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#1 phpBB - mysql

Posted: 21/04/2005 03:18
by Sensei

imam backup jednog foruma koji trebam prebaciti na drugi. Velicina baze je oko 30 MB (.gz). Upload backup-a preko control panela phpBB foruma ne ide, phpmyadmin takodje.

Ima li ko kakvih ideja?

#2 Re: phpBB - mysql

Posted: 21/04/2005 08:58
by car-x
Sensei wrote:Pozdrav,

imam backup jednog foruma koji trebam prebaciti na drugi. Velicina baze je oko 30 MB (.gz). Upload backup-a preko control panela phpBB foruma ne ide, phpmyadmin takodje.

Ima li ko kakvih ideja?
imas li command line pristup bazi?
ako da, probaj tako, najsigurnije je..

a ako ne, pokusaj sa mysql front.. ne ide preko http protokola kao control panel i phpmyadmin, tako da ti nece javiti time-out (a sto je mislim najveci problem, jer dok posalje 30MB, prodje vrijeme odredjeno za time-out)..


Posted: 22/04/2005 05:25
by Sensei
Probao sam sa mysql front, ne ide. Ovo sa command line mi nije najjasnije. Sta, kako, gdje?


Posted: 22/04/2005 05:49
by !smar
Probaj isjeckati mql fajl u vise sql fajlova da bi bili manji i onda pokusaj...


Posted: 22/04/2005 05:55
by Sensei
!smar wrote:Probaj isjeckati mql fajl u vise sql fajlova da bi bili manji i onda pokusaj...


Posted: 22/04/2005 08:56
by car-x
Sensei wrote:Probao sam sa mysql front, ne ide. Ovo sa command line mi nije najjasnije. Sta, kako, gdje?
sta ne ide sa mysql front?
konektujes se na bazu, ali ne moze da izvrsi query?
ili ne mozes ni da se konektujes?

a s command line sam mislio:
na serveru na kojem je baza, otvoris command line pendzer (dos ili terminal, svejedno) sa komandom mysql si onda na mysql serveru.. samo treba da odaberes pravu bazu i to je to.. kopiras dump file na server, pozoves ga, i problem rijesen.. valjda..


Posted: 23/04/2005 06:37
by Sensei
Problem rijesen. Mysql front, nisu postavke bile kako treba.
Problem sam rijesio uz pomoc scripte, ciji kod je u nastavku.
Sensei wrote:

// BigDump ver. 0.21b from 2005-02-08
// Staggered import of an large MySQL Dump (like phpMyAdmin 2.x Dump)
// Even through the webservers with hard runtime limit and those in safe mode
// Works fine with Internet Explorer 6.0 SP1, Mozilla 1.x and even Netscape 4.8

// Author: Alexey Ozerov (alexey at ozerov dot de)
// Copyright: GPL (C) 2003-2005
// More Infos:

// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
// terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
// either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.



// 1. Adjust the database configuration in this file
// 2. Drop the old tables on the target database if your dump doesn't contain "DROP TABLE"
// 3. Create the working directory (e.g. dump) on your web-server
// 4. If you want to upload the dump files directly from the web-browser give the scripts
// writing permissions on the working directory (chmod 777 on a Linux based system)
// 5. Upload bigdump.php and your dump files (.sql, .gz) via FTP to the working directory
// 6. Run the bigdump.php from your browser via URL like
// 7. BigDump will start the next import session automatically if you enable the JavaScript
// 8. Wait for the script to finish, do not close the browser window
// 9. IMPORTANT: Remove bigdump.php and your dump files from the web-server

// If Timeout errors still occure you may need to adjust the $linepersession setting in this file


// Version 0.21b 2005-02-08
// *** extended inserts giveup bugfix (don't count linebreaks within text fields)

// Version 0.20b 2005-01-05
// *** short_open_tag=off bugfix
// *** stop processing on extended insert
// *** disable upload of PHP files
// *** minor bugfixes

// Version 0.19b 2004-05-31
// *** # comment in the text field bugfix

// Version 0.18b 2004-03-18
// *** \\' in the text field bugfix

// Version 0.17b 2003-12-14
// *** MySQL deprecated '-- ' comment bugfix
// *** Drop user-defined proprietary comment lines
// *** Improved anti-cache headers

// Version 0.16b 2003-11-20
// *** Register globals bugfix

// Version 0.15b 2003-11-02
// *** Dump file browser upload feature added (for dump files up to upload_max_filesize)
// *** Dump file mini-browser for the working directory added

// Version 0.14b 2003-10-12
// *** GZip compressed files support added (available with PHP 4.3.0+)

// Version 0.13b 2003-10-09
// *** Query definition bugfix: don't stop query inside an text field ending by ';'
// *** Query definition bugfix: don't trim queries since spaces can be useful :-)
// *** $delaypersession setting added

// Version 0.12 2003-07-11
// *** File seek by fseek() instead of line skipping should avoid time loss when skipping lines
// Thanks to Anton Hummel for this idea

// Version 0.11 2003-03-11
// *** Table definition bugfix: don't stop session inside an SQL query
// *** Queries statistics added

// Database configuration

$db_server = "localhost";
$db_name = "phpbb";
$db_username = "phpbb";
$db_password = "";

// Other Settings

$filename = ""; // Specify the dump filename to suppress the file selection dialog
$linespersession = 3000; // Lines to be executed per one import session
$delaypersession = 0; // You can specify a sleep time in milliseconds after each session
// Works only if JavaScript is activated. Use to reduce server overrun

// Allowed comment delimiters: lines starting with these strings will be dropped by BigDump

$comment[0]="#"; // Standard comment lines are dropped by default
$comment[1]="-- ";
// $comment[2]="---"; // Uncomment this line if using proprietary dump created by outdated mysqldump
// $comment[3]=""; // Or add your own string to leave out other proprietary things

// *******************************************************************************************
// If not familiar with PHP please don't change anything below this line
// *******************************************************************************************

define ("VERSION","0.21b");
define ("MAX_LINE_LENGTH",65536);
define ("MAX_QUERY_LINES",300);

ini_set("auto_detect_line_endings", true);

header("Expires: Mon, 1 Dec 2003 01:00:00 GMT");
header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT");
header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate");
header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false);
header("Pragma: no-cache");

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
<title>BigDump ver. <?php echo (VERSION); ?></title>

<META http-equiv="Cache-Control" content="no-cache">
<META http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache">
<META http-equiv="Expires" content="-1">

<style type="text/css">

{ background-color:#FFFFF0;

{ font-size:25px;

{ font-size:14px;

{ color:#FF0000;

{ color:#00DD00;

{ background-color:#F8F8F8;

{ background-color:#FFFFF0;

{ font-weight:bold;

{ text-align:right;

{ margin-top:5px;




<table width="780" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<tr><td class="transparent">

<h1>BigDump: Staggered MySQL Dump Importer ver. <?php echo (VERSION); ?></h1>


$error = false;
$file = false;

// Check PHP version

if (!$error && !function_exists("version_compare"))
{ echo ("<p class="error">PHP version 4.1.0 is required for BigDump to proceed. You have PHP ".phpversion()." installed. Sorry!</p>\n");

// Calculate PHP max upload size (handle settings like 10M or 100K)

if (!$error)
{ $upload_max_filesize=ini_get("upload_max_filesize");
if (eregi("([0-9]+)K",$upload_max_filesize,$tempregs)) $upload_max_filesize=$tempregs[1]*1024;
if (eregi("([0-9]+)M",$upload_max_filesize,$tempregs)) $upload_max_filesize=$tempregs[1]*1024*1024;
if (eregi("([0-9]+)G",$upload_max_filesize,$tempregs)) $upload_max_filesize=$tempregs[1]*1024*1024*1024;

// Handle file upload


if (!$error && isset($_REQUEST["uploadbutton"]))
{ if (is_uploaded_file($_FILES["dumpfile"]["tmp_name"]) && ($_FILES["dumpfile"]["error"])==0)
$uploaded_filename=str_replace(" ","_",$_FILES["dumpfile"]["name"]);

if (file_exists($uploaded_filename))
{ echo ("<p class="error">File $uploaded_filename already exist! Delete and upload again!</p>\n");
else if (eregi("(\.php|\.php3|\.php4|\.php5)$",$uploaded_filename))
{ echo ("<p class="error">You may not upload this type of files.</p>\n");
else if (!@move_uploaded_file($_FILES["dumpfile"]["tmp_name"],$uploaded_filepath))
{ echo ("<p class="error">Error moving uploaded file ".$_FILES["dumpfile"]["tmp_name"]." to the $uploaded_filepath</p>\n");
echo ("<p>Check the directory permissions for $upload_dir (must be 777)!</p>\n");
{ echo ("<p class="success">Uploaded file saved as $uploaded_filename</p>\n");
{ echo ("<p class="error">Error uploading file ".$_FILES["dumpfile"]["name"]."</p>\n");

// Handle file deletion (delete only in the current directory for security reasons)

if (!$error && isset($_REQUEST["delete"]) && $_REQUEST["delete"]!=basename($_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"]))
{ if (@unlink(basename($_REQUEST["delete"])))
echo ("<p class="success">".$_REQUEST["delete"]." was removed successfully</p>\n");
echo ("<p class="error">Can't remove ".$_REQUEST["delete"]."</p>\n");

// Open the database

if (!$error)
{ $dbconnection = @mysql_connect($db_server,$db_username,$db_password);
if ($dbconnection)
$db = mysql_select_db($db_name);
if (!$dbconnection || !$db)
{ echo ("<p class="error">Database connection failed due to ".mysql_error()."</p>\n");
echo ("<p>Edit the database settings in ".$_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"]." or contact your database provider</p>\n");

// List uploaded files in multifile mode

if (!$error && !isset($_REQUEST["fn"]) && $filename=="")
{ if ($dirhandle = opendir($upload_dir))
{ $dirhead=false;
while (false !== ($dirfile = readdir($dirhandle)))
{ if ($dirfile != "." && $dirfile != ".." && $dirfile!=basename($_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"]))
{ if (!$dirhead)
{ echo ("<table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2">\n");
echo ("<tr><th>Filename</td><th>Size</td><th>Date&Time</td><th>Type</td><th>&nbsp;</td><th>&nbsp;</td>\n");
echo ("<tr><td>$dirfile</td><td class="right">".filesize($dirfile)."</td><td>".date ("Y-m-d H:i:s", filemtime($dirfile))."</td>");
if (eregi("\.gz$",$dirfile))
echo ("<td>GZip</td>");
echo ("<td>SQL</td>");
if (!eregi("\.gz$",$dirfile) || function_exists("gzopen"))
echo ("<td><a href="".$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]."?start=1&fn=$dirfile&foffset=0&totalqueries=0">Start Import</a> into $db_name at $db_server</td>\n");
echo ("<td>&nbsp;</td>\n");
echo ("<td><a href="".$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]."?delete=$dirfile">Delete file</a></td></tr>\n");

if ($dirhead) echo ("</table>\n");
else echo ("<p>No uploaded files found in the working directory</p>\n");
{ echo ("<p class="error">Error listing directory $upload_dir</p>\n");

// Single file mode

if (!$error && !isset ($_REQUEST["fn"]) && $filename!="")
{ echo ("<p><a href="".$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]."?start=1&fn=$filename&foffset=0&totalqueries=0">Start Import</a> from $filename into $db_name at $db_server</p>\n");

// File Upload Form

if (!$error && !isset($_REQUEST["fn"]) && $filename=="")

// Test permissions on working directory

do { $tempfilename=time().".tmp"; } while (file_exists($tempfilename));
if (!($tempfile=@fopen($tempfilename,"w")))
{ echo ("<p>Upload form disabled. Permissions for the working directory <i>$upload_dir</i> <b>must be set to 777</b> in order ");
echo ("to upload files from here. Alternatively you can upload your dump files via FTP.</p>\n");
{ fclose($tempfile);
unlink ($tempfilename);

echo ("<p>You can now upload your dump file up to $upload_max_filesize bytes (".round ($upload_max_filesize/1024/1024)." Mbytes) ");
echo ("directly from your browser to the server. Alternatively you can upload your dump files of any size via FTP.</p>\n");
<form method="POST" action="<?php echo ($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]); ?>" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="$upload_max_filesize">
<p>Dump file: <input type="file" name="dumpfile" accept="*/*" size=60"></p>
<p><input type="submit" name="uploadbutton" value="Upload"></p>

// Open the file

if (!$error && isset($_REQUEST["fn"]))

// Recognize GZip filename

if (eregi("\.gz$",$_REQUEST["fn"]))

if ((!$gzipmode && !$file=fopen($_REQUEST["fn"],"rt")) || ($gzipmode && !$file=gzopen($_REQUEST["fn"],"rt")))
{ echo ("<p class="error">Can't open ".$_REQUEST["fn"]." for import</p>\n");
echo ("<p>You have to upload the ".$_REQUEST["fn"]." to the server</p>\n");

// Get the file size (can't do it fast on gzipped files, no idea how)

else if ((!$gzipmode && fseek($file, 0, SEEK_END)==0) || ($gzipmode && gzseek($file, 0, SEEK_SET)==0))
{ if (!$gzipmode) $filesize = ftell($file);
else $filesize = gztell($file); // Always zero, ignore
{ echo ("<p class="error">I can't get the filesize of ".$_REQUEST["fn"]."</p>\n");

// ****************************************************
// ****************************************************

if (!$error && isset($_REQUEST["start"]) && isset($_REQUEST["foffset"]))
echo ("<p>Processing file: ".$_REQUEST["fn"]."</p>\n");
echo ("<p>Starting at the line: ".$_REQUEST["start"]."</p>\n");

// Check $_REQUEST["foffset"] upon $filesize (can't do it on gzipped files)

if (!$gzipmode && $_REQUEST["foffset"]>$filesize)
{ echo ("<p class="error">UNEXPECTED: Can't set file pointer behind the end of file</p>\n");

// Set file pointer to $_REQUEST["foffset"]

if (!$error && ((!$gzipmode && fseek($file, $_REQUEST["foffset"])!=0) || ($gzipmode && gzseek($file, $_REQUEST["foffset"])!=0)))
{ echo ("<p class="error">UNEXPECTED: Can't set file pointer to offset: ".$_REQUEST["foffset"]."</p>\n");

// Start processing queries from $file

if (!$error)
{ $query="";

while (($linenumber<$_REQUEST["start"]+$linespersession || $query!="")
&& ((!$gzipmode && $dumpline=fgets($file, MAX_LINE_LENGTH)) || ($gzipmode && $dumpline=gzgets($file, MAX_LINE_LENGTH))))

// Handle DOS and Mac encoded linebreaks (I don't know if it will work on Win32 or Mac Servers)

$dumpline=ereg_replace("\r\n$", "\n", $dumpline);
$dumpline=ereg_replace("\r$", "\n", $dumpline);

// echo ("<p>Line $linenumber: $dumpline</p>\n");

// Skip comments and blank lines only if NOT in parents

if (!$inparents)
{ $skipline=false;
foreach ($comment as $comment_value)
{ if (!$inparents && (trim($dumpline)=="" || strpos ($dumpline, $comment_value) === 0))
{ $skipline=true;
if ($skipline)
{ $linenumber++;

// Remove double back-slashes from the dumpline prior to count the quotes ('\\' can only be within strings)

$dumpline_deslashed = str_replace ("\\","",$dumpline);

// Count ' and \' in the dumpline to avoid query break within a text field ending by ;
// Please don't use double quotes ('"')to surround strings, it wont work

$parents=substr_count ($dumpline_deslashed, "'")-substr_count ($dumpline_deslashed, "\\'");
if ($parents % 2 != 0)

// Add the line to query

$query .= $dumpline;

// Don't count the line if in parents (text fields may include unlimited linebreaks)

if (!$inparents)

// Stop if query contains more lines as defined by MAX_QUERY_LINES

if ($querylines>MAX_QUERY_LINES)
echo ("<p class="error">Stopped at the line $linenumber. </p>");
echo ("<p>At this place the current query includes more than ".MAX_QUERY_LINES." dump lines. That can happen if your dump file was ");
echo ("created by some tool which doesn't place a semicolon followed by a linebreak at the end of each query, or if your dump contains ");
echo ("extended inserts. Please read the BigDump FAQs for more infos.</p>\n");

// Execute query if end of query detected (; as last character) AND NOT in parents

if (ereg(";$",trim($dumpline)) && !$inparents)
{ if (!mysql_query(trim($query), $dbconnection))
{ echo ("<p class="error">Error at the line $linenumber: ". trim($dumpline)."</p>\n");
echo ("<p>Query: ".trim($query)."</p>\n");
echo ("<p>MySQL: ".mysql_error()."</p>\n");

// Get the current file position

if (!$error)
{ if (!$gzipmode)
$foffset = ftell($file);
$foffset = gztell($file);
if (!$foffset)
{ echo ("<p class="error">UNEXPECTED: Can't read the file pointer offset</p>\n");

// Finish message and restart the script

if (!$error)
{ echo ("<p>Stopping at the line: ".($linenumber-1)."</p>\n");
echo ("<p>Queries performed (this session/total): $queries/$totalqueries</p>\n");
echo ("<p>Total bytes processed: $foffset (".round($foffset/1024)." KB)</p>\n");
if ($linenumber<$_REQUEST["start"]+$linespersession)
{ echo ("<p class="success">Congratulations: End of file reached, assuming OK</p>\n");
echo ("<p>Thank you for using! Please rate <a href="" target="_blank">Bigdump at</a></p>\n");
echo ("<p>You can send me some bucks or euros as appreciation <a href="" target="_blank">via PayPal</a></p>\n");
{ if ($delaypersession!=0)
echo ("<p>Now I'm <b>waiting $delaypersession milliseconds</b> before starting next session...</p>\n");
echo ("<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">window.setTimeout('location.href="".$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]."?start=$linenumber&fn=".$_REQUEST["fn"]."&foffset=$foffset&totalqueries=$totalqueries";',500+$delaypersession);</script>\n");
echo ("<noscript>\n");
echo ("<p><a href="".$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]."?start=$linenumber&fn=".$_REQUEST["fn"]."&foffset=$foffset&totalqueries=$totalqueries">Continue from the line $linenumber</a> (Enable JavaScript to do it automatically)</p>\n");
echo ("</noscript>\n");
echo ("<p>Press <a href="".$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]."">STOP</a> to abort the import <b>OR WAIT!</b></p>\n");
echo ("<p class="error">Stopped on error</p>\n");

if ($error)
echo ("<p><a href="".$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]."">Start from the beginning</a> (DROP the old tables before restarting)</p>\n");

if ($dbconnection) mysql_close();
if ($file && !$gzipmode) fclose($file);
else if ($file && $gzipmode) gzclose($file);


<p>&copy; 2003-2005 <a href="mailto:[email protected]">Alexey Ozerov</a> - <a href="" target="_blank">BigDump Home</a></p>




Posted: 19/01/2007 13:01
by freeflight
da nadovezem ovu temu s jednim pitanjem:
mogu li u jedan mysql databank staviti tabele od 2 razlicita PHP scripta?


Posted: 21/01/2007 05:01
by Atanasije_Svilar
freeflight wrote:da nadovezem ovu temu s jednim pitanjem:
mogu li u jedan mysql databank staviti tabele od 2 razlicita PHP scripta?
naravno da mozes...

probaj ovo da krostistis za export iport strukture SQL


Posted: 21/01/2007 12:44
by freeflight
Hvala!Nisam programer,a ovo su vec gotovi scripti pa ih je lako instalirati preko xamppa.Jedan forum je vec instaliran a hocu i online shop instalirati isto tako.Pitam se jos :Ima li kakve veze ako im se imena nekih tabela podudaraju?