Korijeni Astrologije

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#51 Re: Korijeni Astrologije

Post by EliasVeskot »

Mislim da se proucavanju modernog drustva pristupa sasvim pogresno, obzirom u kakvog smjeru idemo meni je potpuno pogresna ideja da ovo drustvo "napredovalo" osim u tehnickom smislu. Svaki dan vidim razlog vise da vjerujem da mi nismo maknuli iz srednjeg vijeka, magija, bajke, nadnaravne sile, pa I ova rasprava o astrologiji kao ozbiljnoj nauci ide u prilog tome. Treba opet odvojiti, sto neko spomenu, sudbinu I iscitavanje iste. Ako covjek vjeruje da je sve u zivotu odredjeno, ne mora automatski da znaci da vjeruje da neko drugi moze procitati tu njegovu sudbinu I da treba nekoga drugog pitati kako da zivi. Covjek je pokazao kroz historiju da je sklon da otjelovjeljuje svoje fikcije u vidu bogova, svetaca I sl, a planete I zvijezde same po sebi djeluju posebno misticno pa je puno lakse prebaciti tu odgovornost zivljenja na nesto drugo. Sad kad se u to upetljajuju "necastive" sile, dobijete momente prepoznavanja I poklapanja informacija, posebno kad mozete dobro procijeniti ljude, mozete fino profitirati od svega navedenog.
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#52 Re: Korijeni Astrologije

Post by arzuhal »

Privuče mi pažnju nick od kapi kiše, baš da vidim šta i o čemu ta osoba piše :)

Slučajno i rimovah post, svašta...
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#53 Korijeni Astrologije

Post by dadinjo33 »


Ibn Arebi kroz astrologiju objašnjava sve što se ima objasniti u sufizmu kao putu spoznaje stvari kakve jesu.

Muhyiddin Ibn ’Arabi englobes in a certain fashion the essen-
tial reality of heliocentricism in his cosmological edifice : like
Ptolemy and like those all through the Middle Ages he assigns
to the sun, which he compares to the ‘Pole’ (qutb) and to the
‘heart of the world' (qalb al-’alam), a central position in the hier-
archy of the celestial spheres, and this by assigning equal num-
bers of superior skies and inferior skies to the sky of the sun;
he amplifies nevertheless the system of Ptolemy by yet again
underlining the symmetry of the spheres with respect to the
sun : according to his cosmological system, which he probably
holds from the Andalusian Sufi Ibn Masarrah, the sun is not only
in the centre of the six known planets - Mars ( al-mirikh ), Jupi-
ter ( al-mushtari ) and Saturn (az-zuhal) being further away from
the Earth ( al-ardh ) than the Sun ( ash-shams ), and Venus (oz-
z uhrah), Mercury ( al-utarid ) and the Moon ( al-qamar ) being
closer - but beyond the sky of Saturn is situated the vault of the
sky of the fixed stars ( lalak al-kawakib), that of the sky with-
out stars (al-falak al-atlas), and the two supreme spheres of
the ‘Divine Pedestal’ ( al-kursi ) and of the ‘Divine Throne’ ( al -
’arsh), concentric spheres to which symetrically correspond
the four sub-lunar spheres of ether ( al-athir ), of air ( al-hawa ), of
water ( al-ma) and of earth (al-ardh). Thus is apportioned seven
degrees to either side of the sphere of the sun, the Divine
(Throne) symbolising the synthesis of all the cosmos, and the
centre of the earth being thereof both the inferior conclusion
and the centre of fixation.


The fact that the Moon is the receptacle for all the influences
that she collects to transmit to the Earth is also shown by the
degree which corresponds to the Moon in the hierarchy of the
prophetic function; the Islamic esotericism, we know, ‘situates’
these functions symbolically in the different planetary skies.
According to this order of correspondences, which however can-
not be understood except within their spiritual perspective and
in some way within the ‘cyclic’ of Islam, 7 Abraham ( Seyid-na
Ibrahim) resides in the sky of Saturn, Moses ( Seyid-na Musa) in
that of Jupiter, Aaron ( Seyid-na Harun) in that of Mars, Enoch
(Seyid-na Idris) in that of the Sun, Joseph ( Seyid-na Yusuf) in
that of Venus, Jesus ( Seyid-na ’Isa) in that of Mercury and
Adam ( Seyid-na Adam) in that of the Moon. There is in this
hierarchy the same relationship between Enoch and Adam as
exists between the ‘transcendent man’ ( shoen jen) and the ‘true
man’ (chen jen) in the Taoist doctrine : Enoch resides in the...
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#54 Korijeni Astrologije

Post by dadinjo33 »

Ma to su malo izdimenzioniranije amajlije.

Ima tu i igra rijecima, jer se, zbog odsustva vokalizacije, dzunnet (štit) i dzennet (raj) isto pisu. Ratnicima je bila zgodna ta forma dzunneta i alternativnog dzenneta (ako poginu).

Inace, onaj gore Arebijev graficki astroloski prikaz omogucava onim koji posjeduju tu vrstu znanja da tajnu nad tajnama u svakom trenutku jasno vide i u njemu je predstavljen sav duhovni put i ujedno sve sto je u postojanju i sve sto nije. Recimo, njime se objasnjava prica o Joni/Junusu kojeg je na kraju alfabeta progutala riba, kroz smjestanje Insana, onog opisanog imenom Onaj koji okuplja u jedno sva imena, u vladavini Ribe, nakon cega slijedi pauza, kad ga riba ispljuje, "edzel", opisan arapskim znakom hemze koji i nije slovo, nego pauza u govoru, nakon cega slijedi novi ciklus koji pocinje sa dva roga ili Dvorogim, nakon sto je preko minerala, biljaka, hajvana, meleka, dzinna...stvoren covjek, o cemu pise i Rumi u svojoj cuvenoj poemi.
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#55 Re: Korijeni Astrologije

Post by Connaisseur Karlin »

astroloski detalji u sinagogama ( do 6 st.) , crkvama/bazilikama/maniastrima ( olovine 18 stoljeca ), u Islamu je fromirana zabrana, kao sto je bila vec formirana zabarna kod jevreja , najduze su se "zadrzali" krscani sa astroloskim zodijacima u crkvama i manastitirima :)
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