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#14851 Re: IRAN

Post by GandalfSivi »

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#14852 Re: IRAN

Post by sumirprimus »

jeza u ledja wrote:
Idemedosumom wrote:Budi frajer pa nađi nekoga ko kritikuje Iran zbog genocida 8)
Ne znam da Iran ima historiju genocida, bar ne u novijoj historiji. No svaka zemlja je zasnovana na genocidu i etnickom ciscenju, samo je pitanje kada se to desilo. To je moje misljenje generalno, ali da ne ulazimo u pet stranica rasprave ko je imao veci genocid, uzmimo da je Iran zemlja nastala na lalama i mehkoj mahovini, sa sve golubicama i zecicima, pravi raj na zemlji.
Neki strasni, grozni i ruzni ljudi, puni mrznje prema zecicima i cvjecu, imaju drukcije misljenje o Iranu, a Iranci su. Oni to takvo svoje grozomorno misljenje ne mogu da izraze u toj zemlji cvijeca, vec moraju ici vani i siriti svoje zle misli po zapadnim medijima. U Iranu to ne mogu.

Ne moramo uopste u stvari ulaziti u istinitost bilo cega sto neko takav zeli reci. Uzmimo da neko hoce da laze, dan i noc, da prosipa lazi i raspiruje netrpeljivost prema Islamskoj Republici, njenom uredjenju i njenoj prirodi. Da li taj neko to moze raditi javno u Iranu? Sve na televiziji, kao gost u studiju?

Da se Iran pita, mi takvo misljenje nikad ne bi ni culi. Ironicno je u stvari da stranica sa koje je salik iznad postavio link u stvari postoji da siri pozitivno misljenje o Iranu u svijetu:
Find whatever you missed about Iran in the analytical news website Real Iran

Judge for yourself Iran’s culture, civilization and tourist attractions.

Our goal is to introduce the various aspects of “Real Iran”. It is important for us that people around the world know what media censor about Iran.

Is Iran a terrorist country or it had been victimized by terrorists? Does Iran really pursue a nuclear weapon? Do global sanctions against Iran work or do they only violate the legal rights of a nation? What do you think about U.S. and Israel claims against Iran? What is your idea about the role of media concerning west accusations against Iran?…

Find it out for yourself by enjoying real news of Iran from real people like you all over the world.
Oni zele da mi cujemo kako je Iran drukcija zemlja od one kakvu nam predstavljaju zapadni mediji. Nije to problem, mnoge zemlje to rade - no ironicno je da nam neko sa ove stranice postavlja link sa razgovorom sa zenom kao primjerom nekoga ko ostro kritikuje Iran, na nacin na koji to djevojka na videu radi u vezi SAD.


I evo posto se salik nije udostojio da postavi clanak, ja cu.

Ovako pocinje clanak, koji treba sluziti kao primjer kritike IR Iran:
At Monsoon, a bistro in Tehran that serves sushi, Szechwan beef, and Gouda and calamari on whole wheat toast, the fusion cuisine is an act of defiance. So are the women’s fashions—tight robes, exposed calves, headscarves that barely conceal blond and henna-colored hairstyles. The restaurant, with its rough concrete walls, red countertops, and statues of Hindu and Buddhist goddesses, looks more Manhattan than Islamic Republic.
dalje nastavlja sa:
Seated at a corner table is Elham Hassanzadeh, almost 6 feet tall, with dark eyes, thick eyebrows, and lush brown hair that overflows her hijab. Her dining companions are the middle-aged bosses of two large Iranian engineering and construction companies.

Raised in a pistachio-farming family in tradition-minded southern Iran, Hassanzadeh, 31, earned her law degree and Ph.D. in the U.K. on scholarships. She literally wrote the book on Iran’s natural gas industry since the 1979 Islamic revolution—it was published last year by Oxford University Press. She has returned to Iran to head a consulting firm, Energy Pioneers, based in Tehran and London, that’s at the vanguard of Iran’s all-out push to lure back foreign investors after the expected lifting of sanctions in coming months. Iran is counting on Western technology and hoping to raise $100 billion in overseas financing to double its oil and gas production in the next five years. Hassanzadeh is building a business by parlaying a deep knowledge of Iran’s energy resources, close ties to government technocrats and industry leaders in Tehran, and high-level contacts at major oil companies, law firms, and investment houses in the West.
Ovo je ta zena koja je u fokusu clanka i koja ce nam ostro izkritikovati IR Iran i njen cijeli sistem, nastanak, krvavu proslost, politicke progone?! Znaci mocna zena sa biznis vezama u drzavnim naftnim firmama i naravno sa pokricem vani, treba da sluzi kao dobar primjer nekoga ko se usudjuje kritikovati rezim. I salik to jos istice?

Dalje govori:
Her clients are impatient. “Foreign companies should open offices in Tehran immediately and buy shares in local companies who can be their agents and help with management,” says one of Hassanzadeh’s dinner companions, B.M. Hazrati. He’s the managing director of Arsa International Construction and head of a contractors’ trade group. “Unfortunately, they’re still looking at us like it’s 15 years ago.”

“The world has moved on,” Hassanzadeh says, dismissing the idea that Western investors, in a market glutted with oil, are ready to rush back to Tehran without examining the fine print. Lately she’s been commuting between Iran and Europe to speak at trade conferences and in meetings with Western oil executives, fund managers, bankers, and lawyers about her country’s reemergence.
Despite her age, she cultivated a wide network of industry players in Europe during her years at the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies. Some of these contacts may have skirted U.S. law by merely discussing business with an Iranian, so Hassanzadeh names no names as she shares what she’s learned: Significant Western involvement in Iran’s oil sector is at least 18 to 24 months away, maybe much more. Prospective partners don’t trust the project information they’re getting out of Tehran, she says, and the big banks and investment funds “still need a clear green light” from the U.S. Department of the Treasury before committing money to Iran. “For them, Iranian stability is still questioned,” she says. “What happens in two years if [reformist President Hassan] Rouhani isn’t reelected?”
Ovo nije kritika Irana, vec kritika americkih sankcija i iranske lose pozicije zbog toga. Nece da navodi imena poznanika da ne cuju mozda Amerikanci. :D

Dalje clanak pise:
The dour assessment rankles Hassanzadeh’s other guest, Mehrdad Motarjemi, managing director of Gamma, a Tehran company that recently completed Iran’s biggest natural gas production unit in the Persian Gulf, called South Pars Phase 12. “You can always make a long list of what-ifs,” says the silver-haired executive, 60, whose smile and soft voice belie a snappy disposition. “What if Donald Trump becomes the next U.S. president?”

The conversation shifts to another debate raging inside Iran’s oil industry—between those who argue that Phase 12 and other achievements during the four years of global sanctions prove Iran doesn’t need foreign help, and executives such as Motarjemi who say international technology and management expertise are indispensable. Phase 12, while hailed in Iran as a triumph of self-sufficiency, cost twice as much as it should have because of sanctions, according to Motarjemi. “You can’t imagine how difficult it was,” he says. Banks in Dubai and Asia charged usurious rates to move Iranian money. Western suppliers labeled random components such as piping and valves “dual use”—that is, applicable in military or nuclear technology—and wouldn’t sell them to Iran. Spare parts never arrived for some critical components such as pumps; a massive compressor is still on a dock in Dubai, mired in sanctions red tape.

“I’ve seen how management functions much better when there’s a European company working beside us,” Motarjemi says over a dessert of fried mango spring rolls with coconut ice cream. “We want to forget the past hatred, whatever it was, and start all over again.”
(Clanak je od prije dvije godine)
Je li ovo kritika Irana ili dalji nastavak price o sankcijama, jadnom Iranu koji kao hoce, a drugi mu kao ne daju?? Tesko im uraditi projekat jer je sve skupo, jer ih banke u Dubajiu jebu u mozak. Ovdje i dalje nema ni slova kritike o IR Iran.

Hajmo dalje:
Undeterred by this month’s flareup with sectarian rival Saudi Arabia across the Persian Gulf, Iran is ready to rebuild its energy industry. The West has been salivating since the July 2015 breakthrough on lifting the sanctions. At a conference in Tehran in late November, Oil Minister Bijan Namdar Zanganeh tantalized more than 300 foreign energy executives with 70 exploration and development projects up for bid, targeting $30 billion in new investments. Ministry officials are promising better terms for foreign producers than found in Iran’s previous oil contracts, which allotted companies a fixed fee regardless of how much oil they produced and paid nothing to companies that spent more than was budgeted to develop a field. The new contracts will be valid for as long as 25 years, compared with seven before. Iran, which says it will disclose more details in February, wants to sign its first deal as soon as this spring.

“How often in one’s lifetime does a hydrocarbon superpower reopen for business?” says Ganesh Betanabhatla, a Houston-based private equity investor in oil and gas deals. As an American, he’s on a lonely quest to invest in exploration and production opportunities in Iran after sanctions are fully lifted, via plays by some of the midsize American oil producers he’s backed in the past. But just to talk to me about Iran, he had to insist his firm’s name not appear in this article. And as a big supporter of Jeb Bush and as national vice chairman of Maverick PAC, a fundraising group of wealthy Republicans younger than 40, Betanabhatla, 30, has endured taunts from GOP friends about his Iran pursuit. “This is a worthy cause,” he says, “but to me it comes at a cost.”
Kaze neki americki investitor zeli da uleti u naftni biznis u Iranu cim se dignu sankcije. Navode mu ime, ali kazu "nece da napisu ime firme u clanku da ne bi imao problema" ( :lol: ).

Dalje pise, bla bla:
Betanabhatla’s bigger problem, he says, is that information on Iran’s vast hydrocarbon deposits is sketchy and scarce: “No one in the independent exploration and production world has set foot there in 36 years.” Hassanzadeh has helped Betanabhatla with research, and her network has arranged meetings for him with Iranian officials in New York and Europe. Her circle of sources includes a pair of thirtysomething white-shoe lawyers—among them Amir Ghavi at Willkie Farr & Gallagher in New York—as well as the CEO of a giant commodities trader in Switzerland and the head of development for one of Europe’s biggest oil producers.

Hassanzadeh became fascinated with energy while earning her bachelor’s degree in law at Islamic Azad University in Tehran under Hassan Sedigh, one of Iran’s leading oil and gas attorneys. She also interned in his law office, where she worked with executives at big oil companies from all over the world. The experience eventually helped win her a scholarship from Royal Dutch Shell to pursue a master’s degree in law at the University of Cambridge in England in 2008 and 2009. “People are really intrigued by her, especially in the West,” says Jonathan Stern, Hassanzadeh’s dissertation adviser and the founder and chairman of the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies’ natural gas research program. “A young Iranian woman with great English skills, an academic background, real-world experience, and a law degree isn’t like anything anyone’s ever seen before.”
Pocinje o ovoj zeni i kao kako su svi fascinirani kako tako uspjesna zena dolazi iz Irana. :lol: Jos malo tapsanje po ledjima, itd. Fascinira kako i dalje isticu kako to zena u poslovnom svijetu, jos iz Irana. Vau jebote pun kurac zena na visokim pozicijama u svijetu. CEO Pepsija je Indijka, cisto onako pade mi na pamet. Sad kao mi treba da vjerujemo da u takvom poslovnom svijetu svi treba da su fascinirani iranskom zenom?! :-)
In terms of shock value, it’s not only that Hassanzadeh is a woman in the largely male world of oil and gas. It’s what she says. To her Iranian clients—CEOs her father’s age, desperate to nail down foreign partners after sanctions are lifted—Hassanzadeh tells them they’re not ready. Sure, well-connected Iranian companies can take small stakes in oil exploration and development deals, cede operational control to international oil companies, and sit back and collect dividends if the projects pay off. But Iran needs technology, know-how, and good jobs, and such things don’t come from these types of “semicolonial” relationships prevalent elsewhere in the Middle East, she says.

For Western companies to make joint ventures with Iranian partners on more equal terms, Iran must first build an “investment infrastructure” of independent auditors, lawyers, consultants, and courts that foreigners can trust, Hassanzadeh says. This takes time and a societal commitment to the rule of law. As of now, Iran doesn’t even have a reliable credit reference system.

“We’re trying to build this foundation,” she says. “We’re telling people, ‘Calm down, relax, there’s enough food for everyone. Don’t do anything now you’ll regret later.’ ”
Opet, kako je tesko u Iranu koji se dobrovoljno iskljucio iz strukture medjunarodne ekonomije odbacivsi liberalni kapitalizam i americku dominaciju u njemu napraviti bilo sta. Je li to kritika Irana ili zapada?

I onda dalje pocinje taj dio u kojem ona kao zestoko kritikuje:
To potential Western investors, just as eager as Iranians to establish ties, she counsels patience. Her book, Iran’s Natural Gas Industry in the Post-Revolutionary Period—Optimism, Skepticism, and Potential, has a whole chapter on corruption and Iran’s need for legal reform. It was a hit with leaders at many of the big European oil companies that underwrite the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies, according to the institute’s Howard Rogers, who spent 29 years with BP. The powerful research center is the locus of her influence outside Iran. After her book came out, she gained foreigners’ respect for having a clear-eyed view of Iran’s problems, and for not simply trying to earn a quick commission as a middleman. “Elham’s perspective is not one of unalloyed optimism,” Rogers says. “She has a realistic business sense of the challenges ahead.”
Spominje se knjiga u kojoj ona ima cijelo poglavlje o korupciji u Iranu!!! Poenta knjige nije u kritici vec u stvaranju drukcije slike o potencijalu kakav ima Iran. Super, odlicno, ali ovo nema veze sa onim o cemu smo govorili.

Dalje kaze:
While graybeards in turbans generate most of the headlines, it’s the young who are driving Iran’s reengagement with the West. Two-thirds of the nation’s 78 million people are under 35; almost 60 percent of high school graduates attend college, roughly the same rate as in Britain and France. The demand for jobs and a sense of normalcy by this educated demographic bulge is the gravest long-term threat to the Islamic regime—and its greatest human asset, Hassanzadeh says.

Zanganeh, the oil minister, a no-nonsense technocrat, has surrounded himself with relatively young staffers in their 20s and 30s. They’re linked to former professors, classmates, and friends throughout the vast Iranian diaspora.
Opet malo optimisticke price o Iranu, uz opasku da je nezaposlenost najveca opasnost za islamski rezim, kao i njegova najveca prednost. Ne kaze da li se ona protivi tom rezimu, i da li je uopste ovo sto govori problem radi samog rezima ili radi ekonomije.

Dalje prica o zenama u ekonomiji, i kako je tesko probiti se u svijetu u kojem dominiraju muskarci:
Zanganeh, the oil minister, a no-nonsense technocrat, has surrounded himself with relatively young staffers in their 20s and 30s. They’re linked to former professors, classmates, and friends throughout the vast Iranian diaspora.

Another point of tension: While women now make up more than 60 percent of the nation’s college students, they’re only 18 percent of its workforce. Education is cherished in Iran, but marriage and stay-at-home motherhood are pushed even harder, particularly by husbands. Hassanzadeh, who is single, says the worst discrimination she’s felt came from flirty senior executives at meetings “who think because you’re a woman you should be open” to their sexual advances. But they’re the exception, she says, with most oilmen going out of their way to be helpful. “It’s always like, ‘We can’t really believe a woman could get to your level of being so outspoken,’ ” she says.

At a morning meeting in October at Namvaran, a large petroleum engineering company, Hassanzadeh and the director of business development, Parinaz Tahbaz, are treated to a rare event in the Middle East: The two female executives are served by a middle-aged office tea man. Tahbaz was one of four women to graduate with an engineering degree from Tehran University in 1996, along with 78 men. Now 70 percent of Iranian science graduates are women, she says. When she joined Namvaran the year she finished school, 2 out of 40 engineers in her department were women. Today the company is 45 percent female, and Tahbaz is the first woman among Namvaran’s five shareholders and members of the board. To earn the men’s trust, she had to work 14-hour days, spend long stretches on the road at job sites, and forget about having kids, she says. “My husband knows Namvaran is my first family.”

Hassanzadeh hasn’t decided if she’ll have a family. Iranian men aren’t interested in marrying women who are well-educated and financially independent, she says—“How are they supposed to control you?” Women either need to get married when they’re 17, “before you’re too intimidating,” or forget about their careers, she says. Hassanzadeh knew she wanted to get her Ph.D. before settling down. “I’ve been told if I meet a man I like, just don’t tell him what I do,” she says.

Hassanzadeh likes beating men at their own game. “I needed to break that boundary, to get into an arena where men have always been and continue to enforce their dominance,” she wrote in an e-mail. “I love the power/ecstasy/excitement which this sector offers me as a woman to fight head-to-head with men—that exact moment when you’ve not only crossed the boundaries, but have placed yourself ahead of men, that exact moment when you’re the only female panelist on a high-caliber panel of seven or eight men and they all remain silent and impressed by your insight.”
Onda pazi dalje sta pise:
When she first moved to Cambridge to earn her master’s degree, Hassanzadeh made fast friends with the American students—“the Brits kept boundaries,” she says. She visited the U.S. for the first and only time in December 2007. What was supposed to be a two-month trip, however, lasted only 10 days. Traveling alone through Washington Dulles International Airport, Hassanzadeh, then 23, was culled from a security line and directed into a secondary screening device called a puffer machine. The air blast lifted her shirt. Hassanzadeh panicked inside the glass chamber. A Transportation Security Administration supervisor, trying to calm her down, became overly friendly, she says. “That’s how you treat a young woman who has no idea what’s going on?” she asks. “You flirt with her?” She ended the trip after another verbal encounter with some horny male revelers on New Year’s Eve in Times Square. “I never wanted to go back to the States again,” she says.
Kaze isla je u Ameriku ali su je tamo prakticno napastvovali napaljeni muskarci i nikad nece ponovo tamo otici. :lol: :lol: :lol: Muahaha. :D

I ovdje dalje je najbolje, ono kao kritika, a u stvari pohvala: :D
After earning her master’s at Cambridge, Hassanzadeh, then 25, was appointed the youngest law lecturer ever at her alma mater in Tehran. At that point, conservative President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was at the height of his power, after he and Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei crushed the Green Revolution protesters in 2009 with baton-wielding militiamen and mass arrests of democratic activists. Hassanzadeh avoided discussing politics in the classroom, aware she was under special klix for having lived in the West. She wouldn’t play favorites, either. She helped arrange an internship at the chamber of commerce for the studious son of a commander of the Basij, or Islamic militia. But she flunked the slacker son of another militant family, who then threatened to report her as a subversive to the university’s intelligence branch if she didn’t change his grade. She kicked him out of class and notified campus police.

An intelligence officer summoned Hassanzadeh for questioning. He said she’d been accused of speaking against the Islamic regime and presented her with a thick file on her travels the past five years. “Why’d you leave Iran so often?” he asked. She told him about her graduate studies and the abortive U.S. trip and turned over audio recordings of all her university lectures, which she’d assiduously taped for just such an inquiry. Her accuser was ultimately expelled. Hassanzadeh received a formal apology from the intelligence officer, expressing his fervent hope that she’d stay in Iran to continue serving the people.
Ono kao imala je problem sa ultrakonzervativcima, Basij, Ahmed i Nedzad (koji je u vrijeme clanka naravno vec odavno bio bivsi predsjednik), bla bla, ali je sve to fino rijesila jer je ona pametna i elokventna, a cika drot se poklopio usima - jer to tako inace funkcionise u Iranu, je li :D .

Onda dalje opet malo tapsanja po ledjima Irana i upiranja prstom na protivnike Irana:
She bolted for Oxford. “Ahmadinejad’s reelection was like a heart attack,” she says. “Everything collapsed, and everybody was suspecting each other. I said, ‘I’m leaving.’ ”

The timing was perfect. When Hassanzadeh finished her energy dissertation in 2013, Rouhani was assuming the presidency. Fed up with “big-mouth” Iranians abroad who rant about the regime but won’t go home to help, Hassanzadeh returned to Tehran to start Energy Pioneers. Her co-founder, Nima Fateh, 44, had been a senior adviser to Mohammed Khatami, the reformist former president.

A lot of their work is assisting Iranian companies with preparing financial documents and feasibility studies that Western investors can trust and understand. The Saudi tensions haven’t hurt, so far. European companies continue reaching out for help, she says. Both sides remain bewildered. “They’re both speaking English, but from two different planets,” she says. Many of her Iranian clients, for example, assume that after sanctions they’ll be able to gain access to overseas funds for petroleum projects at roughly the same risk premium they paid before the Ahmadinejad tenure 15 years ago. Iran, after all, is a bastion of stability compared with the rest of the Middle East, they say. If the risk premium back then was 2 to 4, meaning Iranians could borrow money for projects at a benchmark interest rate plus 2 to 4 percentage points, “it’s now above 10,” Hassanzadeh says, citing a recent conversation with an investment banker in London. “I’m telling clients, ‘Guys, don’t be delusional!’ ”
Oni kao hoce, a ovi im kao ne daju.

I onda na kraju:
Hassanzadeh’s most advanced project is an enormous complex of natural gas refineries that’s planned to be the largest in the world. Located in the ancient port village of Siraf on the Persian Gulf, the project consists of eight interlinked refineries, to be built and owned by eight private companies with investments of $350 million each. The government is providing the gas from the South Pars field and pitching in about $1 billion of infrastructure. Three of the companies have hired Hassanzadeh to seek out foreign partners.

She wants to sign on more, which is what brings her to tea with Parinaz Tahbaz at Namvaran. The petroleum engineering company in Tehran is one of eight companies designated by the government to develop Siraf. As the cups are cleared away by the tea man, Hassanzadeh and Tahbaz commiserate about the need to rebuild Iran’s image. Hassanzadeh describes her “near panic” reading through one of her Siraf client’s feasibility studies before meeting prospective foreign investors. “They were incomplete, biased, and not professionally prepared,” she says.

Tahbaz says her company isn’t ready to hire outside experts for help yet. Namvaran first wants to narrow its list of potential foreign partners. American companies in particular are beginning to reach out to the company through third parties, expressing “even stronger interest than the others because this is an untouched market for them with huge opportunities,” Tahbaz says. “It may take some time, but people will understand that Iran is a country they can bank on.”

Hassanzadeh agrees, but says financing is more likely to come first from Japan, Korea, and China before Europe or the U.S. Still, she says that, in spite of her unhappy New Year in America, she knows how much Iranians love American technology and prefer U.S. goods over products from Europe and Japan. Within a few years, she says, even American oil producers will be back in Iran, where they’ll be welcomed with open arms. “They’ll get priority over everyone else.”
Nista, jos malo optimizma i malo tapsanja po ledjima i hajmo djaci.


I to je taj famozni clanak. Koga nije smorilo da procita do kraja, vidi da je clanak jednostavno prica o poslovnim prospektima investiranja u Iran u buducnosti. Prica je pozitivna, svakako ne negativna, uz naravno kukanje o tome u kakvoj je Iran poziciji ali da i kritici nacina rada u Iranu, korupciji (koja je doduse samo spomenuta iz knjige, itd). Clanak je izasao u Bloomberg Businesweek, ciji je vlasnik jevrej Michael Bloomberg, a meni se cini da je i autor jevrej. :D (ah ti gnusni cionisti :lol: )

Ako sam sta preskocio nije namjerno, ne znam ni sto sam ovo ovoliko secirao ali eto kad vuce za jezik.

On ovo postavlja kao odgovor da mi stavi primjer gdje neko kao ona djevojka sa videa sto kritikuje SAD - kritikuje Iran. I mrtav hladan dalje se nesto kofrci kao "sto lazes, sto spinujes"??? Ne moramo se uopste slagati ni oko cega, postoji sve fino napisano. Ko hoce da se pravi dalabu s njim se mozes raspravljati do onda do kad fakti postanu lazi. :roll:
realno, ovo nije ponjava , ovo je salon tepiha :lol:
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#14853 Re: IRAN

Post by Opetja033 »

salik79 wrote:Pa postavi nam te podatke. Evo, ja cu tebi link, pa razgledaj i ti sve i pomozi jezu (ne dao Bog da je iranski, namah bi bilo ismijavanje do u beskonacno): ... r-protests
Nisam ja dovodio u pitanje rezultate istrazivanja. Uvijek sam i govorio da ovakav sistem u Iranu ima podrsku vecine stanovnistva. Razlozi su mnogi, ima tu nacionalnog ponosa, ima tu indoktrinacije, ima tu i straha od promjena (nek' se ne puca). Iran spada u onu grupu zemalja, gdje bi da se sutra odrze demokratski i slobodni izbori - glat pobijedila vladajuca struktura. U tu skupinu spadaju sigurno i Kina i Bjelorusija.
Brojke ovog istrazivanja mogu biti prenapuhane zbog straha od represalija ali sam ubjedjen da je to sve u 3-4%.

Iran zemlja sa najvećim brojem (per capita) ovisnika opijuma na svijetu -
Ili ne daj Bože o činjenici da je 10% stanovnika Irana ovisno o nekoj od droga (uglavnom heroin).
Ili da je, prema izvještajima UN-a, Iran među zemljama čije stanovnistvo je najteže i najjače pogođeno krizom ovisnosti od različitih droga - na svijetu.

Sve izvještaji UN-a.
Nowadays, raw opium is the most prevalent substance of abuse in this country. According to the United Nations’ office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) Iran is suffering from the 2nd most severe addiction to opioids (11), and the highest rate of heroin and opium addiction per head of population in the world. 20% of the Iranian population aged 15 - 60 is taking part in drug abuse, and one in 17 is a regular user (12). The annual opium consumption in Iran is 450 metric tons, UNODC estimates (13). Other statistics indicate that more than 4 million of Iran’s 70 million people are addicted to substances (12); 69% to 94.6% of whom are dependent to raw opium (10, 14, 15), and about 83% of Iranian opioid dependent individuals who sought treatment services in 2009 were addicted to opium (16). The reliability of the prevalence of addiction is doubtful, but even the more conservative measures are notably high.

Na ovom linku imas sve izvore na dnu, tj UN raporte. Od godine izdavanja pa do broja stranice za navedeni podatak.
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#14854 Re: IRAN

Post by 2604570 »

Ma laziran izvjestaj garant. To je zemlja evlija gdje bi se oni drogirali...
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#14856 Re: IRAN

Post by zrakomlat »

Ni prvi ni zadnji put. Iranci nikad ne nastupaju protiv Izraela ili njihovih takmičara, klubova. Ne priznaju ih. Pa kad bi god Bayern izvukao kakve židove, one makabije, hapoele i slično, vazda Ali Karimi ima proljev, Ali Daeiu krepo kanarinac i slično, te ne nastupaju u tim utakmicama. Ili samo gostujućim, nisam siguran.


Nego kakvi su se ono sufiji, Gonabadi Derviši se zove grupa, pobunili u Teeranu. Zgazili autobusom tri drota, zahtjevaju da im neke vođe puste iz hapsa. Ima na advancetu. ... 300-osoba/
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jeza u ledja
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#14857 Re: IRAN

Post by jeza u ledja »

zrakomlat wrote:Ni prvi ni zadnji put. Iranci nikad ne nastupaju protiv Izraela ili njihovih takmičara, klubova. Ne priznaju ih. Pa kad bi god Bayern izvukao kakve židove, one makabije, hapoele i slično, vazda Ali Karimi ima proljev, Ali Daeiu krepo kanarinac i slično, te ne nastupaju u tim utakmicama. Ili samo gostujućim, nisam siguran.
Kakva zadojenost. :roll:
Ali dobro, nisu ni prvi ni zadnji.
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#14858 Re: IRAN

Post by jao_situacije »

Opetja033 wrote:
salik79 wrote:Pa postavi nam te podatke. Evo, ja cu tebi link, pa razgledaj i ti sve i pomozi jezu (ne dao Bog da je iranski, namah bi bilo ismijavanje do u beskonacno): ... r-protests
Nisam ja dovodio u pitanje rezultate istrazivanja. Uvijek sam i govorio da ovakav sistem u Iranu ima podrsku vecine stanovnistva. Razlozi su mnogi, ima tu nacionalnog ponosa, ima tu indoktrinacije, ima tu i straha od promjena (nek' se ne puca). Iran spada u onu grupu zemalja, gdje bi da se sutra odrze demokratski i slobodni izbori - glat pobijedila vladajuca struktura. U tu skupinu spadaju sigurno i Kina i Bjelorusija.
Brojke ovog istrazivanja mogu biti prenapuhane zbog straha od represalija ali sam ubjedjen da je to sve u 3-4%.

Iran zemlja sa najvećim brojem (per capita) ovisnika opijuma na svijetu -
Ili ne daj Bože o činjenici da je 10% stanovnika Irana ovisno o nekoj od droga (uglavnom heroin).
Ili da je, prema izvještajima UN-a, Iran među zemljama čije stanovnistvo je najteže i najjače pogođeno krizom ovisnosti od različitih droga - na svijetu.

Sve izvještaji UN-a.
Nowadays, raw opium is the most prevalent substance of abuse in this country. According to the United Nations’ office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) Iran is suffering from the 2nd most severe addiction to opioids (11), and the highest rate of heroin and opium addiction per head of population in the world. 20% of the Iranian population aged 15 - 60 is taking part in drug abuse, and one in 17 is a regular user (12). The annual opium consumption in Iran is 450 metric tons, UNODC estimates (13). Other statistics indicate that more than 4 million of Iran’s 70 million people are addicted to substances (12); 69% to 94.6% of whom are dependent to raw opium (10, 14, 15), and about 83% of Iranian opioid dependent individuals who sought treatment services in 2009 were addicted to opium (16). The reliability of the prevalence of addiction is doubtful, but even the more conservative measures are notably high.

Na ovom linku imas sve izvore na dnu, tj UN raporte. Od godine izdavanja pa do broja stranice za navedeni podatak.
tako su britanci uništili kinu sredinom 19. stoljeća
sva proizvodnja opijuma je bila namijenja kini
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#14859 Re: IRAN

Post by Opetja033 »

zrakomlat wrote: ...............

Nego kakvi su se ono sufiji, Gonabadi Derviši se zove grupa, pobunili u Teeranu. Zgazili autobusom tri drota, zahtjevaju da im neke vođe puste iz hapsa. Ima na advancetu. ... 300-osoba/
Nikad čuo za ove. Nije baš da sam laik po pitanju islamskih pravaca, sekti ili derviskih redova, ali za Gonabada Derviše prvi put u životu čujem.

Znam da je među šiitima u Iranu rasprostranjen i jak Nimetullahi derviški red, ali pojma nemam ko su ovi.
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#14860 Re: IRAN

Post by zrakomlat »

Opetja033 wrote:
zrakomlat wrote: ...............

Nego kakvi su se ono sufiji, Gonabadi Derviši se zove grupa, pobunili u Teeranu. Zgazili autobusom tri drota, zahtjevaju da im neke vođe puste iz hapsa. Ima na advancetu. ... 300-osoba/
Nikad čuo za ove. Nije baš da sam laik po pitanju islamskih pravaca, sekti ili derviskih redova, ali za Gonabada Derviše prvi put u životu čujem.

Znam da je među šiitima u Iranu rasprostranjen i jak Nimetullahi derviški red, ali pojma nemam ko su ovi.
I ja prvi put čujem za njih s tim da ja jesam laik po tome pitanju :D
A eto u tekstu piše kao vlast ih smatra prijetnjom, čini mi se da sam tako pročitao večeras, mrsko mi ponovo otvarat preko mob. Možda Salik zna pa napiše koju, kad uprati ovo.
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#14861 Re: IRAN

Post by jeza u ledja »

jao_situacije wrote: tako su britanci uništili kinu sredinom 19. stoljeća
sva proizvodnja opijuma je bila namijenja kini
Ah pa moglo se pretpostaviti da je i narkomanija u Iranu djelo zle Amerike. :oops:

Uz Afganistan koji je ubjedljivo prvi na listi korisnika opijata, Amerika je treca, Rusija peta, obje ispred Irana. Pretpostavljam, ovoliki broj korisnika u Americi i Rusiji je proizvod tajnog rata koje vode jedna protiv druge? :D

Igrom slucaja, uz Iran koji je na visokoj devetoj poziciji, Uzbekistan je na 12-oj, Kirgistan 15-i, Kazahstan 16-i, a Tadzikistan 28-i. Hm, pitam se od kud bas sve ove zemlje ovako visoko na ovoj listi? Pitam se sta je jos zajednicko svim ovim zemljama? Da su svi protivnici SAD - nije.
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#14862 Re: IRAN

Post by jao_situacije »

jeza u ledja wrote:
jao_situacije wrote: tako su britanci uništili kinu sredinom 19. stoljeća
sva proizvodnja opijuma je bila namijenja kini
Ah pa moglo se pretpostaviti da je i narkomanija u Iranu djelo zle Amerike. :oops:

Uz Afganistan koji je ubjedljivo prvi na listi korisnika opijata, Amerika je treca, Rusija peta, obje ispred Irana. Pretpostavljam, ovoliki broj korisnika u Americi i Rusiji je proizvod tajnog rata koje vode jedna protiv druge? :D

Igrom slucaja, uz Iran koji je na visokoj devetoj poziciji, Uzbekistan je na 12-oj, Kirgistan 15-i, Kazahstan 16-i, a Tadzikistan 28-i. Hm, pitam se od kud bas sve ove zemlje ovako visoko na ovoj listi? Pitam se sta je jos zajednicko svim ovim zemljama? Da su svi protivnici SAD - nije.
pitaj se ti šta god hoćeš

znamo ko je krenuo sa "borcima za slobodu" i da je 79' krenula proizvodnja u velikim količinama da bi se financirao rat protiv sovjeta, poslije dolaze na vlast i to se sve više širi sve do sredine devedesetih kada dolaze talibani na vlast, do 2001. talibani su skoro uništili sva polja maka
onda dolaze demokratske koalicije i proizvodnja maka se povećava iz godine u godinu




inače kinezi su odbijali da se uključe u globalnu trgovinu, da sarađuju sa britancima pa su dobili opijum i opijumske ratove u kojima su brutalno poniženi
mogle bi se povući neke paralale sa iranom, ali sam već pomalo umoran za dugu priču
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#14863 Re: IRAN

Post by jeza u ledja »

Pa aludiras tom pricom da neko ciljano salje opijum/heroin u Iran radi njegovog "unistenja".

Ja ti govorim da je ubjedljivo glavni razlog povecane konzumacije istog - granica sa Afganistanom, ubjedljivo najvecim proizvodjacem istog. Iz istog razloga su Kirgistan, Tadzikistan, Uzbekistan, Kazahstan i Turkmenistan - sve susjedi ili u neposrednoj blizini Afganistana - u vrhu zemalja po procentu konzumenata opijata.

Britanci su unistili Kinu opijumom jer nisu htjeli da se ukljuce u trgovinu - danas Amerikanci unistavaju Iran opijumom jer ne zele da se ukljuce u globalnu trgovinu. To je zakljucak iz onog sto govoris, koji je komican i patetican - i na primjeru zemalja iz okruzenja kao dokaz lako oboriv.

Neki dan se srusio avion u Iranu - javi se lik da kaze aludira da je uzrok nesrece americki ban na dijelove aviona. Nije kriv Iran, kriva je Amerika. :oops:
Pocne prica o opijatima, javis se ti da aludiras da je to dio bjelosvjetske zavjere. Nije kriv Iran, kriva je Amerika. :oops:

Ovo su samo dva primjera u par dana kojim se opravdava sve sto ne valja u drzavi koju vodi rezim zasnovan na ublehi. Uperis prstom na Ameriku, Zapad i Izrael, i nakon toga za sve sto ne valja u drzavi mozes kriviti njih. To je taj supljak o kojem pricamo i u vezi kojeg sam spominjao i anketu iznad, a koja pokazuje da ni velika vecina Iranaca ne krivi nekog drugog za svoje probleme.

Al dobro, naravno, romanticni narativ o borbi Davida i Golijata uvijek pali raju, pa sto ne musti tu pricu dok se boje ne rastope, jelle? Ha ja :oops: ....a cekaj, to je jevrejska prica. :D
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#14864 Re: IRAN

Post by mousstapha »

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#14865 Re: IRAN

Post by insomnia78 »

Ovi u katarskom studiju. Znam ja onog. Glumio assadovu zrtvu u Siriji. Ceso se po nosu
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#14866 Re: IRAN

Post by salik79 »

Kazu da su pariski studiji po tom pitanju najjaci:

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#14867 Re: IRAN

Post by mousstapha »

Isto bez hidzaba uhvacena.
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#14868 Re: IRAN

Post by insomnia78 »

Vazda si imo argumente :lol:
Jos samo da nam objasnis poveznicu
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#14869 Re: IRAN

Post by salik79 »

Doduse, ova snimka im i nije neka, imaju oni toga i u FHD kvaliteti:

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#14870 Re: IRAN

Post by salik79 »

insomnia78 wrote:Vazda si imo argumente :lol:
Jos samo da nam objasnis poveznicu

Ne znam, pitaj Dzevdu...
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#14871 Re: IRAN

Post by insomnia78 »

Sto gospodja prica na eMgleskom?
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#14872 Re: IRAN

Post by jeza u ledja »

Odes u Fra, mozes u vidjeti mali milion pokrivenih zena. Odes u Iran, ne mozes vidjeti nijednu otkrivenu.
Francuska puna imigranata, iz Irana ljudi bjeze.

Ergo - vidite kako su i Francuzi isti. :lol:
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#14873 Re: IRAN

Post by insomnia78 »

Ovaj CRS je nevezano za ovaj slucaj poprilicno brutalan u ophodjenju. U Fr im od milja skandiraju CRS SS :-D
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#14874 Re: IRAN

Post by salik79 »

Iran je Islamska Republika, voljom ogromne vecine njenih stanovnika. Francuska je sekularna republika, gdje policija zavodi red na plazama naredjujuci zenama da skinu burkini, ili feredzu na ulici.

Iran je dom ogromnom broju izbjeglica.
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#14875 Re: IRAN

Post by jeza u ledja »

Drugim rijecima - Francuska je drzava koja postuje osnovne ljudske slobode imigranata, ALI - ne postuje ih dovoljno, za ljubitelje drzave poput Irana, koja u startu ne postuje osnovne ljudske slobode svojih gradjana. :lol:

To je taj paradoks modernog zivljenja. :D
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