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#201 Re: Kako zamisljate svijet za 2000 godina ?

Posted: 03/12/2015 22:48
by apexovac
Sarajmen wrote:Image

Eko koža je l' :D
KTK Visoko :D

#202 Re: Kako zamisljate svijet za 2000 godina ?

Posted: 04/12/2015 15:34
by aurora313
Well, nekako mi sa fotke produžena lobanja za veći mozak ne ide zajedno sa repom!

#203 Re: Kako zamisljate svijet za 2000 godina ?

Posted: 06/12/2015 08:17
by Saian
UnscarD wrote:
shiljak wrote:Kao što danas imaš sliku nekog, za 2.000 godina ćeš moći napraviti simulaciju neke osobe na računaru :D

Recimo kopiraš nekog kad mu je bilo 30 godina, i on priča i ponaša se virtuelno isto kako se tad ponašao i sve što je znao :D
To ces moci za 40 godina a ne za 2000 ... barem prema ray kurtzwellu .... za 80 godina ce racunari biti toliko jaki da ce biti moguce transferisati kompletan mozak svih ljudi na svijetu koji bi na taj nacin nastavili da zive vjecno ...
Na! ... ck-bostrom
Last year, a curious nonfiction book became a Times best-seller: a dense meditation on artificial intelligence by the philosopher Nick Bostrom, who holds an appointment at Oxford. Titled “Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies,” it argues that true artificial intelligence, if it is realized, might pose a danger that exceeds every previous threat from technology—even nuclear weapons—and that if its development is not managed carefully humanity risks engineering its own extinction. Central to this concern is the prospect of an “intelligence explosion,” a speculative event in which an A.I. gains the ability to improve itself, and in short order exceeds the intellectual potential of the human brain by many orders of magnitude.
Although Bostrom did not know it, a growing number of people around the world shared his intuition that technology could cause transformative change, and they were finding one another in an online discussion group administered by an organization in California called the Extropy Institute. The term “extropy,” coined in 1967, is generally used to describe life’s capacity to reverse the spread of entropy across space and time. Extropianism is a libertarian strain of transhumanism that seeks “to direct human evolution,” hoping to eliminate disease, suffering, even death; the means might be genetic modification, or as yet un­invented nanotechnology, or perhaps dispensing with the body entirely and uploading minds into supercomputers. (As one member noted, “Immortality is mathematical, not mystical.”)
He believes that the future can be studied with the same meticulousness as the past, even if the conclusions are far less firm. “It may be highly unpredictable where a traveller will be one hour after the start of her journey, yet predictable that after five hours she will be at her destination,” he once argued. “The very long-term future of humanity may be relatively easy to predict.” He offers an example: if history were reset, the industrial revolution might occur at a different time, or in a different place, or perhaps not at all, with innovation instead occurring in increments over hundreds of years. In the short term, predicting technological achievements in the counter-history might not be possible; but after, say, a hundred thousand years it is easier to imagine that all the same inventions would have emerged.

Bostrom calls this the Technological Completion Conjecture: “If scientific- and technological-development efforts do not effectively cease, then all impor­t­­­ant basic capabilities that could be obtained through some possible technology will be obtained.” In light of this, he suspects that the farther into the future one looks the less likely it seems that life will continue as it is. He favors the far ends of possibility: humanity becomes transcendent or it perishes.

#204 Re: Kako zamisljate svijet za 2000 godina ?

Posted: 28/01/2016 20:08
by arzuhal

#205 Re: Kako zamisljate svijet za 2000 godina ?

Posted: 29/01/2016 14:02
by haos1
nesto slicno kao u filmu A.I. od stivena spilberga...

#206 Re: Kako zamisljate svijet za 2000 godina ?

Posted: 02/02/2016 12:48
by Ramzess Veliki
Ovi farmaceuti će experimentisati sa virusima i neki će im zajebat maj..imnj... pobjeći garant' i svi ćemo stoposto naj... i pocrkat i sve će se sasušiti, neće se imati šta jest' i ljudi će uglavnom postati zombiji sa čudnim žvaljama i na kraju će Mila Jovovich sve te farmaceute pobit' i ono malo insana će preživjeti na Aljasci.

#207 Re: Kako zamisljate svijet za 2000 godina ?

Posted: 23/05/2016 01:26
by lajkujMe
Sad mi je sinulo :lol: za 2000 godina, sve sto valja od ljudi, znaci pametni, inteligentni i vrijedni ljudi ce pobjeci s planete da zive na perspektivnoj koloniji gdje ima posla, perspektive i sve sto je naj naj bolje. A na zemlji ce ostati samo seljacine, neradnici i politicari :D

To jest pod uslovom da covjecanstvo pregura 21 vijek ahaha

#208 Re: Kako zamisljate svijet za 2000 godina ?

Posted: 17/08/2016 01:39
by Arminovski
Ja, Nostradamus sam optimista. Mislim da ce buducnost biti bolja. Prosli smo kroz industrijsku revoluciju i za do 100 godina dobicemo energetsku (fuzijom i cistom energijom). Trenutna informativna revolucija ce se nastaviti, kompjuteri ce da udju u zidove tako reci kao sto su usli kablovi, cijevi i kanalizacija. Borba sa globalnim zatopljavanjem ce biti teska i nepravedna. Neki ce platiti velik ceh. Narednih par stotina godina ce biti turbulentne zbog toga ali i zbog toga sto danasnji ekonomski sistemi nece moci prezivjeti. Mislim da cemo na kraju kolonizirati druge planete ali ne potpuno, poslacemo prve sonde na druge zvijezde. Ljudi ce se promijeniti, i fizicki i psihicki. Bicemo jos veci rastom, imacemo implantate kojim cemo moci zivjeti duze a i komunicirati jedni sa drugima lakse. Ta komunikacija ce biti drugacija nego ova na koju smo navikli danas. Ljudi ce se naviknuti na veliku kolicinu informacije.Uspostavicemo prvi kontakt sa vanzemaljcima. Oni ce da otkriju da smo dobar izvor masti i metana i koristice nas kao gel protiv hemoroida.

#209 Re: Kako zamisljate svijet za 2000 godina ?

Posted: 13/09/2016 18:22
by mango bob
Za 2000 godina če biti potpuno savršenstvo i savršena harmonija živih biča i prirode i društva. :thumbup: