Pomaci,Goranci i Bosanci - edin soj!

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#126 Re: Pomaci,Goranci i Bosanci - edin soj!

Post by Bosanac sa dna kace »

jel ima mevlud na pomackom/bugarskom jeziku? kako idu stihovi? :)
cuo sam da nema na makedonskom vec da torbesi uce na bosanskom :shock:
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#127 Re: Pomaci,Goranci i Bosanci - edin soj!

Post by Torbes »

Bosanac sa dna kace wrote:jel ima mevlud na pomackom/bugarskom jeziku? kako idu stihovi? :)
cuo sam da nema na makedonskom vec da torbesi uce na bosanskom :shock:
Ma ne brate..ima na makedonskom i mevlud i kompletan prijevod Qur'ana,ali stvar je u tome sto se mi tradicionalno koristimo bosanskim mevludom.
A inace da znate isto tako da se i hutba dzume namaza u Mehmed Ali Pasinoj dzamiji u Labunistu odrzava na bosanskom jeziku. :bih: :thumbup:
A i mi Torbesi nikad nismo gledali na te neke minorne razlike megju nas i Bosnjaka.
U ostalom samo u Labunistu imas stotinjak bosnjakinja iz Bosne i Sandzaka udatih za torbese.
Koliko su bliski torbesi(a stime i pomaci) sa bosnjacima,to se najbolje da vidjeti u inostranstvu na svakom okupu,u bosnjackim klubovima,dzamijama,druzenjima i zabavama.
Dok torbese koji zive u Bosni,a ima ih puno(najvise u Sarajevu i Mostaru) niko i ne "vidi",jer su u svemu identicni s tamosnjim bosnjacima. :)

Evo i jedan dio mevluda na makedonskom(torbeskom) :-D jeziku!!!

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#128 Re: Pomaci,Goranci i Bosanci - edin soj!

Post by Torbes »

Ovo je ilahija na torbeskom posvecena bosnjackim stradalnicima i ujedno poruka bosnjacima..

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#129 Re: Pomaci,Goranci i Bosanci - edin soj!

Post by xxhavarijaxx »

Zaista je, barem meni jako interesantno procitati o Pomacima, Gorancima, Torbesima i ostalima muslimanima sa balkana....tako bih volio da se ova tema nastavi i rasprave se nastave u nekom konstruktivnom i edukativnom smislu..
Osim sličnosti u jezicima ima tu jako dosta sličnosti sto veže balkanske muslimane.. Složio bih se da vjerovatno svi nepotičemo iz stare bosanske države mada je bogumilstvo u doba kada je Bosna bila jaka država bilo rasprostranjeno po balkanu te stoga vjerovatno i imamo jako mnogo sličnosti..
No, najveća sličnost su naša borba za ravnopravnost i borba za opstanak na ovom prostoru zvanom balkan...

Mislim da bi jako korisno i nadasve neophodno bilo da se povežu ove skupine i da se održavaju bliski kontakti..
Zašto nebi balkanski muslimani gledali u Sarajevo kao njihov duhovni glavni grad? Nemislim ovo stvarno u političkom smislu nego u duhovnom... I mislim da je to najmanje što Sarajevo koje je oduvjek bilo otvoreno svima može da uradi... Ovo govorim radi sličnosti jezika i sličnosti kulture te održanju iste ma gdje bili....

Za kraj iako na engleskom jedno jako isteresantno štivo:

Balkan Muslims Instrumental to ‘Euro Islam’

The Turkish entry into the EU would have a considerable impact on the development of Balkan Islam and a European Islam, Bougarel said.

Brussels, November 29, 2005 (IslamOnline.net & News Agencies) - The historical experience of Muslims in the Balkans can contribute to the development of a ‘Euro Islam,’ a seminar has concluded.

Experts at the seminar, held in Brussels under the title "Balkan Muslims and the future of Islam in Europe," said that the accession to the European Union of a number of Balkan states in the years ahead will bring some predominantly Muslims countries into the expanding bloc and nearly double its Muslim population, the Iranian news agency reported.

Xavier Bougarel, a French scholar on Islam in the Balkans, said that before the collapse of communism, there was only one Muslim-majority state in the western Balkans, Albania.

“Today there are three countries with an overwhelming majority of Muslims,” he told the seminar, which was organized by the European Policy Centre in cooperation with the Belgian King Baudouin Foundation.

“Some eight million Muslims are living in the Balkans,” nowadays, he said.

According to recent estimates, there are now some 12-15 million Muslims who live in EU member states, both immigrants and citizens, compared with only 800,000 in 1950.

Bougarel also said that the Turkish entry into the EU would have a considerable impact on the development of a European Islam.

The debate over Ankara’s EU membership has raised questions over whether a country with a Muslim majority could become part of a European identity.

European leaders agreed in December to launch “qualified” membership talks with Turkey.

Backers of Turkey's EU hopes, including heavyweights Britain and Germany, have long argued that the country was a vital bridge between Europe and the Muslim world.


Krassimir Kanev, associate professor in Sofia University in Bulgaria, also said that European human rights standards impose restrictions on the practice of Islam.

He criticized the prevalent view in Europe that the Shari`ah is against democracy.

Prominent scholars have said that democracy is compatible with the spirit and teachings of Islam which opposes autocracy and tyranny.

And European intellectuals and professors have further maintained that as Muslims should accept the European values, Europe should in turn accept Muslim integrationist efforts, saying that any culture has its own way of practicing Islam.

A recent study has showed that since the 9/11 terrorist attacks, xenophobia, Islamophobia and racial discrimination have been on the rise across Europe.

The study, commissioned by the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI), maintains that immigrants and refugees from Muslim countries and Islam itself are primary targets of politicians, who exploit feelings of insecurity in an increasingly complex and multicultural world.

The study also showed that Turkey’s bid to join the newly-enlarged EU was a main focal point for the rightists.

They exploited voters’ fears of the admission of a Muslim, though secular, country with a population over 70 million people in their euro bloc.
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#130 Re: Pomaci,Goranci i Bosanci - edin soj!

Post by Bosanac sa dna kace »

Torbes wrote:
Bosanac sa dna kace wrote:jel ima mevlud na pomackom/bugarskom jeziku? kako idu stihovi? :)
cuo sam da nema na makedonskom vec da torbesi uce na bosanskom :shock:
Ma ne brate..ima na makedonskom i mevlud i kompletan prijevod Qur'ana,ali stvar je u tome sto se mi tradicionalno koristimo bosanskim mevludom.
A inace da znate isto tako da se i hutba dzume namaza u Mehmed Ali Pasinoj dzamiji u Labunistu odrzava na bosanskom jeziku. :bih: :thumbup:
A i mi Torbesi nikad nismo gledali na te neke minorne razlike megju nas i Bosnjaka.
U ostalom samo u Labunistu imas stotinjak bosnjakinja iz Bosne i Sandzaka udatih za torbese.
Koliko su bliski torbesi(a stime i pomaci) sa bosnjacima,to se najbolje da vidjeti u inostranstvu na svakom okupu,u bosnjackim klubovima,dzamijama,druzenjima i zabavama.
Dok torbese koji zive u Bosni,a ima ih puno(najvise u Sarajevu i Mostaru) niko i ne "vidi",jer su u svemu identicni s tamosnjim bosnjacima. :)

Evo i jedan dio mevluda na makedonskom(torbeskom) :-D jeziku!!!

e hvALa
jel moze tekst od mevluda i ilahije, nisam bas u mogucnosti sada da otvaram video ili audio zapis, reci mi kad i ko je uraido prvi prevod Kurana na makedonski, s kojeg jezika, koliko prevoda ima do sad?
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#131 Re: Pomaci,Goranci i Bosanci - edin soj!

Post by Torbes »

Tu mozete naci prevod Qur'ana na makedonskom,a i na drugim jezicima u PDF.
Prevod je uradio prof. Hasan Dzilo,a obavljen je u kompleksu "Melik Fahd" u Medini.

Ovo je najpopularnija Islamska web stranica na makedonskom jeziku..

A tu je i forum sa raznolikim sadrzajem,a ima i dio na bosanskom jezku.
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#133 Re: Pomaci,Goranci i Bosanci - edin soj!

Post by Torbes »

Torbesi u Turskoj proslavljaju odlazak u asker(vojsku)

Torbesi proslavljaju novu godinu na ulicama u Njemackoj :lol:

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#134 Re: Pomaci,Goranci i Bosanci - edin soj!

Post by Pomak »

Тези дни реших да се разходя из онези места около Брезница, които ги помня още от дете.
Познавам всяка една педя от тези места поради простата причина че на тези места сме имали
тютюневи ниви.
Това са местата, на които съм си задавал нейзброими въпроси.И одговорите на тези въпроси до днес
не са намерени задълбочено.
Подобно на Мустафа и аз се воъражих с цифров фотоаоапарт,
вместо с кирка, лопата и модерен металотърсач ,последен писък на високите технологии.
Да приятели , днес ние наследниците на тези антични селища и некрополи, сме безсилни срещу иманярските банди които опостушиха и оскверниха античните некрополи и селища.

В последната недяля, аз тръгнах сам от домът си към посока местноста - "Проданов дол", където като дете
си спомням че един полувен канал беше разкрил античен гроб на един баир в същата местност.
Ето там какво открих:

Това е моят бивш колега в строителството Исмаил, които за мой късмет беше тръгнал на гъби и ме докара до легендарната Брезнишка местност "Проданов дол":


Местноста "Проданов дол"

Зад тази скала в шубрака се намира тайнственото място със разкрития от иманярите древен некропол:

Първото на което попаднах е тази малка полянка под осквернения гроб, на която се търкаляха
останки от древна керамика..
Част от счупената каменна плоча с която бе покрит некропола:

Зеещата дупка е останала след като иманярите обратно са се опитали да
затрупат костите на човека които е бил погребан тука:

С тези керамични плочи бе облицовани стенита на самият гроб и дъното му.
Като дете си спомням много добре че на една плочка имаше знак- полуокръжност
с точка в центъра.За да я открия обаче трябваше да копая цял ден.Но аз не съм иманяр,като "бандата" от село Селча,
Освен това с мене носех само фотоапарат.Такива плочи със знаци са намирани и на други места в Брезница.
Въпрос е на време да ги заснема.



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#135 Re: Pomaci,Goranci i Bosanci - edin soj!

Post by Pomak »

И така продължих нататак по маршрута - "Мокра поляна", "Дзарзакови ливади",
"Койконо", "Мъшано", "Банята" и накрая "Голямия чукарь".
Времето макар че беше малко облачно, бе благоприятно за разходката ми..

Спрях се пред една скала на местноста "Мокра поляна" и се зарадвах на
това каменно цвете:

Това е самата местност "Мокра поляна"
Тези останки са от дувара на един стар аят, които в миналото е бил собственост на
Исламовия /Молловия род/ от Брезница. чиито пряка наследничка е
Рахмие която е от управата на сайта.

Просто една красива гъба, която незнаех как се казва и не я откъснах за да я изяда.

Местноста Мъшано - това е "Сърмалиевата нива"
По време на комунизма тука сеехме тютюн. Достигаше до 2 , 50 метра височина.
По тези синури на нивата сме намирали монети от византийският период.


Това е парче от каменната плоча с която бе покрит друг осквренен преди години
некропол на местноста "Мъшано".Намира се в нивата на adi_bg, но не вярвам това тя да го е сторила.
Защото когато нейното семейство сееха тютюн тука, баща и беше дете и не бе


Останки от антично селище, опоскано от иманяри.
Този таз от Джип е бил на иманяр -олигарх според мене:


Остатъци от разхвърлена керамика около древното селище на "Мъшано"


Ядосан от набезите на иманярите аз поех към местноста "Банята", единственото място
където в Брезнишкото землище има минерален извор.
По пътя срещнах стадо кози без козар.
Козара бе известен алкохолик "Баро" от Брезница, които някъде след поредния
запой се е излежавал на сянка по някое дърво:

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#136 Re: Pomaci,Goranci i Bosanci - edin soj!

Post by Pomak »

Продължих да слизам надолу към местноста "Банята"
Стигнах до самият минерален извор и с удоволствие опитах от лековитата минерална вода
която и зиме и лете е топла.


Тази чудесна гледка е от "Банята" към "Голямия Чукарь"

На тези ливади в миналото е имало Аять.
Този аять се казваше "Кяяьовия Аять".
Собственикът на този имот бе наследник на комитажийски род.
По време на Възродителният процес имаше силни културни връзки между Брезница и Рибново.
Единствения път по които минавахме към двете посоки и Рибново И Брезница, задължително минавахме през тази местност.
Като дете си спомням старите хора разказваха със страх шепнешком, как
собственикът комита на този Аять е причаквал нещастните Брезничани и Рибновалий, като ги е рекетирал и плашел за откуп , поради тва че са минавали по този единствен път.
Имало е случай на изнасилване на млади жени помакини от село Рибново тръгнали с близките си към Брезница пеша..


Преди да се изкача на "Голямия чукарь", се натъкнах на мостът които бе направен преди около 30 години
от моя дядо - Бюко Исмаил рааметлията.
Тои бе най известният майстор на каменни зидове в селото ми тогава:


Изкачих се за около половин час.Първото което направих е да снимам село Буково в далечината:


и село Рибново, където по това време беше обичаната от всички нас Гелина
за жалост в този момент тя беше банната временно ;)


отново се натъкнах на каменно цвете което го подарявам на всички дами тука:

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#137 Re: Pomaci,Goranci i Bosanci - edin soj!

Post by Pomak »

Това са останките от старата крепост "Градища" която се намира на самия връх на
"Голямия чукарь"
Опоскана от иманярите, но за щастие все пак си личът основите и типът керамика която е била
добре развита в древноста тука.Интересно е това че основите представляват многоброини зидове които
ограждат тясни пространства подобно на килий, с размери 1,50, 2 метра на ширина - около 2,50 3 метра.
Около 20 такива малки стайчки подобно на килий предполагам е било първия етаж. нагоре незнам какво е било.
Тука иманярите са намирали монети от византийският и македонският период .

Ето какво представляват тези ограждения на "килийте":




Керамиката в нейните типични форми,окраси, но за жалост изпочупени варварски
и пръсната по целия чукар:


Тука е очевидно че древните брезничани са познавали геометрията,
имам в предвид този мистериозен равнобедрен триъгълник:



Този натюрморт е украсен по естествен начин от любимия ми чай -
разцъфналата мащерка:


На връщане се одбих до това изкуствено езеро от времето на ТКЗС.
В този гьол , когато бях в седми клас, при поредното ми къпане
с децата от моя клас, щях да се удавя наистина..
Тогава ме спаси един мой съученик - Исмаил Къпов с прякор - "Меркуцио".
Задължен съм му до гроб, и му пожелавам много здраве и щастие, щото сега нямаше да ме има.


И така, това бе краят на моето пътешествие за лов на фото-археологически артефакти.
Искрено се надявам че и на вас ви бе интересно.
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#138 Re: Pomaci,Goranci i Bosanci - edin soj!

Post by IBM »

Veliki pozdrav za Torbesa i za Pomaka! Hvala vam sto postavljate ove postove.
Pomak, znas li da li je u Bugarskoj uradjeno neko ozbiljnije istrazivanje o etnickom ciscenju Pomaka od 1981-89, tzv. proces asimilacije i deportacije u Tursku?
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#139 Re: Pomaci,Goranci i Bosanci - edin soj!

Post by Pomak »

IBM wrote:Veliki pozdrav za Torbesa i za Pomaka! Hvala vam sto postavljate ove postove.
Pomak, znas li da li je u Bugarskoj uradjeno neko ozbiljnije istrazivanje o etnickom ciscenju Pomaka od 1981-89, tzv. proces asimilacije i deportacije u Tursku?
Veliki pozdrav i za vas @IBM !

Predlažem vam Tobija materijala na engleskom jeziku:

The Bulgarian Muslims, usually called by the term “Pomaks”, are a religious minority. They are Slav Bulgarians who speak Bulgarian as their mother tongue but whose religion and customs are Islamic. They are estimated to number in excess of 150,000 and live in compact settlements in the mountainous regions of the Rhodope mountains in south-western and southern Bulgaria.

Since 1948 the Bulgarian authorities have made repeated attempts to induce the Pomaks to change their names, renounce their faith and become integrated into the socialist Bulgarian state. In the period 1971 to 1973 the authorities pursued a concerted campaign to force the Pomaks to change their names by obliging them to choose new ones from a list of “official” Bulgarian names. The Pomaks were obliged to hand in their old identity papers and receive new ones made out in new Bulgarian names. Some Pomaks, mostly old people but some young ones as well, refused but, without new identity papers, no pensions, state salary or money from a bank account could be drawn.

There were a number of instances of violent resistance. For example, in 1971 there were riots in Pazardzhik in which two Communist Party functionaries were reportedly killed. The authorities reacted by arresting large numbers of people. Two Pomaks were condemned to death and two others sentenced to 15 years’ imprisonment. A group of Pomaks travelled to Sofia and protested against these measures but were stopped near the town of Samakov by the militia and in a violent clash two Pomaks were shot dead and 50 wounded. There were also reported violent clashes in Barutin and around Devin. Intensive military operations were carried out in May 1972 in Blagoevgrad and surrounding districts against the Pomaks which resulted in many deaths of Pomaks who resisted the forced assimilation. In March 1973 security forces supported by border guards again entered several villages in Blagoevgrad district and went from house to house with prepared lists of Bulgarian names from which the Pomak inhabitants were obliged to select new names. In the violent resistance which ensued at least eight people were reported to have died, including one army officer, and a number of people wounded. Large numbers of Pomaks were arrested, 20 from the village of Kornitsa alone, and sentenced to three to 15 years’ imprisonment. About 100 Pomaks were also deported to other areas in Bulgaria.

In prison the Pomaks suffered particularly harsh treatment. If they failed to use or respond to the Bulgarian name assigned to them by the authorities they risked being deprived of their right to visits from their families. In 1975 Amnesty International was informed that about 500 Pomaks were serving prison sentences in Belene prison camp and the same organization reported that in 1977 there were 40 to 50 Pomaks held in Stara Zagora Prison, many kept in solitary confinement with reduced rations for periods longer than the maximum 14 days allowed by Bulgarian penal law. Former prisoners from Stara Zagora Prison have alleged that Pomaks have been placed for as long as three days in a special concrete cell, “one metre square”, which has a curved floor often covered with water. In winter the water freezes, and prisoners put in this cell have suffered from kidney diseases and pneumonia.

Demonstrations were reported to have taken place on August 15, 1989 by Pomaks protesting at the authorities’ apparent refusal to issue passports to people living in the predominantly Pomak area around Gotse Delcher—a new passport law was to be implemented in September 1989 and over 300,000 ethnic Turks emigrated to Turkey in 1989. Protests reportedly occurred in over a dozen villages including Hvostyane, Kornitsa, Lazhinista, Breznitsa, Dabnitsa and Blatska. Security forces sealed off at least six villages with unconfirmed reports of some deaths of protesters.
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#140 Re: Pomaci,Goranci i Bosanci - edin soj!

Post by Pomak »

For the past century, Muslims in the Balkans are the victims of many episodes of ethnic cleansing by the crusaders and later by the Communists in Macedonia, Albania, Bosnia, Kosovo, Serbia, Montenegro, Bulgaria and Greece. As Communism collapsed, the Muslims in Eastern Europe are still facing suppression, discrimination, harassment and intolerance.

In this context, we will highlight the sufferings of one million Muslim Bulgarians who are uprooted and forced to flee from their country before giving up their property. Despite all this, Islam's presence in Europe is likely to grow and to bring about social, economic and political changes.

Historical Dimension:

The Balkan Peninsula has strategic geographic position, controlling the access to the Silk Road, the ancient trade route linking China and imperial Rome. Therefore, it was a battlefield for the competing superpowers since medieval times. The region that is now Bulgaria was at one time included in the Roman Empire.

Muslims managed to gain footholds throughout the Balkans since the Abbasid era in the 9th century. By 1396, the armies of the Ottoman Empire controlled all of Bulgaria. During the next five centuries the Islamic culture dominated in Bulgaria. The presence of Muslims in the Balkan Peninsula at that time was so great when thousands of Turkish Muslims had immigrated and settled in Western Anatolia.

The Christian kingdoms in Western Europe launched many crusades to take over Jerusalem passing through the Balkan Peninsula. On their way they had exterminated the Muslims living there. In 1878, coinciding with the expansion of Great Serbia, Muslims in Bulgaria were the expelled and a killing spree took place with Russian backing.

After the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire, Muslims in the Balkans have been severely persecuted. By the end of the First World War, the Bulgarian nationalists continued the hostile policies of the Serbs by destroying schools and mosques in the Muslim areas. Muslims are told: 'Become Christians if you wish to remain in Europe.'

Who Are the Bulgarian Muslims?

Muslims in Bulgaria belong to various ethnic groups, such as the Turks, Pomaks, Gypsies and Tatars. The Pomaks are the main Muslim ethnic group in Bulgaria. There are many contradicting views, regarding the origin of Pomaks. According to some historians, they are the descendants of the ancient Slavic or Slavized inhabitants of the Balkans. Some of them converted to Islam at the time of the conquest and during the years that followed. Other groups converted to Islam during the period of the Ottoman Caliphate.

The number of Pomak population changed several times due to the suppression policy by the Christian and communist governments. During and after the Balkan Wars of 1912-1913, the biggest waves of Pomak migrated to Turkey.

Bulgaria's population is approximately 7.9 million according to a 2001 census. Approximately 13 percent of the Bulgarians are Muslims.

Bulgarization of the Muslims:

Since the Bulgarian independence in 1908, the nationalist regimes marginalized the Muslims and traditionally considered them as foreigners, even if they were ethnically Bulgarian. The Orthodox Church is very influential and with the help of the Bulgarian nationalists they forced the Muslims to convert to Christianity. All the resisting Muslims were wounded, imprisoned, killed or deported. Thousands of them fled to Turkey and Greece. In the summer of 1989 more than 300,000 Muslims were deported from Bulgaria.
Mosques were converted into churches. Out of the 44 mosques in Sofia only one remained as a historical monument. The largest mosque in Bulgaria was the Tumbul Mosque in Shumen, built in 1744. Muslims were coerced to go to church every Sunday. Circumcision was prohibited, and the people who circumcised their sons were severely punished.

There are pressures on Muslims to change their names, vestment and language. Since 1942 a new law was passed which commanded Muslims to change their names to Bulgarian ones. About 2000 Turkish and Pomak village names were also changed to Bulgarian. Pomaks were banned from attending Turkish schools or use the Turkish language and they were forbidden to open private schools. Then Muslim school boards were abolished and unified with Bulgarian school boards. Thus all their non-Bulgarian daily life was subjected to censure.

In 1944, the Communist regime came into power and launched the assimilation campaigns against the Muslims. Pomak villages from the Rhodopes region were forced to resettle in Northern Bulgaria during 1948-1952. In 1949, the agricultural lands were expropriated affecting many Bulgarian Muslims. For more than 40 years the Bulgarian government promoted atheism. Muslims were treated as second-class citizens with no rights to become members of the government or officers.

In April 1956, the Bulgarian Communist Party decided to create a unified socialist Bulgarian republic. Further they proceeded in changing the names of Muslims to Bulgarians by terror. Pomaks have developed a strategy to `compromise name and behaviour'. A Pomak, who was born before 1912 and lived until after 1990, has been forced to change his Muslim name nine times for instance.
During most of the Communist period, under the leadership of Todor Zhivkov-secretary of the Communist Party from 1954, the country's premier from 1964 to 1971 and head of state from 1971 to late 1989-the policy of forceful assimilation continued under the so-called `Process of Rebirth'. After their 'success' with the Pomaks, the Bulgarian authorities started to work in the same way on the other ethnic Muslims. Therefore, in practice Communism is equivalent to Bulgarian extreme nationalism which aims to Bulgarize the significant Muslim minorities.

Post Communist Era:

With the fall of the racist regime of Todor Zhivkov in November 1989, the religious restrictions in Bulgaria were loosened somewhat. But still there is discrimination, harassment, and general public intolerance of non-Christian Orthodox religious groups.
In each Bulgarian village there are still some former Communist Party members or local security forces that had persecuted the Muslim in the past. Therefore, Muslims are still afraid to speak about their harsh experiences. They still feel threatened by the Socialist Party (former Communist Party) members, fearing that one day Communists will be in power again and then they will be persecuted again.

It is still impossible to find a single Muslim in the Bulgarian army as a regular soldier. Most of the Muslim Bulgars are uneducated and work as laborers, shepherds, haymakers and the like. Muslims are discriminated against in jobs and education. While the Pomaks want their children to learn Turkish, which is now theoretically possible, in practice local education directors don't allow them to do so.

Inequalities still exist in practice and those who are dissatisfied with their poor conditions continue to migrate to Turkey. Rumors and aggressive propaganda against Muslims as terrorists continue to receive large-scale media coverage. The Government still restricts the religious freedom of non-Christian Orthodox religious groups. These restrictions are manifested primarily in a registration process that is selective, slow, and nontransparent. The Government prohibits the public practice of religion by groups that are not registered.

However, after 1987, Bulgarian Muslims are allowed to reconstruct their mosques and new mosques are built in many cities and villages. Now there are about 1,267 mosques. The Muslim hierarchy was headed by one chief mufti and eight regional muftis who interpret Muslim law.

The study of the Quran had been completely forbidden under Zhivkov and now Quran classes are organized. Muslims also began publishing their own newspaper, Miusiulmani, in both Bulgarian and Turkish.
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#141 Re: Pomaci,Goranci i Bosanci - edin soj!

Post by BHCluster »

Odlican topik i zanimljiv samo nastavi.
Excellent topic and very interesting just keep on posting. :thumbup:
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#142 Re: Pomaci,Goranci i Bosanci - edin soj!

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Още един братски форум -


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Разликите между нашите и техните обичай и носий е минимална..

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#143 Re: Pomaci,Goranci i Bosanci - edin soj!

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Нашите братя и сестри от Санджак - http://www.sandzak24.net/index.php
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#146 Re: Pomaci,Goranci i Bosanci - edin soj!

Post by Torbes »

Selam Alejkum svim bosnjacima,i evo mene posle par mjeseci.. :)

Za pocetak evo jednu ilahiju od Zekir ef. Sadikoski,s naslovom "Dzamiii ni rasturija"
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kE_vv78I ... r_embedded
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#147 Re: Pomaci,Goranci i Bosanci - edin soj!

Post by Torbes »

Selam iz Labunista,Republika Makedonija!.

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#148 Re: Pomaci,Goranci i Bosanci - edin soj!

Post by pure_love »

jako slicni bosnjacima,a kako i nebi..muslimani smo i jedni i drugi(ili iz muslimanskog miljea,ali ima nas i ateista i medju bosnjacima i medju gorancima,torbeshima,pomacima) i slaveni smo.Jako je dobro sto se "otkrivaju" ti muslimanski narodi,jer prije toga su slabo suradjivali..a to je velika steta,,slavenski muslimani bi trebali blize suradjivati,jer ipak smo manjina na Balkanu

ja sam citao tekst u kojem se kaze da su se mnogi pomaci asimilirali,daju bugarska imena,djeca se vise ne sunete itd.Jel to tacno?
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#149 Re: Pomaci,Goranci i Bosanci - edin soj!

Post by Torbes »

Evo malo i dio svadbenih rituala Torbesa u Albaniji,tacnije u Durres(Drac),na Jadranu..

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VeJeW-DG ... annel_page

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S33OmnQ9 ... annel_page
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#150 Re: Pomaci,Goranci i Bosanci - edin soj!

Post by paradoks »

seldzuk wrote: Ja ne bih gledao stvari tako crno. Prema statistikama na Balkanu je musliman svaki 6, a ako bi se isključila Rumunija svaki 4 stanovnik. U kojem pravcu statistike idu dalje ne znam. Ali ni trenutni podaci nisu tako crni, a od Balkanski ratova naovamo, muslimanima se uglavnom crno pisalo. Sada trend ipak ide u nekom pozitivnom smjeru.

koji je to pozitivni trend?
da nam zemlja sve više počinje ličiti na kurdistan, a sve manje na evropu?

statistike pokazuju da se broj muslimana u jednoj zemlji i broj izgrađenih kilometara autoceste obično nalaze u obrnuto-proporcionalnom odnosu.
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