Time: Is the Fragile Peace in Bosnia Crumbling?

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#1 Time: Is the Fragile Peace in Bosnia Crumbling?

Post by vedderedi »

Time: Is the Fragile Peace in Bosnia Crumbling?

Eleven years after the war ended, local political leaders are inflaming ethnic tensions and risking further instability — or even possibly violence

http://www.time.com/time/world/article/ ... 51,00.html
Interesuje me kako autor clanka ne zna da u Bosni zive Bosniaks koji su muslims, isto kao i Srbi koji su orthodox christians, ili mozda misli da termin Bosniaks ne bi privukao dovoljno paznje kao sto je to slucaj sa Muslims?!?
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#2 Re: Time: Is the Fragile Peace in Bosnia Crumbling?

Post by mIRCerka »

mozda to nema veze sa key words, vec sa onime kako nas poznaju na CNNu... a mozda je to nacin da natjera ljude da procitaju njegov clanak...

a za to vrijeme, jedan obicni diplomata pogadja direktno u centar predizborne kampanje:
The diplomat pointed out that Bosnia's poor state of economy, and high unemployment rate, are also a factor, providing fertile ground for populists and demagogues of all sorts. "It's much easier to play the blame game than to actually address this country's issues," he said."
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Post by dalmatinac_ »

ovo je cista cetnicka propaganda ali jako dobro otesana :x

pa samo pogledaj odakle dolazi ovaj clanak i tko je autor :x

tekst je pun lazi i zataskavanja :x

Until recently, Bosnia-Herzegovina was often described as a shining example of succesful international effort in post-conflict reconstruction and nation building. Since the war ended eleven years ago, hardly a shot was fired

:x [u],([b]nije bilo pucnjave) pa nek pita povratnike u tzv. rs[/b] [/u]

towns and villages were repaired, and many refugees have returned to their homes

:x [b](povratak uspijesan) kome on soli pamet[/b].

But now, a month ahead of crucial presidential and parliamentary polls, ethnic tension spurred by local political leaders is running so high that Bosnia's relapse into war no longer seems unthinkable.

Bosnian Muslims,

:x [b]ma ja za njih ne postoje Bosnjaci[/b]

the largest ethnic group in the region, are pushing to dismantle Republika Srpska, the Serb-dominated entity created by the 1995 Dayton peace accord and one of the two ethnically centered statelets

:x [b](drzavice) ma ja guraj samo guraj mozda bude i drzava,[/b]

or entities, that comprise Bosnia. The other is the Muslim-Croat federation. Each has its own parliament, government and president. (Bosnia as a whole has a weak central government and a three-member presidency: one Serb, one Muslim and one Croat.) Bosnian Serbs are threatening to secede and merge with neighboring Serbia. "When I hear people talk on the news and in the cafes, I get the feeling that they're just about to jump at each other's throats," says Mirjana Topic, a student from the Bosnian Serb capital of Banja Luka. "All it would take is some fool's call for war."

Although Bosnian politicians have so far refrained from calling up voters in their constituencies to reach for the guns, they have done just about everything else to provoke and insult the opposing ethnic groups. Last Sunday Borislav Paravac, the Serbian member of Bosnia's collective Presidency, stated that the behavior of his Muslim colleague Sulejman Tihic was "idiotic." Tihic had previously said that those Serbs who do not accept his vision of Bosnia as a centralized state should pack up and move out of the country.

:x (kaze da je tihic rekao da oni srbi koji ne zele centralizovanu bosansku drzavu mogu da se sele)

cista laz, to tihic nikad nije rekao :x on je rekao da oni koji zele da se odvoje mogu da se sele!
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