Moje teze o autoimunim bolestima i lijecenju istih

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#1 Moje teze o autoimunim bolestima i lijecenju istih

Post by Sanjarko »

Nekazem da sam upravu, i to nikad ne tvrdim.

‎srijeda, ‎3. ‎juli ‎2019

Multiplaskleroza kao i druge mnoge autoimune bolesti je mozda jedan oblik raka jer rak je mozda isto autoimuna bolest tj., bolest u koje celije samog organizma, tijela same to tijelo, organizam napadaju i ubijaju ga polako radi greske u radu tih celija, reprodukcije RNK i DNK itd.

Pisao sam o ovome nesto vec negdje ali ne znam sta i gdje tacno. Mislim da sam u sveskama nesto pisao o tome. Da su sve autoimune bolesti jedan oblik i vrsta raka i da je mozda rak sam autoimuna bolest.

Znaci rak je mozda autoimuna bolest i autoimune bolesti su jedan oblik raka, pa su primjerice Vitiligo, Multiplaskleroza i mnoge druge autoimune bolesti utvari jedan oblik raka, a ne samo autoimune bolesti. Znaci ujedno su autoimune bolesti i jedan oblik raka.

‎subota, ‎6. ‎juli ‎2019

Moguce je da je cak i shizofrenija kao i druge neke psihicke bolesti i bolesti neke fizicke koje se vode pod psihickim bolestima tipa Demencije, Epilepsije, Parkinsonove bolesti i drugih bolesti, da su i one degenerativna oboljenja samo mozga i autoimune bolesti mozga, gdje same celije napadaju sam mozak ili neke dijelove mozga.

Ovo je samo teza moja i to ne znaci da sam upravu niti sa ovim zelim da nekog uvrijedim, obeshrabrim, da mu nelagodu uzrokujem ili depresiju ili nesto drugo, i da se nemoze pronaci lijek za ove bolesti i oboljenja.

Moguce da je kljuc lijeka ovih bolesti i oboljenja u RNK i DNK. Da se kljuc otkrica lijeka ovih bolesti i oboljenja nalazi u otkricu kako RNK i DNK pogresnu reprodukciju radi i kako se ona dogadza i kako to sprijeciti. Kako sprijeciti pogresnu reprodukciju RNK i DNK kao i greske u radu celija organizma ili barem to usporiti i obuzdati. Kako sprijeciti da celije koje su ostecene i koje rade pogresno nenapadaju druge celije koje rade ispravno i kako sprijeciti te celije koje su ostecene da ne sire se dalje i da neostecuju druge celije i njihov rad kao i to da ne uzrokuju poremecaje i prekide u radu zdravih celija.

Thesis about Multiple Sclerosis, That it is like a Cancer
Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis like other many diseases is maybe one form of cancer because cancer is maybe autoimune disease also too, a disease in which cells of organism turn agaist the same organism, they attack organism and killing it slowly because some mistake in their work, in work of the cells, reproduction of RNA and DNA etc.

I written about this somewhere else but don't know what and where. I think I wrote something about this in my notebooks. That all autoimune diseases are one form and one kind of cancer and that maybe cancer is to a autoimune disease.

This means that maybe cancer is autoimune disease and that autoimune diseases are one form of cancer, like example Vililigo, Multiple sclerosis and many more other autoimune diseases, that means autoimune diseases are one form of cancer and cancer is a autoimune disease.


It is possible that even schizophrenia and other mental illnesses and some physical illnesses which are deemed as mental illnesses by DSM, like dementia, epilepsy, parkinson diseases, and many other diseases are degenerative diseases of the brain and autoimmune diseases of the brain where the cells attack the brain it self and other parts of the brain.

This is only my thesis and that doesn't mean I am right and by writing this article I don't want to insult anyone, cause discomfort or depression or anything else and to say that cure for all these diseases and illnesses cannot be found.
It is possible that key for understanding these diseases is in RNA and DNA. That the key for finding the cure of this diseases is in discovery how does RNA and DNA are doing wrong reproduction, and how wrong reproduction of them is happening and how to stop it. How to stop wrong reproduction of RNA and DNA and mistakes in working of the cells and how to slow that down and restrain it. How to stop the cells which are damaged and which are not working properly that these cells don't attack other cells which are working properly and how to stop these damaged cells in spreading further and in doing that, that they don't damage other cells and how they work and that they don't cause disturbance and brakeups in working of the healty cells.
Bivsi blog:
Thesis about Multiple Sclerosis, That it is like a Cancer
‎petak, ‎26. ‎juli ‎2019

Posted by Diaries of One Madman July 7, 2019

In Bosnian:
‎srijeda, ‎3. ‎juli ‎2019

Multiplaskleroza kao i druge mnoge autoimune bolesti je mozda jedan oblik raka jer rak je isto mozda autoimuna bolest tj., bolest u koje celije samog organizma, tijela same to tijelo, organizam napadaju i ubijaju ga polako radi greske u radu tih celija, reprodukcije RNK i DNK itd.

Pisao sam o ovome nesto vec negdje ali ne znam sta i gdje tacno. Mislim da sam u sveskama nesto pisao o tome. Da su sve autoimune bolesti jedan oblik i vrsta raka i da je rak sam autoimuna bolest.

Znaci rak je mozda autoimuna bolest i autoimune bolesti su jedan oblik raka, pa su primjerice Vitiligo, Multiplaskleroza i mnoge druge autoimune bolesti utvari jedan oblik raka, a ne samo autoimune bolesti. Znaci ujedno su autoimune bolesti i jedan oblik raka.

‎subota, ‎6. ‎juli ‎2019

Moguce je da je cak i shizofrenija kao i druge neke psihicke bolesti i bolesti neke fizicke koje se vode pod psihickim bolestima tipa Demencije, Epilepsije, Parkinsonove bolesti i drugih bolesti, da su i one degenerativna oboljenja samo mozga i autoimune bolesti mozga, gdje same celije napadaju sam mozak ili neke dijelove mozga.

Ovo je samo teza moja i to ne znaci da sam upravu niti sa ovim zelim da nekog uvrijedim, obeshrabrim, da mu nelagodu uzrokujem ili depresiju ili nesto drugo, i da se nemoze pronaci lijek za ove bolesti i oboljenja.

Moguce da je kljuc lijeka ovih bolesti i oboljenja u RNK i DNK. Da se kljuc otkrica lijeka ovih bolesti i oboljenja nalazi u otkricu kako RNK i DNK pogresnu reprodukciju radi i kako se ona dogadza i kako to sprijeciti. Kako sprijeciti pogresnu reprodukciju RNK i DNK kao i greske u radu celija organizma ili barem to usporiti i obuzdati. Kako sprijeciti da celije koje su ostecene i koje rade pogresno nenapadaju druge celije koje rade ispravno i kako sprijeciti te celije koje su ostecene da ne sire se dalje i da neostecuju druge celije i njihov rad kao i to da ne uzrokuju poremecaje i prekide u radu zdravih celija.

In English:
Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis like other many diseases is maybe one form of cancer because cancer is maybe autoimune disease also too, a disease in which cells of organism turn agaist the same organism, they attack organism and killing it slowly because some mistake in their work, in work of the cells, reproduction of RNA and DNA etc.

I written about this somewhere else but don’t know what and where. I think I wrote something about this in my notebooks. That all autoimune diseases are one form and one kind of cancer and that cancer maybe is to a autoimune disease.

This means that maybe cancer is autoimune disease and that autoimune diseases are one form of cancer, like example Vililigo, Multiple sclerosis and many more other autoimune diseases, that means autoimune diseases are one form of cancer and cancer is a autoimune disease.


It is possible that even schizophrenia and other mental illnesses and some physical illnesses which are deemed as mental illnesses by DSM, like dementia, epilepsy, parkinson diseases, and many other diseases are degenerative diseases of the brain and autoimmune diseases of the brain where the cells attack the brain it self and other parts of the brain.

This is only my thesis and that doesn’t mean I am right and by writing this article I don’t want to insult anyone, cause discomfort or depression or anything else and to say that cure for all these diseases and illnesses cannot be found.

It is possible that key for understanding these diseases is in RNA and DNA. That the key for finding the cure of this diseases is in discovery how does RNA and DNA are doing wrong reproduction, and how wrong reproduction of them is happening and how to stop it. How to stop wrong reproduction of RNA and DNA and mistakes in working of the cells and how to slow that down and restrain it. How to stop the cells which are damaged and which are not working properly that these cells don’t attack other cells which are working properly and how to stop these damaged cells in spreading further and in doing that, that they don’t damage other cells and how they work and that they don’t cause disturbance and brakeups in working of the healty cells.

Article has in English language some typos because it is not my native language.
Ima jos u nekim sveskama o ovome pisano teza. Ali nazalost neznam sta i gdje tacno.
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#2 Re: Moje teze o autoimunim bolestima i lijecenju istih

Post by Sanjarko »

Lijekovi za Rak i HIV
‎srijeda, ‎19. ‎august ‎2020

Lijekovi za Rak i HIV tj., za AIDS se mozda mogu koristiti za lijecenje Autoimunih bolesti kao primjerice Multipleskleroze, Vitiliga i drugih autoimunih bolesti, ako ne za izljecenje tih bolesti ovim lijekovima za Rak i HIV tj., AIDS barem da se suzbije sirenje i napredak dalji ovih bolesti jer su lijekovi za Rak i HIV tj., AIDS, lijekovi koji obnavljaju imunoloski sistem u ljudi i napadaju ostecene celije virusima kod Raka i HIV-a tj., AIDS-a a kod autoimunih bolesti tipa Multipleskleroze, Vitiliga i ostalih autoimunih bolesti se celije i organizmu u ljudi slicno ponasaju ili cak isto kao u bolesti tipa Raka i HIV-a tj., AIDS-a o cemu sam vec nesto negdje o tome i pisao.
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