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#76 Re: Spanska liga ( Primera División )

Post by LSD »

Ovaj Betis rastura zasad, sad ce biti prvi na tabeli...Valensija druga.
Eto u ova 3-4 kola su mnogi timovi pokazali da se mogu boriti i sa Barcom i sa Realom...samo treba borba 90 minuta i gristi na terenu...nije to baš škotska liga, kako su se mnogi provaljivali...Sociedad i Valensija su to pokazali Barci, a Santander i Levante Realu...sve u 3 kola.
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#77 Re: Spanska liga ( Primera División )

Post by nazarenko »

Predviđam da će Valencia, Betis, Atletico, Villareal, Malaga, Sevilla itd. sa Barsom biti u egalu negdje do 10-12 kola, a sa Realom do 20-22. To im je maksimum.
Iako bih volio da me navedeni timovi demantuju i kad vec redovno gledam Primeru, da bude sto neizvjesnija i zanimljivija.
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#78 Re: Spanska liga ( Primera División )

Post by cyprus »

Kako stvari stoje izgleda da bi se ova liga ipak mogla pratit :-D . Samo da ova neizvjesnost potraje bar do zime :oops:
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#79 Re: Spanska liga ( Primera División )

Post by just principe »

Betis - Zaragoza 4-3 :thumbup:

kakav ce tek biti gradski derby Sevilla - Betis :dance:
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#80 Re: Spanska liga ( Primera División )

Post by lord blackadder »

Drago mi je sto je Aletico Madrid skockao finu ekipu. Arda Turan i Diego se cine kao odlicna pojacanja.

Uvijek su imali nekog cool spica. Sjetimo se one fenomenalne sezone C. Vieria, potom sve do Diega Forlana. Sada je tu Falcao i odmah je opasno krenuo.

Za nesto vise, jbg, fali sirina u svim linijama.
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#81 Re: Spanska liga ( Primera División )

Post by Tomahawk11 »

LSD wrote:Ovaj Betis rastura zasad, sad ce biti prvi na tabeli...Valensija druga.
Eto u ova 3-4 kola su mnogi timovi pokazali da se mogu boriti i sa Barcom i sa Realom...samo treba borba 90 minuta i gristi na terenu...nije to baš škotska liga, kako su se mnogi provaljivali...Sociedad i Valensija su to pokazali Barci, a Santander i Levante Realu...sve u 3 kola.
Kakva crna skotska liga, nisu to Aberdeen-i, Hearts-i & co., a bas se zakuhalo i neka je, ovako je zanimljivije. Sevilla ce sigurno biti u vrhu, Valencia isto, Atletico M, evo guraju se Betis, Malaga, bice veoma zanimljivo.
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#82 Re: Spanska liga ( Primera División )

Post by LSD »

Tomahawk11 wrote:
LSD wrote:Ovaj Betis rastura zasad, sad ce biti prvi na tabeli...Valensija druga.
Eto u ova 3-4 kola su mnogi timovi pokazali da se mogu boriti i sa Barcom i sa Realom...samo treba borba 90 minuta i gristi na terenu...nije to baš škotska liga, kako su se mnogi provaljivali...Sociedad i Valensija su to pokazali Barci, a Santander i Levante Realu...sve u 3 kola.
Kakva crna skotska liga, nisu to Aberdeen-i, Hearts-i & co., a bas se zakuhalo i neka je, ovako je zanimljivije. Sevilla ce sigurno biti u vrhu, Valencia isto, Atletico M, evo guraju se Betis, Malaga, bice veoma zanimljivo.
Pa eto sudeci po ova prva 3-4 kola, Barci i Realu ce biti mnogo teže ove godine...baš kao da su se ostali klubovi nekako između sebe dogovorili da im otežaju koliko god mogu...bice sigurno još petardi i šestica i sedmica (bilo ih je i prije 20 godina i kad nije bio ovoliki jaz između ova dva kluba i ostatke lige) ali ce ove godine biti mnogo teže...sad ce svi klubovi davati svoj maximum protiv njih...predsjednici klubova poput Seville, Villareala, Atletica itd su dodatno podgrijali tu atmosferu svojim izjavama prije pocetka prventstva sa pricama o ugrož vjerujem da ce ove godine se ovaj dvojac odvojiti od ostatka lige nakon prvih 10-tak kola i sami za sebe igrati ligu, kao što je to bio slucaj u zadnjih par sezona...Santander i Sociedad su najbolji primjeri, borit ce se do iznemoglosti 90 minuta ako treba, ali nece dati laganu pobjedu....opasno se ostatak La Lige naložio protiv njih ove godine.
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#83 Re: Spanska liga ( Primera División )

Post by ultima_palabra »

LSD wrote:
Tomahawk11 wrote:
LSD wrote:Ovaj Betis rastura zasad, sad ce biti prvi na tabeli...Valensija druga.
Eto u ova 3-4 kola su mnogi timovi pokazali da se mogu boriti i sa Barcom i sa Realom...samo treba borba 90 minuta i gristi na terenu...nije to baš škotska liga, kako su se mnogi provaljivali...Sociedad i Valensija su to pokazali Barci, a Santander i Levante Realu...sve u 3 kola.
Kakva crna skotska liga, nisu to Aberdeen-i, Hearts-i & co., a bas se zakuhalo i neka je, ovako je zanimljivije. Sevilla ce sigurno biti u vrhu, Valencia isto, Atletico M, evo guraju se Betis, Malaga, bice veoma zanimljivo.
Pa eto sudeci po ova prva 3-4 kola, Barci i Realu ce biti mnogo teže ove godine...baš kao da su se ostali klubovi nekako između sebe dogovorili da im otežaju koliko god mogu...bice sigurno još petardi i šestica i sedmica (bilo ih je i prije 20 godina i kad nije bio ovoliki jaz između ova dva kluba i ostatke lige) ali ce ove godine biti mnogo teže...sad ce svi klubovi davati svoj maximum protiv njih...predsjednici klubova poput Seville, Villareala, Atletica itd su dodatno podgrijali tu atmosferu svojim izjavama prije pocetka prventstva sa pricama o ugrož vjerujem da ce ove godine se ovaj dvojac odvojiti od ostatka lige nakon prvih 10-tak kola i sami za sebe igrati ligu, kao što je to bio slucaj u zadnjih par sezona...Santander i Sociedad su najbolji primjeri, borit ce se do iznemoglosti 90 minuta ako treba, ali nece dati laganu pobjedu....opasno se ostatak La Lige naložio protiv njih ove godine.
To je taj neki psihološki fol... dosad se dosta ekipa unaprijed predavalo ili čuvalo igrače kad treba igrati sa velikom dvojkom. Isto kao da su neki pakt potpisali... ipak mislim da će kvalitet doći do izražaja, ali trebaće malo vremena za RM i FCB da se prilagode intenzitetu kojim igraju protivnici.
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#84 Re: Spanska liga ( Primera División )

Post by LSD »

Ma vidjeli da mogu...Levante,Sociedad,Racing,Valencia su sad primjer drugima....gledao sam tekmu Reala protiv Getafea, do 70 minute su ih morili, onda su pukli i primili 3 komada jer nemaju ni kuveta ni kvalitete za 90 minuta -ali su morili dok su mogli....ili ko bi rekao da ce se Sociedad vratiti nakon 0-2 i još zamalo pobjediti na kraju :? ti je ona logika "nema veze što si bolji, ali ces se morati dobro potruditi da pobjediš"...bice tu i trpanja sigurno, ono kad odcepi kao protiv Zaragoze ili Osasune, bice i pobjeda na strani normalno ...ali na gostovanjima niko nece više tek tako dozvoljavati ponižavanja na svom terenu.
Naravno da ce kvalitet doci do izražaja kako sezona bude odmicala i naravno da ce se opet Barca i Real boriti za titulu jer sezona je duga, ovi manji timovi imaju "kratke" klupe i nema tu nekog extra kvaliteta zbog skromnih klupskih budžeta a ozljede se neminovne u svakom timu tako da širina u igrackom kadru donosi prevagu...ali sam siguran da ce mnogi pravo gristi ove godine protiv Barce i Reala...nece tek tako dozvoljavati iživljavanja po sebi (pogotovu ne pred svojom publikom), bice tu borbe i drame na mnogim utakmicama - za razliku od prošlih sezona.
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#85 Re: Spanska liga ( Primera División )

Post by Tomahawk11 »

Kako li je ova Valencia uzela bod Barci?! Osim penala, nisu sanse kako treba napravili. Jos igraca vise imaju. Kao da je druga ekipa dosla u Sevillu. Ipak su oni daleko od konkurenta Realu i Barceloni.
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#86 Re: Spanska liga ( Primera División )

Post by just principe »

pa uzela je jednostavno tako sto je igrala kuci, isto tako kao i R.Sociedad

jos kad bi Real i Barca koju utakmicu kuci kiksali to bi bila prava stvar, dosad i jedni i drugi gaze i to 5-6 pa i vise komada :-x
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#87 Re: Spanska liga ( Primera División )

Post by just principe »

kao sto sam i rekao

za nepunih pola sata Barca kuci trpa Atl. Madrid 3-0 :roll: ili gosti dodju totalno nezainteresovani ili su stvarno losi

ali sta se desi kuci kad igraju protiv Reala i Barce tim istim Atleticima kao da su nadrogirani pa grizu, dok na strani lagano gube 6-0..
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#88 Re: Spanska liga ( Primera División )

Post by just principe »

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#89 Re: Spanska liga ( Primera División )

Post by bosnovizija »

Primera, 5. kolo:

Mallorca - Real Sociedad 2-1 (Victor 20, Castro 50 / Agirretxe 15)
Levante - Espanyol 3-1 (Suarez 14-11m, 58-11m, Barkero 76 / Moreno 72)
Granada - Osasuna 1-1 (Rico 64 / Garcia 29)
Sporting Gijon - Racing Santander (kasnije)
Zaragoza - Malaga (kasnije)

Redoslijed: 1. Betis 12, 2. Barcelona 11, 3. Levante 11, 4. Sevilla 11, 5. Real Madrid 10...
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#90 Re: Spanska liga ( Primera División )

Post by just principe »

ŠPA: Betis upisao prvi poraz sezone

Nogometaši Betisa su unatoč minimalnom porazu na gostovanju kod Getafea u posljednjoj utakmici 5. kola španjolske Primere ostali vodeća momčad lige sa jednim bodom više od Barcelone...

Diego Castro postigao je jedini pogodak na utakmici u 31. minuti, koji je Getafeu donio prvu pobjedu sezone, ali i bijeg s pretposljednjeg mjesta na prvenstvenoj ljestvici. Castro je s nekoliko metara iskosa zakucao loptu pod gredu nakon jedne odbijene lopte Betisova vratara Goitija. Do kraja susreta Betis je mogao i do boda, ali vratar Moya sačuvao je "čistu" mrežu.

Betis, koji je u sezonu krenuo sa četiri pobjede iz isto toliko susreta, je upisao prvu kapitulaciju, ali unatoč tome ostao je na vrhu Primere sa 12 bodova. Druga Barcelona ima bod manje, baš kao i Levante i Sevilla. Peti je Real Madrid koji ima 10 bodova nakon pet odigranih kola. Getafe je ovom pobjedom stigao na 16. mjesto prvenstvene ljestvice.
8 Messi (Barcelona)
7 Ronaldo (Real Madrid)
5 Falcao (Atletico)
Soldado (Valencia)
4 Fabregas (Barcelona)
Cazorla (Malaga)
Agirretxe (Sociedad)
3 Benzema (Real Madrid)
Michu (Rayo)
Miku (Getafe)
Negredo (Sevilla)
Villa (Barcelona)
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#91 Re: Spanska liga ( Primera División )

Post by Dialer »

Meni je ova liga smjesna. Pa Atl.Mad. u 5 dao 18 golova primili 2, dodje barcelona i dadne im 5 hladno itd. Presmjesno.
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#92 Re: Spanska liga ( Primera División )

Post by just principe »

Mourinhova momčad bolja od Pepeove

Da je najbolji napad najbolja obrana sasvim dobro pokazuje ekipa Real Madrida koja je u posljednjih godinu dana čak efikasnija i od svog mrskog rivala FC Barcelone...

Tako "kraljevski klub" u posljednjoj godini pod vodstvom Josea Mourinha ima prosjek od 2.74 gola po svakoj utakmici, više od Guardioline Barcelone koja daje 2.68 golova po utakmici.

Ovim statističkim podacima generacija Reala pod vodstvom Mourinha je najefikasnija ekipa u povijesti Real Madrida, nadmašivši tako i legendarnu generaciju madridskog kluba na čelu sa Pepeom Villalongom, koji je vodio Real u periodu od 1954. do 1957. godine.

Ako se uzme da je u toj generaciji napad Reala predvodio legendarni Alfredo Di Stefano, Gento, Rial, Molowny i Olsen, i da su osvojili dvije titule španjolske Primere, dva Kupa prvaka i dva Latinska kupa, UEFA-ino takmičenje u kojem su učestvovali klubovi iz Francuske, Španjolske, Italije i Portugala, ovaj uspjeh i napredak sadašnjeg Real Madrida dobija na još večem značaju.
Novi Galactico? Varane 270 minuta bez ijednog prekršaja!

Francuskog je 18-godišnjega središnjeg veznog nogometaša Raphaela Varanea Real Madrid doveo ovog ljeta iz Lensa za 10 milijuna eura. Čini se da je Zinedine Zidane pogodio...

Upravo na preporuku legendarnoga francuskog veznjaka, trenutačno zaposlenog u madridskom klubu, stigao je mladi stoper u Madrid. Odigrao je posljednje tri utakmice za Mourinhovu momčad: u Primeri protiv Racinga i Rayo Vallecana, a u Ligi prvaka protiv Ajaxa.

U tim trima dvobojima nije napravio niti jedan jedini prekršaj, osvojio je 18 lopti u duelima sa suparničkim igračima, te kvalitetnim čitanjem igre presjekao 14 lopti. Iz igre je loptu izbacio u 37 navrata.

Također je, izračunala je Marca, Varane bio uključen u 115 odvojenih akcija madridske momčadi. Dodao je 159 lopti točno i 13 puta pogriješio u predaji.

Zaključak: mladić se ne skriva u gradnji igre i preuzima odgovornost čak i pri rizičnijim dodavanjima. Što ste tiče izbjegavanja činjenja prekršaja, glavna odrednica koja mu to omogućuje iznimne su fizičke predispozicije.

"S obzirom na činjenicu da je tako mlad, Varane ima fantastičan taktički osjećaj za igru i redovito se sjajno postavlja", rekli su u klubu pri njegovu predstavljanju.

Ispada da i tu nisu procijenili pogrešno. Mladi Francuz porijeklom s Martinika, koji je također impresivne visine (191cm), mogao bi postati sljedeća velika mlada Realova zvijezda.
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#93 Re: Spanska liga ( Primera División )

Post by LSD »

Novi problem za Guardiolu: Cesc izbiva tri sedmice!

Veznjak FC Barcelone, Cesc Fabregas zadobio je na treningu održanom jutros povredu zadnje lože desne noge, te će sa terena izbivati oko tri sedmice.

Dakle, Cesc će propustiti sutrašnju utakmicu protiv Sporting Gijona, mečeve reprezentacije Španije protiv Češke i Škotske, kao i susrete protiv Racing Santandera u La Ligi i Plzena u Ligi prvaka. Ako sve bude teklo po planu, u ekipu bi se trebao vratiti u meču protiv Seville.

Španjolac se tako pridružio Andresu Iniesti, Alexisu Sanchezu i Ibrahimu Afellayu, koju su već od ranije povrijeđeni. Dobra vijest za Pepa Guardiolu je da su Puyol i Pique potpuno spremni.

Pa šta rade na tim treninzima :? sve ozljede na treninzima...ubija ih Guardiola izgleda.
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#94 Re: Spanska liga ( Primera División )

Post by Tomahawk11 »

Kakva golcina Baptiste u 93. min za pobjedu Malage. Jos mu rodjendan danas :thumbup:
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#95 Re: Spanska liga ( Primera División )

Post by ultima_palabra »

A jesam se proderao kad ga Bestia zavali 8-) A loše odigrao tekmu, kao i cijela ekipa...
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#96 Re: Spanska liga ( Primera División )

Post by just principe »

Tomahawk11 wrote:Kakva golcina Baptiste u 93. min za pobjedu Malage. Jos mu rodjendan danas :thumbup:

odavno bolju golcinu nisam vidio :shock:

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#97 Re: Spanska liga ( Primera División )

Post by BHF_Manijak »

just principe wrote: odavno bolju golcinu nisam vidio :shock:
Pokusaj sa Eren Derdiyok protiv Wolfsburga danas, ovaj mozda spektakularnije izgleda ali Derdiyokov je po meni tehnicki zahtjevniji! :)
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#98 Re: Spanska liga ( Primera División )

Post by just principe »

BHF_Manijak wrote:
just principe wrote: odavno bolju golcinu nisam vidio :shock:
Pokusaj sa Eren Derdiyok protiv Wolfsburga danas, ovaj mozda spektakularnije izgleda ali Derdiyokov je po meni tehnicki zahtjevniji! :)

uhhhhhh :run: upravu si ovaj je bolji, nisam pratio pregled b.lige ali :dance: :run: :thumbup:
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#99 Re: Spanska liga ( Primera División )

Post by ganjeta »

Drugo poluvrijeme strašno, ali baš , gol Pedra Leona :shock: :thumbup: Baptiste :skoljka:
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#100 Re: Spanska liga ( Primera División )

Post by ultima_palabra »

Evo nešto o timu koji dijeli prvo mjesto na tabeli...
La Liga
Levante are back and this time they're ready to take on the world

For Levante to be joint top with a team afforded a playing budget 20 times the size is an achievement of absurd proportions

They're back. The Expendables – bigger, better and older than ever before. And this is their toughest mission yet. First it was promotion. Then it was survival. Now it's the leadership. A bunch of old friends, a motley crew of has-beens and never-really-weres, vaguely familiar faces from a distant and not especially glorious past, thrown together on the cheap for one last job, the most audacious heist of them all. The most barely believable of assaults. Poor, ugly and talentless, it's time for Levante Unión Deportiva to take on the world.

And win.

Valencia won their opening three matches and were a victory away from their best ever start. But Levante are ahead of them. Unbeaten in seven, Sevilla have had their best ever start. But Levante are ahead of them too. Málaga enjoyed their best ever start to the season, coming into this weekend's games with four consecutive wins. But Levante are also ahead of them. Just like they're ahead of Real Betis – who had their best ever start. Real Madrid, Marca proudly claim, have "six golden bullets" – and are on course for their best-ever goal tally. But Levante are ahead of them too.

In fact, Levante are ahead of everyone except FC Barcelona. And they're only behind them on goal difference, even though this has been Barcelona's best start too, with 12 games unbeaten in all competitions. A week ago, one Levante fan told how he had taken a cutting of the league table down to the cemetery and buried it alongside his grandmother. He ought to go back, dig it up and replace it. This week's table looks even better. For the first time in their entire history, Levante have won five games in a row. This Monday morning, they sit joint top of the table. This has never, ever happened before.

It is an achievement of absurd proportions. The only trophy Levante have ever won is the Copa de la República in 1937 during the civil war. They have only spent six seasons in the top flight in their entire history and their best finish is 10th. When they came up in 2004-05, it was the first time in 40 years and they went straight back down; when they returned in 2006-07, they lasted two seasons before going down again – with players on strike and the club in court; and when they came up again in 2010, they expected to go straight back down. Sure, they had drawn with Real Madrid but after 20 games last season they were rock bottom. They had an experienced side but 'experience' tends to be a euphemism for old and the experience most shared was relegation. Now, they were all going to experience it all over again.

Then they started winning. And now they can't stop. Survival came with a run of eight wins in 12 games from January to April. But this is something else again. This is ridiculous. "No," ran the headline in Monday morning's El Mundo, "this is not a joke." It felt like it must be.

After just seven games, Levante have 17 points already, two more that in the whole of the first half of last season. They have conceded the fewest goals in the division and have only been outscored by Madrid and Barcelona. This is the best period in the club's 102-year history. They have beaten Betis, the season's early leaders, they have beaten Real Madrid, and on Sunday they beat Málaga. This summer, Málaga spent almost €60m on players; Levante spent €210,000: €150,000 on Miguel Pallardó and €60,000 for Pedro López. Málaga spent more money on signings this summer than Levante have spent in their entire history. And this weekend Levante were without Xavi Torres because he is a Málaga player and they had applied one of those crapping-yourself-clauses. Levante decided that they could not afford the fee for him to play. It would have cost them €50,000.

That's not all they can't afford. As explained here before, Levante, who are coming out of an administration process, cannot afford to fire up their laptops to track their players. Their sporting director admits to picking off what's left, the Expendables, when other clubs have taken their pick – and "other clubs" includes second division ones. This summer, they spent €1m on Felipe Caicedo – but only so that they could exercise the buy-option and sell him on. Their most expensive player cost €300,000 and their last 50 players have cost a combined total of under €400,000. Each season's wages total €6.5m for the entire squad. Cristiano Ronaldo and Leo Messi alone earn twice that. Their entire budget is €22m. The club they are currently level with, FC Barcelona, have a budget 20 times the size at €461m.

Nor is it just about the money. Not only were Levante without Torres on Sunday, the team they put out was the oldest in La Liga's history, with a combined age of 346. As captain Sergio Ballesteros puts it: "Nano is the young one, the one we send out for bread and whose bald head we slap." Like nine of the starting XI, Nano is still over 30. Just the back four and the goalkeeper are 170. If 19 was the average age of a combat soldier in Vietnam, Levante's average on Sunday was fractionally short of 32. And if you look through the squad list glancing at the bit that says "palmarés", honours, you'll almost invariably see a semi-colon and then nothing. That "ugly, poor and bad at football" was the description offered up by Levante fans themselves – on the day they defeated the self-confessed "rich, handsome and talented" Cristiano Ronaldo and his Real Madrid team. That day, the goal came from the on-loan Aruna Koné. It was his first La Liga goal for four years, only his second ever.

This weekend, Koné got another one as Levante won 3-0. Sure, the goals came from a couple of rebounds and a ludicrous mistake from the Málaga goalkeeper Ruben, replacing Willy Caballero who had been sent off; sure, Málaga were without the vital Julio Baptista, had more possession and could scarcely believe what had happened. But that's fairly normal – only Racing Santander have had less possession this season than Levante, a side that is conscious of its limitations – and Levante are comfortable in that role. Supremely well organised, defensive – although they are starting to play the ball a little more – and swift on the break, happy to employ the "other football" when it suits, there are no pretences about this side. And while they will certainly slip back down the table this certainly cannot be dismissed as a fluke.

Last season, much of Levante's success came through union and the clever psychological work of coach Luis García. But he departed in the summer and so did Caicedo, their top scorer and easily their best player, the most effective striker in the league. That might have been the end; instead, it was an opportunity – the chance for the players to show that they can play a bit too, that it was not just about García. New coach Juan Ignacio Martínez takes a more discreet role, convincing the players that it is about them and that they are actually pretty good at football. He has been even closer to the players than García was. Meanwhile, the age of the dressing room has leant a seriousness and dedication to the club – especially from Ballesteros and Juanfran, who have returned to the club where they began their careers back in the last century.

At 36, Ballesteros is Levante's leader: intelligent, committed, surprisingly sensitive and utterly unpretentious, despite becoming an idol for team-mates and fans – the antihero who seems to embody this team. This weekend, one banner at the Ciutat de Valencia portrayed him in black and white alongside the slogan: "Legend". Halfway through the match a chant went round: "Ballesteros, selección!" And although it may have been partly tongue in cheek, it's not really that ridiculous.

Ballesteros is a man whose reputation is being rightly revised. Softly spoken, strong as an ox, with a neck like Mike Tyson and more kilos than any player in Spain, hurt by the accusations, he has long been quick to point out that the notion of him as a violent player, some kind of unrefined meathead, is flawed. And that so too is the impression of him as a hulking great oil tanker of a defender, slow and ponderous. Now, at last, people are starting to think he might even be right. Against Madrid he out-sprinted Cristiano Ronaldo and he has committed just six fouls all season – most of those when he has gone forward for set plays. "They used to give me sticks, now they give me carrots," he told El País's Cayetano Ros this weekend.

He was right but for one thing: carrots? Hardly. According to the club doctor, the secret to Levante's success this season is even more simple and somehow even more appropriate: pizza and beer.

Talking points

• Gonzalo Higuaín seems to have nicked Billy Dane's football boots. Suddenly, he is Dead Shot Keen. Higuaín changed boots four games ago. Since then he has scored three hat-tricks – two for Real Madrid and one for Argentina. His latest was a wonderful three in a 4-1 win against Betis this weekend, the last of which was especially well taken: delicately scooped past (and it was past rather than over, despite initial impressions) the keeper. Afterwards, he emerged with the matchball signed by all his team-mates. On it, Alvaro Arbeloa had written: "You're getting a bit boring with these hat-tricks." Higuaín is now Real Madrid's top scorer and has sneaked ahead of Karim Benzema in the battle for that striker's slot, which has annoyed one or two people. Mind you, this columnist isn't ruling out them both playing together on Tuesday. It shouldn't have been Higuaín's day really; it was Ronaldo's 100th Madrid game and he did not manage to mark the occasion with any goals (although he provided two assists), meaning he's got a pathetic 96. Useless. Meanwhile, poor Billy is panicking. It's the school's cup final this week and if he doesn't get those boots back he's going to be rubbish.

• Leo Messi. Silly, just silly.

• The goal of the weekend came from Helder Postiga – a superb overhead kick as Zaragoza won 2-0 against Real Sociedad. That said, Manu del Moral's belter wasn't far off for Sevilla. It opened the scoring against Sporting, whose coach Manolo Preciado is really on the ropes now, held up only by the magical power of that moustache.

• Michael Laudrup has gone at Mallorca and frankly he is better off out of there. Things became pretty well untenable once his assistant called the club owner a "bad person" who "no one likes". Not that he was necessarily wrong. New coach Joaquín Caparrós got a 1-1 draw with a 92nd minute penalty that looked very, very harsh.

Results: Mallorca 1–1 Valencia, Getafe 0-0 Villarreal, Real Madrid 4–1 Real Betis, Barcelona 3–0 Racing, Granada 0–0 Atlético, Rayo Vallecano 0–1 Espanyol, Sevilla 2–1 Sporting, Athletic-Osasuna, Monday night.
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