Tajne americkih diplomata procurile na WikiLeaks-u

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#1 Tajne americkih diplomata procurile na WikiLeaks-u

Post by Optimus Prime »

Breaking news tema broj jedan.
Interesuje me da li iko ima informacije je li ista procurilo u vezi nasih politicara!
Ovo je jedinstvena prilika da saznamo sta Amerikanci zaista misle o balkanu.

Ima lis sta na nasim vijestima. U inostranstvu sam i nisam u mogucnosti pratiti nase kanale!
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#2 Re: Tajne americkih diplomata procurile na WikiLeaks-u

Post by argyle »

zasad nista posebno

Wednesday, 16 September 2009, 07:34
S E C R E T SECTION 01 OF 04 PARIS 001254
EO 12958 DECL: 09/16/2018
Classified By: Ambassador Charles Rivkin, for reasons 1.4(b) and (d).



3. (C) Levitte noted that of the five major conditions required to transfer authority in Bosnia from the UN High Representative to an EU High Representative, four have been fulfilled, and only the question of division of state property remains. This final condition should not alone "block all progress," especially as the current UN team in Bosnia is no longer effective. France wants to see the transfer of authority to a new EU team in November, as the rapprochement to Europe is an effective "carrot" to encourage the Bosniaks to continue progress in necessary reforms. A/S Gordon agreed that the current system is not working well, but noted that the international community will lose credibility if we move forward before all the necessary pre-conditions have been fulfilled. He added that the U.S. agrees that some form of carrot is necessary to urge Bosnian compliance. Levitte noted that they still have two months to urge Bosnian progress before a final decision is made. In a separate meeting, Assistant Secretary equivalent for Continental Europe Roland Galharague said that "transition is the number one objective," suggested the division of state property will take much time to resolve, and urged the U.S. to support early transfer of authority that would open the door to Bosnian aspirations for greater integration into EU institutions. He noted that the growing perception of divisions between the US and Bosniaks on one side who favored retaining the UN role and the EU and Serbs on the other created unhelpful opportunities for manipulation. A/S Gordon said this perception was inaccurate, but noted the U.S. is sensitive to the political need for Bosniak leaders to sell this decision to their publics. The USG needs to see a clear path ahead for transition in order to support it.
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#3 Re: Tajne americkih diplomata procurile na WikiLeaks-u

Post by argyle »

o Jeremicu

4. (C) Levitte noted that the EULEX mission is having diplomatic problems with the Kosovar government and public

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after signing two technical protocols with Serbia. They are hoping to ensure continued calm as Kosovo heads into municipal elections. A/S Gordon stated that the Kosovars will have to accept the protocols but that it should be clearly explained that these are technical agreements that have no impact on Kosovo's independent status. Levitte also criticized Serbian FM Jeremic, saying that he is doing nothing to encourage Serb return or participation in Kosovo's government. Levitte noted that Jeremic "makes big promises" every time he comes to France, but doesn't follow through. Levitte no longer meets with him and does not consider him to be the "modern face of Belgrade" that he purports to be.
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#4 Re: Tajne americkih diplomata procurile na WikiLeaks-u

Post by argyle »

Slovenija i zatvorenici iz Guantanama
¶ Bargaining to empty the Guantánamo Bay prison: When American diplomats pressed other countries to resettle detainees, they became reluctant players in a State Department version of “Let’s Make a Deal.” Slovenia was told to take a prisoner if it wanted to meet with President Obama, while the island nation of Kiribati was offered incentives worth millions of dollars to take in Chinese Muslim detainees, cables from diplomats recounted. The Americans, meanwhile, suggested that accepting more prisoners would be “a low-cost way for Belgium to attain prominence in Europe.”
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#5 Re: Tajne americkih diplomata procurile na WikiLeaks-u

Post by Entropio »

Veoma zanimljivo. Mora da ima još nešto o nama...
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#6 Re: Tajne americkih diplomata procurile na WikiLeaks-u

Post by xXBl0odXx »

Pih ne moze se otvoriti wikileaks.org :(
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#7 Re: Tajne americkih diplomata procurile na WikiLeaks-u

Post by Entropio »

xXBl0odXx wrote:Pih ne moze se otvoriti wikileaks.org :(
Na oficijelnom Twitteru su objavili da su pod snažnim DDOS napadima. Ne zna se još k'o ih roka...
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#8 Re: Tajne americkih diplomata procurile na WikiLeaks-u

Post by xXBl0odXx »

Moglo bi biti interesantnog stiva ovdje :zjev: :dance:

'Saudijci tražili od SAD-a napad na Iran'

"BBC piše da u dokumentima, između ostalog, stoji i da je Saudijska Arabija požurivala i nagovarala SAD da napadnu Iran i tako prekinu njihov nuklearni program."
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#9 Re: Tajne americkih diplomata procurile na WikiLeaks-u

Post by michio »

xXBl0odXx wrote:Moglo bi biti interesantnog stiva ovdje :zjev: :dance:

'Saudijci tražili od SAD-a napad na Iran'

"BBC piše da u dokumentima, između ostalog, stoji i da je Saudijska Arabija požurivala i nagovarala SAD da napadnu Iran i tako prekinu njihov nuklearni program."
Pa da. Jasno je cije je maslo stvaranja jaza izmedju muslimana i zapada. A saveznik se mora slusati.
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#10 Re: Tajne americkih diplomata procurile na WikiLeaks-u

Post by PipiDugaDevetka »

Šta bi se moglo ''odraditi'' iza info. zavjese sukoba JK/SK?
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#11 Re: Tajne americkih diplomata procurile na WikiLeaks-u

Post by Hemel »

Tajne americkih diplomata procurile na WikiLeaks-u
cuj procurile i to kao slucajno...

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#12 Re: Tajne americkih diplomata procurile na WikiLeaks-u

Post by simpozijum delirijum »

PipiDugaDevetka wrote:Šta bi se moglo ''odraditi'' iza info. zavjese sukoba JK/SK?

spekulise se da iz ove najnovije krize izmedju Koreja je u stvari sukob Kine i Amerike oko monetarne politike , naime juce je odjeknula prava medijska bomba da Kinezi najavljuju izbacivanje dolara kao rezervne valute i prelaz na Euro i Juan
nesto slicno je izjavio i Ruski premijer Putin u Berlinu
stavljam linkove uskoro , izgleda da se izmedju Kineza i Amerikanaca debelo zakuhalo pogotovo poslije zadnjega samita G-20 koji je bio u Juznoj Koreji u kojem je Kina izasla kao pobjednik u diplomatskom duelu sa Amerikom
sta kaze baba-Vanga ili Torabi ? oce' li poletjeti nuklearke ili nece :D
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#13 Re: Tajne americkih diplomata procurile na WikiLeaks-u

Post by escobar__ »

Mislim da se nešto krije iza objavljivanja ovih tajnih dokumenata, skroz mi je nelogično da tamo neki lik sa nekom gotivnom stranicom tek tako dođe do ovakvih (i ovolikog broja) podataka, a znamo kakvom sve tehnologijom za praćenje raspolažu Amerikanci.

Kontam da ovo nije još jedna igra orkestrirana upravo od svjetske elite!?
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#14 Re: Tajne americkih diplomata procurile na WikiLeaks-u

Post by PipiDugaDevetka »

escobar__ wrote:Mislim da se nešto krije iza objavljivanja ovih tajnih dokumenata, skroz mi je nelogično da tamo neki lik sa nekom gotivnom stranicom tek tako dođe do ovakvih (i ovolikog broja) podataka, a znamo kakvom sve tehnologijom za praćenje raspolažu Amerikanci.

Kontam da ovo nije još jedna igra orkestrirana upravo od svjetske elite!?

Probni baloni za nekoga?!
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#15 Re: Tajne americkih diplomata procurile na WikiLeaks-u

Post by MufljuzMali »

Wikileaks/Guardian: *They also reveal why an alleged major Serbian war criminal has never been caught;*
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#16 Re: Tajne americkih diplomata procurile na WikiLeaks-u

Post by bicebolje »

Francuska je tražila hitno zatvaranje OHR-a još u novembru prošle godine, i prije nego se riješi pitanje državne imovine, dok su se Sjedinjene Države tome usprotivile, navodi se u prvom dokumentu o Bosni i Hercegovini koji je internet-portal "Wikileaks" objavio zajedno s još 250.000 tajnih dokumenta vlade SAD.

Prema navodima "Guardian" za ispunjavanje paketa “5+2” zalagala se Francuska na bilateralnom sastanku sa Amerikancima.

Naime, list prenosi kako se pomoćnik američkog državnog sekretara Philip Gordon sastao u Parizu u septembru prošle godine (uoči pregovora u Butmiru) sa kreatorima francuske politike, uključujući savjetnika za diplomatiju u Elizejskoj palati, Jean-Davida Levittea.

Razgovori su bili usredotočeni na Rusiju, nadolazeća zbivanja na Balkanu (BiH, Hrvatska, Makedonija i Kosovo), izbore u Njemačkoj i Afganistanu, pristupanje Turske Evropskoj uniji, proširenju NATO-a...

Levitte je primijetio kako je od pet glavnih uvjeta za prijenos vlasti u BiH sa Ureda visokog predstavnika na Specijalnog predstavnika EU, jedino neispunjeno ostalo pitanje podjele državne imovine. Zaključeno je kako taj zadnji uvjet ne bi trebao "blokirati sav napredak, pogotovo jer OHR više nije učinkovit".

Kako se navodi u dokumentu, Francuska je željela vidjeti prijenos ovlasti na novi tim Evropske unije u novembru, kao i približavanje Evropi kako bi se potaknuli Bošnjaci da nastave s napretkom u potrebnim reformama.

Gordon se složio da sistem ne funkcioniše dobro, ali je istaknuo da će međunarodna zajednica izgubiti kredibilitet ako poduzme korake prije ispunjavanja svih potrebnih preduvjeta. On je dodao da se SAD slažu da bi približavanje EU dovelo do usaglašavanja stavova u BiH. Levitte je primijetio da su preostala još dva mjeseca kako bi se u BiH ostvario napredak prije donošenja konačne odluke.

U odvojenom sastanku pomoćnik francuskog državnog sekretara za kontinentalnu Evropu, Roland Galharague, rekao je kako je "tranzicija cilj broj jedan" te istakao kako će podjela državne imovine tražiti mnogo vremena. On je pozvao SAD da podrže prijenos ovlasti kako bi se otvorila vrata bosanskim težnjama za većom integracijom u institucije EU.

Napomenuo je kako raste percepcija o podjeli između SAD i Bošnjaka s jedne strane, koji preferiraju zadržavanje uloge UN i EU, te Srba s druge strane kojima se time onemogućava manipulacija. Gordon je rekao kako je ta percepcija netačna, te istaknuo kako SAD trebaju vidjeti jasan napredak kako bi podržale prijenos ovlasti.
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#17 Re: Tajne americkih diplomata procurile na WikiLeaks-u

Post by Drvosjeca iz Dejcica »

Ovo oko Francuske nista novo, ko se sjeca Miterana jos?
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#18 Re: Tajne americkih diplomata procurile na WikiLeaks-u

Post by snaga_znanja »

Ima na guardian.co.uk dio baze podataka.

Ovo sto se dalo procitati o Balkanu za mene je ohrabrujuce bar za sad. Jer se jasno vidi da nema rasprave o nekim podjelama i mogucim sukobima. Vidjecemo kad budu dostupni ostali podaci.

Ovo ostalo mi je manje vise smijesno. Pogotovo debilitet nekih americkih izaslanika. Cjenkaju se Obaminim posjetama ko da je Prorok kakav. Ko na pijaci.

Sve u svemu bice ovo jako interesantan period pred nama.

Ono sto je jos bitno, a neko je napisao. Nema niti jedan dokument pod oznakom Top Secret. Ovo su uglavnom nivoi 2, 3, 4 i visih stepena zastite. Najvise je onih koji nisu za "oci" stranih vlada.
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#19 Re: Tajne americkih diplomata procurile na WikiLeaks-u

Post by MufljuzMali »


Currently released so far... 219 / 251,287

The embassy cables will be released in stages over the next few months. The subject matter of these cables is of such importance, and the geographical spread so broad, that to do otherwise would not do this material justice.
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#20 Re: Tajne americkih diplomata procurile na WikiLeaks-u

Post by heckler »

Da ameri vide ovo kao prijetnju, onog lika bi davno mrak pojeo...

Saobracajna nesreca, srcani udar, nesreca sa plinom ili ostali pehovi.
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#21 Re: Tajne americkih diplomata procurile na WikiLeaks-u

Post by michio »

Vec su mu podmetnuli silovanje. Duga ruka CIA-e seze i do Svedske. :D
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#22 Re: Tajne americkih diplomata procurile na WikiLeaks-u

Post by bicebolje »


Hilari Klinton naredila špijuniranje generalnog sekretara UN!

Hilari Klinton, američki državni sekretar, u julu 2009. godine naredila je američkim diplomatama da skupljaju detalje o komunikacionim sistemima koje koriste čelnici Ujedinjenih nacija, uključujući šifre koje koriste na privatnim i javnim mrežama za zvaničnu komunikaciju!

Šokantan zaključak da zvanični Vašington sprovodi specijalnu obaveštajnu kampanju prema liderima UN - uključujući generalnog sekretara Ban Ki Muna i prestavnike Saveta bezbednosti iz Kine, Rusije, Francuske i Velike Britanije - proizilazi iz poverljivih dokumenata američke diplomatije koje je juče objavio vebsajt Vikiliks.

Kako navodi britanski Gardijan na svom sajtu, od dilpomata SAD se tražilo i da dostave detaljne biometrijske informacije ključnih zvaničnika UN, uključujući tu podsekretare, čelnike specijalizovanih agencija i njihove glavne savetnike, glavne pomoćnike generalnog sekretara, vođe mirovnih operacija i političkih misija, u šta spadaju i predvodnici mirovnih snaga UN. Takođe su zahtevani i obaveštajni podaci o Ban Ki Munovom stilu upravljanja i donošenja odluka, kao i o njegovom uticaju na Sekretarijat. I ne samo to! Vašington je tražio i brojeve kreditnih kartica, imejl adrese, telefonske, faks i pejdžer brojeve...

Bela kuća je osudila odluku vebsajta "VikiLiks" da objavi oko četvrt miliona poverljivih dokumenata koji se uglavnom odnose na diplomatsku prepisku Stejt departmenta sa američkim ambasadama i konzulatima.
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#23 Re: Tajne americkih diplomata procurile na WikiLeaks-u

Post by snaga_znanja »

Jedna zanimljivost.

Afganistanski podpredsjednik nosi uokolo 50 miliona sa sobom :lol:
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#24 Re: Tajne americkih diplomata procurile na WikiLeaks-u

Post by 5 0 5 »

3. (C) Levitte noted that of the five major conditions required to transfer authority in Bosnia from the UN High Representative to an EU High Representative, four have been fulfilled, and only the question of division of state property remains. This final condition should not alone “block all progress,” especially as the current UN team in Bosnia is no longer effective. France wants to see the transfer of authority to a new EU team in November, as the rapprochement to Europe is an effective “carrot” to encourage the Bosniaks to continue progress in necessary reforms. A/S Gordon agreed that the current system is not working well, but noted that the international community will lose credibility if we move forward before all the necessary pre-conditions have been fulfilled. He added that the U.S. agrees that some form of carrot is necessary to urge Bosnian compliance. Levitte noted that they still have two months to urge Bosnian progress before a final decision is made. In a separate meeting, Assistant Secretary equivalent for Continental Europe Roland Galharague said that “transition is the number one objective,” suggested the division of state property will take much time to resolve, and urged the U.S. to support early transfer of authority that would open the door to Bosnian aspirations for greater integration into EU institutions. He noted that the growing perception of divisions between the US and Bosniaks on one side who favored retaining the UN role and the EU and Serbs on the other created unhelpful opportunities for manipulation. A/S Gordon said this perception was inaccurate, but noted the U.S. is sensitive to the political need for Bosniak leaders to sell this decision to their publics. The USG needs to see a clear path ahead for transition in order to support it.
4. (C) Levitte noted that the EULEX mission is having diplomatic problems with the Kosovar government and public
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after signing two technical protocols with Serbia. They are hoping to ensure continued calm as Kosovo heads into municipal elections. A/S Gordon stated that the Kosovars will have to accept the protocols but that it should be clearly explained that these are technical agreements that have no impact on Kosovo’s independent status. Levitte also criticized Serbian FM Jeremic, saying that he is doing nothing to encourage Serb return or participation in Kosovo’s government. Levitte noted that Jeremic “makes big promises” every time he comes to France, but doesn’t follow through. Levitte no longer meets with him and does not consider him to be the “modern face of Belgrade” that he purports to be.
5. (C) Levitte expressed optimism that a new Greek government would be “more solid” and allow greater flexibility for progress in the Greek-Macedonian name dispute. A/S Gordon agreed that either a more solid Conservative government or a Socialist government would be a stronger, more flexible partner in the negotiations. He expressed hope that if the international community could convince Macedonia to abandon the idea of a referendum and get Greece to abandon the necessity of changing passports, then progress could be made. On Croatia, Levitte observed that the border issue with Slovenia is making progress. He hoped that the upcoming September elections in Germany would also allow the new German government to be more open to EU enlargement to include the Balkan countries. Paris wants the door to enlargement to remain open, even if the accession process takes time.
6. (C) Levitte informed A/S Gordon that there had been no change in the French position advocating a “privileged partnership” between the European Union and Turkey, in lieu of EU membership. However, he emphasized that France was not preventing accession negotiations from progressing on all the EU chapters that do not pre-suppose membership. There remain plenty of chapters of the acquis to open, so if progress is not being made, the fault lies with Turkish intransigence on Cyprus. Unfortunately, Ankara is not completing the required necessary reforms and progress has stalled. Levitte anticipated a negative report this fall on Turkey’s failure to fulfill the Ankara Protocol. A/S Gordon said that Turkey was caught in a vicious cycle and it is not completing necessary reforms because the Turks do not believe that their EU candidacy will be allowed to progress, and at the same time, their negotiations are not progressing because they aren’t completing the required reforms. He noted that in the latest German Marshall Fund polls in Turkey, fewer that 30% of the Turkish public believes they will succeed in getting EU membership.
7. (C) Levitte agreed, but noted that Paris hopes that it will be the Turks themselves who realize that their role is best played as a bridge between the two worlds of Europe and Asia, rather than anchored in Europe itself. He stated that Turkey is in a difficult position as it wants to enter the EU but has refused to accept one of the other EU member states. Levitte predicted that a worse case scenario would be if Turkey finally manages to complete the acquis and end negotiations and a public referendum is held in France which is finally opposed to their membership. Despite all of these problems, Levitte claimed that President Sarkozy is a friend of Turkey and has visited the country at least 10 times in his life.
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#25 Re: Tajne americkih diplomata procurile na WikiLeaks-u

Post by bicebolje »

Nažalost neće biti puno informacija vezanih za BiH

http://static.guim.co.uk/sys-images/Gua ... ow-008.jpg

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