Hanka Paldum "mučila Srbe u logoru"

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#776 Re: Hanka Paldum "mučila Srbe u logoru"

Post by odr0n »

PipiDugaDevetka wrote:
vivace wrote:to i ja umem da kazem
ja sam rodjena u srbiji. stvarno luda zemlja. mentalno luda zemlja. ludi su joj knjizevnici,pesnici, sanu.,lud narod. :( ali sam srecna sto se nisam rodila u saudijskoj arabiji ili uopste u arapskom svetu,jer tamo zene nemaju nikakva prava.
Predrasude, ja mislim da su zene tamo, na Bliskom istoku voljenije, sigurnije i paženije, nego bilo gdje na Zapadu.

Nisam nikada tamo bio, pa ne uzmi ove moje tvrdnje za 100% tačne.
Pipi opet odnekle kupiš propagandu. :lol:

Support women in Saudi Arabia

In Saudi Arabia, women cannot travel, undertake paid work or higher education, or marry without a male guardian’s permission. From June 2011, scores of Saudi Arabian women supported a campaign against the ban on female drivers by getting behind the wheel. Some were arrested and made to sign pledges not to repeat the offence and at least one woman tried and sentenced to 10 lashes.

Demand an end to discrimination in Yemen

Tawakkul Karman is a leading Yemeni activist and one of three women awarded the Nobel Peace Prize on 7 October 2011. She symbolizes women’s central role in the region’s recent uprisings. Female Yemini protesters were harassed, arrested and sometimes beaten. Some of their fathers, uncles and brothers also received threats designed to silence their female relatives. As Yemen begins to change, it is time to address the systematic discrimination and violence that have devastated women’s lives for many years.
A tek u Indiji... :-)
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Location: Živim u nadi RBiH, druge adrese nemam. Uostalom, mislim da genocidne Kartagene treba demontirati.

#777 Re: Hanka Paldum "mučila Srbe u logoru"

Post by PipiDugaDevetka »

odr0n wrote:
Pipi opet odnekle kupiš propagandu. :lol:

Support women in Saudi Arabia

In Saudi Arabia, women cannot travel, undertake paid work or higher education, or marry without a male guardian’s permission. From June 2011, scores of Saudi Arabian women supported a campaign against the ban on female drivers by getting behind the wheel. Some were arrested and made to sign pledges not to repeat the offence and at least one woman tried and sentenced to 10 lashes.

Demand an end to discrimination in Yemen

Tawakkul Karman is a leading Yemeni activist and one of three women awarded the Nobel Peace Prize on 7 October 2011. She symbolizes women’s central role in the region’s recent uprisings. Female Yemini protesters were harassed, arrested and sometimes beaten. Some of their fathers, uncles and brothers also received threats designed to silence their female relatives. As Yemen begins to change, it is time to address the systematic discrimination and violence that have devastated women’s lives for many years.
A tek u Indiji... :-)
Ne vjerujem nikome ko ima svoju zemaljsku adresu u Londonu. Qrve Englezi! Šta su u Bosni uradili putem MI-6 tajne službe tokom rata.

Svi ''humanitarci arapski'' su dolazili preko Srednje Bosne i kasnije se priključivali ARBiH. Srednja Bosna je bila zona odgovornosti pod UNPROFOR-om engleskih UN trupa.

I sad ko je kriv za pretvaranje ARBiH u radikalne islamiste kada ni ptica nije mogla rahat proletjeti do bosanskih planina?!
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#778 Re: Hanka Paldum "mučila Srbe u logoru"

Post by odr0n »

PipiDugaDevetka wrote:
odr0n wrote:
Pipi opet odnekle kupiš propagandu. :lol:

Support women in Saudi Arabia

In Saudi Arabia, women cannot travel, undertake paid work or higher education, or marry without a male guardian’s permission. From June 2011, scores of Saudi Arabian women supported a campaign against the ban on female drivers by getting behind the wheel. Some were arrested and made to sign pledges not to repeat the offence and at least one woman tried and sentenced to 10 lashes.

Demand an end to discrimination in Yemen

Tawakkul Karman is a leading Yemeni activist and one of three women awarded the Nobel Peace Prize on 7 October 2011. She symbolizes women’s central role in the region’s recent uprisings. Female Yemini protesters were harassed, arrested and sometimes beaten. Some of their fathers, uncles and brothers also received threats designed to silence their female relatives. As Yemen begins to change, it is time to address the systematic discrimination and violence that have devastated women’s lives for many years.
A tek u Indiji... :-)
Ne vjerujem nikome ko ima svoju zemaljsku adresu u Londonu. Qrve Englezi! Šta su u Bosni uradili putem MI-6 tajne službe tokom rata.

Svi ''humanitarci arapski'' su dolazili preko Srednje Bosne i kasnije se priključivali ARBiH. Srednja Bosna je bila zona odgovornosti pod UNPROFOR-om engleskih UN trupa.

I sad ko je kriv za pretvaranje ARBiH u radikalne islamiste kada ni ptica nije mogla rahat proletjeti do bosanskih planina?!
Jel ovo neko obrisa post il mi se učini...

Znači Pipi dokaži gdje su pogriješili u navedenim tekstovima o ženama u Arabiji i Jemenu da se vidi ko laže?
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#779 Re: Hanka Paldum "mučila Srbe u logoru"

Post by thekupus »

sta bi od svega ovoga na kraju, gdje nestade gohlub?
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