Izrael je opet pocinio zlocin!

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#10676 Re: Izrael je opet pocinio zlocin!

Post by modem33 »

Jebo vas vise Izrael ..... imamo mi vecih problema i to ekonomskih u nasoj zemlji .... Evo sad ce opet poplave ... a vi cete ko "konji se cuditi" zbog cega poplave .... Trebate prestati viriti u tudje dvoriste kad ne mozete rijesiti svoje probleme u vlastitoj zemlji. 8-)
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#10677 Re: Izrael je opet pocinio zlocin!

Post by Hafis »

KumAli wrote: Netrebas ti mene ubjedjivati da SAD valja. Za Bosnjake i Albance je SAD najbolja na svijetu. Albanci im grade cak i biste. U BiH je SAD od pola BiH napravila Bosnjacku drzavu a od druge polovine pripremio teren (medijski i svaki drugi) da ona to postane u buducnosti. Dakle za nas je SAD alfa i omega. Posle Allaha bi trebao da dolazi SAD pa onda Erdogan.

Jedino sto ja konstatujem je da SAD ima i velike probleme. Izvozni deficit je ogroman i to stvara ogroman dug. Pored toga sve vece jacanje kine.
Za nas ima samo jedna alternativa koja je bolja od SAD-a a to je alternativa u kojoj se arapske zemlje demokratiziraju i ujedine.
Kume Olandez, postoje li kakve objektivne šaMse da se nakon što SAD neumitno rikne nekako priselembatimo Kini? Bi li nas i oni također mlogo zavoleli kao Ameri?
Pa da imamo novo geslo: Alah, Kina, Erdogan?
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#10678 Re: Izrael je opet pocinio zlocin!

Post by dobojlija81 »

modem33 wrote:Jebo vas vise Izrael ..... imamo mi vecih problema i to ekonomskih u nasoj zemlji .... Evo sad ce opet poplave ... a vi cete ko "konji se cuditi" zbog cega poplave .... Trebate prestati viriti u tudje dvoriste kad ne mozete rijesiti svoje probleme u vlastitoj zemlji. 8-)
pa zbog haarpa ce poplave,to je vec 200 puta dokazano samo na ovom forumu :run: :)
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#10679 Re: Odg: Izrael je opet pocinio zlocin!

Post by Nomo »

L u c i f e r wrote:
KumAli wrote:
insomnia78 wrote: Ti se fakat sve vise ukopavas
Amerika nema svoj identitet?
Svi ko jedan ce stati iza USA

Kod Arapa, šiti, suniti, alevije, druzi, kurdi, plemena, picke materine
Nemaju svoj jasan identitet. Afro Amerikanac ima drugaciji pogled na svijet od Mexikanca ili muslimana. Evangelista drugaciji od protestanta. To je zajednica naroda. Najgledanija televizija u Americi je Ruska televizija. Ogroman broj Rusa tamo zivi recimo. Svi ko jedni Amerikanci? To je glupost. Kada stvarno zapne negdje i kada nastane negdje ozbiljan rat gdje Americki narod pocinje masovno da gine; odmah pola Amerikanaca izlazi na ulice. Ukoliko to jos duze potraje jos 25% izlazi na ulice. Vec vidjeno u Vietnamu, Afganistanu itd.

Amerika nema pojma sta je svoj interes. Imaju exportni deficit 800 miljarde godisnje. To znaci godisnje se zaduzuju za 800 miljardi. Svaki ekonomista koji je imao makro ekonomiju ce ti reci da ce to kad tad dovesti do velike krize. Znaci do krize poput one iz 1930.
Daj izvor za to o ruskoj tv.
ne trebas cekati izvor vece gluposti u zivotu ne procitah
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#10680 Re: Izrael je opet pocinio zlocin!

Post by Grover »

izraelska vojska čini u Gazi slobodno može nazvati "genocidom", javlja agencija Anadolija.

Miko Peled je rođen je u Jerusalemu 1961. godine u poznatoj cionističkoj porodici. Njegov otac Matti Peled je bio mladi oficir u ratu 1948. godine, kao i general u šestodnevnom ratu 1967. godine, kada je Izrael osvojio Zapadnu obalu, Gazu, Golansku visoravan i Sinaj.

'Generalov sin'

Autor je knjige "Generalov sin", u kojoj iznosi vlastito iskustvo i pripovijeda o djelima koje je činio njegov otac.

U razgovoru za Anadoliju napominje kako je u knjizi želio jasno pokazati da je "Izrael rasistička država, koja nema svijetlu budućnost bez iskrenog odnosa prema Palestincima".

"Postoji nekoliko glavnih poruka u toj knjizi. Jedna od njih je i to da je moguće promijeniti vlastiti stav ako dozvolimo sebi da saslušamo drugog i drugačijeg. Još jedna poruka je i to da bi strah trebao da bude zamijenjen povjerenjem, tako da bi dvije nacije bile u mogućnosti zajedno graditi bolju budućnost. Izrael je rasistička i kolonijalna država, okupirala je Palestinu i svi mi Izraelci smo, ustvari, doseljenici na te prostore. U knjizi tvrdim da se Izrael mora transformisati u demokratiju gdje će biti omogućena jednaka prava za sve Palestince i Izraelce, bez obzira na njihovu rasu i vjeru", istakao je Peled.

Napominje kako je glavni problem između Izraela i Palestine ponašanje Izraela, koji želi ubijanjem i nasiljem, često i nad civilima, uspostaviti državu na nekadašnjoj teritoriji Palestine.

"Glavni i najveći problem je Izrael. To je rasistička i kolonijalistička država sa brutalnom vojnom silom. Izrael nikada neće prihvatiti nikakav kompromis o teritoriji, jer je utemeljen na cionizmu koji je opet rasistička i kolonijalna ideologija. Izrael, moja zemlja, odavno provodi kampanju etničkog čišćenja, pa čak i genocida nad palestinskim narodom", kazao je ovaj izraelski autor.

Mir je moguć

Naglašava kako je i sam zapanjen koliko dugo i hladnokrvno svijet može gledati ubijanja i masakre nad nevinim palestinskim narodom. Napominje kako je Izrael razvio snažnu mrežu lobističkih krugova, koji podržavaju sve ono što Izrael radi.

"To je zbog toga što Izrael ima vrlo snažan i organizovan lobi u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama (SAD) i u Evropi. Izrael ima snažan utjecaj u politici i medijima i u drugim sferama društva u zapadnim zemljama. Također, SAD i Evropska unija imaju vrlo razvijene trgovinske veze sa Izraelom, posebno u oblasti naoružanja. Zato imaju i finansijski interes da se nastavi ubijanje u Gazi. Cijeli svijet gleda masakr u Gazi, što je čak i gore nego da se ništa ne učini. Time čine uslugu Izraelu i omogućavaju mu da nastavi sa ubijanjem. Bojim se da će još najmanje 1.000 osoba umrijeti prije nego ovaj masakr nad Palestincima prestane", smatra Peled.

Napominje kako je SAD direktni saučesnik u izraelskim zločinima nad Palestincima, dok, kako kaže, Evropa čini isto, jer prodaje velike količine oružja Izraelu. Upozorava na to da se o tome vrlo malo zna i govori u javnosti, jer Evropljani žele da sakriju tu činjenicu od svojih građana.

"SAD je direktno umiješan u nasilje i saučesnik je u izraelskim zločnima. Isto to se može kazati i za Nijemce i Britance, koji Izraelu prodaju velike količine oružja. Egipćani su, također, saučesnici, jer sarađuju u potpunosti sa Izraelom protiv naroda u Gazi", ističe ovaj izraelski aktivista, dodajući kako je SAD posebno licemjeran prema islamskom svijetu i prema muslimanima.

Licemjerje SAD-a

"SAD su licemjeran prema muslimanima, jer im obećava dijalog, a istovremeno podržava ubijanje Palestinaca. SAD želi da se arapski i islamski svijet potčini interesima Izraela i SAD-a. U SAD-u postoji veliki stepen islamofobije, koji je prisutan i u zvaničnoj američkoj politici, u kulturi i u svakodnevnom životu muslimana i Arapa koji žive u Americi", potcrtava Peled.

Ipak, na kraju zaključuje da su mir i suživot između izraelskog i palestinskog naroda mogući, napominjući da će se to desiti samo kada bude uništen cionizam. Naglašava kako su sve ideologije, uključujući i cionizam, kratkoročnog karaktera i da sve na kraju završe na smetljištu historije.

"Nemam nikakve sumnje da je mir između Izraelaca i Palestinaca moguć. Vrlo sam optimističan u dugoročnom smislu. Sjećam se kada je u Španiji okončan fašistički režim i kad je pao diktator u Grčkoj, pa se onda isto desilo i u Latinskoj Americi, te na kraju aparthejd u Južnoafričkoj Republici. Tako će i cionizam pasti na sličan način. Žao mi je što moram kazati da će vjerovatno umrijeti još mnogo Palestinaca prije nego padne cionizam. Ali to će se desiti i istinska demokratija će biti uspostavljena u Palestini. Da imam ikakvu sumnju u to ne bih radio sve ovo", ističe ovaj mirovni aktivista.

Napominje kako sve više ljudi u svijetu vjeruje da je palestinski narod u pravu i podržava njihovu borbu za istinom i pravdom.

"Rasistički i cionistički izraelski režim ne može opstati iz više razloga, prije svega zbog demografije, ekonomije i velike odanosti Palestinaca na putu prema slobodi i demokratiji. Također, u svijetu je sve više grupa i pokreta koji podržavaju Palestince. Glas Palestinaca se čuje na univerzitetima, u vjerskim centrima, organizacijama, pa čak i u SAD-u i Kanadi. Otpor Palestinaca je snažan i nastavit će se sigurno. Ja sam optimističan i znam da na tom putu svi ljudi dobre volje trebaju raditi naporno. Bit će to teška borba, ali i jedina ispravna", istakao je Peled.

http://balkans.aljazeera.net/vijesti/ge ... si-genocid
Last edited by Grover on 06/08/2014 18:32, edited 1 time in total.
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#10681 Re: Izrael je opet pocinio zlocin!

Post by astala_vistala »

FSB turisti na ljetovanju u gazi i libanu bice veselo bice veselo ovo :D ovo je info iz centrale UN ruje ce opasno odgovorit na sankcije 8)
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#10683 Re: Izrael je opet pocinio zlocin!

Post by Gojeni H »

Bodkin wrote:Sta kaze, Alah SAD pa erdogan :D novi transparent za tribinu
Ja odustajem. :run:
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#10684 Re: Izrael je opet pocinio zlocin!

Post by Bodkin »

Gojeni H wrote:
Bodkin wrote:Sta kaze, Alah SAD pa erdogan :D novi transparent za tribinu
Ja odustajem. :run:
ja odustao nakon 3 kloniranja. Btw on ti je onaj sto je htio tenkove na lukavicu jer je to najvaznija tacka, i konjima izvuci topove prije toga da ovi ne skontaju. Sve uz prilozenu kartu sa gugla sa pravcima :D
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#10685 Re: Izrael je opet pocinio zlocin!

Post by vatrogasac »

Booth je i supruga svoje sestre, Tonyja Blaira, optužila da ne radi posao koji bi trebao kao predstavnik Bliskoistočne četvorke.
„Blair je sada možda i na Bahamima na odmoru. Palestinski narod nema nikakve koristi od njega i trebao bi odmah podnijeti ostavku na svoje funkcije. Ako ga vi nađete, prenesite mu da ga tražim“, kazala je Booth.

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#10686 Re: Izrael je opet pocinio zlocin!

Post by BHCluster »

Ovako se to radi.
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#10687 Re: Izrael je opet pocinio zlocin!

Post by Arteta »

Bodkin wrote:Sta kaze, Alah SAD pa erdogan :D novi transparent za tribinu
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#10688 Re: Izrael je opet pocinio zlocin!

Post by Gojeni H »

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#10689 Re: Izrael je opet pocinio zlocin!

Post by Gojeni H »

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#10690 Re: Izrael je opet pocinio zlocin!

Post by Gojeni H »

Israeli arms factory shut down by UK pro-Palestine campaigners – shut down ongoing


Palestine campaigners have chained the doors shut and are occupying the roof of an arms factory in Shenstone in Staffordshire that is owned by an Israeli military company and manufactures engines for drones that have been exported to Israel.

At around 5am, a group of 12 activists from the London Palestine Action network chained shut the main gates to the factory and scaled the 8m roof. The group are now staging an occupation of the rooftop with the intention of closing the factory.

The Shenstone factory operates under the name UAV Engines Limited, a UK registered company owned by Elbit Systems, Israel's largest weapons company and the world's largest manufacturer of drones. The drone engines produced at the factory have been exported to Israel in 2010, 2011 and 2012, according to official government data.

"The UK government has blood on its hands and must end its support for Israel's crimes against humanity by ending all forms of military cooperation with Israel, starting by closing this factory. We demand the UK government stop arming Israel."

"Elbit Systems markets its drone technology as 'battle tested', a sickening boast that their drones have been proven to be effective at killing Palestinians. The UK government is importing technology that has been developed during the course of Israel's crimes against humanity."
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#10691 Re: Izrael je opet pocinio zlocin!

Post by Gojeni H »

Gaza cease-fire could save Hamas from military collapse and Israel from PR disaster

http://www.haaretz.com/blogs/west-of-ed ... m-1.608910
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#10692 Re: Izrael je opet pocinio zlocin!

Post by Korisnica_ »

Dobar clanak s izraelskog perspektiva :thumbup:

Shalom, motherf****r.

I don’t know how to write this without sounding like the kind of person I’m about to sound like, but sometimes you’ve just got to write it like you feel it. And I feel this. I un-friended a ‘friend’ from Facebook the other day.

To be honest, he wasn’t really a friend. He was a professional aquaintance and one whose talent I respect. But that’s it.

I un-friended him because he crossed a line.

I don’t mind that he didn’t write to ask how we’re doing here in Israel. People have their lives and we’re not the center of the world.

No. He started posting videos and images that reek of anti-semitism and an anti-Israel bias the likes of which are posted by people who clearly hate my country.

And I saw these posts.

A video by an English elected official who spewed such anti-Israel rhetoric that it was borderline hatred.

And a post that Robert De Niro supposedly made claiming we’re an apartheid state. (He never said that at all. We’re not – and that post was another spreading of an untruth).

He crossed a line on a day – the other day – that 13 regular Israeli fathers, sons or brothers here were killed defending my country. Men drawn into a war they did not want to fight, but fought to protect their families, friends, and country – and to protect ME. A war others will continue to fight because to not fight it means we will perish. I don’t mean that we will lose our country, but as you can see by the turmoil around us in the Middle East (that has nothing to do with us) we will lose our lives.

He crossed a line following 10 days in which we, the citizens of Israel, have been bombarded the length of the 10 hour drive north to south of our country, and two our drive east to west of our country (that’s the size of Israel) with missiles intended to murder Israelis, no matter what gender, what age, what profession and what religion they follow. (We have over a million Israeli-Arabs living here within our borders as citizens with full rights).

And as I write, coming home from a day of work and having put my son to bed in his crib, we are still being bombarded.

He crossed another line after he saw that I unfriended him when he wrote an email to me saying that it’s ‘…funny to be de-friended for posting a statement from an elected official. As a Jew you should realize that mass murder is never justified’. (His identity will remain hidden, of course).

First of all, don’t give me that ‘as a Jew’ crap. I don’t need to be a Jew to realise that mass murder isn’t justified. I need to be a decent human being.

Secondly, I don’t give a damn that he was an elected official – he said some preposterous, disgusting and very untrue things – and history is full of misguided elected officals.

And third, we’re mass murderers? My country accepts an Egyptian-proposed Gaza cease-fire twice and Hamas keeps firing away. They aim rockets at civilians while we go at great lengths to avoid civilians actually calling them in their areas and dropping warning charges, to give innocents a chance to escape. That’s unprecedented in warfare history. We leave Gaza for a chance at peace 9 years ago and for 9 years we got rockets, hate education, underground tunnels built with the purpose of entering Israeli territory so radicals can murder and kidnap Jews? This is what we get for leaving Gaza unilaterally 9 years ago. And we’re mass murderers?

No – fool. Ours is not the behavior of mass murderers.

I’m tired of the argument lobbed against us where I read people saying it’s ‘not fair’ because more Palestinians have died than Israelis. Of people asking ‘why are we complaining when we’re the stronger ones?’
My heart bleeds for every innocent killed no matter what side they’re on. Palestinain or Israeli innocents – it matters not.

But I will not apologise for surviving.

For surviving missiles intended to kill me. The fact they didn’t kill me doesn’t mean they weren’t sent with the intention to murder. We have a defence system, shelters, evacuation procedures and governments who take care of us – I will not apologise for living and surviving thanks to being prepared because we have a culture that celebrates our lives and cherishes them instead of sending 10-year old children to be fighters and bombers. I will not apologise for having a business, a home, a family and friends here who want normal lives and to live in peace with our neighbors. I will not apologise for existing and I want nothing more than to co-exist quietly with neighbors who accept me here.

But this is not what Hamas wants.

Let me be very clear. Hamas is trying to kill ME. My family. My baby son. All of us here. That is their purpose. Get it through your heads – that is what is happening. And it’s VERY personal. For all of us here.

Our Israeli civilians – people like me – are being targeted to die. Palestinian innocents on the other side are dying because my army is trying to protect us from thugs operating in those areas who are launching rockets at my populated cities. If Palestinian innocents are dying it’s because of jihadists and terrorists (other names for thugs), but NOT because of the State of Israel that is trying to protect its citizens as any sovereign country would do. People are going to die. Innocents will die and it’s awful and it’s ugly. But we have to do what we have to do now. That is not a tone of justification. It’s me telling you the way it is – and believe me, we’re already paying the price with the blood of our people…of families who will never sit together again. Play together again. Hold eachother again.

This is not a game.

I was speaking to my father this evening and he advised me, like a good father does, bless him, to not speak my mind on Facebook. Why go to the trouble? But he’s looking out for his son knowing I’ll face backlash.

Look, we remained silent in the 30′s and look where it got us. We hoped rational people would see sense and refused to believe that people were capable of evil. And where did that get us? Trainrides straight to the gas chambers by REAL mass murderers. And there are those today who follow directly in the footsteps of the Nazis and who state proudly that they want to see all Jews dead, all of israel wiped off the face of the earth. (It is in Hamas’ offical charter – I’m serious – look). And why? Not because of ‘stolen land’ and politics but because they’re misguided, pitiful, hateful people who hate Jews and don’t give a damn about their people. Because anyone who gives a damn about their people would try giving them a future and not use them as pawns in a sick game of death and 72 virgins.

No, I will not remain silent while lies are spread about my country, my people, my culture, my values. I will be the FIRST in line to condemn my leaders and countrymen and women when they do wrong – as we do.
(And we do). But we are in the right here and I will not be quiet.

If anyone doesn’t understand any of the above; if anyone doesn’t get it; if any of my friends are going to post anti-Israel messages in a time where over 500 Palestinians have tragically died in this current conflict yet you remained silent while almost 200,000 Arabs were murdered by Arabs these past few years; if you’re not writing about Assad using chemical weapons against his people; if you’re not writing about ISIS who crucified 8 christians the other day and who are telling Iraqi Christians ‘convert, pay tax, or die’; if you only have criticism for the State of Israel that is doing EVERYTHING in its power to avoid civilian losses to Palestinians during a war; if you’re going to do nothing but sit wherever you’re sitting and just dish out your anti-Israel dirt while rockets are being aimed at my house, family and friends as our boys are fighting to protect us – and you’re going to dish it out simply because we’re living in this land and you haven’t got a clue as to our connection to it; if you’re going to join the anti-semitic and anti-Israel demonstrations flaring up in the world like we’re seeing in France, Turkey, Berlin, most Arab states and even in the US that have nothing to do with this conflict but are really just expressions of hatred directed at Jews and Israelis (and these expressions will be directed at the host countries soon); if you’re going to stay quiet and just accept, then go ahead and unfriend me from Facebook now because you’re probably no friend of mine.

Know this: when someone tries to end my life, IT IS PERSONAL.
And if you’re adding fuel to the fire by posting crap that in some small way will contribute to my demise, then again - un-friend me now.

Because you can have the hatred, the twisted, the sick and evil and be a part of that – or you can have me. But you can’t have both.

Shalom, motherf****r.

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#10693 Re: Izrael je opet pocinio zlocin!

Post by omar little »

Korisnica_ wrote:Dobar clanak s izraelskog perspektiva :thumbup:
niti je dobro, niti je perspektiva, nego hasbara i opravdavanje zlocina.
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#10694 Re: Izrael je opet pocinio zlocin!

Post by Cyrax »

Mucki provokator :D
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#10695 Re: Izrael je opet pocinio zlocin!

Post by omar little »

Cyrax wrote:Mucki provokator :D
neces razbojnice, non pasara! :D
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#10696 Re: Izrael je opet pocinio zlocin!

Post by Korisnica_ »

omar little wrote:
Korisnica_ wrote:Dobar clanak s izraelskog perspektiva :thumbup:
niti je dobro, niti je perspektiva, nego hasbara i opravdavanje zlocina.
Super je, samo sto se ne uklapa u islamisticki crno-bijeli svijet :)
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#10697 Re: Izrael je opet pocinio zlocin!

Post by statixx »

IDF je toliko nisko pao da ih njihovi gradjani moraju porediti sa ISIS-om kako bi izgledali kao "good guys".

Ako vec autor teksta stradanja civila opravdava ciljem unistavanja Hamasa, onda je ovo totalni promasaj. Ostavili su iza sebe 350 ubijene djece, 10.000 ranjenih, desetine srusenih bolnica, skola, univerziteta, hiljade domova itd. a Hamas i dalje operise. Imali su maltene razrjesene ruke, podrsku Zapada i gradjana Izraela, i nisu se usudili uci u Gazu i obracunati sa tim strasnim teroristima, od kojih, prema njegovom pisanju, reklo bi se niko u Izraelu ne moze da spava. Sve sto su napravili jesu nove generacije terorista.
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#10699 Re: Izrael je opet pocinio zlocin!

Post by omar little »

Korisnica_ wrote:
omar little wrote:
Korisnica_ wrote:Dobar clanak s izraelskog perspektiva :thumbup:
niti je dobro, niti je perspektiva, nego hasbara i opravdavanje zlocina.
Super je, samo sto se ne uklapa u islamisticki crno-bijeli svijet :)
iju, islamista odma, a? :D sta to znaci uopce? da sam terorista i antisemit? iznogud?
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#10700 Re: Izrael je opet pocinio zlocin!

Post by spinel_ »

opet vi ovog kloniranog klauna citirate i pridajte mu paznju. ohanite i klaun ce popustiti