11
SAE 30 AMSOIL 4-Stroke Small Engine Syn 3630 2 146 -38 457 4.1 8.4 3.25 1 -10 10.6 67 14 Apr, 2009 13:23:33
SAE 30 Exxon XD-3 Mono Petro 2520 32 98 -22 496.4 13 7.3 2.9 1 -10 12 110 15 Apr, 2009 15:34:05
SAE 30 76 Firebird HD Petro 2910 7 115 -27 464 13 9.3 3.7 1 -10 11.5 91.6 15 Apr, 2009 15:34:05
SAE 30 Valvoline Prem. Conv. Petro 2498 40 114 -16.6 444.2 13 7.5 2.9 1 -10 11 86.45 17 Apr, 2009 16:42:51
SAE 30 Castrol HD30 Petro 2519 33 110 -10 446 13 8 2.9 1 -10 11.5 0 15 Apr, 2009 15:34:05
SAE 30 76 Guardol QLT Petro 2878 8 115 -27 464 13 9.3 3.6 1 -10 11.1 92 15 Apr, 2009 15:34:05
SAE 30 Pennzoil 4-Cycle Petro 2436 47 105 -10 410 13 8 2.9 1 -10 10.5 90 14 Apr, 2009 20:04:16
SAE 40 Chevron Supreme Petro 2549 40 107 -22 401 13 8 3.7 1 -10 14 128 15 Apr, 2009 15:42:11
SAE 40 Shell Formula Shell HD Petro 2595 37 102 10 435 13 8 3.7 1 -10 14 134.5 17 Apr, 2009 09:01:31
SAE 40 Havoline Motor Oil Petro 2549 41 107 -22 401 13 8 3.7 1 -10 14 128 15 Apr, 2009 15:42:11
SAE 40 Chevron Ursa Super Plus Petro 2687 24 102 -32 503 13 7.4 3.7 1 -10 14.7 143 15 Apr, 2009 15:42:11
SAE 40 LE 8440 Petro 2929 10 95 -11 450 13 10 4.49 1 -10 16.1 165.4 15 Apr, 2009 15:42:11
SAE 40 Citgo Citgard 500 Petro 2850 15 103 10 486 13 8 4.3 1 -10 14.9 145 15 Apr, 2009 15:42:11
SAE 40 Pennzoil Long-Life HD Petro 2695 23 103 -11 400 13 7 4.6 1 -10 14.4 146 14 Apr, 2009 23:02:05
SAE 40 Citgo Citgard 600 Petro 2934 9 103 10 475 13 10 4.2 1 -10 14.7 141 15 Apr, 2009 15:42:11
SAE 40 Shell Rimula Petro 2849 16 95 -5 445 13 12 3.7 1 -10 14.4 146 17 Apr, 2009 09:12:41
SAE 40 76 Super Petro 2885 13 107 -27 489 13 8.6 4.2 1 -10 14.6 136 15 Apr, 2009 15:42:11
SAE 40 Pennzoil Marine Petro 2872 14 96 5 485 13 8 4.5 1 -10 15.5 164 14 Apr, 2009 23:23:42
SAE 40 Mobil Delvac 1640 Petro 2948 8 112 -5.8 462.2 13 12 3.7 1 -10 14.7 132 15 Apr, 2009 15:42:11
SAE 40 Mystik JT-8 Blend Blend 3125 1 111 -11 475 13 11 3.7 1 -10 15.7 146 18 Apr, 2009 12:30:39
SAE 40 Schaeffer Sup.7000 Syn Plus Blend 3110 2 105 -5 500 13 10 3.8 1 -10 14.5 136.7 16 Apr, 2009 18:13:10
SAE 40 Shell Rotella T Petro 2590 38 100 5 460 13 7.3 3.7 1 -10 14.4 0 17 Apr, 2009 09:25:36
SAE 40 Brad Penn Penn-Grade1 Racing Petro 2697 22 108 0 425 13 9.5 3.7 1 -10 15.5 150 15 Apr, 2009 15:42:11
SAE 40 Kendall GT-1 HP Petro 2833 17 101 -22 500 13 8.6 4 1 -10 13.8 131 15 Apr, 2009 15:42:11
SAE 40 Mystik Power Lube Petro 2698 21 103 10 486 13 8 3.7 1 -10 14.9 145 18 Apr, 2009 12:38:46
SAE 40 Chevron Delo 100 Petro 2640 31 99 -17 498 13 7 3.7 1 -10 15 152 15 Apr, 2009 15:42:11
SAE 40 Citgo Supergard Petro 2705 20 98 -5 500 13 8 3.7 1 -10 15.1 154 15 Apr, 2009 15:42:11
SAE 40 Texaco Ursa Super Plus Petro 2687 25 102 -32 503 13 7.4 3.7 1 -10 14.7 143 17 Apr, 2009 14:15:38
SAE 40 Valvoline VR-1 Racing Petro 2618 33 105 -16.6 478.4 14.9 8 3.7 1 -10 14.5 136.8 18 Apr, 2009 11:06:21
SAE 40 Conoco Hydroclear Power-D Petro 2996 4 111 -27 475 13 9.3 4.5 1 -10 15 141 15 Apr, 2009 15:42:11
SAE 40 Phillips 66 MM Motor Oil Petro 2595 36 101 -22 475 13 6.1 3.9 1 -10 14 134 17 Apr, 2009 14:23:04
SAE 40 Castrol Assuron Petro 2547 42 98 -0 435 13 7.5 3.7 1 -10 14.83 150.1 15 Apr, 2009 15:42:11
SAE 40 Chevron Delo 400 Petro 2830 18 102 -27 482 13 10.2 3.7 1 -10 14.9 146 15 Apr, 2009 15:42:11
SAE 40 Kendall Super-D 3 Petro 2957 7 104 -11 475 13 9.5 4.4 1 -10 15 152 15 Apr, 2009 15:42:11
SAE 40 Chevron Delo 1000 Marine Petro 2915 11 98 5 473 13 12 3.7 1 -10 14.4 145 15 Apr, 2009 15:42:11
SAE 40 Petro Canada Duron Single HD Petro 2898 12 109 -22 502 13 7.9 4.3 1 -10 14.4 131.1 16 Apr, 2009 23:21:08
SAE 40 Phillips 66 Super HD II Petro 2678 27 106 -17 374 13 8.1 4.4 1 -10 15.4 149 17 Apr, 2009 14:30:02
SAE 40 Wolfs Head HD PCMO Petro 2620 32 103 5 446 13 8 3.7 1 -10 14.6 141 18 Apr, 2009 11:28:34
SAE 40 Conoco Super Petro 2785 19 102 -27 460 13 8.6 4.1 1 -10 14.2 136 15 Apr, 2009 15:42:11
SAE 40 Chevron RPM HD Petro 2674 28 102 -11 503 13 7.2 3.7 1 -10 14.7 143 15 Apr, 2009 15:42:11
SAE 40 Exxon Superflo Petro 2680 26 105 0 473 13 8 3.7 1 -10 15 140 15 Apr, 2009 15:42:11
SAE 40 Wolfs Head Extreme Duty Blend 2995 6 109 -0.4 446 13 10 3.7 1 -10 14.5 133 18 Apr, 2009 11:44:59
SAE 40 Quaker State Universal HDX Petro 2555 39 103 -11 446 13 7 3.7 1 -10 14.4 143 15 Apr, 2009 16:48:09
SAE 40 Valvoline All-Fleet Plus Petro 2602 35 105 -5.8 465 13 7 3.71 1 -10 14.6 138.3 17 Apr, 2009 16:14:04
SAE 40 Exxon XD-3 Mono Petro 2646 30 98 -22 492.8 13 7.3 3.7 1 -10 15.5 160 15 Apr, 2009 15:42:11
SAE 40 76 Firebird HD Petro 2996 5 111 -27 475 13 9.3 4.5 1 -10 15 141 15 Apr, 2009 15:42:11
SAE 40 Valvoline Prem. Conv. Petro 2670 29 108 -16.6 478.4 13 7.5 3.7 1 -10 14.98 140 17 Apr, 2009 16:43:29
SAE 40 Castrol HD30 Petro 2609 34 100 -5 446 13 8 3.7 1 -10 14 0 15 Apr, 2009 15:42:11
SAE 40 76 Guardol QLT Petro 2996 3 111 -27 475 13 9.3 4.5 1 -10 15 141 15 Apr, 2009 15:42:11
SAE 50 76 Guardol QLT Petro 3028 3 107 -22 450 13 9.5 5.7 1 -10 20 217 15 Apr, 2009 15:42:11
SAE 50 Chevron Ursa Super Plus Petro 2544 17 101 -11 525 13 7.4 3.7 1 -10 19.3 217 15 Apr, 2009 15:42:11
SAE 50 LE 8450 Petro 3004 5 95 0 475 13 10 5.4 1 -10 19.84 219.5 15 Apr, 2009 15:42:11
SAE 50 Citgo Citgard 500 Petro 2833 11 102 10 482 13 8 5.1 1 -10 18.8 206 15 Apr, 2009 15:42:11
SAE 50 Pennzoil Long-Life HD Petro 2751 13 102 -4 400 13 7 5.7 1 -10 19 229 14 Apr, 2009 23:02:46
SAE 50 Citgo Citgard 600 Petro 3017 4 104 10 493 13 10 5.2 1 -10 19.5 212 15 Apr, 2009 15:42:11
SAE 50 Synergyn Racing Syn 2902 9 120 -18 411 13 8 3.7 1 -10 20.6 203 15 Apr, 2009 17:55:18
SAE 50 Lucas 50 PLUS Racing Petro 2343 30 100 1 400 13 8 3.7 1 -10 20 0 15 Apr, 2009 15:42:11
SAE 50 Valvoline NSL Racing Petro 2387 29 105 15.8 489.2 13 5.9 3.7 1 -10 20 219.3 18 Apr, 2009 10:39:31
SAE 50 Mobil Delvac 1650 Petro 2933 8 110 -0.4 554 13 12 3.7 1 -10 19.5 202 15 Apr, 2009 15:42:11
SAE 50 Mystik JT-8 Blend Blend 2968 6 109 10 496 13 11 3.7 1 -10 20.5 220 18 Apr, 2009 12:31:12
SAE 50 Shell Rotella T Petro 2420 25 100 5 465 13 7.3 3.7 1 -10 19.1 0 17 Apr, 2009 09:26:04
SAE 50 Brad Penn Penn-Grade1 Racing Petro 2522 19 101 5 440 13 9.5 3.7 1 -10 20 218.5 15 Apr, 2009 15:42:11
SAE 50 Maxima Maxum4 Classic Petro 2464 22 105 -20 456 13 8 3.7 1 -10 18.28 191.7 15 Apr, 2009 15:42:11
SAE 50 Kendall GT-1 HP Petro 2936 7 100 -22 518 13 8.6 5.1 1 -10 18.5 204 15 Apr, 2009 15:42:11
SAE 50 Texaco Ursa Super Plus Petro 2544 16 101 -11 525 13 7.4 3.7 1 -10 19.3 217 17 Apr, 2009 14:16:10
SAE 50 Valvoline VR-1 Racing Petro 2455 23 105 -0.4 489.2 14.9 8 3.7 1 -10 20 219.3 18 Apr, 2009 11:07:11
SAE 50 Conoco Hydroclear Power-D Petro 3131 1 107 -22 504 13 9.5 5.7 1 -10 20 217 15 Apr, 2009 15:42:11
SAE 50 Castrol Assuron Petro 2402 28 99 10 450 13 7.5 3.7 1 -10 19.3 208 15 Apr, 2009 15:42:11
SAE 50 Chevron Delo 400 Petro 2654 15 98 -24 489 13 10.2 3.7 1 -10 18.4 225 15 Apr, 2009 15:42:11
SAE 50 Kendall Super-D 3 Petro 3072 2 103 -11 504 13 9.5 5.5 1 -10 20 224 15 Apr, 2009 15:42:11
SAE 50 Phillips 66 Super HD II Petro 2699 14 104 -17 405 13 8.1 5.1 1 -10 20 210 17 Apr, 2009 14:30:51
SAE 50 Petro Canada Duron Single HD Petro 2879 10 105 -6 480 13 7.9 5.3 1 -10 19.3 209 16 Apr, 2009 23:21:50
SAE 50 Chevron RPM HD Petro 2530 18 101 -5 525 13 7.2 3.7 1 -10 19.3 217 15 Apr, 2009 15:42:11
SAE 50 Klotz American V-Twin Syn 2823 12 100 -10 400 13 8 3.7 1 -10 16.3 0 15 Apr, 2009 15:42:11
SAE 50 Valvoline All-Fleet Plus Petro 2411 26 113 -0.4 450 13 7 3.71 1 -10 20 203.9 17 Apr, 2009 16:14:46
SAE 50 Exxon XD-3 Mono Petro 2497 21 99 -16.6 507.2 13 7.3 3.7 1 -10 19.5 223 15 Apr, 2009 15:42:11
SAE 50 Valvoline Prem. Conv. Petro 2497 20 106 5 489.2 13 7.5 3.7 1 -10 19.77 213.3 17 Apr, 2009 16:44:05
SAE 50 Pennzoil GT Perf Racing Petro 2403 27 101 0 430 13 8 3.7 1 -10 19.4 200 14 Apr, 2009 20:14:40
SAE 50 Torco TR-1 Prem Racing Petro 2448 24 100 59 455 13 8 3.7 1 -10 21.5 204 18 Apr, 2009 11:57:28
SAE 60 Pennzoil GT Perf Racing Petro 2579 5 102 10 455 13 8 3.7 1 -10 22.3 265 14 Apr, 2009 20:16:31
SAE 60 Torco TR-1 Prem Racing Petro 2604 4 100 10.4 469.4 13 8 3.7 1 -10 26 286 18 Apr, 2009 11:57:59
SAE 60 Maxima Maxum4 Classic Petro 2758 3 105 15 535 13 8 3.7 1 -10 23.31 276.52 15 Apr, 2009 15:42:11
SAE 60 Valvoline VR-1 Racing Petro 2578 6 104 -0.4 489.2 14.9 8 3.7 1 -10 24 293.4 18 Apr, 2009 11:08:08
SAE 60 AMSOIL Super HW Racing Syn 3670 1 140 -33 467 5 11 3.7 1 -10 24.1 214.1 14 Apr, 2009 13:09:19
SAE 60 Klotz American V-Twin Syn 2885 2 100 -10 400 13 8 3.7 1 -10 21.9 0 15 Apr, 2009 15:42:11
SAE 70 Redline Racing Syn 3349 2 150 15 428 6 8 3.7 1 -10 33 318 15 Apr, 2009 17:34:33
SAE 70 Torco TR-1 Prem Racing Petro 2625 7 100 10.4 482 13 8 3.7 1 -10 35.1 418 18 Apr, 2009 11:58:24
SAE 70 Synergyn Racing Syn 2955 3 124 -15 411 13 8 3.7 1 -10 28.1 305 15 Apr, 2009 17:55:57
SAE 70 Lucas 70 PLUS Racing Petro 2537 9 120 15 420 13 8 3.7 1 -10 30 0 15 Apr, 2009 15:42:11
SAE 70 Brad Penn Penn-Grade1 Racing Petro 2683 5 114 20 450 13 9.5 3.7 1 -10 28 314.8 15 Apr, 2009 15:42:11
SAE 70 Maxima Maxum4 Classic Petro 2584 8 105 -30 458 13 8 3.7 1 -10 26.44 358.2 15 Apr, 2009 15:42:11
SAE 70 Kendall GT-1 HP Petro 3351 1 113 16 446 13 15 5 1 -10 30.7 380 15 Apr, 2009 15:42:11
SAE 70 Castrol Grand Prix MC Petro 2661 6 100 15 464 13 8 4 1 -10 27.2 0 15 Apr, 2009 15:42:11
SAE 70 Klotz American V-Twin Syn 2867 4 100 0 400 13 8 3.7 1 -10 26.2 0 15 Apr, 2009 15:42:11
SAE 20 Joe Gibbs XP2 Syn 3802 1 100 -65.2 377.6 13 8 2.6 1 -10 6.3 31 15 Apr, 2009 15:42:11
SAE 20 Shell Rotella T Petro 2347 7 100 -10 410 13 4 2.6 1 -10 7.6 0 17 Apr, 2009 09:24:22
SAE 20 Texaco Ursa Super Plus Petro 2978 4 110 -29 460 13 7.4 2.6 1 -10 8.5 61.1 17 Apr, 2009 14:14:48
SAE 20 Castrol Assuron Petro 2820 6 105 -24 410 13 7.5 2.6 1 -10 8 59 15 Apr, 2009 15:42:11
SAE 20 Chevron Delo 400 Petro 3000 3 104 -22 460 13 9.2 2.6 1 -10 8.9 68 15 Apr, 2009 15:42:11
SAE 20 Petro Canada Duron Single HD Petro 3186 2 118 -38 448 13 7.9 2.7 1 -10 9.1 64.9 16 Apr, 2009 23:19:11
SAE 20 Exxon XD-3 Mono Petro 2867 5 98 -22 482 13 7.3 2.6 1 -10 8.5 66 15 Apr, 2009 15:42:11
0w50 Eneos Fully Synthetic Syn 3905 2 192 -49 449.6 15 6.4 3.7 6200 -35 18 104 17 Aug, 2009 22:56:56
0w50 Klotz Snow X4 Estorlin Syn 4015 1 175 -48 410 13 9.4 3.7 6200 -35 19.1 0 15 Apr, 2009 15:44:01
25w60 Torco TR-4 Blend Racing Blend 3659 2 145 -14.8 455 15 8 3.7 13000 -10 24.5 192 18 Apr, 2009 12:00:51
25w60 Klotz American V-Twin Syn 3970 1 145 -20 420 13 8 3.7 13000 -10 26.2 0 15 Apr, 2009 15:44:01
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#70 Re: Motorno ulje- kako izabrati - koju marku; vrstu

Post by corolla02 »

licno koristim ovo ulje i nemam primjedbi, keep it simple as always :)

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Gile Šampion
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#71 Re: Motorno ulje- kako izabrati - koju marku; vrstu

Post by Gile Šampion »

respo wrote:malo si se ado zeznuo sto se tice ovih temperatura 40 oko 40°, 50 oko 50°itd

reci mi onda kako izdrzi ulje kad se motor zagrije a tu je sigurno temperatura veca od ovih 40 ili recimo 30?

p.s. to su oznake za viskoznost na 100° a ne koliko koju temperaturu moze dostici
Misli se na temperaturu okoline tj. kada vozilo nije upaljeno i treba da tek nastupi start motora...Kontaš sad?

Npr. na temperaturi od -20 neće se ponašati isto ulje 0 W 30 i 15 W 40...šta misliš koje će ulje da stvara veći otpor na radilici prilikom pokretanja vozila???
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#72 Re: Motorno ulje- kako izabrati - koju marku; vrstu

Post by respo »

Gile Šampion wrote:
respo wrote:malo si se ado zeznuo sto se tice ovih temperatura 40 oko 40°, 50 oko 50°itd

reci mi onda kako izdrzi ulje kad se motor zagrije a tu je sigurno temperatura veca od ovih 40 ili recimo 30?

p.s. to su oznake za viskoznost na 100° a ne koliko koju temperaturu moze dostici
Misli se na temperaturu okoline tj. kada vozilo nije upaljeno i treba da tek nastupi start motora...Kontaš sad?

Npr. na temperaturi od -20 neće se ponašati isto ulje 0 W 30 i 15 W 40...šta misliš koje će ulje da stvara veći otpor na radilici prilikom pokretanja vozila???
kakve veze ima vanjska temperatura kad i na +10 i na +30 temperatura ulja u motoru dostigne preko 50 sigurno
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Gile Šampion
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#73 Re: Motorno ulje- kako izabrati - koju marku; vrstu

Post by Gile Šampion »

respo wrote:
Gile Šampion wrote:
respo wrote:malo si se ado zeznuo sto se tice ovih temperatura 40 oko 40°, 50 oko 50°itd

reci mi onda kako izdrzi ulje kad se motor zagrije a tu je sigurno temperatura veca od ovih 40 ili recimo 30?

p.s. to su oznake za viskoznost na 100° a ne koliko koju temperaturu moze dostici
Misli se na temperaturu okoline tj. kada vozilo nije upaljeno i treba da tek nastupi start motora...Kontaš sad?

Npr. na temperaturi od -20 neće se ponašati isto ulje 0 W 30 i 15 W 40...šta misliš koje će ulje da stvara veći otpor na radilici prilikom pokretanja vozila???
kakve veze ima vanjska temperatura kad i na +10 i na +30 temperatura ulja u motoru dostigne preko 50 sigurno

Haj pročitaj još jednom ovo što sam ti označio...
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#74 Re: Motorno ulje- kako izabrati - koju marku; vrstu

Post by chuchumbamayumbe »

Mogo si ba dati link, a ne copy/paste, ja iz ovoga nista ne skontah!
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Edin H.
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#75 Re: Motorno ulje- kako izabrati - koju marku; vrstu

Post by Edin H. »

Sta respo nabroja ulja, a nigdje diljem svijeta cuvenog, modrickog :shock:
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