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Post by carobnjak_N »

Dozer wrote: 19/10/2020 11:49
carobnjak_N wrote: 16/10/2020 08:09 Ali ti si kontradiktoran u sebi, jer to što zoveš nauka doživljavaš intimno. Vezao si se za tu ideju isto kao i Ljubo za svoju, pa to onda
jeste ponašanje vjernika . Zato i kažem da niti u jednom načinu mišljenja nema ništa sveto, da se ne može preispitati.

Evo npr ti misliš da je čovjek izmislio boga na nebu, i to "na svoju sliku" ,vezao se za nju, i ja se slažem s tim.
Ali taj koji je izmislio boga na nebu, "na svoju sliku" , izmislio je i sliku o sebi samom.
Zato ateizam kad negira boga na nebu, nije ništa bitno uradio s tim, jer je ostao onaj koji izmišlja entitete i vezuje se za njih.
Čovjek je i dalje mentalno bolestan od toga i ostaje zarobljen u tome, što je vidljivo kod ateista.
Vjernik tako umiruje neuroze projektujući boga, a ateista projektuje vlastitu sliku o sebi , koja je "sveta".
Eh, jos kad bi ovo zaista bilo ovako...

Vjernici projektuju sliku o bogu, a zatim i o sebi samima kao necemu "po bozijem liku". Drugim rijecima - smatraju da nas je bog stvorio po svojoj slici i prilici, tj. da bog ima ljudski lik. Pa se vremenom skontalo da se tu malo zajebalo, i onda su isle razne nadogradnje kojima bi se bog nekako ipak odvojio od svojih kreacija, tj. ljudi, pa na kraju bog moze imati lik kakav pozeli da ima.

S druge strane, ateisti nista ne projektuju, tacnije projiciraju. Pogledamo se u ogledalo i znamo ko smo i sta smo. Nista niti projektujemo niti projiciramo. A o bogu ni ne razmisljamo jer nam je to visak. Zasto trositi vrijeme na imaginaciju?
Ti si imaginacija , sačinjena od imaginarnog vremena. Postojiš samo u prošlosti (prošlo svršeno vrijeme) , u memoriji , projektujući
iz iste te memorije, sebe u budućnost (koja još nije došla niti će ikad doći) .
To kretanje prošlost-budućnost, nazivaš vrijeme. Od toga imaginarnog vremena si satkan.
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Post by Dozer »

Vidim i buducnost, bar ovu vrlo blisku. Evo dokaz - racno sam znao sta cu sve napisati u ovom postu i prije nego sam ga napisao.

Vidim i malo dalje - tacno znam sta cu uraditi u narednih 2-3h. I nije to projiciranje, nego plan za buducnost. A buducnost je sve od ovog momenta pa dalje kroz vrijeme, bilo da se radi o jednoj sekundi, satu, danu, mjesecu.

Ali da, moze se to nazvati i projiciranjem buducih desavanja.
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Post by Tempo »

Cjela ekipa se treba testirati na tifus. Narocito nulti pacjent.
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Post by carobnjak_N »

Dozer wrote: 21/10/2020 13:47 Pogresno.
Vidim i buducnost, bar ovu vrlo blisku. Evo dokaz - racno sam znao sta cu sve napisati u ovom postu i prije nego sam ga napisao.

Vidim i malo dalje - tacno znam sta cu uraditi u narednih 2-3h. I nije to projiciranje, nego plan za buducnost. A buducnost je sve od ovog momenta pa dalje kroz vrijeme, bilo da se radi o jednoj sekundi, satu, danu, mjesecu.

Ali da, moze se to nazvati i projiciranjem buducih desavanja.
ne projiciraš ti budućnost ili je "vidiš", nego projektuješ sebe u budućnost - iz prošlosti.
Na osnovu prošlosti , koja postoji jedino u tvojoj memoriji i nigdje više, i to protumačena prošlost .
Tako postojiš samo virtualno, u memoriji i u projekciji, i ne možeš to prestati da radiš.
Naravno da ne vidiš budućnost, ne vidiš šta ću ti ja reći... i opet nećeš razumjeti o čemu ti govorim, zbog toga što tumačiš napisano
pomoću svoje memorije, u kojoj je ono što ti nazivaš znanjem.
Ovdje je to znanje ograničavajući faktor, i ono ti ne da da razumiješ. Znanje je informacija, najčešće krivo protumačena, bez direktnog
razumjevanja u kojem nije potreban vremenski proces.
Platon bi rekao da je to otkrivanje onoga što već znamo, dok je tumačenje indirektna spoznaja, niže vrijednosti.
Znanje o jabuci koju ćeš pojesti, potpuno je suvišno za taj čin, isto kao i ime "jabuka".
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Post by carobnjak_N »

Tempo wrote: 21/10/2020 14:04 Cjela ekipa se treba testirati na tifus. Narocito nulti pacjent.
Smeta ti i(mpoTe)ncija da uđeš dublje u materiju
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Post by Tempo »

carobnjak_N wrote: 21/10/2020 14:44
Tempo wrote: 21/10/2020 14:04 Cjela ekipa se treba testirati na tifus. Narocito nulti pacjent.
Smeta ti i(mpoTe)ncija da uđeš dublje u materiju

Nije, nego imate ozbiljne simptome.
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Post by Dozer »

A zar se na osnovu akumuliranog prethodnog znanja ne moze projicirati buducnost...? Zar se ne moze tacno znati sta slijedi, za bilo sta, ako o tome postoji prethodno znanje, tj. informacije? Znamo da moze, iz X stvari.

Zar to nije "predvidjanje" buducnosti?
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Post by carobnjak_N »

Dozer wrote: 21/10/2020 15:06 A zar se na osnovu akumuliranog prethodnog znanja ne moze projicirati buducnost...? Zar se ne moze tacno znati sta slijedi, za bilo sta, ako o tome postoji prethodno znanje, tj. informacije? Znamo da moze, iz X stvari.

Zar to nije "predvidjanje" buducnosti?
Može i ja ti upravo to i govorim. Postojiš samo virtualno, kroz tu projekciju ili pretpostavku, koja je obično nagađanje jer
ma koliko ti akumulirao znanja, ne možeš sve znati.
Znanje te odvaja od onog što jesi, a što se ne može "znati" . Isto kao što je znanje o jabuci potpuno nebitno i suvišno, jer je iz druge ruke,
opisno, ne direktno kušanje jabuke. Za koje ne treba nikakvo znanje i koje je tačnije, od ovog opisnog.
Da nisi nikad probao, recimo ananas , i nemaš pojma kako se zove, a neko ti ponudi izbor - da probaš to voće ili da ti ga opiše.
Šta bi ti odabrao kao bolji način ? Isto tako tvoje ime , kao i svi pridjevi i sve moguće što si akumulirao uz njega, nije ništa drugo nego
teret neznanja sebe. Sve što radiš u životu, svaki pokret , svaka misao je samo pokušaj da se potvrdiš ili doživiš.
To nije moguće kroz indirektnu spoznaju.
Ti "znaš" sebe kroz objekte, tvoje znanje je reflektovana spoznaja objekata, skup utisaka o njima i onda si se svezao za to znanje.
Zato sebe i možeš vidjeti kao objekat. Kao ateistu, kao vjernika, kao ličnost koja sadrži nešto od ovoga i još mnoštva toga.
Ali ko je taj što vidi to sve ? Njemu ne možeš pristupiti znanjem, osim indirektno, hintom, išaretom, nagovještajem.
U direktnom pristupu se dešava i razumjevanje, a razumjevanje je ljubav. Razumjevanje da nema granica, da su izmišljene i da, šta god uradim
nekome u ovoj gramatičkoj podjeli, uradio sam sebi.
Možemo to nazvati i kolektivnim umom, slično internetu, i tu postoji zakon akcije i reakcije, koji ne može nikad biti razumljen
ukoliko se ne razumije da tvoj profil na fb nisi ti, niti je on odvojen entitet od kolektiva zvanog Fb.
Obična projekcija, sa "vremenskom linijom" , u kojoj ako se vratiš na svoje postove od prije 10 godina, možeš da se zapitaš
jesi li to zaista ti napisao ? :D
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Post by Diwan »

Šta vam je :D
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Post by breba »

carobnjak_N wrote: 21/10/2020 15:52
Dozer wrote: 21/10/2020 15:06 A zar se na osnovu akumuliranog prethodnog znanja ne moze projicirati buducnost...? Zar se ne moze tacno znati sta slijedi, za bilo sta, ako o tome postoji prethodno znanje, tj. informacije? Znamo da moze, iz X stvari.

Zar to nije "predvidjanje" buducnosti?
Može i ja ti upravo to i govorim. Postojiš samo virtualno, kroz tu projekciju ili pretpostavku, koja je obično nagađanje jer
ma koliko ti akumulirao znanja, ne možeš sve znati.
Znanje te odvaja od onog što jesi, a što se ne može "znati" . Isto kao što je znanje o jabuci potpuno nebitno i suvišno, jer je iz druge ruke,
opisno, ne direktno kušanje jabuke. Za koje ne treba nikakvo znanje i koje je tačnije, od ovog opisnog.
Da nisi nikad probao, recimo ananas , i nemaš pojma kako se zove, a neko ti ponudi izbor - da probaš to voće ili da ti ga opiše.
Šta bi ti odabrao kao bolji način ? Isto tako tvoje ime , kao i svi pridjevi i sve moguće što si akumulirao uz njega, nije ništa drugo nego
teret neznanja sebe. Sve što radiš u životu, svaki pokret , svaka misao je samo pokušaj da se potvrdiš ili doživiš.
To nije moguće kroz indirektnu spoznaju.
Ti "znaš" sebe kroz objekte, tvoje znanje je reflektovana spoznaja objekata, skup utisaka o njima i onda si se svezao za to znanje.
Zato sebe i možeš vidjeti kao objekat. Kao ateistu, kao vjernika, kao ličnost koja sadrži nešto od ovoga i još mnoštva toga.
Ali ko je taj što vidi to sve ? Njemu ne možeš pristupiti znanjem, osim indirektno, hintom, išaretom, nagovještajem.
U direktnom pristupu se dešava i razumjevanje, a razumjevanje je ljubav. Razumjevanje da nema granica, da su izmišljene i da, šta god uradim
nekome u ovoj gramatičkoj podjeli, uradio sam sebi.
Možemo to nazvati i kolektivnim umom, slično internetu, i tu postoji zakon akcije i reakcije, koji ne može nikad biti razumljen
ukoliko se ne razumije da tvoj profil na fb nisi ti, niti je on odvojen entitet od kolektiva zvanog Fb.
Obična projekcija, sa "vremenskom linijom" , u kojoj ako se vratiš na svoje postove od prije 10 godina, možeš da se zapitaš
jesi li to zaista ti napisao ? :D
Nedorečeno, ali i kao takvo ima vise smisla nego Ljubino.
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Post by Ljubo2 »

breba wrote: 22/10/2020 03:13Nedorečeno, ali i kao takvo ima vise smisla nego Ljubino.
Nekima je ovdje najvažnije ne slagati se sa Ljubom, nebitno da li je u pravu, jer on priča nešto drugo od onoga što neki vjeruju.

Da li si ti uopšte razumio o kakvoj vrsti predviđanja budućnosti sam ja pričao? Nisi!

Pričao sam o svjetski poznatim prorcima i proročanstvima čija su se proročanstva ostvarila ili se sada ostvaruju ili je izvjesno i logično da će se u budućnosti ostvariti u skladu s razvojem događaja koji se sada odvijaju. Objašnjavao sam da informacije o takvim budućim događajima proroci primaju od "svjetlosnih bića", koja znaju da će takvi događaji da se ostvare, jer ona te događaje unaprijed planiraju i nema šanse da se ti događaji ne ostvare. Zato što su ljudi na Zemlji, koji treba da rade na tome, pod jakim uticajem "svjetlosnih bića" koja na njih telepatski djeluju da te događaje ostvare. Informacije o tome šta i kako ljudi treba da rade da se ti događaji ostvare, dolaze u ljudske umove u obliku misli i želja koje im "svjetlosna bića" šalju telepatski. Koje će ljudi 100% precizno da realizuju, smatrajući to svojim vlastitim mislima i željama, bez mogućnosti da shvate da to nisu njihove vlastite misli i želje, već misli i želje "svjetlosnih bića".

Mogućnosti takvog, hipnotičkog sugeriranja na djelovanje ljudi, su u psihologiji poznate.

Ja imam bogato iskustvo o telepatskom prenošenju informacija od strane "svjetlosnih bića", na mene lično, o nekim budućim događajima, kojom prilikom su mi "svjetlosna bića" praktično pokazala kako su na mene telepatski prenijela svoje misli, a ja shvatio da su to moje vlastite misli, nakon čega sam odmah bio upozoren da to nisu moje misli, već njihove koje su oni na mene telepatski prenijeli. Kao što sam kasnije svjedočio i ostvarenju tih događaja.

Zato ja u ovoj diskusiji često i navodim pojedina proročanstva, jer sam siguran da će da se ostvare. Zato što znam ko koristi ljude za ostvarenje tih proročanstava i što znam da ljudi ne mogu da se samima sebi odupru da ih ne ostvare. I zato što primjećujem da se ta proročanstva koja navodim već dobrim dijelom i istvaruju.

Ovo o čemu ja sada pričam nema nikakve veze o prikupljanju informacija o događajima iz prošlosti, zatim o daljem razvoju tih događaja do sadašnjosti, na osnovu čega se prognozira kako će ti događaji dalje da se odvijaju u budućnosti.

Kad je riječ o prorokovanoj daljoj budućnosti Čovječanstva, za mene su najinteresantnija dva prorčanstva: "Otkrivenje" sv. Jovana Bogoslova u Bibliji i prorčanstvo Mitra Tarabića, koja su, po meni, već uveliko počela da se ostvaruju. Bez obzira što je "Otktivenje staro skoro 2000 godina. Jer oba ova proročanstva se odnose na onaj trenutak ljudske istorije kada ljudi dospiju na takav stupanja razvoja da više neće moći da žive po principu podjele, konkurencije, mržnje i borbe svakoga sa svakim, uz slobodnu upotrebu svih sredstava napada i odbrane, a da se ne samounište. Ova dva pročanstva su istinita i po tome što se do istog rezultata može doći i analiziranjem toka ljudske istorijske prošlosti i predviđanjem daljeg toka razvoija tih istih događaja u budućnosti. U svakom slučaju, kraj ovakve svirepe ljudske istorije iz prošlosti počinje već uveliko da se nazire. Haoćemo li uspjeti da preživomo trenutak tog "KRAJA" ("biti ili ne biti") sve zavisi od nas. Od svakog pojedinaca. Ja sam dao sugestiju šta treba da se radi. Ta moja sugestija stoji zapisana i u ta dva proročanstva koja sam pomenuo. A šta će dalje da bude, do vas je. Prema prorčanstvima, sve treba od tih tamo naših balkanskih prostora da krene nabolje. Možda baš od vas koji čitate ove moje postove.

Mitar Tarabić kaže:
"Na našijem granicama i preko njih pojaviće se Novi narod. Rašće ti ljudi ko trava na livadi poslije velikog dažda. Biće vrijedni i pošteni, te će na našu mržnju odgovoriti svojom pameću. Oni će paziti jedni druge kao da su svi braća rođena. Mi ćemo, opet, od svoje manite pameti, mišljeti da sve znamo i umijemo, te ćemo ovaj narod krstiti nekom novom vjerom koja se u nas bude poavila. Ali svo to naše krštenje uzalud će biti, jer taj narod će vjerovati samo u sebe i ni u koga više."

NIje teško prepoznati da Mitar prorokuje upravo ovo o čemu ja svo vrijeme u ovoj temi govorim. Da bi dalje, sv. Jovan, u "Otkrivenju", govorio o "Narodu u čistim bijelim haljinama (biljele čiste haljine su čiste ljudske duše), od svakognaroda plemena i jezika, koga niko ne može izbrojati", koji će na kraju, uz pomoć "Vječitog evanđelja" (Vječito evanđelje je Zakon postojanja) da osvoji cijeli svijet i uvede Čovječanstvo u "zlatno, novo doba". Naravno, u doba jedinstva svijesta, mira, reda, ljubavi, pravednosti, harmonije i dobra.
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Post by Diwan »

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Post by Ljubo2 »

Kad pomenuh prorčanstvo Mitra Tarabića i Biblijsko Otkrivenje, u kojima prepoznajem najavu događaja koje ja sada zagovaram, a to je stvaranje Pokreta za ujedinjenje svijeta u skladu sa "Vječitim evanđenjem", tj. Zakonom postojanja, neće biti na odmet da još jednom pogledamo i prorčanstvo njemačkog prorka Aloisa Ilmaiera koje sam u ovoj temi već citirao. Ovo je link stranice ove teme na kojoj to citirano proročinstvo stoji.

otkrio-sam-tajnu-postojanja-materije-zi ... #p16731274

Ovo prorčanstvo najavljuje Treći svjetski rat, isto kao što to najavljuje i Mitar Tarabić i biblisko Otkrivenje. Ali u ovom prorčanstvu ima i jedan sitni, gotovo neprimjetni, detalj u kojm prepoznajem takođe i najavu i Pokreta za ujedinjenje svijeta koji ja zagovaram, kao i simbola Zakona postojanja, u skladu sa kojim će na kraju sve da se okonča, poslije čega će da zavlada trajni svjetski mir. Ja sam taj sitni detalj već naglasio u mom ranijem postu, ali bi možda bilo zanimljiovo da ga sada, pošto je diskusija dosta podmakla, ponovim i temeljitije objasnim. Na kraju ovog proročanstva stoji: "Vidim tri devetke. Treća devetka donosi mir."

Ovaj sitni detalj, naizgled, ne znači ništa, jer prorok uz njega nije dao nikakvo šire objašnjenjenje o kakvim "devetkama" se tu radi, ni šta one znače. Ali meni, kao poznavaocu Zakona postojanja i njegoovog univerzalnog trobojnog simbola, ovaj sitni detalj govori sve, a to je da je prorok imao viziju upravo tog simbola sačinjenog od tri devetke, kao i viziju trajnog mira i duhovnog blagostanja koje je simbolisano trećom devetkom - na simbolu Trojednosti Svijesti obojenom plavom bojom. Jer po Zakonu postojanja, po kojem se Svijest samoodržava tako što se vječito pretače kroz njena tri prirodna oblika i stanja, koja su simbolisana sa tri manja kruga unitar jednog većeg - a sve to liči na tri devetke (ili šestice), ovako kako pokazuje ova slika dole - upravo ova treća devetka, obojena plavom bojom simboliše treće stanje Svijesti. Koje počinje od trenutka kada je Svijest postigla svoj konačan cilj, tj. od trenutka kada se do kraja samorealizovala, odnosno, materijalizovala po informaciji koju nosi u sebi, o sebi. Na primjeru "jaje-pile-koka", to treće stanje je koka, koja je bila cilj samorealizacije i materijalizacije. U primjeru Čovječanstva, mi se sada još uvijek nalazimo u drugoj razvojnoj fazi, što znači da se Čovječanstvo još uvijek nije samorealizovalo i materijalizovalo i nije postiglo svoj konačan cilj. Dakle, još uvijek nije postalo jedinstveno, živo i svjesno biće poput koke ili ljudskog organizma. Ili poput mrava u mravinjaku ili pčela u košnici.

Pozivajući se na Ilmairevo proročanstvo, to podrazumijeva da će to da bude ostvareno tek poslije Trećeg svjetskog rata, kad se Čovječanstvo konačno ujedini i postigne trajni svjetski mir. Kada će na kraju da uđe u TREĆU FAZU svog postojanja, koje je na simbolu predstavljeno TREĆOM, plavom devetkom.

Ja lično sam ubijeđen da će sve ovo što je Ilmaier prorokovao da se zaista i desi i to ubrzo. Po mom mišljenju ću, možda i ja to da doživim, ikao sam prešao osamdestu. I mislim da skeptici ne bi trebalo ovo olako da shvate i da se sprdaju s tim, jer iza ovih događaja zasigurno stoje vema moćne, ljudima još uvijek nepoznate duhovne, božanske sile. I ne samo one, već i prirodni zakon, tj. Zakon postojanja, čija pravila, po kojima se u Univerzumu sve odvija, niko ne može da izbjegne. Ko ih ne poznaje i ne pridržava ih se, on se na kraju sruši i propadne, pa onda mora sve ponovo.

Uostalom i bez proročanstava, ako analiziramo ljudsku istoriju i ako imamo na umu princip podjele konkurencije i borbe po kojem se ona do sada odvijala, možemo prognozirati da Čovječanstvo neći moći na ovakav način da nastavi dalje, ako se ubrzo nešto drastično ne promijeni.

Uz napomenu da na ovom simbolu dole ne postoje nikakve tri šestice ili devetke, već da se to samo tako čini. To je simbol savršenstva Božanstke Trojednosti, odnosno, Svijesti, po kojem Svijest postoji sama po sebi, kao svoj i RAZLOG i UZROK i POSLJEDICA, na način što se vječito pretače kroz svoja TRI prirodna oblika i stanja. Grafički, to saršentvo se može simbolizovati samo krugom kao geometrijski savršenim oblikom. A pošto se ovde radi o TROJEDINSTVU Svijesti, onda to trojedinstvo se može simbolično izraziti samo pomoću tri manja kruga unutar jednog većeg. Što nama onda to liči na tri broja 6 ili 9.

I uz napomenu da ono što u Otkrivenju stoji da su tri šestice antihristov broj, to je falsifikat. Ta rečenica o tri šestice je u originalu Otkrivenja stajala na drugom mjestu i bila je broj jednog drugog čovjeka, a ne antihrista, za kojeg u Otkrivenju stoji da će na kraju da zavlda svijetom. Pa su se tadašnji vjerski vlastodršci, plašeći se da ne izgube vlast, koji su uređivali i pisali Bibliju, odlučili da tu rečenicu o tri šestice premjete na drugo mjesto i pripišu je antihristu, kako bi mogli, tog čovjeka sa tri šestice, kada se pojavi, da ga proglase Antihristom i tako sačuvaju vlast. Nešto slično se desilo i kada je Isus trebalo da se rodi, kad je car Irod poubijao svu djecu koja su se u to vrijeme rodila kad i Isus, jer se uplašio da će Isus da mu oduzme vlast.

Ima jedno proročanstvo koje se pojavilo kasnije u kojem "svjetlosna bića" pokušavaju da isprave taj biblijski falsifikat u vezi tri šestice. U tom prorčanstvu stoji da će taj glavni čovjek, koji se na kraju bude pojavio sa tri šestice, koji će da bude zaslužan za uvođenje Čovječanstva u treču fazu, tj. fazu mira i duhovnog i materijalnog blagostanja, zaista da bude proglašen za Antihrista od strane "institucionalnih hrišćana latinske konfesije", ali da će on, kako u tom novom proročanstvu stoji, zapravo, da bude na Božijoj strani.
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Post by Tempo »

Ljubo2 wrote: 23/10/2020 01:44 Treća devetka donosi mir

duga devetka donosi mir.
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Post by breba »

Date (CE) Claimant(s) Description Ref.
66–70 Simon bar Giora, Jewish Essenes The Jewish Essene sect of ascetics saw the Jewish uprising against the Romans in 66–70 in Judea as the final end-time battle which would bring about the arrival of the Messiah. By the authority of Simon, coins were minted declaring the redemption of Israel. [14]
365 Hilary of Poitiers This early French bishop announced the end of the world would happen during this year. [16]
375–400 Martin of Tours This French bishop stated that the world would end before 400 AD, writing, "There is no doubt that the Antichrist has already been born. Firmly established already in his early years, he will, after reaching maturity, achieve supreme power." [17]
27 May 482 Hydatius This bishop of Aquae Flaviae (modern Chaves, Portugal) wrote his chronicle (c. 469) in his firm belief that humanity was living in the end times, marching towards its certain doom on this day, when Jesus would come back and the world would end. [19]
500 Hippolytus of Rome, Sextus Julius Africanus, Irenaeus All three predicted Jesus would return in this year, with one of the predictions being based on the dimensions of Noah's Ark. [20]
6 Apr 793 Beatus of Liébana This Spanish monk prophesied the Second Coming of Christ and the end of the world on that day in front of a large crowd of people. [20]
800 Sextus Julius Africanus This Christian historian revised his prediction from the year 500 to 800. [22]
799–806 Gregory of Tours This French bishop calculated the end would occur between 799 and 806. [23]
847 Thiota This Christian declared in 847 that the world would end that year, though later confessed the prediction was fraudulent and was publicly flogged. [24]
992–995 Various Christians Good Friday coincided with the Feast of the Annunciation; this had long been believed to be the event that would bring forth the Antichrist, and thus the end-times, within three years. [26]
1000 Pope Sylvester II and others According to several sources, various Christian clerics predicted this date as the Millennium, including Pope Sylvester II. As a result, riots are said to have occurred in Europe and pilgrims headed east to Jerusalem. Other historians, however, have disputed that any of these events ever took place. [27]
11th–15th centuries Edit
Date (CE) Claimant(s) Description Ref.
1033 Various Christians Following the failure of the prediction for 1 January 1000, some theorists proposed that the end would occur 1000 years after Jesus' death, instead of his birth. [20]
1200–1260 Joachim of Fiore This Italian mystic determined that the Millennium would begin between 1200 and 1260. [31]
1284 Pope Innocent III Pope Innocent III (died 1216) predicted that the world would end 666 years after the rise of Islam in 618. [17]
1335 Joachimites After his 1260 prediction failed, the followers of Joachim of Fiore rescheduled the end of the world to 1290 and then again to 1335. [32]
1346–1351 Various Europeans The Black Death spreading across Europe was interpreted by many as the sign of the end of times. [33]
1368–1370 Jean de Roquetaillade This French alchemist predicted the Antichrist was to come in 1366 and the Millennium would begin either in 1368 or 1370. [35]
1378 Arnaldus de Villa Nova This Joachite wrote that the Antichrist was to come during this year. [36]
16th century Edit
Date (CE) Claimant(s) Description Ref.
1504 Sandro Botticelli This painter believed he was living during the Tribulation, and that the Millennium would begin in three and a half years from 1500. He wrote into his painting The Mystical Nativity that the Devil was loose and would soon be chained. [37]
1 Feb 1524 London astrologers A group of astrologers in London predicted the world would end by a flood starting in London, based on calculations made the previous June. Twenty thousand Londoners left their homes and headed for higher ground in anticipation. [39]
20 Feb 1524 Johannes Stöffler A planetary alignment in Pisces was seen by this astrologer as a sign of the Millennium. [39]
1524–1526 Thomas Müntzer 1525 would mark the beginning of the Millennium, according to this Anabaptist. His followers were killed by cannon fire in an uneven battle with government troops. He died under torture and was beheaded. [30]
27 May 1528 Hans Hut This German Anabaptist predicted the end would occur on this date. [42]
1528 Johannes Stöffler A revised date from Stöffler after his 1524 prediction failed to come true. [43]
19 Oct 1533 Michael Stifel This mathematician calculated that Judgement Day would begin at 8:00 am on this day. [44]
1533 Melchior Hoffman This Anabaptist prophet predicted Christ's Second Coming to take place this year in Strasbourg. He claimed that 144,000 people would be saved, while the rest of the world would be consumed by fire. [45]
5 Apr 1534 Jan Matthys During the Münster rebellion, this Anabaptist leader declared that the apocalypse would take place on this day. When the day came he led a failed attack against Franz von Waldeck and was decapitated. [46]
1555 Pierre d'Ailly Around 1400, this French theologian wrote that 6845 years of human history had already passed, and the end of the world would be in the 7000th year. [47]
1585 Michael Servetus In his book The Restoration of Christianity, the Spanish born reformer claimed that the Devil's reign in this world had started in 325 AD, at the Council of Nicea, and would last for 1260 years, thus ending in 1585. [48]
1588 Regiomontanus This mathematician and astronomer predicted the end of the world during this year. [49]
1600 Martin Luther Luther, a German priest and professor of theology, predicted the end of the world would occur no later than 1600. [50]
17th century Edit
Date (CE) Claimant(s) Description Ref.
1 Feb 1624 London astrologers The same astrologers who predicted the deluge of 1 February 1524 recalculated the date to 100 years later after their first prophecy failed. [39]
1648 Sabbatai Zevi Using the kabbalah proclaimed that the Messiah would come during that year. Later claimed to be the Messiah in 1666-7 [49]
1651 Unknown author from Lübeck, Germany The apocalypse maps tell of an Antichrist, the rise of Islam and other events following Judgement Day that was predicted to occur in 1651. [51]
1654 Helisaeus Roeslin This physician made a prediction that the world would end this year based on a nova that occurred in 1572. [52]
1656 Christopher Columbus In his Book of Prophecies (1501), Columbus predicted that the world would end during this year. [53]
1655–1657 Fifth Monarchists This group of radical Christians predicted that the final apocalyptic battle and the destruction of the Antichrist were to take place between 1655 and 1657. [55]
1658 Christopher Columbus Columbus claimed that the world was created in 5343 BCE, and would last 7000 years. Assuming no year zero, that means the end would come in 1658. [56]
1660 Joseph Mede Mede claimed that the Antichrist had appeared in 456, and the end would come in 1660. [57]
1666 Sabbatai Zevi Following his failed prediction of 1648, Zevi recalculated the end of the Earth for this year. [49]
Fifth Monarchists The presence of 666 in the date, the death of 100,000 Londoners to bubonic plague, and the Great Fire of London led to superstitious fears of the end of the world from some Christians. [58]
1673 William Aspinwall This Fifth Monarchist claimed the Millennium would begin by this year. [60]
1688 John Napier This mathematician calculated the end of the world would be this year based on calculations from the Book of Revelation. [61]
1689 Pierre Jurieu This prophet predicted that Judgement Day would occur this year. [62]
1694 John Mason This Anglican priest predicted the Millennium would begin by this year. [63]
Johann Heinrich Alsted This Calvinist minister predicted the Millennium would begin by this year. [64]
Johann Jacob Zimmermann Believed that Jesus would return and the world would end this year. [65]
1697 Cotton Mather This Puritan minister predicted the world would end this year. After the prediction failed, he revised the date of the end two more times. [46]
1700 John Napier Following his 1688 prediction, Napier recalculated his end of the world prediction to 1700 in A Plaine Discovery, a book published in 1593. [66]
Henry Archer In his 1642 work, The Personall Reigne of Christ Upon Earth, Archer predicted the Second Coming of Jesus would occur in approximately this year. [67]
18th century Edit
Date (CE) Claimant(s) Description Ref.
1705–1708 Camisards Camisard prophets predicted the end of the world would occur in either 1705, 1706 or 1708. [62]
1716 Cotton Mather Revised prediction from Mather after his 1697 prediction failed to come true. [46]
5 Apr 1719 Jacob Bernoulli This mathematician predicted a comet would destroy the Earth on this day. [52]
1700–1734 Nicholas of Cusa This cardinal predicted the end would occur between 1700 and 1734. [68]
16 Oct 1736 William Whiston This theologian predicted a comet colliding with the Earth this year. [69]
1736 Cotton Mather Mather's third and final prediction for the end of the world. [46]
1757 Emanuel Swedenborg Swedenborg, a former Lutheran, claimed that the Last Judgement occurred in the spiritual world this year. [70]
19 May 1780 Connecticut General Assembly members, New Englanders The sky turning dark during the day was interpreted as a sign of the end times. The primary cause of the event is believed to have been a combination of smoke from forest fires, a thick fog, and cloud cover. [72]
1789 Pierre d'Ailly The year 1789 would bring the coming of the Antichrist, according to this 14th-century cardinal. [73]
1794 Shakers The Shakers, a Christian sect founded in 18th century England, predicted the world would end in 1792 and then in 1794. [46]
19 Nov 1795 Nathaniel Brassey Halhed While campaigning for Richard Brothers' release, Halhead proclaimed that the world would end on this day. [74]
1793–1795 Richard Brothers This retired sailor stated the Millennium would begin between 1793 and 1795. He was eventually committed to an insane asylum. [68]
19th century Edit
Date (CE) Claimant(s) Description Ref.
1805 Christopher Love This Presbyterian minister predicted the destruction of the world by earthquake in 1805, followed by an age of everlasting peace when God would be known by all. [75]
1806 Mary Bateman In Leeds, England, in 1806 a hen began laying eggs on which the phrase "Christ is coming" was written. Eventually it was discovered to be a hoax. The owner, Mary Bateman, had written on the eggs in a corrosive ink so as to etch the eggs, and reinserted the eggs back into the hen's oviduct. [76]
19 Oct 1814 Joanna Southcott This 64-year-old self-described prophet claimed she was pregnant with the Christ child, and that he would be born on October 19, 1814. She died later that year having not delivered a child, and an autopsy proved she had not been pregnant. [78]
1836 Johann Albrecht Bengel In the 1730s this Lutheran clergyman proclaimed that Judgment Day would come in 1836, with the pope as the anti-Christ and the Freemasons representing the "false prophet" of Revelations. [79]
1836 John Wesley Wesley, the founder of the Methodist Church, foresaw the Millennium beginning this year. He wrote that Revelation 12:14 referred to 1058 to 1836, "when Christ should come". [76]
28 Apr 1843
31 Dec 1843 Millerites Although it was not officially endorsed by their leadership, many Millerites expected the Second Coming to occur on April 28 or at the end of 1843. [81]
1843 Harriet Livermore The first of two years this preacher predicted the world would end. [82]
21 Mar 1844 William Miller Miller, a Baptist preacher, predicted Christ would return on this day. [83]
22 Oct 1844 Millerites After Christ did not return on 21 March 1844, the Millerites then revised William Miller's prediction to 22 October that year, claiming to have miscalculated Scripture. The realization that the predictions were incorrect resulted in the Great Disappointment. [83]
7 Aug 1847 George Rapp Rapp, the founder of the Harmony Society, preached that Jesus would return in his lifetime, even as he lay dying on August 7, 1847. [85]
1847 Harriet Livermore The second prediction of the end of the world from this preacher. [82]
1862 John Cumming This Scottish clergyman stated it was 6000 years since creation in 1862, and that the world would end. [86]
Joseph Morris Originally an English convert to Mormonism, Morris had revelations to gather his followers and wait for the Second Coming, through successive prophesied days. [87]
1863 John Wroe The founder of the Christian Israelite Church calculated that the Millennium would begin this year. [78]
1873–1874 Jonas Wendell Wendell, along with other Adventist preachers, predicted the Second Coming of Christ would occur in 1873 or 1874. In 1870, Wendell published his views in the booklet entitled The Present Truth, or Meat in Due Season concluding that the Second Advent was sure to occur in 1873. After the prediction did not bear out, Nelson H. Bardour reinterpreted the prediction holding that Jesus had in fact returned in 1874 but in an invisible form. [88][89][90]
1881 Mother Shipton (attrib.) This 15th-century prophet was quoted as saying "The world to an end shall come, In eighteen hundred and eighty one" in a book published in 1862. In 1873 it was revealed to be a forgery; however, this did not stop some people from expecting the end. [91]
1890 Wovoka The founder of the Ghost Dance movement predicted in 1889 that the Millennium would occur in 1890. [92]
20th century Edit
Date (CE) Claimant(s) Description Ref.
1901 Catholic Apostolic Church This church, founded in 1831, claimed that Jesus would return by the time the last of its 12 founding members died. The last member died in 1901. [93]
23 Apr 1908 Michael Paget Baxter The last of numerous apocalyptic predictions by this Anglican evangelist and author; this prediction was published in 1894. [94]
1910 Camille Flammarion Flammarion predicted that the 1910 appearance of Halley's Comet "would impregnate that atmosphere and possibly snuff out all life on the planet", but not the planet itself. "Comet pills" were sold to protect against toxic gases. [84]
1892–1911 Charles Piazzi Smyth This pyramidologist concluded from his research on the dimensions of the Great Pyramid of Giza that the Second Coming would occur somewhere between 1892 and 1911. [96]
1914 Charles Taze Russell Russell said "...the battle of the great day of God Almighty... The date of the close of that 'battle' is definitely marked in Scripture as October 1914. It is already in progress, its beginning klix from October, 1874." [97]
1915 John Chilembwe This Baptist educator and leader of a rebellion in the British protectorate of Nyasaland predicted the Millennium would begin this year. [92]
1918 International Bible Students Association "Christendom shall be cut off and glorification of the Little Flock (The Church) in the Spring of 1918 A. D." [98]
1920 International Bible Students Association In 1918, Christendom would go down as a system to oblivion and be succeeded by revolutionary governments. God would "destroy the churches wholesale and the church members by the millions." Church members would "perish by the sword of war, revolution and anarchy." The dead would lie unburied. In 1920 all earthly governments would disappear, with worldwide anarchy prevailing. [99]
13 Feb 1925 Margaret Rowen According to this Seventh-Day Adventist, the angel Gabriel appeared before her in a vision and told her that the world would end at midnight on this date. [100]
1926 Spencer Perceval This British MP, who was one of the 12 apostles of the Catholic Apostolic Church, believed that the world was growing nearer to the Apocalypse due to what he viewed as the rampant immorality of the times in Europe. [101]
1934 Walter Marks Marks, an Australian MP, told the House of Representatives that Armageddon would occur in 1934 and culminate with the Royal Navy bringing Christ's chosen people to Jerusalem. [102]
Sep 1935 Wilbur Glenn Voliva This evangelist announced that "the world is going to go 'puff' and disappear" in September 1935. [104]
1936 Herbert W. Armstrong The founder of the Worldwide Church of God told members of his church that the rapture was to take place in 1936, and that only they would be saved. After the prophecy failed, he changed the date three more times. [105]
1941 Jehovah's Witnesses A prediction of the end from the Jehovah's Witnesses, a group which branched from the Bible Student movement. [106]
1943 Herbert W. Armstrong The first of three revised dates from Armstrong after his 1936 prediction failed to come true. [105]
1947 John Ballou Newbrough The author of Oahspe: A New Bible foresaw the destruction of all nations and the beginning of post-apocalyptic anarchy in this year. [91]
21 Dec 1954 Dorothy Martin The world was to be destroyed by terrible flooding on this date, claimed this leader of a UFO cult called Brotherhood of the Seven Rays. The fallout of the group after the prediction failed was the basis for the 1956 book When Prophecy Fails. [107]
22 Apr 1959 Florence Houteff The second prophet of the Branch Davidians predicted the apocalypse foretold in the Book of Revelation would proceed on this date. The failure of the prophecy led to the split of the sect into several subsects, the most prominent led by Benjamin and Lois Roden. [108]
1951–1960 Johann Gottfried Bischoff On December 25, 1951, Bischoff stated the Second Coming would occur before he died. He died on July 6, 1960. [109]
4 Feb 1962 Jeane Dixon, various Indian astrologers Dixon predicted a planetary alignment on this day was to bring destruction to the world. Mass prayer meetings were held in India. [110]
20 Aug 1967 George Van Tassel This day would mark the beginning of the third woe of the Apocalypse, during which the southeastern US would be destroyed by a Soviet nuclear attack, according to this UFO prophet, who claimed to have channeled an alien named Ashtar. [112]
1967 Jim Jones The founder of the People's Temple stated he had visions that a nuclear holocaust was to take place in 1967. [113]
9 Aug 1969 George Williams The founder of the Church of the Firstborn predicted the Second Coming of Christ would occur on this day. [114]
1969 Charles Manson Manson predicted that Helter skelter, an apocalyptic race war, would occur in 1969. [115]
1972 Herbert W. Armstrong The second of three revised dates from Armstrong after his 1936 and 1943 predictions failed to come true. [105]
Jan 1974 David Berg Berg, the leader of Children of God, predicted that there would be a colossal doomsday event heralded by Comet Kohoutek. [116]
1975 Herbert W. Armstrong Armstrong's fourth and final prediction. [105]
Jehovah's Witnesses From 1966 on, Jehovah's Witnesses published articles which stated that the fall of 1975 would be 6000 years since man's creation, and suggested that Armageddon could be finished by then. [117]
1976 Brahma Kumaris The Brahma Kumaris founder, Lekhraj Kirpalani, has made a number of predictions of a global Armageddon which the religion believes it will inspire, internally calling it "Destruction". During Destruction, Brahma Kumari leaders teach the world will be purified, all of the rest of humanity killed by nuclear or civil wars and natural disasters which will include the sinking of all other continents except India. [118]
1977 John Wroe The founder of the Christian Israelite Church predicted this year for Armageddon to occur. [91]
William M. Branham This Christian minister predicted the rapture would occur no later than 1977. [119]
17 Feb 1979 Roch Thériault Thériault, who called himself Moïse (Moses), led a commune in the wilderness of eastern Quebec in the late seventies. Formerly a Seventh-Day Adventist, he told his group they would form the center of a new society during God's 1000 year reign following Armageddon. [120]
1980 Leland Jensen In 1978 Jensen predicted that there would be a nuclear disaster in 1980, followed by two decades of conflict, culminating in God's Kingdom being established on Earth. [121]
1981 Chuck Smith The founder of Calvary Chapel predicted the generation of 1948 would be the last generation, and that the world would end by 1981. Smith identified that he "could be wrong" but continued to say in the same sentence that his prediction was "a deep conviction in my heart, and all my plans are predicated upon that belief." [122]
Apr–Jun 1982 Tara Centers Full-page ads in many newspapers April 24 and 25, 1982, stated that "The Christ is Now Here!" and that he would make himself known "within the next two months". [124]
10 Mar 1982 John Gribbin, Stephen Plagemann Gribbin, an astrophysicist, co-authored the 1974 book The Jupiter Effect which predicted that combined gravitational forces of aligned planets would create a number of catastrophes, including a great earthquake on the San Andreas Fault. [95]
21 Jun 1982 Benjamin Creme Creme took out an ad in the Los Angeles Times stating that the Second Coming would occur in June 1982 with the Maitreya announcing it on worldwide television. [126]
1982 Pat Robertson In late 1976 on his 700 Club TV programme, Robertson predicted that the end of the world would come in this year. [127]
1985 Lester Sumrall This minister predicted the end in this year, even writing a book about it entitled I Predict 1985. [128]
29 Apr 1986 Leland Jensen Jensen predicted that Halley's Comet would be pulled into Earth's orbit on this day, causing widespread destruction. [129]
17 Aug 1987 José Argüelles Argüelles claimed that Armageddon would take place unless 144,000 people gathered in certain places across the world in order to "resonate in harmony" on this day. [130]
11–13 Sep 1988
3 Oct 1988 Edgar C. Whisenant Whisenant predicted in his book 88 Reasons Why the Rapture Could Be in 1988 that the rapture of the Christian Church would occur between September 11 and 13, 1988. After his September predictions failed to come true, Whisenant revised his prediction date to October 3. [131]
30 Sep 1989 Edgar C. Whisenant After all his 1988 predictions failed to come true, Whisenant revised his prediction date to this day. [131]
23 Apr 1990 Elizabeth Clare Prophet Prophet predicted a nuclear war would start on this day, with the world ending 12 years later, leading her followers to stockpile a shelter with supplies and weapons. Later, after Prophet's prediction did not come to pass, she was diagnosed with epilepsy and Alzheimer's disease. [132]
9 Sep 1991 Menachem Mendel Schneerson This Russian-born rabbi called for the Messiah to come by the start of the Jewish New Year. [134]
1991 Louis Farrakhan The leader of the Nation of Islam declared that the Gulf War would be the "War of Armageddon which is the final war." [135]
28 Sep 1992 Rollen Stewart This born-again Christian predicted the rapture would take place on this day. [136]
28 Oct 1992 Lee Jang Rim Lee, the leader of the Dami Mission church, predicted the rapture would occur on this day. [137]
1993 David Berg Berg predicted the tribulation would start in 1989 and that the Second Coming would take place in 1993. [138]
2 May 1994 Neal Chase This Bahá'í sect leader predicted that New York City would be destroyed by a nuclear bomb on March 23, 1994, and the Battle of Armageddon would take place 40 days later. [139]
6 Sep 1994
29 Sep 1994
2 Oct 1994 Harold Camping Camping predicted the rapture would occur on 6 September 1994. When it failed to occur he revised the date to the 29th of September and then to the 2nd October. [140]
31 Mar 1995 Harold Camping Camping's fourth predicted date for the end. This would be Camping's last prediction until 2011. [140]
17 Dec 1996 Sheldan Nidle Californian psychic Sheldan Nidle predicted that the world would end on this date, with the arrival of 16 million space ships and a host of angels. [142]
26 Mar 1997 Marshall Applewhite Applewhite, leader of the Heaven's Gate cult, claimed that a spacecraft was trailing the Comet Hale-Bopp and argued that suicide was "the only way to evacuate this Earth" so that the cult members' souls could board the supposed craft and be taken to another "level of existence above human". Applewhite and 38 of his followers committed mass suicide. [143]
10 Aug 1997 Aggai The 1st-century bishop of Edessa predicted this date to be the birth date of the Antichrist and the end of the universe. [144]
23 Oct 1997 James Ussher This 17th-century Irish archbishop predicted this date to be 6000 years since creation, and therefore the end of the world. [145]
31 Mar 1998 Hon-Ming Chen Chen, leader of the Taiwanese cult Chen Tao – "The True Way" – claimed that God would come to Earth in a flying saucer at 10:00 am on this date. [146]
Jul 1999 Nostradamus A quatrain by Nostradamus which stated the "King of Terror" would come from the sky in "1999 and seven months" was frequently interpreted as a prediction of doomsday in July 1999. [147]
18 Aug 1999 The Amazing Criswell The predicted date of the end of the world, according to this psychic well known for predictions. [148]
11 Sep 1999 Philip Berg Berg, dean of the worldwide Kabbalah Centre, stated that on this date "a ball of fire will descend, destroying almost all of mankind, all vegetation, all forms of life." [149]
1999 Charles Berlitz This linguist predicted the end would occur in this year. He did not predict how it would occur, stating that it might involve nuclear devastation, asteroid impact, pole shift or other Earth changes. [150]
Hon-Ming Chen The leader of the cult Chen Tao preached that a nuclear holocaust would destroy Europe and Asia in 1999. [151]
James Gordon Lindsay This preacher predicted the great tribulation would begin before 2000. [152]
Timothy Dwight IV This 19th century president of Yale University foresaw Christ's Millennium starting by 2000. [153]
Nazim Al-Haqqani This Sufi Muslim sheikh predicted that the Last Judgment would occur before 2000. [154]
1 Jan 2000 Movement for the Restoration of the Ten Commandments of God An estimated 778 followers of this Ugandan religious movement perished in a devastating fire and a series of poisonings and killings that were either a group suicide or an orchestrated mass murder by group leaders after their predictions of the apocalypse failed to come about. [155]
Jerry Falwell Falwell foresaw God pouring out his judgement on the world on this day. [157]
Tim LaHaye, Jerry B. Jenkins These Christian authors stated that the Y2K bug would trigger global economic chaos, which the Antichrist would use to rise to power. As the date approached, however, they changed their minds. [158]
Various During and before 1999 there was widespread predictions of a Y2K computer bug that would crash many computers on midnight of January 1, 2000 and cause malfunctions leading to major catastrophes worldwide, and that society would cease to function. [95]
6 Apr 2000 James Harmston The leader of the True and Living Church of Jesus Christ of Saints of the Last Days predicted the Second Coming of Christ would occur on this day. [159]
5 May 2000 Nuwaubian Nation This movement claimed that the planetary lineup would cause a "star holocaust", pulling the planets toward the Sun on this day. [160]
2000 Peter Olivi This 13th-century theologian wrote that the Antichrist would come to power between 1300 and 1340, and the Last Judgement would take place around 2000. [161]
Ruth Montgomery This self-described Christian psychic predicted the Earth's axis would shift and the Antichrist would reveal himself in this year. [162]
Edgar Cayce This psychic predicted the Second Coming would occur this year. [163]
Sun Myung Moon The founder of the Unification Church predicted the Kingdom of Heaven would be established in this year. [164]
Ed Dobson This pastor predicted the end would occur in his book The End: Why Jesus Could Return by A.D. 2000. [165]
Lester Sumrall This minister predicted the end in his book I Predict 2000. [166]
Jonathan Edwards This 18th-century preacher predicted that Christ's thousand-year reign would begin in this year. [167]
21st century Edit
Date (CE) Claimant(s) Description Ref.
2001 Tynnetta Muhammad This columnist for the Nation of Islam predicted the end would occur in this year. [168]
27 May 2003 Nancy Lieder Lieder originally predicted the date for the Nibiru collision as May 2003. According to her website, aliens in the Zeta Reticuli star system told her through messages via a brain implant of a planet which would enter the solar system and cause a pole shift on Earth that would destroy most of humanity. [169]
30 Oct–Nov 29 2003 Aum Shinrikyo This Japanese cult, which carried out the Tokyo subway sarin attack in 1995, predicted the world would be destroyed by a nuclear war between 30 October and 29 November 2003. [170]
12 Sep 2006 House of Yahweh Yisrayl Hawkins, pastor and overseer of The House of Yahweh, predicted in his February 2006 newsletter that a nuclear war would begin on September 12, 2006. [171]
29 Apr 2007 Pat Robertson In his 1990 book The New Millennium, Robertson suggests this date as the day of Earth's destruction. [172]
May 2008 Pyotr Kuznetsov Followers of Kuznetsov, 31 adults and 4 children (one 18 months old), went into a cave in Russia in November 2007 thinking they would be safe from an apocalypse occurring in the spring. Kuzentsov did not join them, was later committed and attempted suicide when some had left the cave in the spring. By the time all the followers had left the cave in the spring, two adults had died. [173]
2010 Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn This magical organization, which existed from 1887 to 1903, predicted the world would end during this year. [174]
21 May 2011 Harold Camping After several unsuccessful predictions in 1994 and 1995, Camping predicted that the rapture and devastating earthquakes would occur on 21 May 2011, with God taking approximately 3% of the world's population into Heaven, and that the end of the world would occur five months later on October 21. [175]
29 Sep 2011 Ronald Weinland Weinland, the founder of the Church of God Preparing for the Kingdom of God, stated Jesus would return on this day. After his prophecy failed to come true he changed the date to 27 May 2012. [176]
21 Oct 2011 Harold Camping When his original prediction failed to come about, Camping revised his prediction and said that on May 21, a "Spiritual Judgment" took place and that both the physical rapture and the end of the world would occur on 21 October 2011. [175]
Aug–Oct 2011 Various There were fears amongst the public that Comet Elenin travelling almost directly between Earth and the Sun would cause disturbances to the Earth's crust, causing massive earthquakes and tidal waves. Others predicted that Elenin would collide with Earth on October 16. Scientists tried to calm fears by stating that none of these events were possible. [177]
27 May 2012 Ronald Weinland Weinland's revised date for the return of Jesus following the failure of his 2011 prediction. [178]
30 Jun 2012 José Luis de Jesús This cult leader predicted that the world's governments and economies would fail on this day, and that he and his followers would undergo a transformation that would allow them to fly and walk through walls. [179]
21 Dec 2012 Various The 2012 phenomenon predicted the world would end at the end of the 13th b'ak'tun. The Earth would be destroyed by an asteroid, Nibiru, or some other interplanetary object; an alien invasion; or a supernova. Mayanist scholars stated that no extant classic Maya accounts forecasted impending doom, and that the idea that the Long Count calendar ends in 2012 misrepresented Maya history and culture. Scientists from NASA, along with expert archaeologists, stated that none of those events were possible. [180]
23 Aug 2013 Grigori Rasputin Rasputin, a Russian mystic who died in 1916, prophesied a storm would take place on this day where fire would destroy most life on land and Jesus would come back to Earth to comfort those in distress. [182]
Apr 2014–Sep 2015 John Hagee, Mark Biltz The so-called blood moon prophecy, first predicted by Mark Biltz in 2008 and then by John Hagee in 2014. These Christian ministers claim that the tetrad in 2014 and 2015 may represent the beginning of the Messianic end times. Some Mormons in Utah combined the September 2015 blood moon with other signs, causing a large increase in sales of preppers survival supplies. [183]
23 Sep–15 Oct 2017 David Meade Conspiracy theorist David Meade predicted that Nibiru would become visible in the sky and would "soon" destroy the Earth. [185]
23 Apr 2018 David Meade After his 2017 prediction failed, Meade predicted the rapture would take place and that the world would end on this date. [186]
9 Jun 2019 Ronald Weinland Weinland, who previously predicted the world would end in 2011, 2012, and then 2013, predicted in 2018 that Jesus would return on June 9, 2019. Prior to the date occurring he began to express some doubts regarding his own prediction. [188]
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Post by Ljubo2 »

Pokušavaš da zagadiš i uništiš temu navodeći đavolove proroke i njihova proročanstva čija je svrha da zbune ljude i odvrate od pravog toka događaja.
Last edited by Ljubo2 on 23/10/2020 02:29, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by breba »

Naprotiv, treba je obogatiti činjenicama o zabludama ljudi od pamtivijeka i njihovom potrebom da budu proroci kraja svijeta koji treba da se desi bas u njihovo vrijeme. Da li je u pitanju Islam, antihrist, nubiru nije bitno, vazda ima neko strašilo.
Last edited by breba on 23/10/2020 02:32, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Ljubo2 »

breba wrote: 23/10/2020 02:28 Naprotiv, treba je obogatiti činjenicama.
Ništa od svega toga što tu stoji nisu činjenice. Činjenice su ovo što nam je sa koronom već počelo da se d ešava.
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Post by breba »

Činjenica je da ljudi lupetaju od davnina i traže strašila, njima bliska po zeitgeistu, kao i ti sada.
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Post by Ljubo2 »

breba wrote: 23/10/2020 02:42Činjenica je da ljudi lupetaju od davnina i traže strašila, njima bliska po zeitgeistu, kao i ti sada.
Zakon postojanja je NAUKA. Ako je razumiješ, lako ćeš doći do zaključka da je logično da razvoj svega u prirodi, pa i Čovječantva, treba da se odvija isključivo po pravilima Zakona postgojanja, a to znači, da se odvija upravo ovako kako se i odvija i da je logično da kraj tog razvoja treba da se desi upravo onako kako je u proročanstvima koja sam naveo ( u biblijskom, Tarabićevom i Ilmairevom) predviđeno da će da se desi. Ova tri proročanstva su istinita po tome što svako na različite načine pominje i Zakon postojanja kao i deju, bez koje razvoj čovječanstva ne može ući u svoju završnu fazu. A to znači, preći sa svog početnog principa razvoja koji podrazumijeva podjelu, borbu i haos, koji se Zakonom postojanja obara i preći na princip jedinstva mira i harmonije, koji se Zakonom postzojanja potvrđuje. Otkriće Zakona postojanja kao ideje, je presudno za završetak ove sadašnje, Druge razvojne faze Čovječanstva i za njegov prelazak u Treću.

Bez otkrića i razumijevanja Zakona postojanja i bez Tarabićevog "Novog naroda" nema spasa, već pravo u propast. Proročanstva u kojima se ne pominje Zakon postojanja i "Novi narod", nisu za Čovječanstvo kao cjelinu, od posebnog značaja. Mogu da budu istinita, ali i lažna.
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Post by breba »

Zašto si sad navalio sa tarabicem? Ako hoćeš da imaš dokaz i obraz, to je vrlo loš argument.
Čak štaviše, tarabic je samo NOVA atrakcija u tvom cirkusu logike koja i dalje nema smisla.
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Post by Ljubo2 »

breba wrote: 23/10/2020 03:44Zašto si sad navalio sa tarabicem? Ako hoćeš da imaš dokaz i obraz, to je vrlo loš argument.
Ništa nije pristojno, ni hvaliti, ni kuditi, bez obrazloženja.
breba wrote: 23/10/2020 03:44Čak štaviše, tarabic je samo NOVA atrakcija u tvom cirkusu logike koja i dalje nema smisla.
Sva moja logika je sadržana u iskustveno i naučno provjeljivom i logički objašnjivom i razumljivom Zakonu postojanja, kojoj ti ili bilo ko drugi u svijetu, ne možeš ništa. A to što ja povezujem ideju Zakona postojanja sa biblijskim Otkrivenjem, Tarabićem ili Ilmaierom, je zato što sva tri ova prorčanstva, na neki način, najavljuju one svjetske promjene od Zla ka Dobru, koje po će po Zakonu postojanja morati da se dese i koje bez znanja ideje Zakona postojanja neće moći da se dese. Uostalom i zbog toga, ako želiš da znaš, što se u sva tri ova proročanstva, a i u još nekoliko drugih, na neki način, proriče i pojava Zakona postojanja, kao i lični znaci prepoznavanja njegovog donosioca. Koji, naravno, nepogrešivo odgovaraju. Pa ti sad vidi koga i šta ti bez i jednog valjanog agumenta, kudiš.
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Post by Dope_Man »

breba wrote: 23/10/2020 02:28 Naprotiv, treba je obogatiti činjenicama o zabludama ljudi od pamtivijeka i njihovom potrebom da budu proroci kraja svijeta koji treba da se desi bas u njihovo vrijeme. Da li je u pitanju Islam, antihrist, nubiru nije bitno, vazda ima neko strašilo.
Samo mala ispravka na ovo.. ne bih rekao da je potreba da budu proroci kraja svijeta, vec potreba da sebi/svom zivotu daju smisao i znacenje, da se osjecaju da su oni posebni na svijetu i postigli su nesto sto niko drugi nije. Naravno, jedan nacin da to postignes je da se uhvatis neke profesije i provedes godine da bi postao jedan Einstein, Bezos ili Messi. Drugi je malo laksi... sjedis kuci i nalupas pricu po kojoj si poseban. A tu je najlaske prodavat mistiku i pricu o stvarima na koje niko nema odgovor, jer naravno o onima za koje drugi imaju odgovor nemas pojma, a i lako bi te dotukli. Ovamo si slobodan raditi sta hoces i pisati o nevidljivim zmajevima.. niko ne moze dokazati da ne postoje :lol:
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Post by Ljubo2 »

Dope_Man wrote: 23/10/2020 06:33Drugi je malo laksi... sjedis kuci i nalupas pricu po kojoj si poseban. A tu je najlaske prodavat mistiku i pricu o stvarima na koje niko nema odgovor, jer naravno o onima za koje drugi imaju odgovor nemas pojma, a i lako bi te dotukli. Ovamo si slobodan raditi sta hoces i pisati o nevidljivim zmajevima.. niko ne moze dokazati da ne postoje.
Ako sa ovim aludiraš na mene i Zakon postojanja tu si se malo zeznuo. Tu se ne radi o nevidljivim zmajevim ni ružičastim slonovima za koje ne može da se dokaže da ne postoje. Naprotiv, po Zakonu postojanja, samo Svijest i njenih sedam sposobnosti i radnji postoji. I istina se ni o čemu drugom ne može ni spoznati, ni razumjeti, do o Svijesti i njenih seam sposobnosti i radnji. Niti tu Istinu o Svijesti i njenih sedam spsobnosti i radnji može iko drugi spoznati i razumjeti, do Svijest uz pomoć svojih sedam sposobnosti i radnji.

Jedini ko ovu Istinu ne može da spozna i razumije, su zmajevi i ružičasti slonovi za koje se, uz pomoć sedam sposobnosti i radnji, ne može dokazati da ne postoje. Već samo uz pomoć viska i rašlji. Problem je samo što i pri korištenju viska i rašlji i tada moraju da se koiste 7 sposobnosti i radnji - naprezanja, kretanja, opažanja, osjećanja, pamćenja, mišljenja i razumijevaja.
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Post by belfy »

Ljubo2 wrote: 23/10/2020 05:54
breba wrote: 23/10/2020 03:44Zašto si sad navalio sa tarabicem? Ako hoćeš da imaš dokaz i obraz, to je vrlo loš argument.
Ništa nije pristojno, ni hvaliti, ni kuditi, bez obrazloženja.
breba wrote: 23/10/2020 03:44Čak štaviše, tarabic je samo NOVA atrakcija u tvom cirkusu logike koja i dalje nema smisla.
Sva moja logika je sadržana u iskustveno i naučno provjeljivom i logički objašnjivom i razumljivom Zakonu postojanja, kojoj ti ili bilo ko drugi u svijetu, ne možeš ništa. A to što ja povezujem ideju Zakona postojanja sa biblijskim Otkrivenjem, Tarabićem ili Ilmaierom, je zato što sva tri ova prorčanstva, na neki način, najavljuju one svjetske promjene od Zla ka Dobru, koje po će po Zakonu postojanja morati da se dese i koje bez znanja ideje Zakona postojanja neće moći da se dese. Uostalom i zbog toga, ako želiš da znaš, što se u sva tri ova proročanstva, a i u još nekoliko drugih, na neki način, proriče i pojava Zakona postojanja, kao i lični znaci prepoznavanja njegovog donosioca. Koji, naravno, nepogrešivo odgovaraju. Pa ti sad vidi koga i šta ti bez i jednog valjanog agumenta, kudiš.
ovo je novi detalj. znaci nisu svi ljudi glupani? imamo neke koji su nesto i prorekli, a ti si sam rekao da to ne mozes kada sam te pitao. onda se postavlja pitanje zasto tebe uopste citati kada su nam dostupni tekstovi ove trojice? da budes prevodioc? da se i ti nekako uguras? zasto bi tebe citali?
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