Porod kod kuće

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Post by melb26sa »

Takodjer predlazem svima da sa roda.hr procitaju porodjaj po Michel Odentu - fizioloski porodjaj (neinterventni, nemedikalizirani i nepozurivani)

Ja bih tako htjela, kad se god odlucimo za dijete/djecu. :D
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Post by melb26sa »

Ne znam imamo li temu trudnoca, ali eto nas i u vijestima...

http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20071013/us_ ... ths_usa_dc

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States has a sharply higher rate of women dying during or just after pregnancy than European countries, even some relatively poor countries such as Macedonia and Bosnia, according to the first estimates in five years on maternal deaths worldwide.

The report released by various United Nations agencies and the World Bank on Friday shows that Ireland has the lowest rate of deaths, while several African countries have the worst.

The United States has a far higher death rate than the European average, the report shows, with one in 4,800 U.S. women dying from complications of pregnancy or childbirth, the same as Belarus and just slightly better than Serbia's rate of one in 4,500.

Just one out of 47,600 women in Ireland die during or just after childbirth, the report found. Bosnia had the second-lowest rate, with 1 in 29,000 women dying during pregnancy and childbirth.

"Among the ten top-ranked European and other industrialized countries, where women are guaranteed good-quality health and family planning services that minimize their lifetime risk, fewer than one in 16,400 will die from complications of pregnancy and childbirth," the United Nations, which issued the report along with the World Bank, said in a statement.

"At the other end of the scale are ten countries where high fertility and shattered health care systems raise women's lifetime risk so that more than one in every 15 women will die of pregnancy-related causes," it said.

The report, published in the Lancet medical journal, places the United States 41st among 171 countries.

The four lowest-ranked countries in the report are Chad, with 1 in 11 women dying in pregnancy or childbirth, Afghanistan and Sierra Leone with one in eight, and Niger losing one in seven mothers.

"Americans tend to be complacent about pregnancy and childbirth. Most believe it is now more or less routine and no longer the deadly risk it was for their grandmothers. This is true for most U.S. women, but by no means for all," the U.N.-led group said in a statement.

The group includes U.N. agencies such as the World Health Organization and UNICEF, the World Bank and Family Care International.

According to the U.S. National center for Health Statistics, about 6 million U.S. women get pregnant every year. Four million children are born, about 1 million pregnancies end in miscarriages and another 1 million in induced abortion.

The major direct causes of U.S. pregnancy-related deaths are blood clots, hemorrhage, complications of medical conditions, and eclampsia and pre-eclampsia, which are marked by dangerously high blood pressure.

The death rate among U.S. black women was nearly four times the rate found among non-Hispanic white women -- 34.7 deaths per 100,000 live births for blacks versus 9.3 per 100,000 live births for whites, the report said.
mamica papucarka
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#53 Re: Porod kod kuće

Post by mamica papucarka »

luciferino wrote:Pošto me već duže vremena plaše horor pričama iz porođajne sale i nestručnosti i bahatosti ljekara i osoblja, sve češće razmišljam o porodu kod kuće (naravno kada za to dođe vrijeme i ako sve bude ok). Jutros je npr. tema za kafom bio carski rez i neko je rekao kako ovi naši neće da rade "bikini rez" osim ako ne tresnete kesom (nekih 1000 KM). U protivnom režu po vertikali. Meni se od takvih priča diže kosa na glavi i mislim da mogu pretrpiti svaku bol, ali bezobrazluk ne želim da trpim.

Znate li nekoga ko se porodio kod kuće i kakva su iskustva? Čini mi se da je u svijetu takav porođaj mnogo zastupljeniji, a kod nas se opšte i ne govori o toj opciji.
ja se sa drugim djetetom umalo nisam porodila u kuci :D
cekala, cekala (fakat mi se nije dalo odmah u bolnicu pa tamo jos satima cekat), pa kad sam dosla do pred vrata, sastavili me bolovi da sam mislila da cu se prije nego sto otkljucaju porodiljno porodit pred vratima :D Hebi ga, dosla u 12 h, sve zakljucano, a ja i muz legli na zvono :D
mamica papucarka
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Post by mamica papucarka »

melb26sa wrote:Takodjer predlazem svima da sa roda.hr procitaju porodjaj po Michel Odentu - fizioloski porodjaj (neinterventni, nemedikalizirani i nepozurivani)

Ja bih tako htjela, kad se god odlucimo za dijete/djecu. :D
i drugo dijete sam bas ovako rodila. Bez medikamenata, bez epiduralne, bez epiziotomije, bez dripa... :D
Posts: 2449
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Post by melb26sa »

mamica 31 wrote:
melb26sa wrote:Takodjer predlazem svima da sa roda.hr procitaju porodjaj po Michel Odentu - fizioloski porodjaj (neinterventni, nemedikalizirani i nepozurivani)

Ja bih tako htjela, kad se god odlucimo za dijete/djecu. :D
i drugo dijete sam bas ovako rodila. Bez medikamenata, bez epiduralne, bez epiziotomije, bez dripa... :D
Daj reci svoju pricu, mozda vise zena odluci tako roditi a ne sa lijekovima i nalijeganjem na stomak, epiziotomijom... :-D
Ja necu uskoro, daj mi par godina :D ali hocu na ovaj nacin!
Posts: 335
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#56 Re: Porod kod kuće

Post by Cryptoman »

luciferino wrote:Pošto me već duže vremena plaše horor pričama iz porođajne sale i nestručnosti i bahatosti ljekara i osoblja, sve češće razmišljam o porodu kod kuće (naravno kada za to dođe vrijeme i ako sve bude ok). Jutros je npr. tema za kafom bio carski rez i neko je rekao kako ovi naši neće da rade "bikini rez" osim ako ne tresnete kesom (nekih 1000 KM). U protivnom režu po vertikali. Meni se od takvih priča diže kosa na glavi i mislim da mogu pretrpiti svaku bol, ali bezobrazluk ne želim da trpim.

Znate li nekoga ko se porodio kod kuće i kakva su iskustva? Čini mi se da je u svijetu takav porođaj mnogo zastupljeniji, a kod nas se opšte i ne govori o toj opciji.
Znam za privatnu kliniku koja se moze brinuti o trudnici tokom trudnoce, ali porod se mora obaviti u bolnici. Cak ni oni nisu opremljeni da obave porod.

Mitologija je vrlo efikasno sredstvo na nasim prostorima, pomaze cak i kod ublazavanja raznih vrsta bolova :D

Ako ti vec treba pomoc, jel'...
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#57 Re: Porod kod kuće

Post by allem_77 »

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