Dozens killed in Egyptian blasts

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da pamtis
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#1 Dozens killed in Egyptian blasts

Post by da pamtis »

Dozens killed in Egyptian blasts

The Ghazala Gardens Hotel was devastated in the attack
At least 75 people have been killed and scores more wounded in bomb attacks in the Egyptian resort of Sharm al-Sheikh.
An explosion in the Old Market area was followed by two blasts in the Naama Bay area, where a car bomb tore off the front of the Ghazala Gardens Hotel.

Most of the dead are Egyptians, although foreign nationals are among the victims, officials said.

The attack - the worst in Egypt in recent history - comes months after 34 people died in an attack in Sinai.

In a statement posted on an Islamic website, a group calling itself the Abdullah Azzam Brigades, al-Qaeda, in Syria and Egypt, said it carried out the bombings, the Associated Press news agency reported, although the claim has not been verified.

Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak has cut short his vacation to visit the scene of the attacks, which happened on a national holiday marking the 1952 Egyptian Revolution.

Click here to see a map of the attacks
Egyptian Interior Minister Habib al-Adli condemned what he called an "ugly act of terrorism" and said police were following leads.

"We have some clues, especially about the car that was exploded in the Old Market, and investigators are pursuing," AP quoted him as saying.

US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, on a visit to neighbouring Israel, denounced "the horrific terrorist bombings". She vowed that Egypt and the US "will confront and defeat this scourge that knows no boundary and respects no creed".

Multiple explosions struck the Red Sea town of Sharm el-Sheik on the southern tip of the Sinai Peninsula on Saturday, hitting a hotel and killing at least 74 people, the Egyptian Interior Ministry said. More than 100 are reported wounded.

The Egyptian government said at least one explosion was caused by a car bomb. Meanwhile, among the casualties at the resort town were people from around the world.
da pamtis
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Post by da pamtis »

(CNN) -- Deadly explosions that rocked the Egyptian city of Sharm el-Sheikh on Saturday may be linked to a series of bomb blasts last October in the Red Sea resort of Taba, Egypt's interior minister said.
da pamtis
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Post by da pamtis »

Foreigners among dead

British people, Dutch, French, Spaniards, Qataris, Kuwaitis and Egyptians were among the casualties, police sources said.

Rescue operation

Rescue teams continued searching for survivors and bodies under the debris, Aljazeera correspondent Husayn Abd al-Ghani reported.

The Red Crescent fears some victims are still stuck under the debris, he said.

The toll is expected to rise, as many people have been seriously injured, he added.
da pamtis
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Post by da pamtis »

Group claims Sharm al-Shaikh blasts

Saturday 23 July 2005, 11:56 Makka Time, 8:56 GMT

The scene of one of the blasts in Sharm al-Shaikh

A group citing ties to al-Qaida says it carried out the Sharm al-Shaikh bombings that have so far killed at least 62 people.
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ne mogu da vjerujem da nekim ljudima zivot ne znaci nista... :x
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Post by silence_is_sexy »

kakva divna koincidencija... ako cemo sada o motivima da pricamo...
ne bi me zacudilo da egipat nakon ovih napada jucer odustane od plana za otkup palestinskog gasa... :x :x :x :x

PA, Egypt do gas deal without Israel
Andrea R. Mihailescu
United Press International
July 22, 2005

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Israel is not expected to participate in the construction of a proposed pipeline transporting Palestinian liquid gas from a gas field on the Gaza coast to Al Arish in Egypt.

Following recent significant gas discoveries in areas of the Palestinian Authority by British Gas (BG), the Palestinian Authority (PA) and Egypt signed a government protocol in early July to arrange the sales of Palestinian gas to Egypt with exports to global markets to be made in the form of liquid natural gas.

Despite the good news for the Palestinians, some industry experts are skeptical of Israel's silence toward the news. Although it is a partner to the PA in a small gas field to the north of the Gaza Strip, Israel has in the past blocked Palestinian gas export and production agreements.

While the proposed pipeline project would export Palestinian liquid gas through Egypt, Israel has chosen to buy gas from Egypt rather than from the PA.

"Israel has shown that it is not interested in gas, so the preferred channel for use right now is the Egyptian-Palestinian channel," BG Israel country manager Eric Ludtke told reporters.

Palestinian energy minister Azzam Shawa said last week there is a possibility of a swap deal with Israel, involving the supply of Gaza gas in return for electricity.

On July 1, Israeli infrastructure minister Binyamin Ben Eliezer and Egyptian oil minister Sameh Fahmi signed a separate deal worth $2.5 billion to receive 1.1 billion cubic meters of gas from Egypt for the next 15 years. Under the agreement, a maritime pipeline will transport Egyptian gas to Israel's Mediterranean port of Ashkelon.

Although gas from Gaza is the most cost-effective alternative, Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon is opposed to it for political reasons. Industry experts said Israel preferred gas from Egypt to the joint bid made by the PA and BG since any cash flow to the PA would end up bankrolling terrorist operations against Israel.

The gas deal could assist the struggling Palestinian economy as it seeks statehood. In addition to creating jobs in Gaza, the PA expects to earn $40 million to $45 million in taxes annually from the deal.

The Gaza Marine gas field has a reserve capacity of approximately 1.2 trillion cubic feet and investments for development require $400 million. Test drills five ago discovered gas production economically feasible.

The proposed Gaza-Al Arish pipeline would supply a minimum of 1.5 billion cubic yards annually for 50 years. If the project goes through, operations could begin in late 2009 or early 2010.

BG, which first struck gas in this area with its Gaza Marine-1 well in August 1999, has signed a 25-year contract to explore for gas and set up a gas network in the PA. The company is the operator of the exploration license covering the entire marine area offshore the Gaza Strip; BG owns the drilling rights to the fields.

Following successful drilling, the PA approved an outline development plan for the Gaza Marine field area in 2002. BG owns a 90 percent stake in the license, which will be reduced to 60 percent after Consolidated Contractors Company and the Palestine Investment Fund exercise their options.

BG said it also plans to begin test drills in September at the Noa Darom field near the Israel-Gaza offshore border while looking to use the $120 million Yam Thetis pipeline to transport gas to the Palestinian power plant in Gaza, replacing the energy supplied by an Israeli electric company.

The field is relatively small with only 2.8 billion cubic meters of gas. Gas usage is projected to substantially slash power production costs in Gaza.
da pamtis
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Post by da pamtis »

DUBAI - Najmanje 88 osoba, među kojima je i osam stranih državljana, je poginulo, a više od 200 je ranjeno u nizu terorističkih napada koji su se dogodili juče oko jedan čas i 15 minuta iza ponoći u egipatskom ljetovalištu Šarm el Šeik, na Crvenom moru, i u hotelima u obližnjem Nama Beju.

Prema podacima bolnice u Kairu, u koju je prebačen jedan dio povrijeđenih, 23 osobe su u kritičnom stanju, a desetine tijela žrtava još nisu identifikovane.

Meta napada bili su hotel "Gazala gardens", koji se nalazi u Nama Beju, i stara pijaca smještena u Šarm el Šeiku. Hotel "Gazala garden bej", u Nama Beju, potpuno je uništen u eksploziji. Gosti obližnjeg hotela "Soli Mar", kako kažu, "zatvoreni su i rečeno im je da im se ne preporučuje da izlaze".

Ogranak Al Kaide - militantna grupa Brigade Abdulah Azim u Siriji i Egiptu preuzela je odgovornost za ove napade, navodi se na jednom islamističkom internet sajtu.

"Mudžahedini su nanijeli razoran udarac krstašima, cionistima i nevjerničkom egipatskom režimu u Šarm el Šeiku", navodi se u tekstu i dodaje da je "operacija izvedena kao odgovor globalnim silama zla koje prolivaju krv muslimana u Iraku, Avganistanu, Palestini i Čečeniji. Autentičnost ove poruke, međutim, za sada nije potvrđena.

Iako su prvi izvještaji govorili o četiri do sedam bombi podmetnutih u automobile, lokalni zvaničnici rekli su da se radilo o tri eksplozije - dvije auto-bombe i jednoj torbi punoj eksploziva, ali ne isključuje se ni bombaš samoubica u jednom slučaju. Među poginulima je osam stranaca, među kojima je jedan Čeh i jedan Italijan, a najmanje 28 stranaca je ranjeno. Među njima je 13 Italijana, petoro Britanaca, troje Španaca, troje Saudijaca, jedan Ukrajinac, jedan Rus, jedan Turčin i jedan Izraelac.

Nacionalnosti ostalih poginulih stranaca nisu objavljene.

Egipatski predsjednik Hosni Mubarak doputovao je u Šarm el Šeik iz Aleksandrije gdje se nalazio na odmoru. Dobro naoružani stražari čuvali su predsjednika dok je obilazio uništene komplekse i razgovarao s lokalnim zvaničnicima. Među gostima u Egiptu, kako navode agencije, zavladala je panika, a italijanske turističke agencije već su počele vraćati svoje turiste organizovanim čarterima u Italiju.

Šarm el Šeik je najpopularnije turističko odredište na sinajskom poluostrvu, a među stranim posjetiocima najčešći su Italijani i Nijemci.

Satelitska televizija Al Džazira prenijela je da policija ne isključuje mogućnost da su napadi povezani s napadima u oktobru prošle godine u egipatskim izletištima Taba i Ras Šitan na Sinaju, kada su poginule 34 osobe.

Među žrtvama nema turista iz BiH
Niko od četrdeset bh. državljana koji se nalaze na ljetovanju u egipatskom ljetovalištu Šarm el Šeik nije povrijeđen u nizu napada koji su se desili u subotu kasno navače, potvrđeno je u sarajevskoj Turističkoj agenciji "Relaks turs".

" Po dojavi o ovom tragičnom događaju odmah smo kontaktirali sa svim našim vodičima, koji su nas obavijestili da su svi naši gosti živi i zdravi. Naša agencija je jedina u BiH koja organizuje ljetovanje u ovoj turističkoj destinaciji, tako da je ova informacija sveobuhvatna", rečeno je juče u "Relaksu".

Ministarstvo vanjskih poslova BiH, takođe, je potvrdilo da među nastradalima nema državljana BiH. Za sve informacije građani BiH mogu se obratiti na dežurni telefon u Ambasadi BiH u Kairu broj 00 201 02 08 85 62. Ministarstvo će o novim informacijama i promjenama trenutnog stanja obavještavati javnost.

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Post by El_Camino »

gavrilo wrote:ne mogu da vjerujem da nekim ljudima zivot ne znaci nista... :x
El_Camino wrote:Image

Sta ti ovo znaci? Zar se ovdje o srbima ne smije nista lose reci? Je li srbima znacio ista zivot (citaj: Zar srbi nisu klali, palili i silovali po Bosni; zar nisu bacali bombice na nevin svijet sa Trebevica?).
da pamtis
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Post by da pamtis »

ljudi kako vam nije jasno da neke teme nemaju nveze sa srbima, zar je bas potreba svaku temu da zachatamo, imate dole pijacu-caskanje chatajte koliko god hocete, 84 ljudi izgubilo zivot 200 povrijedeno i vi se prepirete o totalno drugim stvarima
da pamtis
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Post by da pamtis »

SHARM EL-SHEIKH, Egypt (CNN) -- Egyptian security forces on Sunday were sweeping the Sinai peninsula and rounding up Bedouins as part of their investigation into three bombings that killed 84 people and wounded more than 200 in the Red Sea resort city of Sharm el-Sheikh.

The cleanup continued, meanwhile, from suicide car bomb blasts at the Ghazala Garden Hotel and the city's Old Market, as well as an explosive device that detonated at a beachfront parking lot and shuttle stop frequented by tourists.

The blasts all occurred at about 1:15 a.m. Saturday -- an Egyptian national holiday commemorating the 1952 bloodless revolution which brought a group of army officers to power after deposing King Farouk.

Sixty of those who died were Egyptians, and at least eight were foreigners, including an Italian man on his honeymoon, a tourist from the Czech Republic, two from Britain and one American.

U Egiptu uhapšeno 70 osoba
ŠARM EL ŠEIK - Egipatska policija je privela više desetina osoba, između 35 i 70, u okviru istrage eksplozija u Šarm el Šeiku.

Za sada, međutim, niko od njih nije optužen za učešće u tim napadima, rekli su bezbjednosni izvori. Akcija hapšenja uslijedila je nakon eksplozija u Šarm el Šeiku, u kojima je poginulo 88 osoba. Akcija je slična operacijama koje je policija preduzela nakon napada u oktobru prošle godine u sinajskim ljetovalištima Taba i Ras Šitan. Tada je uhapšeno 3.000 osoba, a od tog broja 200 je i dalje u zatvoru, uključujući dvojicu Egipćana, kojima je suđenje trebalo da se nastavi juče. Egipatski ministar unutrašnjih poslova je rekao da istražioci ispituju da li su eksplozije u Tabi i Šarmu povezane. Ta dva ljetovališta nalaze se na strateški važnom Sinajskom poluostrvu, koje se graniči sa Izraelom i pojasom Gaze. Lokalni istražioci takođe, istražuju mogućnost da su stranci izazvali eksplozije u subotu ujutru u Šarm el Šeiku u kojima je poginulo najmanje 88 osoba
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