Zenica / III Korpus A RBiH

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#1001 Re: Zenica tokom rata

Post by seln »

trocadero wrote:Не сери!
Ne jedi!
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#1003 Re: Zenica tokom rata

Post by vazi »

cujem da je neka zenicanka, Nermana Begagic, izdala finu knjigu pod nazivom "Kad ljudi utihnu" (nisam sigurna za naslov.. :) tako je nekako )

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#1004 Re: Zenica tokom rata

Post by dezurni_ucenik »

Woody wrote:Dokle je stigla istraga o ubistvu britanskog humanitarca Paul Goodalla u Zenici?

http://www.independent.co.uk/news/brito ... 03423.html

Zanimljiv tekst o tom slucaju. Svjedocenje Engleza koji je prezivio taj napad.

Asked why the attackers should pick on three men working for the British ODA, which has about 100 workers in Bosnia, Mr King said: 'I think we were just in the wrong place at the wrong time.'
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#1005 Re: Zenica / III Korpus A RBiH

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#1006 Re: Zenica / III Korpus A RBiH

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#1007 Re: Zenica / III Korpus A RBiH

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Jedan od naših ratnih ''snova'' iz Sarajeva je bio da se spojimo sa Zenicom.
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#1008 Re: Zenica / III Korpus A RBiH

Post by Nekako s proljeća »

Funeral of a teacher Zenica
A popular teacher had been killed by a random artillery shell which crashed into the town and a lot of local people turned out for the funeral.
Izvor: http://m6.i.pbase.com/o6/70/60270/1/760 ... ica006.jpg

Bicycle injury Zenica
Even during wartime kids fall off bikes and break their ankle. This young lady was in good spirits and well attended to by staff at the hospital in Zenica.
Izvor: http://m1.i.pbase.com/o6/70/60270/1/760 ... ica001.jpg
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#1009 Re: Zenica / III Korpus A RBiH

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Humanitarian aid Zenica
Life was tough in Zenica, although not impossible. The steel mill was shut down and to make sure that local people were getting enough to eat, the mill donated sacks of flour. Except by the time the flour got to the population the price was 80 DM. There was a guy in a Mercedes who was making sure the operation was running smooth. I shot a few pictures and Mr. Big sent a guy over to tell me "no photos!"
Izvor: http://m3.i.pbase.com/o6/70/60270/1/761 ... ica010.jpg

Downtown Zenica
Izvor: http://m5.i.pbase.com/o4/70/60270/1/911 ... nica02.jpg

Equal opportunity casualties
Death notices for three Muslims, two Catholics, and one Orthodox. Big artillery shells can't tell the difference.
Izvor: http://m5.i.pbase.com/o4/70/60270/1/911 ... ica001.jpg
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#1010 Re: Zenica / III Korpus A RBiH

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Wartime bounty
Switch off that big steel mill and the vegetables really grow. One guy who was cooking rakija in his driveway told me that the day the steel mill fired up his plum trees all died. He had to import plums. Now he was cooking night and day. He called his rakija "Celik," stainless steel.
Izvor: http://m2.i.pbase.com/o4/70/60270/1/911 ... ica002.jpg

Cherries, pears
Really good produce, right in the middle of a war. For hard currency or Marlboros you could fill up a Volkswagen.
Izvor : http://m5.i.pbase.com/o4/70/60270/1/911 ... ica003.jpg
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#1011 Re: Zenica / III Korpus A RBiH

Post by Nekako s proljeća »

Refugees Zenica
These Bosnian klix were part of a group of refugees which had just been run out of a Serbian area. I shot this photo because I was surprised to see a Bosnian girl dressed in this fashion.
Izvor: http://m9.i.pbase.com/o6/70/60270/1/760 ... ica007.jpg
Refugees in Zenica
A Norwegian NGO built a neat and efficient refugee center just outside Zenica. I drove up and talked to the people there. I don't have information about where these people were from.
Izvor: http://m9.i.pbase.com/o3/70/60270/1/885 ... gees01.jpg

Airplane splint Zenica
Broken bones in the conflict were put back together using these odd-looking external splints. The idea is they can be adjusted while the bone is knitting. It was quite common to see them. After I'd been back home in San Francisco for a couple of years I saw a guy walking down the street with one. I asked him what the deal was and he explained the bone needed to be stretched as it healed. So I guess they are used in the US also. This guy was wounded by a large-caliber bullet in Srebrenica and had walked out thru the woods for medical care.
Izvor: http://m8.i.pbase.com/o6/70/60270/1/760 ... ica002.jpg
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#1012 Re: Zenica / III Korpus A RBiH

Post by Nekako s proljeća »

Sept. 1992.
Expecting an attack Jajce, Bosnia
Jajce was essentially surrounded. We could hear intense fighting from time to time coming from the hills. AKs opened up as two patrols touched noses, and the sound was like paper ripping. The town finally fell two weeks later and what was left of the population made the long trek out to Travnik. Along the way many were shot dead by the Serbs.
Front line at Jajce Bosnia
I'd like to know if this guy survived. Jajce was surrounded. The only way out was a mountain road that could be driven only in the dark, with lights out. The Serbs had big machine guns that would fire on the road at the sound of a car. Every night somebody was killed making the trip out. The Serbs finally attacked the town two weeks later, and they came right up the path where this dugout was.
On the position Jajce, Bosnia
The trench in the background was new, but carved into the rock face behind the man was a shelter big enough to hold three or four soldiers. I guessed it was from WW2 but the man said it was much older. The invaders always come up the same path.
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#1013 Re: Zenica / III Korpus A RBiH

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Head wound Jajce hospital
This soldier in Jajce had been seriously wounded in the head. It was very difficult to transport the wounded out to Travnik. The only road had to be driven in the dark with lights out...and the chetniks fired at anything they could see or hear. So his situation did not look good. I asked the girl tending him if she knew him before the war. "He's my brother," she answered.
Born under fire Jajce hospital
These twin klix were born in the basement of the Jajce hospital because the upper floors were often attacked by the Serbs firing accurate BST rocket launchers. The father was several hundred meters away on the front line and he came several times to see his family that day.
Did they survive? Jajce hospital
The doctor took me aside and spoke in English so the mother would not understand. He said she was not lactating because of the stress of the war and there was no formula in Jajce. "They have absolutely no chance," he said. Somebody out there must know the tale....OK, fast forward to June 2011. Somebody from Jajce told me the klix would be graduating from high school the following Friday. And then one of them, Ajla, contacted me. So now we're Facebook friends. A happy ending to the story!
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#1014 Re: Zenica / III Korpus A RBiH

Post by prog321 »

Kad je vec prica o Jajcu, sjecam se da je Armija govorila kako je HVO pustio VRS kroz svoje linije. Ima li istine u tome ? Kako je Jajce palo kad je postojao samo jedan pravac ulaska u grad ??
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#1015 Re: Zenica / III Korpus A RBiH

Post by Nekako s proljeća »

Oct. 1992
Nikola Bilić Jajce, Bosnia
Nikola Bilić was the commander of HVO's Jajce Brigade, and the mayor of Jajce after the Croats returned in '94.
Croatian sisters in Vares, Bosnia
These women are sisters, both refugees from a village outside Vares. The woman on the right has old-fashioned tattoos which Croatian women used to get to protect them from Turkish men. The Turks were long gone when she was a young girl, but traditions can die hard. She is certainly suspicious of me, which her sister is not.
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#1016 Re: Zenica / III Korpus A RBiH

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Sept. 1992
Returning from funeral Jajce, Bosnia
Bosnian soldiers bicycle back to their positions from a funeral for an officer killed that morning. The smoke in the background comes from napalm where a JNA jet had tried to set the forest on fire. They had no luck here, but used the technique successfully in parts of Dalmatia.

Okt. 1993.
Surgery in Jajce Hospital Jajce, Bosnia
Jajce was under seige. The only way into the town was by driving a long mountain road in the dark with the lights out. The Serbs would fire at the sound of the car. You'd be crawling along in the dark and a stream of .50 cal machine gun fire, with tracers, would open up in front of you. It was like a stoplight. When the stream stopped you'd move forward...because it was about to fire right where you were stopped. You'd drive forward and see it open up behind you. Every night a car would get hit and people would die. The hospital was frequently fired at by the Serbs with recoiless rifles (BST) and sometimes mortars. Soldiers wounded in battle were brought here for surgery. The African operating is Dr. Ben, originally from Ghana. He married a Bosnian woman and stayed in Yugoslavia after finishing his medical studies. I do not know the name of the doctor on the left, who went to Vitez after Jajce fell, or the woman in white. If anybody does, please contact me. Also, I'd like to know where Dr. Ben is now. I last saw him in Split, where he felt very much a refugee.
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#1017 Re: Zenica / III Korpus A RBiH

Post by Nekako s proljeća »

Sept 1992
Waiting out the bombing Jajce, Bosnia
There were about 25 of us waiting in a basement stockroom. If the JNA jets had hit the building on the money, it would have been the end of us.
The Finnish reporter and I were in the Jajce city hall with the mayor and the military commander when the air raid siren went off. We went down to the bottom floor and took refuge in a storage room. It didn't seem very safe to me....and it turned out the target was the building we were in. Hearing that string of bombs heading your way is something to experience. But they missed.
A man with the daily ration of bread for his unit waits out a shelling. The artillery was going right over the building we were in and impacting about 200 meters away.
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#1018 Re: Zenica / III Korpus A RBiH

Post by Nekako s proljeća »

Could you spare a flashlight?
Jajce, Bosnia
This is the head physician at the hospital in Jajce, a super guy. (I'll find his name in my notes) But he had one odd habit. Every visitor who came to the hospital was asked if they could spare a flashlight. I had a nice Maglight with the Croatian crest, a gift from Maglight, and I handed it over to the doctor. When the Finn and I went back to city hall and told Nikola Bilic of HVO that we'd been to the hospital, Bilic said "Did he get your flashlight?" Apparently he had quite a collection.
Run under fire Jajce, Bosnia
When your local guy tells you "this next part we're going to be exposed to sniper fire," you know you're going to be running across a hopelessly rickety bridge or scaling a wall two meters high. In Jajce this bridge fit that description. It was probably more dangerous than the bullets. But Jajce is a really beautiful place.
Mother of a fallen soldier Jajce, Bosnia
The woman in the center is the mother of the young officer who had been killed that morning. The Franciscan friar, left, performed a brief service at the family's home, and then a handful of soldiers took the remains for burial. The burial party was kept to a minimum in case of shelling of the funeral, a common tactic.
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#1019 Re: Zenica / III Korpus A RBiH

Post by Nekako s proljeća »

Sept. 1992
Officer's funeral Jajce, Bosnia
A young officer had been killed in fighting that morning. His men buried him
Okt 1992
Franciscan Friar Jajce, Bosnia
The Jajce monastery was established by the Franciscans 800 years ago. I have not heard the whole story of what happened when Jajce fell to the chetniks. If somebody who was there, not in Australia or Canada, could fill me in, I'd appreciate it.
This Franciscan friar at the Jajce monastery asked me where I was from. I told him San Francisco and he said "Nice town, we built it."
The Franciscan mission in San Francisco is very beautiful and should not be missed if you visit the City.

Sve objavljene fotografije koje se odnose na grad Jajce iz 1992 i 1993. godine su preuzete sa sljedećeg linka:
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#1020 Re: Zenica / III Korpus A RBiH

Post by Nekako s proljeća »

Do 1994. godine i formiranja VII Korpusa A RBiH sa sjedištem u Travniku, u zoni odgovornosti III Korpusa je bilo i područje grada Travnika. Evo jedne serije fotografija iz avgusta 1993. godine.
Praying for the dead Travnik
Men from Travnik at the funeral of a refugee who died as he got off the bus. He was one of a group of refugees expelled from Doboj. The Serbs shelled the bus as people were exiting at the refugee center.
Djenaza Travnik, old cemetary
Travnik men bury a refugee killed in a shelling of the cleansed as they emerged from the buses at the Gimnazium.
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#1021 Re: Zenica / III Korpus A RBiH

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Travnik 1993.
Soldier's funeral, Travnik Travnik, Bosnia
A popular young officer had been killed and the whole town turned out for the funeral in Travnik's ancient cemetary. I was there with Jon Jones and was quite terrified. I couldn't believe the Serbs weren't going to shell the funeral, one of their favorite tactics. I think Jon Jones wanted to be in up close to shoot pictures, but I was standing back and shooting with a long lens. Having some kid stick an AK47 in your face is one thing, but standing around waiting for the big artillery shells to start dropping is another.

Cleansed Travnik Gymnasium
While the Croats and the Muslims were at each others' throats in the Lasva Valley, the Serbs pursued their own interests by pushing anybody not Serbian out of territory they controlled. Adding refugees to the problem made a volatile situation worse. A lot of the Muslims were unaware that the Croats had become their enemies when they arrived. This man and his daughter had been expelled from the area around Doboj and had just learned that they were not welcome in Travnik. How does the west explain to the Muslim world that Muslims are not being persecuted?

Refugees from Doboj Travnik Gymnasium
The line between the Serbs and the rest was just east of Travnik and refugees who had been ousted from their homes were forced over the line into Travnik. The Serb strategy was to push massive amounts of Muslims into Croatian areas just as the tensions between the two were getting serious. If I remember right this group of people had just come from the area around Doboj.
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#1022 Re: Zenica / III Korpus A RBiH

Post by Nekako s proljeća »

Smokes for prisoners Travnik, Bosnia
A Bosnian soldier I knew in Travnik asked me if I wanted to see some Croatian prisoners. They were in what I assume was the old city jail in Travnik. Even though I don't smoke I always carried cigarettes, and they were always well received. These guys, I believe, had been taken prisoner around Novi Travnik. Some of them might have been Croats from Travnik who were tossed into the slammer for good measure. Killing prisoners is an unfortunate fact of Balkan wars, so I hope these guys all got home safe and sound.
Sept 1993
Sorting out refugees at the Travnik gimnazium
Refugees pushed across the border just east of Travnik were assembled at the Gimnazium, the old high school. The Serbs were aggravating the situation in Central Bosnia, where the Croats and the Muslims were at each other's throats, by expelling large numbers of Muslims into the Croat controlled area. Then the British UNPROFOR troops had to figure out what to do with the refugees. The Serbs essentially manipulated the UN into helping them with their ethnic cleansing. This group of people had just come from the area around Doboj.
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#1023 Re: Zenica / III Korpus A RBiH

Post by Nekako s proljeća »

Avgust 1993
All set for a new life Travnik
These two kids waited at the gimnazium for a ride to who knows where. In America I've seen Bosnian refugees in terrifying ghettos and in posh ski resorts. They are certainly spread out all over the world. In Bistrica, a neighborhood in Gornji Vakuf that had just been cleansed of Croats, a Bosnian soldier about 18 approached me and asked "which way is America?" I pointed in the approximate direction. "I just figured out there's no reason to stay here any longer," he said. Then he set out in the direction I had pointed.
And now to start over Travnik
These people were probably from the Doboj region. They had just arrived in Travnik, having been pushed across the border by the Serbs, and were now waiting for the UN to find someplace to put them.
A wave goodbye Travnik
New arrivals in Travnik are loaded into trucks and hustled off to a Muslim-controlled region of Central Bosnia.
A moment of joy Travnik
New arrivals at the Travnik refugee center were happy to see friends and relatives already there. Whole villages were rounded up and pushed across the border by the Serbs.

Sve predhodne fotografije se nalaze na sljedećem linku: http://www.pbase.com/zidar/travnik
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#1024 Re: Zenica / III Korpus A RBiH

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Serija fotografija po nazivom ''The war in Central Bosnia'' nalazi se na sljedećem linku: http://www.pbase.com/zidar/rat
Home from the front line Central Bosnia
These young Bosnians were returning from putting in their time on the front line (Poculica)

In the cafe at Mahalo Vitez, Central Bosnia
Local fighters gathered in the cafe in an unfinished building in Stari Vitez, a Muslim-controlled pocket surrounded by Croatian forces. The Croats were in turn surrounded by the Bosnian Army.
Cafe life Stari Vitez
Drinking coffee and smoking cigarettes were two luxuries of the war. Woe unto the soldier who was out of both.
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#1025 Re: Zenica / III Korpus A RBiH

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Communal kitchen, Stari Vitez
Vitez, Central Bosnia
Food for soldiers on duty was prepared in this communal kitchen in Stari Vitez.
A relaxing evening Gornji Vakuf
A Muslim family in Gornji Vakuf relaxes on their front porch, out of sight of Croatian snipers. This is the part of town which was shredded by the sea mine.
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