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#1 Citati koje bi podijelili s drugima

Posted: 25/08/2006 10:14
by car-x
mislim da ne treba puno objasnjavati sta sve spada u ovu temu.. elem, dok sam obavljao svakojutrosnji ritual, procitah interesantan clanak, u kojem se citira izvjesni Zoran Djermanovic (ako se ne varam), gdje tip veli:

razlika između luđaka i genijalca je u uspješnosti. uspješan luđak postaje genijalac, a neuspješan genijalac - luđak.


Posted: 25/08/2006 10:32
by DonDavudes
"ozbiljan čovjek ne smije sebe previše ozbiljno shvatati" :D :D :D (ili tako nekako)


Posted: 25/08/2006 10:36
by Truba
evo nedavno pročitao 8)

The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese in the trap. :D

i A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory.


Posted: 25/08/2006 10:37
by daduli_sa
"Današnje društvo proizvodi lopove i razbojnike. Obrazovanje samo čini jednog lopova dovitljivijim od drugog." - Oscar Wilde


Posted: 25/08/2006 10:54
by GoschaUkuchi
Budi pametan, ostani glup....!!!


Posted: 25/08/2006 11:04
˝Tito nije vaš, a ne naš ˝ :D

sjedio u klupi s ovim :D genijalcem


Posted: 25/08/2006 11:05
by car-x
"Glup je onaj koji radi glupe stvari" - forrest gump (citira svoju mater)


Posted: 25/08/2006 11:06
by sideshow bob
"Činjenicu da suštinu demokratije krasi fenomen da se glas pametnog i glas budale jednako računaju demokratiju čini turbo-folkom. Malo komplikovaniji glasački listić bi mnogo ublažio taj problem" Antonije Pušić


Posted: 25/08/2006 11:07
"Funny thing about weekends when you're unemployed, they don't mean quite so much. Except you get to hang out with all your working friends..."

Primus Les Claypool


Posted: 25/08/2006 11:30
by triton
Da bi se moglo imati prijatelja mora se za njega biti spreman poci u rat!
Dakle da bi se moglo biti prijatelj, mora se moci biti neprijatelj!


Posted: 25/08/2006 11:46
by AZ
'Ja sam lud sto sam glup, pa uvijek ispadnem blesav'.

Dusan Radovic


Posted: 25/08/2006 12:06
by Beslija
"I never sleep , cuz sleep is the cousin of death"

"Only thing that comes to a sleeping man is dreams" ( Tupac Shakur )

"How fortunate for leaders that their men do not think" - Adolf Hitler ( Hićo )

“The victor will never be asked if he told the truth.” - Opet Hićo

"In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends." - Martin Luther King Jr. ( Lućo )

"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake." - Napoleon Bonaparte



Posted: 25/08/2006 12:27
by CiCiban

The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese in the trap.

A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory.
:D say no more


Posted: 25/08/2006 12:29
by CiCiban
I-Jing jel se 'vako pise ? wrote:great men have substance in their words and duration in their lives


Posted: 25/08/2006 12:30
by tueg
Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.

Groucho Marx


Posted: 25/08/2006 12:41
by ProS


Posted: 25/08/2006 12:43
by CiCiban
:skoljka: wrote: 6. UMJETNOST : ne postoji
Funkcija umjetnosti je da bude ogledalo prirode, a dovoljno veliko ogledalo naprosto ne postoji- vidjeti tacku jedan. :? :cry:

TACKA JEDAN. Oblast: Beskonacno
Beskonacno: vece od najveceg ikada i jos malo pride. U stvari , mnogo vece od toga, stvarno strasno veliko, potpuno ludjacki veLLiko, pravo pravcato '' vauu sto je veliko''. Beskonacnost je zapravo toliko ogromna da sama ogromnost u poredjenju s njom djeluje tricavo. Ovdje, dakle, pokusavamo da rascistimo sa onom vrstom pojma koji predstavlja dzinovsko pomnozeno sa kolosalnim pomnoZeno sa uZZZZZZZZasno vejikim. :P


Posted: 25/08/2006 12:51
by ProS
"Never forget, that God isn't finished with me yet" - Tupac Shakur

"My only fear of death is comin back reincarnated." - Tupac Shakur

jebes marcela :oops: zavrsio tri razreda osnovne :oops:


Posted: 25/08/2006 13:12
by ProS
ok :)
nisam presluso nis od cojka,niti ga znam :oops: pa malo :oops: kopkam :oops:


Posted: 25/08/2006 13:16
by black
San je ono što se želi a život je buđenje. (Mesha)


Posted: 25/08/2006 13:31
by FortunaBela
- Hodat ćemo bez razloga, radovat ćemo se, bez razloga, smijat ćemo se, bez razloga, s jednim jedinim razlogom, što smo živi išsto se volimo. A kud ćeš veći razlog.... :)


Posted: 25/08/2006 13:43
by chinese_water
Uh kolumbo... porediti paca i marchela...nema smisla... marchelo....ok, shvatam...jaki textovi, pametan decko... i sve to.Ali... 2pac je nesto sasvim drugo... crnac koji je pretrpio sve boli jednog crnca u djetinjstvu...previse je thug... previse unosio svoje emocije u pjesme, dok ovaj samo nesto laje... velika je razlika jos uvijek medu njima... iskreno svida mi se i marchelo ... ali pac je pac... covjek je promjenio zivote crncima hebo ga ti...

I ain't a killer but don't push me
Revenge is like the sweetest joy next to gettin pu**y


Posted: 25/08/2006 14:16
by Beslija
Evo jos citata od Tupaca....

If God wanted me to be quiet he would've never showed me what he does.

"Imperfection is inherited, therefore we all sin, but fighting the war of sin is the greatest war of all because we all die in the end no matter how hard we fight."

My raps are a decision, rabble rousing, spiritual, like gospel music. I don't want to dance. We have so many things to deal with, we need to talk straight up and down."

“For every dark night, there's a brighter day”

Wars come and go, but my soldiers stay eternal

“I'd rather die like a man, than live like a coward”

'If you can't find somethin' to live for, you best find somethin' to die for.”

" Coward dies a thousand deaths....solider dies but once " .........

i evo poetry....super text..

I say, when your heart turns cold
it causes your soul to freeze
It spreads, throughout yo' spirit
like a, ruthless, feeling disease
The walls, the walls that once were down
now stand firm and tall, safe from hate love pain joy
until you feel nothing at all
When, your heart turns cold
I say, when your heart turns cold
A baby's cry, means nothing
A dead corpose is tri-vial
Mother's neglecting children is daily
Loneliness, becomes your routine friend
Death death death seems like tranquility
Sleeping is never pleasant
if you even sleep at all all all
You forget ideals and, turn off the reason
to make sure the product gets sold
You don't UNDERSTAND how I behave, just wait
I say just WAIT WAIT WAIT til your heart
I say til your hearts turns COLD!

Ima na internetu svacega....



Posted: 25/08/2006 14:57
by car-x
Beslija wrote:Evo jos citata od Tupaca....

“For every dark night, there's a brighter day”
“I'd rather die like a man, than live like a coward”
" Coward dies a thousand deaths....solider dies but once " .........
dajte ba ljudi.. kakav tupac.. poslije kise sunce sija itd.. pripisati tako nesto tupacu je pravo uncool.. ;)

razumijem da vam se svidja njegov lik i djelo, ali sad bas da je za citiranja kao neka posebna mudrost.. :? :? :shock:


Posted: 25/08/2006 15:05
by mIRCerka
I am a real housewife; every time I leave a husband, I take his house!
Zsa Zsa Gabor