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Optimus Prime
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#4701 Re: IRAN

Post by Optimus Prime »

alibegoa wrote:
viva_castro wrote:
Veze ti sine nemaš o Iranu.
Živio tamo godinu i po.
Riža i riža, i lijepo sam vam dao link gdje im je Indija koja im prodaje 70% riže obustavila isporuku jer ne plaćaju.
Evo još: ... 10675.html
Odlican clanak.

Znaci ide se na totalno ekonomsko unistenje Irana, bas onako kako sam predvidio.
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#4702 Re: IRAN

Post by Nebitan32 »

Nuclear Detonation Timeline "1945-1998"

Video koji vrijedi pogledati ... r_embedded
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#4703 Re: IRAN

Post by oridjidji »

jeza u ledja wrote:Momak mescini kudos je dobro napisao.

Iran zeli nuklearnu bombu ne radi rusenja Izraela, naravno, vec radi vlastite zastite. Isti je slucaj sa svim ostalim zemljama koje su izradile ili zele nuklearku. Nuklearna bomba omogucava nenapadanje i to je sve sto Iran zeli. Nuklearna bomba je opasnost za druge samo u slucaju potpune kataklizme i mogucnosti potpunog vojnog poraza ili okupacije neke zemlje.

No fazon je u tome sto to onda za Izrael i za SAD znaci - da od trenutka kada Iran nabavi bombu - mogucnost pritiska na njih izmedju ostalih prijetnjom potpunog vojnog poraza nije vise moguca. Od trenutka kada Iran nabavi bombu on ce moci raditi mnogo vise i biti mnogo agresivniji u regionu nego do sada, na isti nacin kao sto je i Izrael danas. Od trenutka kada jedna zemlja ima nuklearnu bombu, ona bez prevelike bojazni moze ispoljavati agresivnije svoju spoljnu ili ekonomsku politiku. U tome je problem! U tome je problem, kada imate zemlju koja sasvim otvoreno izrazava zelju za unistenjem druge zemlje u svom susjedstvu. U tome je problem kada u njenom okruzenju postoje i druge zemlje koje ne gledaju bas blagonaklono na Iran (tipa Saudijska Arabija) i zalivske zemlje.

Da to nije tako, odnosno da rezim u Iranu nije neprijateljski raspolozen prema drugima (a jeste, od samog svoga nastanka), prica o nuklearnom oruzju i njegovoj opasnosti u ovoj zemlji ne bi ni postojala!
Nebih se baš složio da je sve onako kako mislis, pa Pakistan ima bombu, pa im američki avioni redovno sravne par sela sa zemljom u blizini afganistansko-pakistanske granice :)

Iran da je prijetnja i da je sumnjiv Amerikanci bi već odavno podigli svoje lovce i priredili isto sranje. Izraelu je bitno da sačuva poziciju sile na geopolitičkom planu na Bliskom istoku i zato i ima zategnute odnose sa Turskom, a i sa Iranom jer oni rastu i sve više se upliču u prilike na Bliskom istoku. Iran je pokazao da može destabilizovati Izrael i to da nemoraju da ga napadnu. Odavno oni sponzorišu Hezbollah tj. šiitski ogranak u Libanonu, koji je uspio ostati neporažen u zadnjem izraelsko-libanonskom sukobu, zbog čega je nekoliko generala izraelske armije moralo podnjeti ostavku.Iran je miroljubiva zemlja, veoma bogata prirodnim resursima, koja vlada sama sobom i štiti svoje interese i s toga je meta Amerike.

A sto se tice Saudijske Arabije, pa njeno prvo je ime bilo Britanska kraljevina Saudijska Arabija i danas su samo produžena ruka Londona i Washingtona na bliskom istoku, tako da njihovo mišljenje o Iranu je u saglasnosti sa britanskim i američkim stavom... Pa oni se nisu bunili ni desetogodisnjim sankcijama Iraku, a da negovorimo kakav je njihov mačehinski odnos prema mnogim zemljama u tome regionu, da negovorimo kakav je njihov odnos u prošlosti bio prema Palestini...
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#4704 Re: IRAN

Post by bogoljub »

Mahmud Ahmedinežad, predsjednik Irana je povodom Dana kosmičke tehnologije posjetio izložbu dostignuća kosmičke industrije Irana.

Na ovoj izložbi industrijski univerziteti Irana su predstavili posljednja dostignuća i ostvarenja u kosmičkoj industriji. Na izložbi Ministarstvo odbrane Irana je predstavilo razvojne projekte za proizvodnju satalita.

Ma nemoguće, kako kad nemaju riže da jedu , hahahahahahahah!
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#4705 Re: IRAN

Post by vodoprovodčik »

bogoljub wrote:Mahmud Ahmedinežad, predsjednik Irana je povodom Dana kosmičke tehnologije posjetio izložbu dostignuća kosmičke industrije Irana.

Na ovoj izložbi industrijski univerziteti Irana su predstavili posljednja dostignuća i ostvarenja u kosmičkoj industriji. Na izložbi Ministarstvo odbrane Irana je predstavilo razvojne projekte za proizvodnju satalita.

Ma nemoguće, kako kad nemaju riže da jedu , hahahahahahahah!
Pa i Staljin je industrijaliziro zemlju dok su milioni ljudi, pogotovo u Ukrajni skapavali od gladi. Mao Ce Tung je odgovoran za smrt preko 30 mil. Kineza jer je izvozio žitarice da bi mogao izvršiti industralizaciju. Nemoj da si naivan.
da se razumijemo, marksist sam
Last edited by vodoprovodčik on 09/02/2012 18:36, edited 1 time in total.
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#4706 Re: IRAN

Post by alibegoa »

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#4707 Re: IRAN

Post by kratak_spoj »

@"jeza u ledja"

Ako tako glasa vecina, ne glasaju svi.
dakle većina su radikalni ekstremni fašisti koji biraju fašističku vladu koja je ubila 400 djece u Gazi 2008-2009 godine..jasno ko dan... :thumbup:

Drugo, ne zive svi jevreji u Izraelu
naravno da ne žive, veliki borj ih je po Europi i USA gdje tamo svojim mafijaško-banditskim lobijima preko svojih poslušnika u tamošnjim vladama čine sve da ovako bude Palestincima u Svetoj Zemlji..
, dakle na izborima tamo ne glasaju jevreji vec Izraelci. Razlika - drasticna!
razlika je baš drastična.. :-)

nakon što su protjerali milione Arapa iz Svete Zemlje, naselili jevreje iz cijelog svijeta, i što su ti izraelci danas drugo nego jevreji !? čuj izraelci :-)
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#4708 Re: IRAN

Post by kratak_spoj »

vodoprovodčik wrote:
bogoljub wrote:Mahmud Ahmedinežad, predsjednik Irana je povodom Dana kosmičke tehnologije posjetio izložbu dostignuća kosmičke industrije Irana.

Na ovoj izložbi industrijski univerziteti Irana su predstavili posljednja dostignuća i ostvarenja u kosmičkoj industriji. Na izložbi Ministarstvo odbrane Irana je predstavilo razvojne projekte za proizvodnju satalita.

Ma nemoguće, kako kad nemaju riže da jedu , hahahahahahahah!
Pa i Staljin je industrijaliziro zemlju dok su milioni ljudi, pogotovo u Ukrajni skapavali od gladi. Mao Ce Tung je odgovoran za smrt preko 30 mil. Kineza jer je izvozio žitarice da bi mogao izvršiti industralizaciju. Nemoj da si naivan.
da se razumijemo, marksist sam
ili u USA, kurče se i busaju u prsa a 40 miliona ljudi im nema zdravstveno osiguranje... :lol:
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#4709 Re: IRAN

Post by irvinx1 »

Pucice iranska zlocinacka vlast iznutra. Ista ona vlast koja zabranjuje umjetnost ko Staljin iz najogoreg perioda.

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#4710 Re: IRAN

Post by ravno »

ma nije lose nekad i malo izanalizirati te navode......zao mi je sto nemam prevod, hajde ,vecina raje konta...

Does Iran's President Want Israel Wiped Off The Map - Does He Deny The Holocaust?

An analysis of media rhetoric on its way to war against Iran - Commenting on the alleged statements of Iran's President Ahmadinejad .

By Anneliese Fikentscher and Andreas Neumann
Translation to English: Erik Appleby

04/19/06 "Kein Krieg!" -- -- - "But now that I'm on Iran, the threat to Iran, of course -- (applause) -- the threat from Iran is, of course, their stated objective to destroy our strong ally Israel. That's a threat, a serious threat. It's a threat to world peace; it's a threat, in essence, to a strong alliance. I made it clear, I'll make it clear again, that we will use military might to protect our ally, Israel, and -- (applause.)" George W. Bush, US-President, 2006-03-20 in Cleveland (Ohio) in an off-the-cuff speech (source: But why does Bush speak of Iran's objective to destroy Israel?

Does Iran's President wants Israel wiped off the map?

To raze Israel to the ground, to batter down, to destroy, to annihilate, to liquidate, to erase Israel, to wipe it off the map - this is what Iran's President demanded - at least this is what we read about or heard of at the end of October 2005. Spreading the news was very effective. This is a declaration of war they said. Obviously government and media were at one with their indignation. It goes around the world.

But let's take a closer look at what Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said. It is a merit of the 'New York Times' that they placed the complete speech at our disposal. Here's an excerpt from the publication dated 2005-10-30:

"They say it is not possible to have a world without the United States and Zionism. But you know that this is a possible goal and slogan. Let's take a step back. [[[We had a hostile regime in this country which was undemocratic, armed to the teeth and, with SAVAK, its security apparatus of SAVAK [the intelligence bureau of the Shah of Iran's government] watched everyone. An environment of terror existed.]]] When our dear Imam [Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the founder of the Iranian revolution] said that the regime must be removed, many of those who claimed to be politically well-informed said it was not possible. All the corrupt governments were in support of the regime when Imam Khomeini started his movement. [[[All the Western and Eastern countries supported the regime even after the massacre of September 7 [1978] ]]] and said the removal of the regime was not possible. But our people resisted and it is 27 years now that we have survived without a regime dependent on the United States. The tyranny of the East and the West over the world should have to end, but weak people who can see only what lies in front of them cannot believe this. Who would believe that one day we could witness the collapse of the Eastern Empire? But we could watch its fall in our lifetime. And it collapsed in a way that we have to refer to libraries because no trace of it is left.
Imam [Khomeini] said Saddam must go and he said he would grow weaker than anyone could imagine. Now you see the man who spoke with such arrogance ten years ago that one would have thought he was immortal, is being tried in his own country in handcuffs and shackles [[[by those who he believed supported him and with whose backing he committed his crimes]]]. Our dear Imam said that the occupying regime must be wiped off the map and this was a very wise statement. We cannot compromise over the issue of Palestine. Is it possible to create a new front in the heart of an old front. This would be a defeat and whoever accepts the legitimacy of this regime [Israel] has in fact, signed the defeat of the Islamic world. Our dear Imam targeted the heart of the world oppressor in his struggle, meaning the occupying regime. I have no doubt that the new wave that has started in Palestine, and we witness it in the Islamic world too, will eliminate this disgraceful stain from the Islamic world."
(source:, based on a publication of 'Iranian Students News Agency' (ISNA) -- insertions by the New York Times in squared brackets -- passages in triple squared brackets will be left blank in the MEMRI version printed below)

It's becoming clear. The statements of the Iranian President have been reflected by the media in a manipulated way. Iran's President betokens the removal of the regimes, that are in power in Israel and in the USA, to be possible aim for the future. This is correct. But he never demands the elimination or annihilation of Israel. He reveals that changes are potential. The Shah-Regime being supported by the USA in its own country has been vanquished. The eastern governance of the Soviet Union collapsed. Saddam Hussein's dominion drew to a close. Referring to this he voices his aspiration that changes will also be feasible in Israel respectively in Palestine. He adduces Ayatollah Khomeini referring to the Shah-Regime who in this context said that the regime (meaning the Shah-Regime) should be removed.

Certainly, Ahmadinejad translates this quotation about a change of regime into the occupied Palestine. This has to be legitimate. To long for modified political conditions in a country is a world-wide day-to-day business by all means. But to commute a demand for removal of a 'regime' into a demand for removal of a state is serious deception and dangerous demagogy.

This is one chapter of the war against Iran that has already begun with the words of Georg Meggle, professor of philosophy at the university of Leipzig - namely with the probably most important phase, the phase of propaganda.

Marginally we want to mention that it was the former US Vice-Minister of Defence and current President of the World Bank, Paul D. Wolfowitz, who in Sept. 2001 talked about ending states in public and without any kind of awe. And it was the father of George W. Bush who started the discussion about a winnable nuclear war if only the survival of an elite is assured.

Let's pick an example: the German online-news-magazine writes the following about Iran's president on 2005-10-27: "There is no doubt: the new wave of assaults in Palestine will erase the stigma in countenance of the Islamic world." Instead of using the original word 'wave' they write 'wave of assaults'. This replacement of the original text is what we call disinformation. E.g. it would be correct to say: "The new movement in Palestine will erase the stain of disgrace from the Islamic world." Additionally this statement refers to the occupation regime mentioned in the previous sentence.

As a precaution we will examine a different translation of the speech - a version prepared by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), located in Washington:

"They [ask]: 'Is it possible for us to witness a world without America and Zionism?' But you had best know that this slogan and this goal are attainable, and surely can be achieved. [[[...]]] "'When the dear Imam [Khomeini] said that [the Shah's] regime must go, and that we demand a world without dependent governments, many people who claimed to have political and other knowledge [asked], 'Is it possible [that the Shah's regime can be toppled]?' That day, when Imam [Khomeini] began his movement, all the powers supported [the Shah's] corrupt regime [[[...]]] and said it was not possible. However, our nation stood firm, and by now we have, for 27 years, been living without a government dependent on America. Imam [Khomeni] said: 'The rule of the East [U.S.S.R.] and of the West [U.S.] should be ended.' But the weak people who saw only the klix world near them did not believe it. Nobody believed that we would one day witness the collapse of the Eastern Imperialism [i.e. the U.S.S.R], and said it was an iron regime. But in our short lifetime we have witnessed how this regime collapsed in such a way that we must look for it in libraries, and we can find no literature about it. Imam [Khomeini] said that Saddam [Hussein] must go, and that he would be humiliated in a way that was unprecedented. And what do you see today? A man who, 10 years ago, spoke as proudly as if he would live for eternity is today chained by the feet, and is now being tried in his own country [[[...]]] Imam [Khomeini] said: 'This regime that is occupying Qods [Jerusalem] must be eliminated from the pages of history.' This sentence is very wise. The issue of Palestine is not an issue on which we can compromise. Is it possible that an [Islamic] front allows another front [i.e. country] to arise in its [own] heart? This means defeat, and he who accepts the existence of this regime [i.e. Israel] in fact signs the defeat of the Islamic world. In his battle against the World of Arrogance, our dear Imam [Khomeini] set the regime occupying Qods [Jerusalem] as the target of his fight. I do not doubt that the new wave which has begun in our dear Palestine and which today we are also witnessing in the Islamic world is a wave of morality which has spread all over the Islamic world. Very soon, this stain of disgrace [i.e. Israel] will vanish from the center of the Islamic world - and this is attainable."

(source:, based on the publication of 'Iranian Students News Agency' (ISNA) -- insertions by MEMRI in squared brackets -- missing passages compared to the 'New York Times' in triple squared brackets)

The term 'map' to which the media refer at length does not even appear. Whereas the 'New York Times' said: "Our dear Imam said that the occupying regime must be wiped off the map" the version by MEMRI is: "Imam [Khomeini] said: This regime that is occupying Qods [Jerusalem] must be eliminated from the pages of history."

MEMRI added the following prefixed formulation to their translation as a kind of title: "Very Soon, This Stain of Disgrace [i.e. Israel] Will Be Purged From the Center of the Islamic World - and This is Attainable". Thereby they take it out of context by using the insertion 'i.e. Israel' they distort the meaning on purpose. The temporal tapering 'very soon' does not appear in the NY-Times-translation either. Besides it is striking that MEMRI deleted all passages in their translation which characterize the US-supported Shah-Regime as a regime of terror and at the same time show the true character of US-American policy.

An independent translation of the original (like the version published by ISNA) yields that Ahmadinejad does not use the term 'map'. He quotes Ayatollah Khomeini's assertion that the occupation regime must vanish from this world - literally translated: from the arena of times. Correspondingly: there is no space for an occupation regime in this world respectively in this time. The formulation 'wipe off the map' used by the 'New York Times' is a very free and aggravating interpretation which is equivalent to 'razing something to the ground' or 'annihilating something'. The downwelling translation, first into English ('wipe off the map'), then from English to German - and all literally ('von der Landkarte löschen') - makes us stride away from the original more and more. The perfidious thing about this translation is that the expression 'map' can only be used in one (intentional) way: a state can be removed from a map but not a regime, about which Ahmadinejad is actually speaking.

Again following the independent translation: "I have no doubt that the new movement taking place in our dear Palestine is a spiritual movement which is spanning the entire Islamic world and which will soon remove this stain of disgrace from the Islamic world".

It must be allowed to ask how it is possible that 'spirtual movement' resp. 'wave of morality' (as translated by MEMRI) and 'wave of assaults' can be equated and translated (like e.g published it).

Does Iran's President deny the Holocaust?

"The German government condemned the repetitive offending anti-Israel statements by Ahmadinejad to be shocking. Such behaviour is not tolerable, Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier stated. [...] Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel proclaimed Ahmadinejad's statements to be 'inconceivable'" (published by 2005-12-14.

But not only the German Foreign Minister Steinmeier and the Federal Chancellor Merkel allege this, but the Bild-Zeitung,, parts of the peace movement, US-President George W. Bush, the 'Papers for German and international politics', CNN, the Heinrich-Böll-Foundation, almost the entire world does so, too: Iran's President Ahmadinejad denies the Holocaust.

What is this assertion based on? In substance it is based on dispatches of 2 days - 2005-12-14 and 2006-02-11.

"The Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has stepped up his verbal attacks against Israel and the Western states and has denied the Holocaust. Instead of making Israel's attacks against Palestine a subject of discussion 'the Western states devote their energy to the fairy-tale of the massacre against the Jews', Ahmadinejad said on Wednesday in a speech at Zahedan in the south-east of Iran which was broadcasted directly by the news-channel Khabar. That day he stated that if the Western states really believe in the assassination of six million Jews in W.W. II they should put a piece of land in Europe, in the USA, Canada or Alaska at Israel's disposal." - dispatch of the German press agency DPA, 2005-12-14.

The German TV-station n24 spreads the following on 2006-12-14 using the title 'Iran's President calls the Holocaust a myth': "The Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has stepped up his verbal attacks against Israel and called the Holocaust a 'myth' used as a pretext by the Europeans to found a Jewish state in the center of the Islamic world . 'In the name of the Holocaust they have created a myth and regard it to be worthier than God, religion and the prophets' the Iranian head of state said."

The Iranian press agency IRNA renders Ahmadinejad on 2005-12-14 as follows: "'If the Europeans are telling the truth in their claim that they have killed six million Jews in the Holocaust during the World War II - which seems they are right in their claim because they insist on it and arrest and imprison those who oppose it, why the Palestinian nation should pay for the crime. Why have they come to the very heart of the Islamic world and are committing crimes against the dear Palestine using their bombs, rockets, missiles and sanctions.' [...] 'If you have committed the crimes so give a piece of your land somewhere in Europe or America and Canada or Alaska to them to set up their own state there.' [...] Ahmadinejad said some have created a myth on holocaust and hold it even higher than the very belief in religion and prophets [...] The president further said, 'If your civilization consists of aggression, displacing the oppressed nations, suppressing justice-seeking voices and spreading injustice and poverty for the majority of people on the earth, then we say it out loud that we despise your hollow civilization.'"

There again we find the quotation already rendered by n24: "In the name of the Holocaust they created a myth." We can see that this is completely different from what is published by e.g. the DPA - the massacre against the Jews is a fairy-tale. What Ahmadinejad does is not denying the Holocaust. No! It is dealing out criticism against the mendacity of the imperialistic powers who use the Holocaust to muzzle critical voices and to achieve advantages concerning the legitimization of a planned war. This is criticism against the exploitation of the Holocaust.

CNN (2005-12-15) renders as follows: "If you have burned the Jews why don't you give a piece of Europe, the United States, Canada or Alaska to Israel. Our question is, if you have committed this huge crime, why should the innocent nation of Palestine pay for this crime?"

The Washingtonian ''Middle East Media Research Institute' (MEMRI) renders Ahmadinejad's statements from 2005-12-14 as follows: "...we ask you: if you indeed committed this great crime, why should the oppressed people of Palestine be punished for it? * [...] If you committed a crime, you yourselves should pay for it. Our offer was and remains as follows: If you committed a crime, it is only appropriate that you place a piece of your land at their disposal - a piece of Europe, of America, of Canada, or of Alaska - so they can establish their own state. Rest assured that if you do so, the Iranian people will voice no objection."

The MEMRI-rendering uses the relieving translation 'great crime' and misappropriates the following sentence at the * marked passage: "Why have they come to the very heart of the Islamic world and are committing crimes against the dear Palestine using their bombs, rockets, missiles and sanctions." This sentence has obviously been left out deliberately because it would intimate why the Israeli state could have forfeited the right to establish itself in Palestine - videlicet because of its aggressive expansionist policy against the people of Palestine, ignoring any law of nations and disobeying all UN-resolutions.

In spite of the variability referring to the rendering of the statements of Iran's President we should nevertheless note down: the reproach of denying the Holocaust cannot be sustained if Ahmadinejad speaks of a great and huge crime that has been done to the Jews.

In another IRNA-dispatch (2005-12-14) the Arabian author Ghazi Abu Daqa writes about Ahmadinejad: "The Iranian president has nothing against the followers of Judaism [...] Ahmadinejad is against Zionism as well as its expansionist and occupying policy. That is why he managed to declare to the world with courage that there is no place for the Zionist regime in the world civilized community."

It's no wonder that such opinions do not go down particularly well with the ideas of the centers of power in the Western world. But for this reason they are not wrong right away. Dealing out criticism against the aggressive policy of the Western world, to which Israel belongs as well, is not yet anti-Semitism. We should at least to give audience to this kind of criticism - even if it is a problematic field for us.

2006-02-11 Ahmadinejad said according to IRNA: "[...] the real holocaust should be sought in Palestine, where the blood of the oppressed nation is shed every day and Iraq, where the defenceless Muslim people are killed daily. [...] 'Some western governments, in particular the US, approve of the sacrilege on the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), while denial of the >Myth of Holocaust<, based on which the Zionists have been exerting pressure upon other countries for the past 60 years and kill the innocent Palestinians, is considered as a crime' [...]"

The assertion that Ahmadinejad denies the Holocaust thus is wrong in more than one aspect. He does not deny the Holocaust, but speaks of denial itself. And he does not speak of denial of the Holocaust, but of denial of the Myth of Holocaust. This is something totally different. All in all he speaks of the exploitation of the Holocaust. The Myth of Holocaust, like it is made a subject of discussion by Ahmadinejad, is a myth that has been built up in conjunction with the Holocaust to - as he says - put pressure onto somebody. We might follow this train of thoughts or we might not. But we cannot equalize his thoughts with denial of the Holocaust.

If Ahmadinejad according to this 2006-02-11 condemns the fact that it is forbidden and treated as a crime to do research into the Myth of Holocaust, as we find it quoted in the MEMRI translation, this acquires a meaning much different from the common and wide-spread one. If the myth related to the Holocaust is commuted to a 'Fairy Tale of the Massacre' - like the DPA did - this can only be understood as a malicious misinterpretation.

By the use of misrepresentation and adulteration it apparently succeeded to constitute the statements of the Iranian President to be part and parcel of the currently fought propaganda battle. It is our responsibility to counter this.


A dispatch by Reuters confirms 2006-02-21: "The Iranian Foreign Minister Manuchehr Mottaki has [...] repudiated that his state would want the Jewish state Israel 'wiped off the map'. [...] Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad had been misunderstood. 'Nobody can erase a country from the map.' Ahmadinejad was not thinking of the state of Israel but of their regime [...]. 'We do not accredit this regime to be legitimate.' [...] Mottaki also accepted that the Holocaust really took place in a way that six million Jews were murdered during the era of National Socialism."

The next step is to connect the Iranian President with Hitler. 2006-02-20 the Chairman of the Counsil of Jews in France (Crif) says in Paris: "The Iranian President's assertions do not rank behind Hitler's 'Mein Kampf'". Paul Spiegel, President of the Central Counsil of Jews in Germany, 2005-12-10 in the 'Welt' qualifies the statements of Ahmadinejad to be "the worst comment on this subject that he has ever heard of a statesman since A. Hitler". At the White House the Iranian President is even named Hitler. And the German Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel as well moves over Iran's President towards Hitler and National Socialism by saying 2006-02-04 in Munich: "Already in the early 1930's many people said that it is only rhetoric. One could have prevented a lot in time if one had acted... Germany is in the debt to resist the incipiencies and to do anything to make clear where the limit of tolerance is. Iran remains in control of the situation, it is still in their hands."

All this indicates war. Slobodan Milosevic became Hitler. The result was the war of the Nato against Yugoslavia. Saddam Hussein became Hitler. What followed was the war the USA and their coalition of compliant partners waged against Iraq. Now the Iranian President becomes Hitler.

And someone who is Hitler-like can assure a hundred times that he only wants to use nuclear energy in a peaceful way. Nobody will believe him. Somebody like Hitler can act within the scope of all contracts. Acting contrary to contract will nevertheless be imputed to him. "Virtually none of the Western states recognize that uranium enrichment is absolutely legal. There is no restriction by contract or by the law of nations. Quite the contrary: Actually the Western countries would have the duty to assist Iran with these activities, according to the Non-Proliferation Treaty. As long as a state renounces the bomb it is eligible for technical support by the nuclear powers." (Jörg Pfuhl, ARD radio studio Istanbul 2006-01-11) But - all this does not count if the Head of a state is stigmatized as Hitler.
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#4711 Re: IRAN

Post by Bitte_Halt_ja_ja »

izgleda da sve negativne informacije o iranu su ustvari medijska propaganda zapada. Cnn, BBc i sva ta cionisticka gamad. Da mi je znati odakle vi crpite te objektivne informacije o iranu. Svi bili u iranu, ispitivali javno mijenje ljudi, provjeravali nuklearna istrazivanja i znaju da nece praviti a-bombu. Iran cvijeta, ljudi po ulicama slave (pa ih malo pretuku) ali nema veze. Niko nije nevin, pa izgleda ni djeca. Objese tu i tamo nekoga, iz ludjackih razloga ali to je ok sve dok i izrael ubija, ubistva u iranu su sasvim opravdana.
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#4712 Re: IRAN

Post by irvinx1 »

Bitte_Halt_ja_ja wrote:izgleda da sve negativne informacije o iranu su ustvari medijska propaganda zapada. Cnn, BBc i sva ta cionisticka gamad. Da mi je znati odakle vi crpite te objektivne informacije o iranu. Svi bili u iranu, ispitivali javno mijenje ljudi, provjeravali nuklearna istrazivanja i znaju da nece praviti a-bombu. Iran cvijeta, ljudi po ulicama slave (pa ih malo pretuku) ali nema veze. Niko nije nevin, pa izgleda ni djeca. Objese tu i tamo nekoga, iz ludjackih razloga ali to je ok sve dok i izrael ubija, ubistva u iranu su sasvim opravdana.
Ljudi samo razmisljaju svojom glavom :D
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#4713 Re: IRAN

Post by vodoprovodčik »

kratak_spoj wrote:
vodoprovodčik wrote:
bogoljub wrote:Mahmud Ahmedinežad, predsjednik Irana je povodom Dana kosmičke tehnologije posjetio izložbu dostignuća kosmičke industrije Irana.

Na ovoj izložbi industrijski univerziteti Irana su predstavili posljednja dostignuća i ostvarenja u kosmičkoj industriji. Na izložbi Ministarstvo odbrane Irana je predstavilo razvojne projekte za proizvodnju satalita.

Ma nemoguće, kako kad nemaju riže da jedu , hahahahahahahah!
Pa i Staljin je industrijaliziro zemlju dok su milioni ljudi, pogotovo u Ukrajni skapavali od gladi. Mao Ce Tung je odgovoran za smrt preko 30 mil. Kineza jer je izvozio žitarice da bi mogao izvršiti industralizaciju. Nemoj da si naivan.
da se razumijemo, marksist sam
ili u USA, kurče se i busaju u prsa a 40 miliona ljudi im nema zdravstveno osiguranje... :lol:
Pa naravno, ali kakve veze to ima s ovim? Jesam li ja rekao da je USA politički i ekonomski korektna? Sve o Iranu gledate kroz prizmu USA politike, doduše stvari su povezane, ali ako navedeš neki podatak o USA, nimalo ne ublažavaš iransku stvarnost.
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#4714 Re: IRAN

Post by viva_castro »

jeza u ledja wrote:
kratak_spoj wrote:
jeza u ledja wrote:@ Haznadar

Nije da se puno razilazimo u misljenjima, ali moj odgovor na sve to NIJE da se ukida Izrael. Tamo imas demokratski izabranu vlast koja sprovodi fasisticku politiku. Veliki razlog tomu je glasacko tijelo koje se iznova obnavlja novim ostascenim "navijacima" .
ah na osnovu toga neko zlonamjeran bi mogao pomisliti onda kako su današnji jevreji koji su se sljegli sa svih strana svijeta u Svetu Zemlju genocidan i vrlo fašistoidan narod ! :cry:

šta reći, koju posluku porati ? :D jesu li jevreji genocidni ili samo imaju fašistički režim i koji zapravo oni izabiraju demokratskim izborima a na koji svijet gleda blagonaklono !? :-)
Neko zlonamjeran, npr. ti?

Ako tako glasa vecina, ne glasaju svi. Dakle, ne mozes sve jevreje nazivati "fastoidnim". Drugo, ne zive svi jevreji u Izraelu, dakle na izborima tamo ne glasaju jevreji vec Izraelci. Razlika - drasticna!

A kada vec govoris o tome kako su "sljegli" sa svih strana, na to sam aludirao iznad. Problem u Izraelu u zadnjih 10-15 godina su upravo novi doseljenici, mahom iz bivseg SSSRa, koji su glavna glasacka baza danasnjim radikalima, a ima ih toliko da je ruski jezik maltene postao drugi zvanicni jezik u zemlji.
Svaka cast za post. Nikada se ne smije uci u zamku poopcavanja. Cionisti su jevrejski fašisti ali nisu svi Jevreji fašisti.
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#4715 Re: IRAN

Post by kiky »

iran ima svoju kulturu i svoj specifičan model društvenog uređenja ...
isto kao i ostatak tog dijela svijeta ...
perverzno je montirat njima demokratije zapadnog modela ...
nešto takvo imamo u iraku, libiji, egiptu pa nema teorije da profunkcioniše ...
nije neka nacija kriva ako nema zapadni sistem državnog uređenja, a to zapad implicitno protura kroz svoje medijske pamflete ....
elem ...
iran samo reba ostavit na miru i riješen problem ...
nije se iran americi i izraelu navalio na kosti nego oni njemu ...
( a da u iranu ima loših stvari, pa ima, vjerovatno puno, a gdje ih to nema ... ) ...
sve u svemu, nebi volio da iran završi poput iraka ...
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#4716 Re: IRAN

Post by severin »

Posljedice sankcija Iranu - žito se plaća u nafti i zlatu
Iran bi htio plaćati za žito u zlatu i nafti, a veliku količinu pšenice, koju je kupio u skladu s prvim ugovorom postignutim otkako su sankcije protiv Teherana počele otežavati uvoz prehrambenih proizvoda, platio je u jenima, izjavili su evropski izvoznici pšenice.

Iran je kupio najmanje 200.000 tona pšenice na svjetskom tržištu prošle sedmice. Nove finansijske sankcije uvedene Teheranu od početka ove godine, čije je svrha kazniti ga zbog nuklearnog programa, otežale su Iranu uvoz hrane i njeno plaćanje.

Sankcije su drastično smanjile mogućnost Teherana da plaća u eurima i dolarima pa je potražio alternativne načine kako bi platio za svoj uvoz.

Trgovci vjeruju da je iranska vlada iskoristila kompanije sa sjedištem u Švicarskoj koje su se sposobne finansirati u Aziji te da je koristila ugovore na bazi jena kako bi platila za pšenicu.

sta reci,kakvuporuku poslati :lol: :lol: mangupski...nek su se rjesili dolara i eura to je isto robija...zato ih i napadaju
Iran je prestao prodavati naftu za eure i dolare, jer mu ne trebaju ti bezvrijedni nastancani papiri, a prodaje je za zlato i neke druge stabilne valute. Istina, to su pokusali uciniti jos neki, pa im je uvezena sloboda i demokratija u vidu totalne pljacke i stotina hiljada u.b.i.j.e.n.i.h i mucenih, ali znaju i nacisti da s Iranom nema sale. Sve sto im preostaje je da laju i plasiraju nebuloznu propagandu preko CNN-a, Al Jazeere, BBC-ja i drugih propagandnih masina.
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#4717 Re: IRAN

Post by viva_castro »

kiky wrote:iran ima svoju kulturu i svoj specifičan model društvenog uređenja ...
isto kao i ostatak tog dijela svijeta ...
perverzno je montirat njima demokratije zapadnog modela ...
nešto takvo imamo u iraku, libiji, egiptu pa nema teorije da profunkcioniše ...
nije neka nacija kriva ako nema zapadni sistem državnog uređenja, a to zapad implicitno protura kroz svoje medijske pamflete ....
elem ...
iran samo reba ostavit na miru i riješen problem ...
nije se iran americi i izraelu navalio na kosti nego oni njemu ...
( a da u iranu ima loših stvari, pa ima, vjerovatno puno, a gdje ih to nema ... ) ...
sve u svemu, nebi volio da iran završi poput iraka ...
Upravo tako, malo je poznato kako djeluje politički sistem Irana.

Čak se i vrhovni vođa revolucije bira demokratski. Građani biraju zastupnike u Vijeću koje onda bira Vođu revolucije (Hamnei) i isto to Vijeće ima političku snagu da ga opozove u slučaju da ne postupa po islamskim pravilima.

Političko vodstvo se također bira na izborima. Parlamentarci i predsjednik se biraju direktno.

Interesantno je i to da je u Iranu potrebno provesti referendum ukoliko neko zatraži promjenu ustava. Referendum je proveden nakon revolucije (Za Islamsku republiku ili za Šaha), za uspostavu prvog Ustava (Ustava Islamske republike Iran) i za promjenu ustava 1989 prije Homeinijeve smrti. Na sva tri referenduma narod je glasao ZA sa više od 95%.

Ko sad ima pravo da im išta govori... Čak su i protesti nakon prošlih izbora bili kontra Ahmedinedžada (kog je podržalo siromašno i ruralno stanovništvo) a nikako kontra Revolucije...

Imao bi im ja štošta zamjeriti u sistemu ali to je njihova volja, i to očito dobro funkcioniše.
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#4718 Re: IRAN

Post by kiky »

kad sve saberemo i oduzmemo ispada da če izrael i usa napast iran ...
specijalni rat i sabotaže su odavno počeli, a "civilizovani" svijet nijemo posmatra kako židovi ubijaju iranske naučnike i sabotiraju iran ...
svijet kakav poznajemo polako propada ...
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#4719 Re: IRAN

Post by nikad_vise »

IRIB – Sejid Hasan Nasrullah, generalni sekretar libanskog pokreta otpora Hizbullah je saopštio da je pobjeda Islamske revolucije doprinjela islamskom jedinstvu. Prema izvještaju Al Alama, sejid Hasan Nasrullah se prilikom govora povodom godišnjice rođenja, muvluda, posljednjeg Božijeg poslanika i Sedmice jedinstva na jugu Bejruta osvrnuo na osmogodišnji rata SAD-a, Izraela i pojedinih arapskih vlada protiv Irana a potom je naglasio: Novac arapskih zemalja umjesto da se troši na pomoć za jačanje pokreta otpora i oslobađanje Palestine i Kudsa trošio se na rat protiv Irana. Glavni cilj zapadnih kolonizatora i njihovih marioneta u regionu je stvaranje međumeshebskih zavjera između muslimanskih nacija, naveo je Nasrullah. On je demantovao pojedine neosnovane tvrdnje da Iran namjerava proširiti šiizam u Egiptu a potom je naveo: Kako je moguće da Iran namjerava proširiti šiizam u Egiptu kada uopšte ne postoji pitanje širenje šiizma. U nastavku govora lider Hizbullaha se osvrnuo na iransku podršku pokretim otpora a potom je naveo: Bez pomoći i podrške Irana u 22-o dnevnom ratu 2006. godine ne bi smo uspjeli ostvariti pobjedu. On je takođe naveo da je i Sirija imala veliku ulogu i udjela u grandioznoj pobjedi. Reagirajući na američke, cionističke i spletke pojednih arapskih i zapadnih vlada protiv Sirije, Nasrullah je naveo da je glavni cilj neprijatelja slamanje i nanošenje udarca pokretima otpora u regionu. U Siriji postoji vojska koja pazi na poštivanje i očuvanje zakona i reda dok većina građana te zemlje podržava vladajući sistem a samo nekolicina uz podršku zapadnih i pojednih arapskih vlada negira postojanje vladajućeg sistema, zaključio je generalni sekretar libanskog islamskog pokreta otpora Hizbullah.
Sve receno.Ja bi ipak istaknuo ovaj dio jer me je zbog ovog dijela sramota zbog arapskih despotskih rezima.
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#4720 Re: IRAN

Post by NIN »

kiky wrote:kad sve saberemo i oduzmemo ispada da če izrael i usa napast iran ...
specijalni rat i sabotaže su odavno počeli, a "civilizovani" svijet nijemo posmatra kako židovi ubijaju iranske naučnike i sabotiraju iran ...
svijet kakav poznajemo polako propada ...
zar zaista vjerujes u to da izraelci ubijaju iranske naucnike?
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#4721 Re: IRAN

Post by Opetja033 »

nikad_vise wrote:
IRIB – Sejid Hasan Nasrullah, generalni sekretar libanskog pokreta otpora Hizbullah je saopštio da je pobjeda Islamske revolucije doprinjela islamskom jedinstvu. Prema izvještaju Al Alama, sejid Hasan Nasrullah se prilikom govora povodom godišnjice rođenja, muvluda, posljednjeg Božijeg poslanika i Sedmice jedinstva na jugu Bejruta osvrnuo na osmogodišnji rata SAD-a, Izraela i pojedinih arapskih vlada protiv Irana a potom je naglasio: Novac arapskih zemalja umjesto da se troši na pomoć za jačanje pokreta otpora i oslobađanje Palestine i Kudsa trošio se na rat protiv Irana. Glavni cilj zapadnih kolonizatora i njihovih marioneta u regionu je stvaranje međumeshebskih zavjera između muslimanskih nacija, naveo je Nasrullah. On je demantovao pojedine neosnovane tvrdnje da Iran namjerava proširiti šiizam u Egiptu a potom je naveo: Kako je moguće da Iran namjerava proširiti šiizam u Egiptu kada uopšte ne postoji pitanje širenje šiizma. U nastavku govora lider Hizbullaha se osvrnuo na iransku podršku pokretim otpora a potom je naveo: Bez pomoći i podrške Irana u 22-o dnevnom ratu 2006. godine ne bi smo uspjeli ostvariti pobjedu. On je takođe naveo da je i Sirija imala veliku ulogu i udjela u grandioznoj pobjedi. Reagirajući na američke, cionističke i spletke pojednih arapskih i zapadnih vlada protiv Sirije, Nasrullah je naveo da je glavni cilj neprijatelja slamanje i nanošenje udarca pokretima otpora u regionu. U Siriji postoji vojska koja pazi na poštivanje i očuvanje zakona i reda dok većina građana te zemlje podržava vladajući sistem a samo nekolicina uz podršku zapadnih i pojednih arapskih vlada negira postojanje vladajućeg sistema, zaključio je generalni sekretar libanskog islamskog pokreta otpora Hizbullah.
Sve receno.Ja bi ipak istaknuo ovaj dio jer me je zbog ovog dijela sramota zbog arapskih despotskih rezima.
A nije te sramota sto indirektno podrzavas jedan od najgorih despotskih arapskih rezima prenoseci ovu izjavu sejh Nasrullaha? Podrskom krvolocnom rezimu u Damasku, Teheran i njegovi sateliti u vidu Hizbollaha su izgubili sav kredibilitet po pitanju medjumezhebskog zblizavanj. Pa i pticama na grani je jasno zasto Iran podrzava Siriju.
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#4722 Re: IRAN

Post by Opetja033 »

NIN wrote:
kiky wrote:kad sve saberemo i oduzmemo ispada da če izrael i usa napast iran ...
specijalni rat i sabotaže su odavno počeli, a "civilizovani" svijet nijemo posmatra kako židovi ubijaju iranske naučnike i sabotiraju iran ...
svijet kakav poznajemo polako propada ...
zar zaista vjerujes u to da izraelci ubijaju iranske naucnike?
To je maltene pa cinjenica. Svi mainstreem mediji na Zapadu ova misteriozna ubistva iranskih naucnika dovode u mogucu vezu sa Mosadom, u kontekstu "postoji velika mogucnost da iza svega stoji Izrael", "rat je vec poceo", itd. Dakle ne radi se ni o kakvim teorijama zavjere a la David Icke vec o vrlo mogucem scenariju.
Last edited by Opetja033 on 09/02/2012 22:55, edited 1 time in total.
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#4723 Re: IRAN

Post by NIN »

NIN wrote:
kiky wrote:kad sve saberemo i oduzmemo ispada da če izrael i usa napast iran ...
specijalni rat i sabotaže su odavno počeli, a "civilizovani" svijet nijemo posmatra kako židovi ubijaju iranske naučnike i sabotiraju iran ...
svijet kakav poznajemo polako propada ...
zar zaista vjerujes u to da izraelci ubijaju iranske naucnike?
...i to u po Irana?
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#4724 Re: IRAN

Post by NIN »

Opetja033 wrote:
NIN wrote:
kiky wrote:kad sve saberemo i oduzmemo ispada da če izrael i usa napast iran ...
specijalni rat i sabotaže su odavno počeli, a "civilizovani" svijet nijemo posmatra kako židovi ubijaju iranske naučnike i sabotiraju iran ...
svijet kakav poznajemo polako propada ...
zar zaista vjerujes u to da izraelci ubijaju iranske naucnike?
To je maltene pa cinjenica. Svi mainstreem mediji na Zapadu ova misteriozna ubistva iranskih naucnika dovodi u mogucu vezu sa Mosadom, u kontekstu "postoji velika mogucnost da iza svega stoji Izrael", "rat je vec poceo", itd. Dakle ne radi se ni o kakvim teorijama zavjere a la David Icke vec o vrlo mogucem scenariju.
...koju puse ljudi koji ne razmisljaju svojom glavom, a kojih je ogromna vecina na ovoj planeti! Zar stvarno mislis da je to cinjenica (eto, pises ocigledni oksimoron u fazonu cinjenica-mogucnost - il je cinjenica il je moguce, jel)?

Iranu nije, niti je ikad Izrael bio toboznja opasnost! Iran se kosi sa Saudijom! Kakvi Zidovi, kakvi bakraci, a Ahmedinedzad samo rigidno, agresivno i primitivno kopira americku demagogiju!

Mada, vi ste mi najsmjesniji!
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#4725 Re: IRAN

Post by Opetja033 »

NIN wrote:
NIN wrote:
kiky wrote:kad sve saberemo i oduzmemo ispada da če izrael i usa napast iran ...
specijalni rat i sabotaže su odavno počeli, a "civilizovani" svijet nijemo posmatra kako židovi ubijaju iranske naučnike i sabotiraju iran ...
svijet kakav poznajemo polako propada ...
zar zaista vjerujes u to da izraelci ubijaju iranske naucnike?
...i to u po Irana?
To sto je u po Irana, ne igra neku ulogu. Rusi su u sred Hladnog Rata u po Londona koknuli nekog bugarskog naucnika (cini mi se da je bugarski), prije 2-3 godine Mosadovi agenti su ubili jednog od vodja Hamasa u po Dubaija - u njegovoj hotelskoj sobi, prije desetak godina ubili su isto nekog vodeceg Palestinca u sred Damaska (iz Hamasa cini mi se).
Last edited by Opetja033 on 09/02/2012 23:07, edited 1 time in total.
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