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#1 Azilanti u BiH

Posted: 14/09/2006 12:58
by parafin
Premda nam je tesko vjerovati, da neko hoce da bude izbjeglica ili azilant u Bosni, ipak je cinjenica da dosta stranaca zivi ovdje. Izgleda da na svijetu ima i takvih vukojebina da tim ljudim bosna dodje kao Amerika (ili korak blize prema Americi).

Koliko smo svjesni svega ovoga? Negdje kod Sarajeva treba da se pravi kao dom za azilante, sta li? Kako ce nase drustvo reagovati?

Ovaj clanak nadjoh ne netu:

EU helps Bosnia to fight illegal migration

Deutsche Presse Agentur
Published: Wednesday September 13, 2006

Sarajevo- Representatives of Bosnia's Government, the European Commission and the International Organization for Migrations (IOM) signed a document in Sarajevo Wednesday aimed at establishing a reception centre for irregular migrants in Bosnia. The European Union, according to the document, provided one million euro for the centre, while Bosnia-Herzegovina's authorities have committed to contribute 250,000 euro.

The establishment of the reception centre for irregular migrants, to be built in the eastern suburb of Sarajevo according to EC Mission in Bosnia, is "a part of the Bosnia-Herzegovina's priorities for fighting irregular migration and human trafficking."

With its porous borders left after the 1992-1995 war, Bosnia- Herzegovina became a transit station for illegal migration chains and human trafficking from the Eastern Europe and Asia to Western Europe.

The situation has significantly improved with the introduction of the country's border police five years ago, but the problem still exists.

© 2006 DPA - Deutsche Presse-Agenteur


Posted: 14/09/2006 15:40
by repeater
pa ovo je strasnije od 1984.