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#1 Hocemo PayPal !!!

Posted: 01/02/2007 18:19
by BBgT1987
bosna jos uvijek nema svoj dio na PayPalu...
ovo su najbolje osjetili oni koji su se pokusali registrovati

prije mjesec dana otvorena peticija za uvođenje PayPal - sekcije za BiH
odvojite par minuta i potpisite peticiju za dobrobit svih nas...
nije potrebna nikakva registracija i sl.



Posted: 01/02/2007 18:26
by Drvosjeca iz Dejcica
Potpisano, valjda ce nekoga dirnuti u srce pa mozda nam uvedu PayPal. :) Ako bog da.


Posted: 01/02/2007 19:47
by stidljiv
Ne moze niko 'uvesti' nama paypal dok bankarski sistemi ne podrzavaju to...


Posted: 01/02/2007 19:53
by juan
paypal je obicno sranje i uz to je iz "ebay-tvrtke"!
--> placaj za usluge koje ti banke dzaba pruza!

Ako onda click&buy (


Posted: 01/02/2007 19:53
by Danko_Bananko
Ja, taman ce PayPal svoju poslovnu politiku voditi prema peticijama...a u isto vrijeme to nema veze sa nasim bankarskim sistemom, vec jedino sa polslovnom politikom PayPala.
Jedva su i Hrvatsku utrpali prije dva-tri mjeseca, i to samo za placanje..mi cemo se jos nacekati dobro


Posted: 01/02/2007 20:43
by BBgT1987
Danko_Bananko wrote:Ja, taman ce PayPal svoju poslovnu politiku voditi prema peticijama...a u isto vrijeme to nema veze sa nasim bankarskim sistemom, vec jedino sa polslovnom politikom PayPala.
Jedva su i Hrvatsku utrpali prije dva-tri mjeseca, i to samo za placanje..mi cemo se jos nacekati dobro
hm nasi komsije, iz hrvatske, su na slican nacin "dobili" paypal

a sad nema svako mastercard ili visu za sve ostale tu je PayPal 8-)


Posted: 02/02/2007 12:06
by Shamrock
koji ce vam paypal kad ionako nebi mogli primati novce na racun? mozete i ovako placati preko kreditnih, potpuno isto dodje! :?


Posted: 02/02/2007 13:57
by iceman ze
ja sam se vala naplacao putem neta sa karticama......i stvarno gdje god sam dosao svi PayPal zele....e sad to je vec stvar ekonomske politike....u principu svi primaju kartice, mislim da je PayPal sigurniji jer su zasticeni i kupci i prodavci.......nedavao ja svakom broj svoje kreditne kartice....ja sam ZA. :-)


Posted: 02/02/2007 14:01
by Drvosjeca iz Dejcica
:x Nema BiH u tome i jeste kvaka.


Posted: 09/02/2007 10:22
by Ostri_Mac
evo sta sam ja dobio kao odg.


Dear (e da vam je znat', jel'de!!!)

Thank you for contacting PayPal with your concerns.

We sincerely appreciate your interest in becoming a PayPal member.
Unfortunately, we are not yet providing services for Bosnia and
Herzegovina. Establishing our service in each new country or region
involves complex changes due to different regulations. We are always
looking to expand our availability; however, due to the complexities of
global expansion, we cannot provide a specific time frame. We are working
hard and look forward to expanding our services to additional countries and
regions in the future.

Visit and click the "PayPal Worldwide" link in the
upper right corner of the page for more information on the countries and
regions that PayPal supports.

I understand your frustration regarding this matter and apologize for any
inconvenience it might have caused you.

PayPal Community Support
PayPal, an eBay Company


Posted: 09/02/2007 10:26
by melb26sa
Evo odgovor od 5/2:

Thank you for contacting PayPal.

We sincerely appreciate your interest in becoming a PayPal member.
Unfortunately, we are not yet providing services for the country or region
in question. Establishing our service in each new country or region
involves complex changes due to different regulations. We are always
looking to expand our availability; however, due to the complexities of
global expansion, we cannot provide a specific time frame. We are working
hard and look forward to expanding our services to additional countries and
regions in the future.

Visit and click the "PayPal Worldwide" link in the
upper right corner of the page for more information on the countries and
regions that PayPal supports.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us again.

PayPal Community Support
PayPal, an eBay Company

Meni se cini da svi dobijaju isti odgovor - copy/paste.


Posted: 09/02/2007 10:31
by baby_angel
Potpisala... Mada mislim da se to jos dugo kod nas nece desiti... :(


Posted: 09/02/2007 10:45
by Shamrock
melb26sa wrote:Evo odgovor od 5/2:

Thank you for contacting PayPal.

We sincerely appreciate your interest in becoming a PayPal member.
Unfortunately, we are not yet providing services for the country or region
in question. Establishing our service in each new country or region
involves complex changes due to different regulations. We are always
looking to expand our availability; however, due to the complexities of
global expansion, we cannot provide a specific time frame. We are working
hard and look forward to expanding our services to additional countries and
regions in the future.

Visit and click the "PayPal Worldwide" link in the
upper right corner of the page for more information on the countries and
regions that PayPal supports.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us again.

PayPal Community Support
PayPal, an eBay Company

Meni se cini da svi dobijaju isti odgovor - copy/paste.
a sta si mislio da neko citav dan cita mailove i salje odgovore... :lol: :lol: :lol:


Posted: 09/02/2007 10:46
by DobroJutroKolumbo
Boje se da nebi postao u Bosni "Don't pay pal"... :D :D :D :D :D :lol:


Posted: 09/02/2007 11:01
by Ostri_Mac
DobroJutroKolumbo wrote:Boje se da nebi postao u Bosni "Don't pay pal"... :D :D :D :D :D :lol:

:D :lol: jashta!