Page 1116 of 1338

#27876 Re: Danasnji "feminizam"

Posted: 25/06/2022 13:35
by John Cleese
Seawolf wrote: 25/06/2022 13:29
John Cleese wrote: 25/06/2022 12:53

Ne bih da te razocaram, ali... queen je tu zapravo izvjesni Lindsay Kemp :| :D :lol:
Njih dvojica jesu imali ljubavnu vezu, ali ta veza nije inspirisala stihove ove pjesme.

Stihovi su inspirisani povezanošću koja zahtjeva puno veću hrabrost od banalnog upuštanja u istospolnu vezu.
Nija "banalno upustanje" ni jedini ni najbitniji aspekt njihove veze, ali dobro, necu insistirati :D

#27877 Re: Danasnji "feminizam"

Posted: 25/06/2022 13:48
by Seawolf
John Cleese wrote: 25/06/2022 13:35
Seawolf wrote: 25/06/2022 13:29
Njih dvojica jesu imali ljubavnu vezu, ali ta veza nije inspirisala stihove ove pjesme.

Stihovi su inspirisani povezanošću koja zahtjeva puno veću hrabrost od banalnog upuštanja u istospolnu vezu.
Nija "banalno upustanje" ni jedini ni najbitniji aspekt njihove veze, ali dobro, necu insistirati :D
Nije jedini aspekat, naravno, ali nije ta veza zahtjevala ni približno takav nivo odricanja kao neke druge veze za koje znam.

#27878 Re: Danasnji "feminizam"

Posted: 25/06/2022 14:51
by Niemand
Za roe v. wade rekoh da je to samo pocetak. Tada sam stavila i ovaj clanak, ovaj put cu kopirati, posto je prosli put kada sam stavila link bilo- znaci wokeness je doveo do toga da ce zabraniti abortus jer su previse woke.

July 12, 2021

Why 'wokeness' is the biggest threat to Democrats in the 2022 election

(CNN)As Democrats begin the uphill climb to hold their majorities in the House and Senate next November, politicians and party strategists are admitting that their biggest challenge comes from within: "Woke" liberals demanding adherence to policies on crime, the environment and government spending that are simply not shared by a majority of the country.

"How do Democrats win in places like North Carolina, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Florida, Arizona and Georgia?" asked former South Carolina Gov. Jim Hodges (D). "Focusing on how lives have improved since January of 2021. COVID rates are down and jobs are up. People are generally free to visit family and friends without restriction. The circus has left Washington and Biden has already cleaned up the mess. I'm not sure why Democratic candidates would stray from that message -- particularly in purple states."

Hodges' comments are reflective of a broader acknowledgment -- and concern -- that talking about things like defunding the police or the "Green New Deal" or ending the detention of people coming across our southern border illegally are a recipe for political disaster in the 2022 midterm elections.

The current concern is perhaps best reflected in an essay by Kevin Drum, a former staffer for Washington Monthly magazine. Noting that liberals have been aggressively stoking the culture wars in recent years, Drum writes:

"Despite endless hopeful invocations of 'but polls show that people like our positions,' the truth is that the Democratic Party has been pulled far enough left that even lots of non-crazy people find us just plain scary -- something that Fox News takes vigorous advantage of. From an electoral point of view, the story here is consistent: Democrats have stoked the culture wars by getting more extreme on social issues and Republicans have used this to successfully cleave away a segment of both the non-college white vote and, more recently, the non-college nonwhite vote."

While Drum has been beating the, um, drum on this issue of late, it's actually James Carville who was the first to warn Democrats that focusing on very liberal policies -- and demanding that the general public pronounce support for those issues or run the risk of being labeled "intolerant" -- is political poison for the party.

"Wokeness is a problem and everyone knows it. It's hard to talk to anybody today -- and I talk to lots of people in the Democratic Party -- who doesn't say this. But they don't want to say it out loud," Carville, who made his name helping to elect Bill Clinton president, said in an interview with Vox this spring. Asked why his party won't admit the wokeness problem, Carville responded bluntly: "Because they'll get clobbered or canceled."

There's data to back up those concerns too.

In NPR/PBS Newshour/Marist poll conducted shortly after the 2018 midterm elections, a clear majority of people (52%) said they were "against the country becoming more politically correct and upset that there are too many things people can't say anymore." Just 36% said that they were "in favor of the United States becoming more politically correct and like when people are being more sensitive in their comments about others."

A May 2021 Pew poll showed that 57% of Americans believe that "people today are too easily offended by what others say" while just 40% agreed that "people should be careful what they say to avoid offending others."

And even on specific issues, there's some sentiment that people believe the so-called "woke mob" has gone too far. In an Axios-Ipsos poll from May, 70% of Americans opposed "the 'defund the police' movement" while just 27% supported it. A May Fox News poll showed that 47% of registered voters said the Biden administration is proposing too much of an increase in government spending, while 17% said not enough, and 33% chose just about the right amount.

Now, as Drum rightly notes, there are plenty of issues where the so-called "woke" policy has significant support. More than 6 in 10 (63%), for example, in a Marist/NPR/PBS NewsHour poll from 2019, said the country needs a green new deal to help address climate change. But as CNN polling and election analytics editor Ariel Edwards-Levy rightly notes, most people don't really know what is in the klix Green New Deal. So, the support for it is rightly read as general support for addressing climate change rather than backing any specific policies laid out in the Green New Deal.

Then there's the political reality of all of this. Campaign politics tend to strip the nuance off issues, paring them back to the sort of lowest common denominator stuff that motivates people to vote (or, in some cases, not to vote.)

And it is on that front where the woke crowd truly endangers Democrats at the ballot box. Although the election is more than a year away, Republicans -- led by former President Donald Trump -- are already making clear that they intend to make it a referendum not as much on President Joe Biden and his policies but rather on political correctness, wokeness and "cancel culture."

"We stand up to political correctness, and we reject the intolerance of left wing cancel culture," Trump said in a speech over the weekend to the Conservative Political Action Conference in Dallas. At another point in the address, he pledged: "We will stop left wing cancel culture. We will restore free speech and fair elections, and we will make America great again. It's very simple. Very simple."

And predictably, Republican leaders have followed Trump's lead. Following Major League Baseball's decision to move this year's All-Star Game out of Georgia after the state passed a restrictive voting bill, House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy said this: "The movement in this country about wokeness has got to stop."

Of the All-Star Game decision, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell was even more blunt: "From election law to environmentalism to radical social agendas to the Second Amendment, parts of the private sector keep dabbling in behaving like a woke parallel government. Corporations will invite serious consequences if they become a vehicle for far-left mobs to hijack our country from outside the constitutional order."

There's no secret, then, about the ground on which Republicans want to fight the coming election. And Democrats, worried about alienating their liberal left base, are playing right into the GOP's hands.

"If we learned anything from 2020, it was that growth with suburban voters -- many former Republicans -- carried Biden across the finish line," said Hodges, the former South Carolina governor. "And these same voters will make the difference in competitive swing state elections. They want to hear how candidates will make their lives better; stray from that message and we risk Mitch McConnell becoming majority leader again." ... index.html
Kada woke demokrate pocnu pricati o zescim glupostima, poput defund the police, kada se podrzava cancel culture, oni ljudi kojima je to teski nonsense ce ili ne glasati nikako ili glasati za republikance.

Nista strasno? 'ta ce oni? Ionako nemaju mozga, white trash?

Well, eto gledajte kako nemaju mozga i 'ta ce oni.

#27879 Re: Danasnji "feminizam"

Posted: 25/06/2022 16:05
by KraljicaIzJajca
dale cooper wrote: 24/06/2022 23:03
Bloo wrote: 24/06/2022 19:18
Ovo je bilo namjenjeno kao šala, ne uvreda.
Vidiš kako je to interesantno. Ja se nisam držala svog spola jer npr. dosta animiranih filmova i stripova koji su meni dostupni, nisu imali žene kao super junake ili glavne likove. Ovo mogu reći da se nastavilo i tokom srednje i sa fikcijom/romanima, filmovima..,
Ovo je interesantno ne zbog feminizma, nego predstavljenosti ostalih u određenim medijima od stripova, filmova do video igara.

Kratki off topic.
Sad kad gledam koji su mi omiljeni muzičari dobar dio njih su smatrani za transgresivne i androgine sa svojim pojavama ili pjesmama ili i
jednim i drugim. Bowie je na slici prvog albuma obučen u haljinu, i sa prelijepom dugom kosom izgleda kao žena. Ziggy Stardust se
može komforno okarakterisati kao proto non binary karakter. Prince je isto imao feminine kvalitete, čak je neke pjesme pjevao
u ženskom karakteru i glasu. Pjesma Running Up That Hill (A Deal With God) od Kate Bush, koja ovih dana živi novi život, je također
pjesma neobičnog karaktera o ženi koja želi od Boga da zamijeni mjesto sa svojim muškarcem, da bi oboje iskusili kako se ovo drugo
osjeća u svrhu boljeg razumijevanja. Tako da meni različitost i šarenilo ljudskih identiteta i iskustava nikada nije bilo nešto što mi je odbojno.
Dragqueen je u kategoriji fetiša, a ne osobnog identiteta. :)

#27880 Re: Danasnji "feminizam"

Posted: 25/06/2022 16:08
by KraljicaIzJajca
dale cooper wrote: 24/06/2022 23:16
no_sikiriki wrote: 24/06/2022 23:12

Ti bas prizivaš Kraljicu s ovim postom, nije ti dosta. :mrgreen:
:lol: Nemoj je više majke ti. :mrgreen:

Ali mi je Bowie iz 70-tih (posebno ovaj period dok je boravio u Berlinu) totalno hot. :oops: Nako kažem.
Aha, pa fino sam ja pisla, to je i tebi fet8š. :D :kiss:

@hadzinicasa @no_sikiriki :oops:

#27881 Re: Danasnji "feminizam"

Posted: 25/06/2022 16:09
by no_sikiriki
KraljicaIzJajca wrote: 25/06/2022 16:08
dale cooper wrote: 24/06/2022 23:16

:lol: Nemoj je više majke ti. :mrgreen:

Ali mi je Bowie iz 70-tih (posebno ovaj period dok je boravio u Berlinu) totalno hot. :oops: Nako kažem.
Aha, pa fino sam ja pisla, to je i tebi fet8š. :D :kiss:

@hadzinicasa @no_sikiriki :oops:
Nemoj molim te, čovjek se izjasnio kao king i tako će da bude u rodnom listu. :mrgreen:

#27882 Re: Danasnji "feminizam"

Posted: 25/06/2022 16:15
by dale cooper
KraljicaIzJajca wrote: 25/06/2022 16:05
dale cooper wrote: 24/06/2022 23:03

Sad kad gledam koji su mi omiljeni muzičari dobar dio njih su smatrani za transgresivne i androgine sa svojim pojavama ili pjesmama ili i
jednim i drugim. Bowie je na slici prvog albuma obučen u haljinu, i sa prelijepom dugom kosom izgleda kao žena. Ziggy Stardust se
može komforno okarakterisati kao proto non binary karakter. Prince je isto imao feminine kvalitete, čak je neke pjesme pjevao
u ženskom karakteru i glasu. Pjesma Running Up That Hill (A Deal With God) od Kate Bush, koja ovih dana živi novi život, je također
pjesma neobičnog karaktera o ženi koja želi od Boga da zamijeni mjesto sa svojim muškarcem, da bi oboje iskusili kako se ovo drugo
osjeća u svrhu boljeg razumijevanja. Tako da meni različitost i šarenilo ljudskih identiteta i iskustava nikada nije bilo nešto što mi je odbojno.
Dragqueen je u kategoriji fetiša, a ne osobnog identiteta. :)
Pa Bowie se ne može baš opisati kao drag queen, a ni Prince ili Kate. Ali su imali određene queer i feminine kvalitete (neovisno o oblačenju).
Za Bowiea se govorilo da je imao biseksualnih iskustava.

#27883 Re: Danasnji "feminizam"

Posted: 25/06/2022 16:15
by Hakiz
Niemand wrote: 25/06/2022 14:51 Za roe v. wade rekoh da je to samo pocetak. Tada sam stavila i ovaj clanak, ovaj put cu kopirati, posto je prosli put kada sam stavila link bilo- znaci wokeness je doveo do toga da ce zabraniti abortus jer su previse woke.

July 12, 2021

Why 'wokeness' is the biggest threat to Democrats in the 2022 election

(CNN)As Democrats begin the uphill climb to hold their majorities in the House and Senate next November, politicians and party strategists are admitting that their biggest challenge comes from within: "Woke" liberals demanding adherence to policies on crime, the environment and government spending that are simply not shared by a majority of the country.

"How do Democrats win in places like North Carolina, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Florida, Arizona and Georgia?" asked former South Carolina Gov. Jim Hodges (D). "Focusing on how lives have improved since January of 2021. COVID rates are down and jobs are up. People are generally free to visit family and friends without restriction. The circus has left Washington and Biden has already cleaned up the mess. I'm not sure why Democratic candidates would stray from that message -- particularly in purple states."

Hodges' comments are reflective of a broader acknowledgment -- and concern -- that talking about things like defunding the police or the "Green New Deal" or ending the detention of people coming across our southern border illegally are a recipe for political disaster in the 2022 midterm elections.

The current concern is perhaps best reflected in an essay by Kevin Drum, a former staffer for Washington Monthly magazine. Noting that liberals have been aggressively stoking the culture wars in recent years, Drum writes:

"Despite endless hopeful invocations of 'but polls show that people like our positions,' the truth is that the Democratic Party has been pulled far enough left that even lots of non-crazy people find us just plain scary -- something that Fox News takes vigorous advantage of. From an electoral point of view, the story here is consistent: Democrats have stoked the culture wars by getting more extreme on social issues and Republicans have used this to successfully cleave away a segment of both the non-college white vote and, more recently, the non-college nonwhite vote."

While Drum has been beating the, um, drum on this issue of late, it's actually James Carville who was the first to warn Democrats that focusing on very liberal policies -- and demanding that the general public pronounce support for those issues or run the risk of being labeled "intolerant" -- is political poison for the party.

"Wokeness is a problem and everyone knows it. It's hard to talk to anybody today -- and I talk to lots of people in the Democratic Party -- who doesn't say this. But they don't want to say it out loud," Carville, who made his name helping to elect Bill Clinton president, said in an interview with Vox this spring. Asked why his party won't admit the wokeness problem, Carville responded bluntly: "Because they'll get clobbered or canceled."

There's data to back up those concerns too.

In NPR/PBS Newshour/Marist poll conducted shortly after the 2018 midterm elections, a clear majority of people (52%) said they were "against the country becoming more politically correct and upset that there are too many things people can't say anymore." Just 36% said that they were "in favor of the United States becoming more politically correct and like when people are being more sensitive in their comments about others."

A May 2021 Pew poll showed that 57% of Americans believe that "people today are too easily offended by what others say" while just 40% agreed that "people should be careful what they say to avoid offending others."

And even on specific issues, there's some sentiment that people believe the so-called "woke mob" has gone too far. In an Axios-Ipsos poll from May, 70% of Americans opposed "the 'defund the police' movement" while just 27% supported it. A May Fox News poll showed that 47% of registered voters said the Biden administration is proposing too much of an increase in government spending, while 17% said not enough, and 33% chose just about the right amount.

Now, as Drum rightly notes, there are plenty of issues where the so-called "woke" policy has significant support. More than 6 in 10 (63%), for example, in a Marist/NPR/PBS NewsHour poll from 2019, said the country needs a green new deal to help address climate change. But as CNN polling and election analytics editor Ariel Edwards-Levy rightly notes, most people don't really know what is in the klix Green New Deal. So, the support for it is rightly read as general support for addressing climate change rather than backing any specific policies laid out in the Green New Deal.

Then there's the political reality of all of this. Campaign politics tend to strip the nuance off issues, paring them back to the sort of lowest common denominator stuff that motivates people to vote (or, in some cases, not to vote.)

And it is on that front where the woke crowd truly endangers Democrats at the ballot box. Although the election is more than a year away, Republicans -- led by former President Donald Trump -- are already making clear that they intend to make it a referendum not as much on President Joe Biden and his policies but rather on political correctness, wokeness and "cancel culture."

"We stand up to political correctness, and we reject the intolerance of left wing cancel culture," Trump said in a speech over the weekend to the Conservative Political Action Conference in Dallas. At another point in the address, he pledged: "We will stop left wing cancel culture. We will restore free speech and fair elections, and we will make America great again. It's very simple. Very simple."

And predictably, Republican leaders have followed Trump's lead. Following Major League Baseball's decision to move this year's All-Star Game out of Georgia after the state passed a restrictive voting bill, House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy said this: "The movement in this country about wokeness has got to stop."

Of the All-Star Game decision, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell was even more blunt: "From election law to environmentalism to radical social agendas to the Second Amendment, parts of the private sector keep dabbling in behaving like a woke parallel government. Corporations will invite serious consequences if they become a vehicle for far-left mobs to hijack our country from outside the constitutional order."

There's no secret, then, about the ground on which Republicans want to fight the coming election. And Democrats, worried about alienating their liberal left base, are playing right into the GOP's hands.

"If we learned anything from 2020, it was that growth with suburban voters -- many former Republicans -- carried Biden across the finish line," said Hodges, the former South Carolina governor. "And these same voters will make the difference in competitive swing state elections. They want to hear how candidates will make their lives better; stray from that message and we risk Mitch McConnell becoming majority leader again." ... index.html
Kada woke demokrate pocnu pricati o zescim glupostima, poput defund the police, kada se podrzava cancel culture, oni ljudi kojima je to teski nonsense ce ili ne glasati nikako ili glasati za republikance.

Nista strasno? 'ta ce oni? Ionako nemaju mozga, white trash?

Well, eto gledajte kako nemaju mozga i 'ta ce oni.

#27884 Re: Danasnji "feminizam"

Posted: 25/06/2022 16:19
by no_sikiriki
dale cooper wrote: 25/06/2022 16:15
KraljicaIzJajca wrote: 25/06/2022 16:05

Dragqueen je u kategoriji fetiša, a ne osobnog identiteta. :)
Pa Bowie se ne može baš opisati kao drag queen, a ni Prince ili Kate. Ali su imali određene queer i feminine kvalitete (neovisno o oblačenju).
Za Bowiea se govorilo da je imao biseksualnih iskustava.
On je meni čudan po tom pitanju, davno nekad sam kontala da je gay, ali je bio oženjen. I onda se sjećam da sam čitala da je nekad i rekao za sebe da je gay i bi, ali da je onda kasnije rekao da zapravo nije, nego hetero. Confused/ing. :mrgreen:

#27885 Re: Danasnji "feminizam"

Posted: 25/06/2022 16:23
by medvjed23
Do you like klix or boys
It's confusing these days

#27886 Re: Danasnji "feminizam"

Posted: 25/06/2022 16:24
by dale cooper
medvjed23 wrote: 25/06/2022 16:23 Do you like klix or boys
It's confusing these days

When you're a boy
Other boys check you out

#27887 Re: Danasnji "feminizam"

Posted: 25/06/2022 17:32
by piupiu
Kad vidim ovo u 2022., razmišljam kako su napredni bili naši nepismeni partizani koji podijeliše ženama prava k'o ruku u remiju, onakvi nikakvi, haman tek ispuzali iz feudalizma - i - bum - pravo glasa, transformacija porodice, obavezno školovanje, ustavno pravo na abortus...


#27888 Re: Danasnji "feminizam"

Posted: 25/06/2022 17:37
by piupiu
no_sikiriki wrote: 25/06/2022 16:19
dale cooper wrote: 25/06/2022 16:15

Pa Bowie se ne može baš opisati kao drag queen, a ni Prince ili Kate. Ali su imali određene queer i feminine kvalitete (neovisno o oblačenju).
Za Bowiea se govorilo da je imao biseksualnih iskustava.
On je meni čudan po tom pitanju, davno nekad sam kontala da je gay, ali je bio oženjen. I onda se sjećam da sam čitala da je nekad i rekao za sebe da je gay i bi, ali da je onda kasnije rekao da zapravo nije, nego hetero. Confused/ing. :mrgreen:
70.-e. Seksualna revolucija, ofo, ono. jest' njima bilo dobro... ... ant-by-it/

#27889 Re: Danasnji "feminizam"

Posted: 25/06/2022 17:43
by Bloo
piupiu wrote: 25/06/2022 17:32 Kad vidim ovo u 2022., razmišljam kako su napredni bili naši nepismeni partizani koji podijeliše ženama prava k'o ruku u remiju, onakvi nikakvi, haman tek ispuzali iz feudalizma - i - bum - pravo glasa, transformacija porodice, obavezno školovanje, ustavno pravo na abortus...
Zato što bi ih partizanke namlatile... :mrgreen:
Ali to je lijepo..."daju" ti prava nakon što se pokažeš u ratu. :D S obzirom na procenat nepismenih (ali bukvalno nepismenih) žena u današnjoj BiH, čini mi se da se vraćamo u feudalizam.
Možda će opet kakav građanski rat u USA.

#27890 Re: Danasnji "feminizam"

Posted: 25/06/2022 17:50
by no_sikiriki
piupiu wrote: 25/06/2022 17:37
no_sikiriki wrote: 25/06/2022 16:19

On je meni čudan po tom pitanju, davno nekad sam kontala da je gay, ali je bio oženjen. I onda se sjećam da sam čitala da je nekad i rekao za sebe da je gay i bi, ali da je onda kasnije rekao da zapravo nije, nego hetero. Confused/ing. :mrgreen:
70.-e. Seksualna revolucija, ofo, ono. jest' njima bilo dobro... ... ant-by-it/
Čitala sam danas neki članak sličan ovom, gdje stičeš predstavu da je to sve "for show", što je meni čudno da bi neko "pretendovao" da je gay ili bi, radi publike ili "cultural gaynessa"...ali ko će ga znati, nema čovjeka više, da ga ispitamo o osjećajima. :mrgreen:

#27891 Re: Danasnji "feminizam"

Posted: 25/06/2022 17:57
by Seawolf
Nevezano za temu, ali interesantno je da je od velike četvorke (Bolan / Bowie / Pop / Reed), danas živ još samo onaj za kojeg se mislilo da će ubrzo umrijeti uništen alkoholom i drogom još puno prije nego je napunio tridesetu.

#27892 Re: Danasnji "feminizam"

Posted: 25/06/2022 18:51
by Hakiz
Seawolf wrote: 25/06/2022 17:57 Nevezano za temu, ali interesantno je da je od velike četvorke (Bolan / Bowie / Pop / Reed), danas živ još samo onaj za kojeg se mislilo da će ubrzo umrijeti uništen alkoholom i drogom još puno prije nego je napunio tridesetu.
Vidiš Richardsa i znaš da droga nije zlo.

#27893 Re: Danasnji "feminizam"

Posted: 25/06/2022 19:10
by KraljicaIzJajca
dale cooper wrote: 25/06/2022 16:15
KraljicaIzJajca wrote: 25/06/2022 16:05

Dragqueen je u kategoriji fetiša, a ne osobnog identiteta. :)
Pa Bowie se ne može baš opisati kao drag queen, a ni Prince ili Kate. Ali su imali određene queer i feminine kvalitete (neovisno o oblačenju).
Za Bowiea se govorilo da je imao biseksualnih iskustava.
Dobro, ali su svi spomenuti u kategoriji drag.

#27894 Re: Danasnji "feminizam"

Posted: 25/06/2022 19:12
by KraljicaIzJajca
no_sikiriki wrote: 25/06/2022 16:09
KraljicaIzJajca wrote: 25/06/2022 16:08

Aha, pa fino sam ja pisla, to je i tebi fet8š. :D :kiss:

@hadzinicasa @no_sikiriki :oops:
Nemoj molim te, čovjek se izjasnio kao king i tako će da bude u rodnom listu. :mrgreen:
King kojem su drag fetiš. :evil:

Ubit' ce me @dale cooper :lol:

#27895 Re: Danasnji "feminizam"

Posted: 25/06/2022 19:28
by murga225883
JA sam ko dijete volio gledati Xenu i Angelinu Jolie Laru Croft a i sad volim vidjeti policajku zgodnu.
NE znam kako sam onda antifeminista ispao a uvijek su me lozile tako te zenske.

#27896 Re: Danasnji "feminizam"

Posted: 25/06/2022 19:49
by Hakiz
murga225883 wrote: 25/06/2022 19:28 JA sam ko dijete volio gledati Xenu i Angelinu Jolie Laru Croft a i sad volim vidjeti policajku zgodnu.
NE znam kako sam onda antifeminista ispao a uvijek su me lozile tako te zenske.
Fazon je u tome da i sve te heroine na kraju završe sa pravim muškarcem. Kakvog sanjaju od djetinjstva.

Na kraju sve bude kako treba.

#27897 Re: Danasnji "feminizam"

Posted: 25/06/2022 21:07
by murga225883
Hakiz wrote: 25/06/2022 19:49
murga225883 wrote: 25/06/2022 19:28 JA sam ko dijete volio gledati Xenu i Angelinu Jolie Laru Croft a i sad volim vidjeti policajku zgodnu.
NE znam kako sam onda antifeminista ispao a uvijek su me lozile tako te zenske.
Fazon je u tome da i sve te heroine na kraju završe sa pravim muškarcem. Kakvog sanjaju od djetinjstva.

Na kraju sve bude kako treba.
Misliš koji preuzima inicijativu koji je dominantan

#27898 Re: Danasnji "feminizam"

Posted: 25/06/2022 21:34
by Bloo
murga225883 wrote: 25/06/2022 19:28 JA sam ko dijete volio gledati Xenu i Angelinu Jolie Laru Croft a i sad volim vidjeti policajku zgodnu.
NE znam kako sam onda antifeminista ispao a uvijek su me lozile tako te zenske.
One sa kvadratastim sisama? :S

#27899 Re: Danasnji "feminizam"

Posted: 25/06/2022 21:38
by MarlboroGold
Xena ratnica je beton, a nije me ložila u tom smislu. Izudara Herkulesa jbt. Mašina 8-)

#27900 Re: Danasnji "feminizam"

Posted: 26/06/2022 01:51
by murga225883
Bloo wrote: 25/06/2022 21:34
murga225883 wrote: 25/06/2022 19:28 JA sam ko dijete volio gledati Xenu i Angelinu Jolie Laru Croft a i sad volim vidjeti policajku zgodnu.
NE znam kako sam onda antifeminista ispao a uvijek su me lozile tako te zenske.
One sa kvadratastim sisama? :S

Daaj ba otkud ti to da je Angelina Jolie sa kvadratastim sisama bila :mrgreen: