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#14026 Re: RUSIJA

Post by Bossona »

Sept 26 (Reuters) - President Vladimir Putin on Monday granted Russian citizenship to former U.S. intelligence contractor Edward Snowden, nine years after he exposed the scale of secret surveillance operations by the National Security Agency (NSA).

Snowden, 39, fled the United States and was given asylum in Russia after leaking secret files in 2013 that revealed vast domestic and international surveillance operations carried out by the NSA, where he worked.

U.S. authorities have for years wanted him returned to the United States to face a criminal trial on espionage charges.

There was no immediate reaction from Snowden, whose name appeared without any Kremlin comment on a list of 72 foreign-born individuals on whom Putin was conferring citizenship.

In 2020, Russia granted Snowden permanent residency rights, paving the way for him to obtain Russian citizenship.

That year a U.S. appeals court found the program Snowden had exposed was unlawful and that the U.S. intelligence leaders who publicly defended it were not telling the truth.

Putin, a former Russian spy chief, said in 2017 that Snowden, who keeps a low profile while living in Russia, was wrong to leak U.S. secrets but was not a traitor. ... 022-09-26/


Svoj bijeg u Rusiju, izdaju i prodaju diktatoru Putinu je pravdao optužujući Ameriku da preko svojih sigurnosnih službi prati i špijunira građane preko mobilnih telefona. Putin i Rusija su sinonim ljudskih prava, sloboda i demokratije. Plaćeni špijun je poljubio ruku zločinačkom diktatoru za državljanstvo Rusije iz koje masovno bježe zbog ugroženih prava i sloboda diktatora koji ga je udomio. Sada ga mogu i mobilisati kao i druge strance kojima nude rusko državljnstvo jer im treba topovskog mesa :D

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#14027 Re: RUSIJA

Post by jagugu »

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#14028 Re: RUSIJA

Post by sahara1428 »

Pa nije još ni 9. mart, ni 5. oktobar, ali idemo dalje... :izet: :izet: :izet:

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#14029 Re: RUSIJA

Post by GandalfSivi »

Black swan wrote: 26/09/2022 18:05 Image
Odlicno :lol:
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#14030 Re: RUSIJA

Post by saimidin »

Solidno vidjenje situacije

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#14031 Re: RUSIJA

Post by mishic »

Ruski referendum se još provodi i rezultati su "neizvjesni". Na vrata dođu naoružani i pitaju jeste li za ili ne?!! Pa onda upitani po "slobodnoj volji" odgovara na postavljeno pitanje. Kontam ako nastave s tim referendumom na isti način da će ne samo Evropa nego i Amerika postati ruska.

Još kada Lavor nastavi divaniti kako će nakon referenduma Rusi tu teritoriju braniti "svim sredstvima" onda bi i stotine hiljada Rusa koji su pobjegli od Putlerove mobilizacije mogli u zemljama domaćinima na isti način krenuti sa referendumima i majčici Rusiji priključiti na desetine zemalja koje će onda Lavor i Putler "braniti svim sredstvima".

Ni SSSR ni Carska Rusija ovoj Putlerovoj ne bi ni iz daleka bile ravne. Za sada su stotine hiljada pobjegle, tek koja desetina hiljada se buni, protestvuje i suprotstavlja se mobilizaciji ali vele tek je počelo, to raste i biće to stotine hiljada i milioni. A Ukrajinci peru li li peru...

Sve u svemu, počelo je, počelo... Vidjet će se koliko će rusijica Putler proizvesti i Lavor odbraniti "svim sredstvima"...
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#14032 Re: RUSIJA

Post by plavi_E »

Black swan wrote: 26/09/2022 18:05 Image
Osho mali.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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#14033 Re: RUSIJA

Post by plavi_E »

tranquil wrote: 26/09/2022 17:01
mishic wrote: 26/09/2022 16:50 "Ruski patrijarh Kiril: Svima koji poginu u Ukrajini grijesi će biti izbrisani"

Za očekivati je da ovaj duhovni pastir vlastitim primjerom to i pokaže svojoj pastvi.
Čuo sam dosta glupih stvari, ali ovakve stvari me ipak uspiju iznenaditi.
Ovo samo govori u kakva gofna su se uvalili u Rusiji zbog Ukrajine. Oni nikakvog plana nemaju samo lupaju ko onaj glavom od haubu one lade. Prevedeno na forumski "gube se ko abdest"
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#14034 Re: RUSIJA

Post by trambusek88 »

mishic wrote: 26/09/2022 16:50 "Ruski patrijarh Kiril: Svima koji poginu u Ukrajini grijesi će biti izbrisani"
A hoće li biti kakvih djevica?
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#14035 Re: RUSIJA

Post by Hame_ »

Pogrešna tema.
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#14036 Re: RUSIJA

Post by Hame_ »

Pogrešna tema.
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#14037 Re: RUSIJA

Post by Hame_ »

Pogrešna tema.
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#14038 Re: RUSIJA

Post by Hame_ »

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#14039 Re: RUSIJA

Post by mishic »

tranquil wrote: 26/09/2022 17:01 Čuo sam dosta glupih stvari, ali ovakve stvari me ipak uspiju iznenaditi.
Ko bi rekao da ono što se čuje može tako snažno uticati na neku osobu da i sama postane kao ono što sluša.
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#14040 Re: RUSIJA

Post by tranquil »

mishic wrote: 27/09/2022 08:20
tranquil wrote: 26/09/2022 17:01 Čuo sam dosta glupih stvari, ali ovakve stvari me ipak uspiju iznenaditi.
Ko bi rekao da ono što se čuje može tako snažno uticati na neku osobu da i sama postane kao ono što sluša.
Možda nisam bio jasan. Pod "glupost" sam mislio na ono velikim slovima, patrijarhovu debilnu izjavu, ne na tvoj komentar koji nisam ni pročitao. Je li ti sada lakše?
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#14041 Re: RUSIJA

Post by Truba »

čudovište od 700+ stranica
listao i čitao prije ali u svjetlu novih događanja grickam lagano otpočetka

ma nakon uvoda sve je jasno ko je putin

on je paizte sad... ništa drugo do RUS koji slijedi jednu od nekoliko opcija vladanja u rusiji :D
htio je krenuti putem Katarine a vidjet ćemo gdje će završiti
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#14042 Re: RUSIJA

Post by Čitalac »

Najpopularnije istorijske ličnosti u Rusiji su Puškin, Petar Veliki i Staljin, kažu rezultati danas objavljenog istraživanja. Više od polovine ispitanika nije moglo da navede niti jedno ime koje bi bilo simbol današnje Rusije, a anketa je, između ostalog, pokazala da trećina Rusa ne zna ko je autor knjige „Zločin i kazna“.
The most popular klix personalities of the past were Alexander Pushkin - 21%, Peter I - 20% and Joseph Stalin - 17%, follows from the survey data. Mikhail Lomonosov and Vladimir Lenin scored 8% of the answers each. Next in popularity are Catherine II, cultural figures - Fyodor Dostoevsky, Leo Tolstoy, Pyotr Tchaikovsky, as well as great generals - Alexander Suvorov, Georgy Zhukov, all scored 6%.
However, only two-thirds of respondents (63%) know that the "father of radio" is the Russian scientist Alexander Popov. The author of the novel "Crime and Punishment" (Fyodor Dostoevsky) was also correctly named by two-thirds of Russians - 63%. Half (52%) of the respondents correctly answered the question, which composer wrote the music for the ballet "The Nutcracker" - Pyotr Tchaikovsky.
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#14043 Re: RUSIJA

Post by toska »

preneseno sa teme Ukrajina:
statixx wrote: 27/09/2022 12:47 Dobar clanak o ruskoj ekonomiji nakon 6 mjeseci rata, napisan prije najave o mobilizaciji.

Iako Rusija biljezi enorman suficit u platnom bilansu, s druge strane suocavaju se sa sve vecim budzetskim deficitom i problemima s uvozom.

Zanimljivi odlomci:

As a consequence, according to the Bank of Russia, the trade surplus for goods and services in Russia reached a historic high between January till July, rising from USD 75.7bn to 192.4bn, or 2.54 times. The government and the Bank of Russia commented that this confirmed Russia’s immunity to sanctions, but I would not venture to say that a foreign trade surplus—which occurred many times in the past—can be seen as a guarantee of the country’s economic well-being.

Previously, with oil prices above or around USD 100/barrel, the Russian federal budget was never in deficit. However, in 2022, ­when global oil prices were close to historic highs and gas prices were setting new records almost every month, it will not be possible to reconcile the budget with the surplus. In July, the budget deficit totalled 892 billion roubles and, in all likelihood, the surplus experienced in the first six months of the year will hardly be seen by mid-September. The current spending on the war in Ukraine will clearly not be reduced, and the need to replenish stocks of lost equipment and expended weapons will call for an increase in allocations to the military industrial complex (not to mention the need for huge spending to reconstruct the occupied territories and ensure supplies for the new ‘Russian citizens’). The combination of a high foreign ­trade surplus (more than USD 60bn per quarter of a year) and a chronic deficit in the federal budget is unique in the history of modern Russia. As such, it will­ presumably become the ‘new normal’ for at least the next year or two.

The most difficult situation will be seen in equipment manufacturing, car manufacturing, ­transport engineering, oil and gas, coal mining, timber processing and freight transport. The degradation of these sectors will largely be masked by good foreign trade performance and high export inflows into the federal budget, which will continue to finance social spending and subsidies to the regions.

We must also look at the period which ensued after the initial ­impact of the crisis. In the previous crisis situations, exports (primarily of Russia’s traditional commodities) were among the main drivers of recovery and growth because the rising commodity prices with a relatively ‘even’ scale of supplies to the global markets proved to be the most important source of rising revenues for the country’s budget and the corporate sector alike. However, such a course of events is unlikely in the current situation: on the one hand, the global economy is slowing down (also due to the war ­unleashed by Vladimir Putin), and as it cools off, prices for most resources supplied by Russia will go down rather than up (contrary to what happened in 2010−2011 or 2016−2017). On the other hand, even the approved plan to extend sanctions against Russia (with unplanned sanctions potentially being added to the bunch) will force Russian ­suppliers out ­of their traditional European market, which will further knock export volumes and reorient export towards markets with lower margins (in fact, Russian oil has already been delivered to India at a 30% discount, and discount rates are certainly there to stay). Thus, one should not hope that—as was the case after 2009 and 2014—the Russian economy will emerge from the current crisis thanks to a new ‘export wave’.

Today, it is clear that import substitution, which would enable the economy ­to achieve a substantial level of self-sufficiency (rather than simply providing ­a high share of value added locally while remaining dependent on critical components), cannot be achieved. This means that the government ­will have to rely on the so-called ‘parallel import’, which ­implies more complicated logistics routes and a whole chain of intermediaries. This will significantly drive prices of the supplies versus the pre-crisis levels (the price increases will average about 20−25%, also because many goods cannot be purchased from the manufacturers in bulk quantities). ­As a result, the record foreign trade surplus achieved in the summer of 2022 may shrink radically already by the end of 2023, as all of the discussed export ­restrictions come into force, ‘parallel import’ expands, and the industrial sector, which has almost stopped its imports now, faces the need to renew equipment.

This tactic is now showing impressive outcomes, with a cheap dollar and a ­huge surplus. At the same time, however, this tactic is laying the groundwork for future strategic defeat because of rising prices ­on the domestic ­market (today, Lada Vesta costs 2.4 to 3 million roubles, or 40−50 thousand dollars, versus 1−1.1 million roubles, or 14−16 thousand dollars back in January) and ground being lost on foreign markets (in niche positions and price points). While revelling in the gas price in Europe, reaching USD 3,000/thousand cu m, and record-breaking successes in foreign trade, the Russian authorities and the country’s ­experts fail to see the emerging the combination ­of factors that will lead the country’s economy to a full-blown disaster as early as in 2024−2025. ... -nbsp-war/
"Ova taktika sada pokazuje impresivne rezultate, sa jeftinim dolarom i ogromnim suficitom. Međutim, u isto vrijeme, ova taktika postavlja temelje za budući strateški poraz zbog rasta cijena na domaćem tržištu (danas Lada Vesta košta 2,4 do 3 miliona rubalja, odnosno 40−50 hiljada dolara, naspram 1−1,1 miliona rubalja , ili 14−16 hiljada dolara još u januaru) i gubi se pozicija na stranim tržištima"

toliko o stvarnom kursu rublje
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#14044 Re: RUSIJA

Post by agnostic_front »

Na stranu i to, neka je eto rublja i jaca u odnosu na period prije agresije na Ukrajinu. Sta oni mogu za te rublje kupiti?
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#14045 Re: RUSIJA

Post by toska »

agnostic_front wrote: 27/09/2022 13:54 Na stranu i to, neka je eto rublja i jaca u odnosu na period prije agresije na Ukrajinu. Sta oni mogu za te rublje kupiti?
biće vjerovatno svega, neke količine roba uvijek nađu put, ali po znatno višoj cijeni.
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#14046 Re: RUSIJA

Post by agnostic_front »

toska wrote: 27/09/2022 14:00
agnostic_front wrote: 27/09/2022 13:54 Na stranu i to, neka je eto rublja i jaca u odnosu na period prije agresije na Ukrajinu. Sta oni mogu za te rublje kupiti?
biće vjerovatno svega, neke količine roba uvijek nađu put, ali po znatno višoj cijeni.
Apsolutno, crno trziste ce procvjetati, ali kakav ti biznis mozes pokrenuti kada ovisis o tehnologiji sa Zapada koji ti je uveo sankcije.
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#14047 Re: RUSIJA

Post by zigzag »

Ali nije Turska. Koja im može prodati sve i svašta.
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#14048 Re: RUSIJA

Post by mishic »

Nije valjda da se protesti protiv mobilizacije i nemiri smiruju?!! Ako se to desi i mahal je da zalijepe u Ukrajini !
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#14049 Re: RUSIJA

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zigzag wrote: 27/09/2022 14:10 Ali nije Turska. Koja im može prodati sve i svašta.
Ni Turska im ne moze prodati ono sto im treba.
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#14050 Re: RUSIJA

Post by toska »

agnostic_front wrote: 27/09/2022 14:07
toska wrote: 27/09/2022 14:00
biće vjerovatno svega, neke količine roba uvijek nađu put, ali po znatno višoj cijeni.
Apsolutno, crno trziste ce procvjetati, ali kakav ti biznis mozes pokrenuti kada ovisis o tehnologiji sa Zapada koji ti je uveo sankcije.
mislio sam na potrošnju, a privreda odvojena od svijeta nema nigdje više šansu za uspjeh, sve i da je Amerika.

Njemačka policija upala na megajahtu ruskog oligarha ... omentari_d

"It is reported to have cost $800 million, employ 84 full-time crew members"

bogme skuplja od pokojne Moskve

Edit: slika
Last edited by toska on 27/09/2022 14:24, edited 1 time in total.
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