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#4801 Re: Egipat (pročitati prvi post)

Post by Challenger__ »

japin_mutapi wrote:ovo bi mogao biti uvod u veliki belaj na sinajskom poluotoku
ljudi ce uzeti oruzje i pravdu u svoje ruke kada ih vojska i vlada(kojoj su lojalni i u koju imaju povjerenja) ne mogu zastititi

vrlo opasna situacija
To očigledno žele oni koji stoje iza ovih napada. Da stvore osjećaj potpune nesigurnosti kod lokalnog stanovništva. A onda će, vjeruju, doći oni s druge strane granice da "zaštite" ljude, od Sueca do...

EDIT: Hezbollah žestoko osuđuje napad tvrdeći da je on rezultat vehabijsko-takfirističke ideologije.
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#4802 Re: Egipat (pročitati prvi post)

Post by sarajevoxxxx »

japin_mutapi wrote:ovo bi mogao biti uvod u veliki belaj na sinajskom poluotoku
ljudi ce uzeti oruzje i pravdu u svoje ruke kada ih vojska i vlada(kojoj su lojalni i u koju imaju povjerenja) ne mogu zastititi

vrlo opasna situacija
Dio komentara sa portala Rasd na vijesti o masakrima: ... 2369714881

"Vojska korumpirana, policija korumpirana, mreže tunela, droga, alkohol, auta, sve se švercuje pred očima snaga sigurnosti. Cijelo stanovništvo su muhaberati svi rade za vojsku.Podijeljeni su po plemenima zna se koje pleme koji dio kontroliše. Na svakom koraku je vojska i policija.Veliki dio tunela kontroliše grupa odana Muhamedu Dehlanu".

"Realno jedini koje u stanju da izvede ovaj masakr je režimska vojska u saradnji sa obavještajnim službama drugih zemalja. Na dva trga Rabia i Nahde izveli su slične likvidacije civila..."

"Jedna izuzetno pokvarena i korumpirana grupa spremna na sve. Cijenu za masakr će platiti stanovništvo Sinaja koje je i ranije Sisijev režim optuživao da kriju teroriste. Sravnit će sa zemljom sela i gradove, protjerati stanovništvo, a od svega će na kraju imati najviše koristi Izrael".

"Budale i glupaci. Vrlo dobro znaju koje izveo ovaj napad, znaju da Sisi stoji iza njega, međutim, strah od obavještajnih službi ih natjerao na ovu neviđenu šutnju.Sve je urađeno s ciljem da se raseli cijelo stanovništvo iz regiona u korist Izraela".

Jedan od komentara na saopćenje plemena u Sinaju da su počeli sa mobilizacijom stanovništva radi osvete:

"Ćutnja države na ovu mobilizaciju plemena potvrđuje da je Sinaj pušten niz vodu. Kako može država koja ima vojsku, policiju, vladu, da dozvoli da građani uzimaju oružje u svoje ruke. Sve će biti spaljeno i uništeno. Vršit će se likvidacije zbog sumnje ili zbog imena, neko ko ti se ne svidi bit će ubijen pod izgovorom da je terorista".
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#4803 Re: Egipat (pročitati prvi post)

Post by Young Erotica »

I sta kazeš nije isil, rezim je
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#4804 Re: Egipat (pročitati prvi post)

Post by Challenger__ »

Znači, nema dalje.
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#4805 Re: Egipat (pročitati prvi post)

Post by sarajevoxxxx »

Challenger__ wrote:Znači, nema dalje.
Evo izvještaj o situaciji u Sinaju objavljen u jednom američkom časopisu 13. marta ove godine. Evo prevoda nekoliko rečenica: ... 9537144296

- Nakon što je Isil 9. januara ove godine preuzeo odgovornost za likvidaciju 8 policajaca na kontrolnom punktu u Arišu vlast je nakon 4 dana objavila kako je likvidirala 10 terorista. Objavljen je video prilog o napadu na skrovište terorista. Mnoge poznate beduinske porodice ostale su prestravljene kada su među 10 poginulih prepoznali šestoricu koje su egipatske vlasti uhapsile prije dva mjeseca a koji su bili ljudi iz njihovog kraja ili lokalno stanovništvo.Građani Ariša su ostali u ubijeđenju da ih je vlast iz tamnica prebacila u kuću i hladno likvidirala kako bi pokazala da ima uspijeha u borbi protiv terorizma. Nakon tog događaja porodice ostalih zatvorenika su se sakupile i zajedno sa predstavnikom vijeća grada uputili zahtijev egipatskim vlastima da hitno oslobodi sve uhapšene za koje tada još uvijek nije podignuta nikakva optužnica u protivnom zaprijetili su građanskim neposluhom.

- Niko iz Sinaja nije mogao raditi u vojsci i policiji. Nakon sporazuma sa Izraelom, Egipat je sumnjao u stanovništvo Sinaja, da li su odani Izraelu ili Egiptu.

- Nakon jednog javnog slučaja likvidacije trgovca u Arišu u sred dana na glavnom trgu dvojica naoružanih osoba izašli su i ispalili nekoliko metaka u njega. Ispostavilo se da je njegov jedini grijeh bio taj što je prodavao kancelarijski i drugi namještaj egipatskoj vojsci i policiji. Vojska nakon tog slučaja likvidacije nije se uopšte trudila da pronađe počinioce što je izazvalo bijes kod lokalnog stanovništva.
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#4806 Re: Egipat (pročitati prvi post)

Post by GandalfSivi »

Regularno je ovo bolest...
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#4807 Re: Egipat (pročitati prvi post)

Post by Challenger__ »

sarajevoxxxx wrote:
Challenger__ wrote:Znači, nema dalje.
Evo izvještaj o situaciji ...
Mani šuplju. Ovo nosi potpis i pečat tvojih favorita. Nema tih mora kojim ih možeš oprati.
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#4808 Re: Egipat (pročitati prvi post)

Post by sarajevoxxxx »

Tekst Njujork tajmsa o masakru u džamiji Rewda u mjestu Bi'r Al Abd u Sinaju.

مقال ممتاز لصحيفة #النيويوك_تايمز عن مذبحة #بير_العبد في #سيناء
الظاهر انها كانت مقصود من #الدواعش للانتقام من القرية... فهي قرية موالية للجيش حتى غضون الثورة..ومشايخها سلمت العشرات من الدواعش للجيش #المصري... وحديثا هددت القرية عدة مرات
شيء اخر .. تقول الصحيفة ان الدواعش قسمان. .. قسم جاء حديثا من المهاجرين #الليبيين و #السودانيين و #المصاروة التي اتحدت مع دواعش #العريش... وقسم اخ اقل تشدد ... ويرجح ان قسم العريش من قام بذلك
الملفت ان الجيش لم يتدخل...وسيارات الاسعاف جاءت قبل الجيش...والجيش كان خائف منهم ....

الوصف للمذبحة كان مروع.... فعندما انتهو قتا لمن في المسجد . ذهبو لقتل الرجال في البيوت .. حتى الاطفال تقصدونهم⬇️⬇️ ... ttack.html

Motives in Egypt’s Deadliest Terrorist Attack: Religion and Revenge

A vigil in Cairo this week for the victims of the Rawda mosque attack, the worst terrorist attack in modern Egyptian history.CreditMohamed El-Shahed/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
By Nour Youssef
Dec. 1, 2017
CAIRO — One day in early November, a small group of elders in a dusty town in the northern Sinai Peninsula handed over three people accused of being Islamic State militants to Egyptian security forces. It was not the first time — they had handed over at least seven other people accused of being militants in the previous few months.

Three weeks later, militants stormed a packed mosque in the town, Bir al-Abed, during Friday Prayer, killing 311 people in Egypt’s worst terrorist attack.

While the attack was rooted in rising religious tensions between the local affiliate of the Islamic State and the town’s residents, Bedouins who largely practice Sufism, a mystical school of Islam that the militant group considers heresy, the motive appears to have gone beyond the theological dispute.

It was payback, residents and officials said, for the town’s cooperation with the Egyptian military, and a bloody warning of the consequences of further cooperation.


“I am sure this was an act of revenge,” Gazy Saad, a member of Parliament from North Sinai, said of the mosque attack. “It’s not just about Sufism. They were clearly trying to send people a message.”

Bir al-Abed has long been one of the most pro-military towns in Sinai, going back as far as the uprising that toppled President Hosni Mubarak in 2011, local leaders say. After militants and criminals stormed police stations and seized weapons during the uprising, residents took the weapons and returned them to the authorities in 2014 after they regained control of the area. Hundreds of young men from the area apply for police and military service every year, although they are routinely rejected, local officials say, because the state distrusts Bedouins.

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“They love the military and the state,” Mr. Saad said. “The terrorists wanted to punish them for this.”

No one has claimed responsibility for the attack, but the Islamic State had singled out the town for destruction, and the attackers carried Islamic State flags.


The government has not allowed foreign media into Bir al-Abed so The New York Times interviewed more than 30 residents, security officials and local political and clerical leaders by phone for this article. Several spoke on the condition of anonymity, fearing reprisals by the militants.

New details of the attack also emerged.

As the militants began to rake the congregation with machine-gun fire, two boys, ages 10 and 15, cowered in a bathroom stall, listening, petrified, to the screaming and gunfire.

After a while, two militants entered the restroom to make sure they had not missed anyone. “How many people did you kill?” one asked, as they kicked open each stall, the boys’ mother said.

The Rawda mosque after the attack where militants killed 311 people.CreditAgence France-Presse — Getty Images
“A hundred,” the other replied.

Just before they reached the stall where the boys were hiding, a third militant walked in and told the others to position themselves elsewhere, the mother said. The boys survived.


The attack came after more than a year of escalating tensions between Islamic State militants and the Sufi residents of Al Rawda, a district in Bir al-Abed. The campaign began in November last year with the beheading of a blind, elderly Sufi cleric from the nearby town of El Arish, who was accused of practicing witchcraft.

Three weeks later, in an interview published in an Islamic State magazine, one of the group’s commanders in Sinai derided Sufi practices as “sorcery and soothsaying,” and identified Al Rawda and two other predominantly Sufi districts as places the group intended to “eradicate.”

Attacks on three Sufi shrines in the district soon followed.

“Every time they build one, the militants destroy it,” said Fakri Ismail, whose brother was killed in the attack. “The threats started after that.”

The militants began sending text messages to tribal elders and distributing fliers telling people to abandon Sufism and “return to Islam.”


They called some residents by phone and threatened to kill them if they did not abandon Sufi rituals like the building of shrines and the worship of saints, which they consider polytheistic.

They twice attacked the home of a beloved cleric, Sheikh Hussein el-Greir.

And they regularly sent men to the mosque to demand that the imam preach jihad. He refused.

Most people were too afraid of the militants to report them, but some of Al Rawda’s elders complained to the police.

These complaints were not ignored, but the authorities prioritized other security operations in the area, local officials said. No one thought the militants would attack a mosque, they said.


The military had been improving ties with Bedouin leaders across Sinai this year. In October, the Tarabin tribe, one of the biggest in Sinai, announced that it would help the military hunt down Islamic State operatives.

Shortly after the announcement, several local residents who were believed to be cooperating with the government in Al Rawda and elsewhere were killed. In November, 14 men from central Sinai were kidnapped and interrogated by the Islamic State over accusations that they had been informers for Egyptian security.

At the same time, the Islamic State was in upheaval. As its once vast caliphate in Iraq and Syria crumbled, it was forced to rely more on other franchises, like the one in Sinai, to spread its tactics of sectarian hate and division. The Sinai group, which arose after the Egyptian military overthrew the country’s Islamist president, Mohamed Morsi, in 2013, was considered one of its most effective affiliates, responsible for shooting down a Russian jetliner in 2015, killing 224 people.


The Egyptian Army said it struck militant hide-outs in retaliation for the attack at the Rawda mosque, and released these images it described as airstrikes hitting targets in North Sinai.CreditEgyptian Defense Ministry, via Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
But it had since split into two factions, and this division, according to security officials and residents, may go furthest in explaining the wholesale carnage of the mosque attack.


After the group tried and failed to take over a town in eastern Sinai in 2015, the military carried out a devastating air campaign, leaving the group in disarray and sending a weak, splinter group west to El Arish. The El Arish group began taking recruits from outside the region — from mainland Egypt as well as neighboring countries like Syria, Sudan and Libya — who had no tribal ties to the Bedouins of Al Rawda.

“The attack on the mosque was almost certainly carried out by the El Arish group,” said Ahmed Sakr, a former senior Sinai official and an expert on the militancy there. The main Islamic State Sinai group “would not approve” of the mass killing, he said, “but the Arish people are happy to kill anyone and everyone.”

Even in a land tormented by violence, the scale of the attack on the Rawda mosque last Friday was stunning.

More than two dozen gunmen traveling in five vehicles stormed the mosque when it was at its most crowded, during Friday Prayer, exploding a bomb and then spraying the worshipers with gunfire.


Militants positioned themselves outside the mosque and its windows to mow down people who tried to flee. Parked cars were set on fire to hinder escape.

The imam who had refused to preach jihad survived by hiding under the bodies of two friends and playing dead, he said. At one point, he said, a militant stood on top of him to make sure he was really dead.

After they killed as many people as they could at the mosque, including 27 children, some militants went house to house, killing any man they found.

Residents and experts say there may have been another reason for the high death toll.

Despite the fact that there are three government security installations within 12 miles of the mosque, ambulances arrived at the scene well before the police and the military forces did, residents and victims said. They attributed the delay to a widespread presumption, even among some security officials, that Egyptian security forces fear armed conflict.

The spokesmen for the police and the military could not be immediately reached for comment.

“Regardless of how you look at it, the government could have done more,” Mr. Sakr said.

After the gunfire stopped, the boys emerged from the bathroom to find their mother wailing as she flipped over their dead neighbors and friends to search for her husband. She found his body lying over their 5-year-old son. The father, 52, had taken a bullet to the head but apparently saved the child.

“We were standing in a sea of corpses,” said the mother, 38. “If it were not for my husband’s body, I would have lost my son. The terrorists can have Al Rawda, Friday Prayer and everything else. We are staying home.”

A version of this article appears in print on December 2, 2017, on Page A4 of the New York edition with the headline: Pondering Motives in Egypt’s Deadliest Terrorist Attack. Order Reprints | Today’s Paper | Subscribe
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#4809 Re: Egipat (pročitati prvi post)

Post by sarajevoxxxx »

U tekstu koji je objavio Njujork Tajms se spominje da iza masakra stoje Isilovci i da je cilj bio osveta stanovnicima sela. Selo je bilo odano vojsci sve do početka revolucije.Lideri ili šejhovi iz sela su egipatskoj vojsci predali na desetine Isilovaca. Međutim, selo je nedavno uputilo potpuno drugačije prijetnje...

U tekstu se spominje da postoje dvije vrste Isilovaca. Dio koji je nedavno došao radi se o strancima iz Libije, Sudana, i oni su se ujedinili sa Isilovcima iz Ariša, i drugi dio koji je manje radikalan, i navodno dio koji je iz Ariša oni stoje iza masakra.Cijelo vrijeme prije, tokom, i nakon masakra, vojska je stajala po strani.Kola hitne pomoći su stigla prije vojske, vojska se bojala Isila u tom dijelu Sinaja...Što se tiče samog masakra, kada su ubice završile sa ubijanjem ljudi u džamiji, krenuli su od kuće do kuće i počeli sa ubijanjem muškaraca u kućama, čak su i djecu ubijali. ... ttack.html
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#4810 Re: Egipat (pročitati prvi post)

Post by sunceKOtepsija »

Predsjednik Erdogan, pred najavljeni 7. jubilarni ovogodisnji susret sa Predsjednikom Putinom, upozorava Urbi & Orbi sto bi rekli anamo neki, da se takozvana islamska i takozvana drzava seli ni manje ni vise na Sinaj gdje ce raditi na podrivanju prijateljske Egipatske vlade...
ISIL members to deploy in Sinai desert

“DAESH militants that were set free in the Raqqa operation will be deployed in the deserts of Sinai in Egypt. They will serve there from now on and we [Turkey] will be monitoring this,” he said.
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#4811 Re: Egipat (pročitati prvi post)

Post by Avetinho »

Vidim ruski trol je jos uvijek agilan. Ako jos ima koja budala da vjeruje ovom ludjaku, bicu pravo zabezeknut.
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#4812 Re: Egipat (pročitati prvi post)

Post by Truba »

vala su dojadili s ovim napadima

možda je solucija da svi imaju pištolje pa ko prije izvuče
vako jedan dva čuvara
nevin narod
i napadač može biti svako
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#4813 Re: Egipat (pročitati prvi post)

Post by japin_mutapi »

dje onaj paradigma, rekli smo bili smo u pravu - da prokomentarise ubjedljivu pobjedu legitimnog predsjednika sisija
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#4814 Re: Egipat (pročitati prvi post)

Post by japin_mutapi »

Kakav lik, nemam rijeci, kakav lik.
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#4815 Re: Egipat (pročitati prvi post)

Post by japin_mutapi »

paradigma - glava hidre, rog afrike, kita putinova, iko ista ... dje su cestitke legitimnom
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#4816 Re: Egipat (pročitati prvi post)

Post by Truba » ... er-attack/


došle baje iz državne službe da legaliziraju crkvenu građevinu koja se koristi već 10 godina

a mladići druge vjere nasrnuli kamenjem i vičući ne želimo crkvu u svome selu :D
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#4817 Re: Egipat (pročitati prvi post)

Post by sinuhe »

Etiopija privodi kraju gradnju velike brane na Nilu sto bi mogao biti problem za vodosnadbjevanje Egipta.
Nazire li se novo zariste i pored toga sto je Egipat sam po sebi jedno bure baruta :-? ... 17-11.aspx
100 miliona Egipcana zivi na teritoriji velicine Bosne i Hercegovine i tek 10% vode iz Nila dodje do mora a da prethodno nije iskoristeno.
Last edited by sinuhe on 30/04/2018 22:32, edited 1 time in total.
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#4818 Re: Egipat (pročitati prvi post)

Post by Kikibombona »

sinuhe wrote:Etiopija privodi kraju gradnju velike brane na Nilu sto bi mogao biti problem za vodosnadbjevanje Egipta.
Nazire li se novo zariste i pored toga sto je Egipat sam po sebi jedno bure baruta :-?
100 miliona Egipcana zivi na teritoriji velicine Bone i Hercegovine i tek 10% vode iz Nila dodje do mora a da prethodno nije iskoristeno.
Veoma ostra poruka Sisija, najavio suzbijanje izrazito visokog nataliteta

Egipatski predsjednik kaže da natalitet u Egiptu predstavlja opasnost koliko i terorizam ... roje-djece
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#4819 Re: Egipat (pročitati prvi post)

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Strasno je to ali ne vidim izlaz iz te beznadeznosti. Suocavaju se sa ama bas svakim problemom koji se moze zamisliti.
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#4820 Re: Egipat (pročitati prvi post)

Post by sinuhe »

Ateisti crno vam se pise:
Since March 2018, the Parliamentary Committee on Religion in Egypt has been preparing a bill to criminalize atheism in Egypt. This move is one of many Egypt has recently undertaken to combat atheism. The proposed law consists of four articles. The first article defines Egyptian state’s understanding of atheism; the second criminalises atheism and imposes severe punishments upon atheists; the third stipulates that the penalties are lifted when a person abandons his/her atheistic beliefs, and the fourth is that the penalties for atheism prescribed by law should be “very strict”. ... exclusion/
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#4821 Re: Egipat (pročitati prvi post)

Post by Challenger_ »

sinuhe wrote:Ateisti crno vam se pise:
Manje zlo od takfirističke ideologije.
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#4822 Re: Egipat (pročitati prvi post)

Post by japin_mutapi »

Kakav lik, nemam riječi, kakav lik!
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#4823 Re: Egipat (pročitati prvi post)

Post by insomnia78 »

Raja iz Idliba na aparatima. Cuj manje zlo. Jasta je
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#4824 Re: Egipat (pročitati prvi post)

Post by japin_mutapi »

nova egipatska paradigma po uzoru na staru saudijsku paradigmu

egipat i saudijska arabija ruku pod ruku u svijetlu budućnost
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#4825 Re: Egipat (pročitati prvi post)

Post by Haman2 »

Egipat se priprema da zabrani nošenje nikaba na javnim mjestima
8. Novembra 2018.


Ghada Agami, zamjenik predsjednika Odbora za vanjske poslove egiptskog parlamenta uputio je u parlamentarnu proceduru nacrt zakona o zabrani nošenja nikaba na javnim mjestima. Nacrt zakona o zabrani nošenja nikaba na javnim mjestima dobio je veliku podršku državnih medija. Prema spomenutim nacrtu zakona, žene koje budu kršile zabranu nošenja nikaba biće kažnjenje novčano, a visina kazne bi trebala iznositi oko 55 američkih dolara. Također, predviđeno je da se kazna udvostručava u slučaju ponavljanja kršenja zabrane.
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