Borba za vaš mozak i dušu

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#1 Borba za vaš mozak i dušu

Post by Bosnian_Passenger »

Za početak pozdrav.

Na savjet forumaš(ic)a sam pokrenuo temu na ovoj kategoriji foruma.

Svjestan sam da postoji veliki broj foruma na kojima se piše na ovu temu i da ko želi može saznati više o tome, ali mi je cilj da razmjenimo mišljenja, jer smatram da je to područje o kojem nećete mnogo čuti na mainstream medijima.

Izmjena ustava konstitutivnih naroda i priključivanje europskoj uniji:

Identifikovane metode:

- subliminarna percepcija/subliminarne poruke ... television

-backmasting/backwards songs:



-predictive programming:


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#2 Re: Borba za vaš mozak i dušu

Post by medvjed23 »

Bosnian_Passenger wrote:

-backmasting/backwards songs:


Gledao sam dosta dokumenaraca o CIA-i i o ispiranju mozga. Strašni su eksperimenti u pitanju. Ljudi se vezuju za krevet. Stavlja im se kukuljica na glavu. Izloženi su 24/7 slušanju nekih poruka. Drogirani su... Sve u svrhu programiranja ljudi, odnosno stvaranja mandžurijskog kandidata koji će poput robota izvršavati naredbe. Nisu uspjeli u tome ali žalosno je da se takvo nešto radi (pokušava da uradi) u demokratskom društvu. Ne smijem ni zamisliti šta su radili Sovjeti i ostali totalitarci...

Žalosno je i ovo stanje u rok muzici. Toliko talentovanih muzičara se okreće Sotonizmu i nekim glupostima i pri tome uživaju podršku velikog broja ljudi.

Tema je zanimljiva. Napisah na brzinu par riječi... možda još dodam nakon što se naspavam...
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#3 Re: Borba za vaš mozak i dušu

Post by dr.Gonzo »

Žalosno je i ovo stanje u rok muzici. Toliko talentovanih muzičara se okreće Sotonizmu i nekim glupostima i pri tome uživaju podršku velikog broja ljudi.
Haj daj nam neke primjere tih sotonista, pa da znamo cemu pricas :)

Ovo za Led Zeppelin je glupost samo takva. Cak je i sama ideja da postoje takve poruke glupa. Ko jos slusa muziku unazad?
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#4 Re: Borba za vaš mozak i dušu

Post by medvjed23 »

Imageheartagram. može se na različite načine protumačiti. Kao vrsta pentagrama ili kao neki moderni jin i jang


Image đavolji rogovi

Image deklarirani sotonist

666-opet, može se tumačiti na različite načine...

Ima svako pravo da vjeruje u šta god hoće. Ja samo želim reći da mi smeta što postoji toliko poveznica između muzike koju volim i Sotonizma. I imam utisak da upravo taj aspekt muzike privlači jako mnogo publike. Možda griješim...
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#5 Re: Borba za vaš mozak i dušu

Post by dr.Gonzo »

Ima svako pravo da vjeruje u šta god hoće. Ja samo želim reći da mi smeta što postoji toliko poveznica između muzike koju volim i Sotonizma. I imam utisak da upravo taj aspekt muzike privlači jako mnogo publike. Možda griješim...
U rok i metal muzici bendovi koji se igraju sa djavoljom ikonogafijom i tekstovima to najcesce cine da provociraju trule i licemjerne religiozne zajednice. Tu sotonizm sok terapija, nesto sto ce najvise sokirati konzervatice.

Zar ti stvarno mislis da neko danas ozbiljno prinosi zrtve Sotoni, i da navedeni bendovi sve to shvataju ozbiljno? Simbolike druze, simbolika.
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#6 Re: Borba za vaš mozak i dušu

Post by medvjed23 »

Kao što rekoh, mogu se ti elementi njihove muzike tumačiti na različite načine. To je do slušatelja. A izvorno značenje teksta je poznato samo autoru...

Na šta je autor mislio kad je pisao tekst, to samo on zna. Možda je želio kritikovati vjerske zajednice, možda zaista štuje Sotonu, možda mu se uklapa neki sotonistički izraz u šemu rimovanja, možda je bez veze slagao riječi vodeći samo računa o tome da pjesma bude pjevljiva i komercijalna...

Uglavnom, meni bi te pjesme bile draže kad tih elemenata ne bi bilo...
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#7 Re: Borba za vaš mozak i dušu

Post by VenomousV »

jooj heartagram... jedno vrijeme sam bas pizdila za HIM-om i nes sam istrazivala po tom pitanju, ukratko: nikakve veze nema sa pentagramom nego se ville valo igr'o i napravio taj znak a on to objasnjava kao jedinstvo dvije ciste suprotnosti npr ljubav i mrznja, zivot i smrt...

a 666 prema jednom teorijskom vjerovanju objasnjavaju kroz Davidovu zvijezdu koja ima 6 krakova, bla bla bla nisam se nesto oko toga previse zanimala...

Inace, smatram da je i pentagram i 666 preeeeevise izvikano i da se tome pridaje preeeeevise paznje....
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#8 Re: Borba za vaš mozak i dušu

Post by shtula »

chip umjesto tetovaze

Alex Jones's prison planet

RFID chip
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#9 Re: Borba za vaš mozak i dušu

Post by bez_ideje »

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#10 Re: Borba za vaš mozak i dušu

Post by shtula »

proof can be measured by increase in smear campaign density and according to some sources Jim Keith knew ahead that he will be killed, Maxwell life was destroyed he was receiving "double hearing", as its referred to, in one of his live interviews, Alan Watt appears in some of his earlier appearances as he might have been microwaved, there were intentionally impoverished, there are others that have difficulty blinking as a sign of microwave torture, its used as a form of wireless house arrest with torture into mental deterioration and death, heart can be stoped with microwaves, microwave "smear campaign" eventually leads to untraceable heart attack or stroke

Jesse Ventura bio gaverner, reko da je 9/11 nasteljen, bivsi vojnik explozivi mu bili spepialnost - " nemoguce je da zgrada padne ko sto je pala", odlazi da zivi u meksiko , ... ntura+show

mind control, MK ultra, congretional hearing for mk ultra victims ... nd+control

EVF - "electronic voice phenomena", "hearing ghosts"(USA Today article - Gvenet Paltrow hears ghosts in her apartment, MI5 agent sold entire data with names of other agents because he was hearing voices and so on), since everything is now wireless its possible to pick up brain waves wirelesly with nanochips, in order to subdued, suppress, torture someone EKG can be hooked up to verbal harassment or and sound shock when spikes on EKG are depicting consciousness, there is video of psychologist from Austin TX explaining one of his friends/patients ended up in mental hospital for "double hearing", it is possible to use ones TV or radio for individual transmission, so there are people who were told to do certain things like making life decisions on hearing those voices, "TV is talking to me" statements, there are those who can "hear and talk to God" and there are entire groups of people out there demonstrating against as they call it "electronic harassment and stalking", difference between schizophrenic and targeted individual would be that are different patterns in hallucinations that would usually be repetitive reenactment of trauma that caused brain damage vs. being hit with low frequency subliminal messages that are partially also computer generated out of dr camerons brain washing experiments ... =0&spell=1

coincidentally conceived children might have ambivalent emotional vibe from parents, father is most likely to live a family, father figure plays important role in childes life, born from instinctual instincts is more likely that child will function on instincts himself, divorce rate in US is 50-60 %, in religion its bit harshly defined in "born from last goes to dast", there is undenaible link betveen crime and fatherless, child abuse, in animals , with cats cat will obendon its young ones if only someone tuches them, so there might be also instincual subconcious psycomotoric mechanisam that subconciously rejects child consived by unpland pregnancy in form of parental guilt. Sex adicts are most likly abused children unvilingly conditioned into sex adiction. With all do respect, that no one is excluded indicated Hilary Clinton in her book that through terapy they found some unrisolved childhood issues, that was used as character assesination.

children born from lust hate world that they are born in, they are more likely to join hate groups it gives them a space to vent anger , gives them a purpose in life, they are products of dysfunctional society, as long as there is something to hate there are ok with it , it gives them opportunity to get back at society that looks down on them and rejected them

There is Alex Jonses's "you are scaring me " in interviw with one of those responsible for tenk driving through house with children in Waco, TX, other sources insinuate that it might have been one of those goverment set up experimental social groups, child raping cult like church, yet in Texas its death sentence for rape, they certanly don't apear that they were after interogation, there were arm roberies like one in LA when two men loaded with vepons tryed to rob a bank , and they were perfictly fine handled by police

considering divorce rate US falls within big dysfunctional family as society, there is controversial Kinsey report that was best seller where they refused to revile those participating in it, according to some sources they payed to incestuous parents to time orgasms of they children ... sey+report

there is Derrida's mind numbing lecture on beastiality to what looks like US foreign students that looks like nothing than his well crafted put on, ... ue+derrida

Schism in art, philosophy, religion, psychology

Schism is recognized by religion, way to frequent lectures about Rapture on religious radio, schism is recognized by postmodernist art and philosophy, Baudrillard life long taping in contemporary culture, his intellectual depiction of reality falling victim to simulations , his book appearing in movie Matrix,David Icke depicts schism in his last book, Syracuse University professor endorsed Icke's work within the realm of reason, British postmodernist Hasan analysis states schizophrenic as core of postmodernism, Jung psychoanalysis of Picasso's what appears qualifyable postmodernistic faze was recognized as schizophrenic, illuminating work of Habermas points toward resolution of postmodernism

A POSTMODERN READER - Joseph Natoli, Linda Hutcheon

THE POSTMODERN TURN - Steven Best, Douglas Kellner
Last edited by shtula on 07/01/2011 20:35, edited 5 times in total.
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#11 Re: Borba za vaš mozak i dušu

Post by shtula »

according to some sources there were and still are government experiments on humans, some like MK ultra where children were abused for experimental purposes, Clinton apologized publicly for it, hysteria was recognized at first my psychologists as female illness , Freud recognized it existing in males to, it was more difficult to admit for a male pride reasons perhaps among other reasons, that hysteria modifies itself and manifests itself in other forms , in Freudian analysis in art, art is sublimated hysteria, hysteria as a core of emotional makeup of artists, its not that hysteria would be exclusive for artists as a venting mechanism only, it can be present in anyone else to some extent that is not disruptive or decapacitating, sublimation of libido as developmental necessity, is intentional neurotisation in order to develop self-control and be master of ones instincts not another way around, so Freud fined everyone slightly neurotic , that some misunderstand for according to him no one is absolutely healty, or one can find it inappropriately even insulting , for a lack of understanding what it means and become resentful toward psychoanalysis all together, overneurotisised individual might and up in that hysterical state of mind, that tolerable or disruptive for that individual,

Mind Control part 1 Monarch pt 10A MK Ultra Mad Scientists (repost) / Blue Beamers

Stewart Swerdlow on History of Mind Control 1/14

13 illuminati bloodlines & mind control

David Icke on the Alex Jones Show:Mind-Control

Nick Begich on the Alex Jones Show:"Mind Control Agenda"

MKULTRA Survivors Testimony

CNN: Electromagnetic Mind Control Weapons

John Lenon killed by mentally challenged individual, Regan assassination mentally challenged individual,
he changed his policy after assassination, lost his memory later on, Nixon memory loss, Kirhan Kirhan can not remember a thing assassination of Robert Kennedy just at a time when he was gaining votes, John Kennedy shot through heart then through head, his son dies in unresolved circumstances, Ted Kennedy dies of cancer.

David Icke has chapter about Cathy O'Brien in Global Conspiracy, she wrote a book Transformation of America;_ylt=A0o ... =yfp-t-892
Last edited by shtula on 08/01/2011 07:01, edited 2 times in total.
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#12 Re: Borba za vaš mozak i dušu

Post by shtula »

by old rule "follow the money" , cable television - owner of BioTeck company builds himself the biggest boat, if one wold guess he made his dough kind of suddenly and it was instant success
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#13 Re: Borba za vaš mozak i dušu

Post by shtula »

-Dr Begic on Coast to Coast radio, talking to some German and suddenly hearing him in English, its referred to as "speaking in tangs", its possible to override consciousness with subliminal massages; ... =0&spell=1

Jesse Ventura show on Manchurian candidate, its possible to change ones voice ascent and to someone else voice print, If us is hit with tornadoes, hurricane, storms the most of them all HARRP is least weather control system ,it is operating on frequencies that brain is operating on. ... =0&spell=1

consequence words loose their meaning more then ever, discrepancies like, Gore signed Kyoto, that by others his signature is erased, medical might and the same its signed but in four years it might have end up erased, if so it was just postponed to dissolved heat generated around issue, Obama sits with Gore after election yet he didn't sign Copenhagen, it might be under pressure, Guantanamo will be closed wars will end yet Obama recently on Afghanistan said that they will stay "indefinitely" with depictable discomfort, Lieberman's opposition to Republicans ended up in kiss in the forehead, later on he appeared somnambulistic, there is his Congressional hearing of agent on microchiping people, agent simple started to talk about something totally unrelated to a question, after backing Gore ("The Assault on Reason") he end up backing McCain , that is impossible is totally possible, self indused shock of 9/11 and its constant repetition multiple times a day for a decade can be and it most likely is trauma based mass mind control , submiting population to mass mind control and establishing police state, that is ocupation from within and operates on berily depictable concentration camp level

comparation of radio shows and antennas belonging to Republicans, democrats have only few, California had strong democratic base, after Oscar to Gore, where he indicates sadly that he was forbidden from running for president, Oscar was given to Nazi for "squirrels are rat too yet we don't kill squirrels" and the best movie was propaganda movie about "savers", that would indicate that they are now occupied too and in service of propaganda machine. ... alex+jones

social worker on Coast to Coast am radio, autistic children get disturbed in same time at night, there was " we believe they are being used for communication", Coast to Coast covers everything but there are unignorable patterns and unshakable researchers and professionals among speculative guessing ... o+coast+am

Last few Martin Scorsese movies deal with this , from Irish hit by Butcher's ax , if one looks for its depth in symbols it could be Kennedy or/and Clinton, there is reflection , parallel of British conflict translated to US
Gangs of New York
The Departed
Shutter Island

Inception - Christopher Nolan

MI6 agent that was suppressing Ireland was sent to govern post-Dayton Bosnia, shortly after his identity as an MI6 agent was exposed he left."he is responsible for obstruction of a court" (paraf.) - Carla Del Ponte, news cover
"all sides were manipulated from a same source"(paraf) - David Icke on war in Bosnia

Man and his symbols - Jung

Alan Watt Prison Cities Coming in 2011 - Alex Jones Tv 1 3 ... %2C29%2C25

Icke- Aliens -Reptilians

there are insights that "aliens" are "junkie agents", addicted to heroin, since heroin addicts are using needle they would be ideal sampling population for testing all kind of mutations, they are self destructive, escapist behavior, inslaved by a habit easily controllable, they added fish genome to a corn to increase corns immunity, corn among other vegetables looks and tasted like tasteless plastic, beyond mixing heroin directly with mutagens its possible to genetically modify poppy plants in all kinds of directions in times when genetic engendering has bloated its more that likely that its so, mutants are massively presented in movies specially in Marvel's , targeting audience are children, perhaps children that are mutating , mutants are presented with micro/nanochips behind an ears under mind control, there for they might have been capt themselves under conviction that they are extraterrestrial, there are multiple worming against flue vaccines , reports that pandemic has been fabricated for mass implanting of population, countries that couldn't afford vaccination did not get affected by this "pandemic" whatsoever, drag users can have drugs mixed with nanochips and most likely are, tattooing is also mentioned as implanting method, barbershops under anesthetic can make incision behind ear and implant nanochips, barbers themselves can do it in programed externally controlled alter states of mind so they have no recollection of it. At first it all sounds far fetched, speculative, but it is beyond assumptions and its all possible, everyone knows that cloning is possible , there are public statements that cloned meat is absolutely ok for mass consumption, it would be naive to believe that there are not experiments for a while now on cloning humans, it is entirely possible that some of public figures might be clones operated remotely , among other reasons for their own security reasons, doubles are unrarely regular practice. Massive deceptions are totally possible, 87.9 Germans believe that 9/11 was inside job

is it irrational fear or overwhelming ignorant indifference on the other side, Falluja Iraq has more birth defects then Hiroshima, Chechen "fundamentalist" is more disturbed with Belgium then Russia, after Suange arrest there is "terrorist attack/potencial in Sweden, perhaps more to remained Swedes that there is potencial of (Manchurian) terrorism so they should be more obedient. ... th-defects
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