Heavy Metal

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#26 Re: Power Metal

Post by corolla02 »

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#27 Re: Power Metal

Post by corolla02 »

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#28 Re: Power Metal

Post by kiky »

ej, blacky, slušaš li ti narodnu muziku :D
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#29 Re: Power Metal

Post by Gradonacelnik »

Sto se tice granice koju je pominjao korisnik Corolla02, slazem se da ranijih godina nije postojala velika razlika, tj. dok se power nije iskristalisao kao pravac, danas je to skroz drugacije, i ja bas ne volim to poredjenje jer volim sve metal pravce, i ne volim naziv pravca NWBHM vec obican heavy metal, npr malo ljudi zna da je iron Maiden zapravo tog pravca deo, tj zacetnik tog pravca je Saxon a njegov naslednik Iron Maiden, dok je pravi heavy metal, onaj izvorni Judas Priest...nego nebitno, evo jednog malog poredjenja...
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#30 Re: Power Metal

Post by corolla02 »

OK, sve se to moze tumaciti kako got ko hoce......
Ti spomenu Saxon, pa rekoh imaju dva tri zadnja albuma odlicma u Power ritmu, pa evo....

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ENDef4r ... re=related
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#31 Re: Power Metal

Post by Gradonacelnik »

Slazem se mada je to ipak samo par stvari, na killing ground samo naslovna na lionheart dve witchfinder general i live by the sword die by the sword na iner sanctumu nista u power fazonu, a na zadnjem ty na into the labyrinth takodje nemas nista sto bib bio pravi power metal, ipak je to sve heavy metal, bas taj koji oni su uvek i svirali, od svih tih pomenutih peasama samo pravi power je die by the sword, a moze se reci i za jednu raniju stvar koja se zove unleashed the beast sa istoimenog albuma da je takodje power pesma, ipak je saxon bas heavy i to onaj pravi heavy metal band:)
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#32 Re: Power Metal

Post by Gradonacelnik »

Samo da dodam da je sa novog saxona, mozda izuzetak Battalions of Steel koja bi mogla da bude ovo ili ono medjutim opet je najvise heavy:)
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#33 Re: Power Metal

Post by corolla02 »

Gradonacelnik wrote:Slazem se mada je to ipak samo par stvari, na killing ground samo naslovna na lionheart dve witchfinder general i live by the sword die by the sword na iner sanctumu nista u power fazonu, a na zadnjem ty na into the labyrinth takodje nemas nista sto bib bio pravi power metal, ipak je to sve heavy metal, bas taj koji oni su uvek i svirali, od svih tih pomenutih peasama samo pravi power je die by the sword, a moze se reci i za jednu raniju stvar koja se zove unleashed the beast sa istoimenog albuma da je takodje power pesma, ipak je saxon bas heavy i to onaj pravi heavy metal band:)
Najbolja mi je Mean and Machine sa ovoga, a nace na dva predzadnja albuma njihove bubnjeve je svirao Jorg Michael, isti tip koji se pojavljuje u Running Wilda na tri albuma od 94-98 pa mozda i otud im nekako jaci zvuk/power na ovom i nakon Inner Sanctumu albumu. Medjuvremenu, on je svirao i u Stratosa. Plus, svi ovi njemci su hodali od benda do benda, pa valjda i zbog toga je prakticno nemoguce povuci liniju izmedju ovog ili onog metala.
Jos bi trebalo dodati, da Running wild omoti u 90tim su radjeni od Andreas Marshall, tip koji je radio i Udi, Sinneru, Bling Guardianu, Kreatoru i mnogim drugim sto power sto ostalim bandovima iz njemacke!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z0ttOk_b ... re=related

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#34 Re: Power Metal

Post by corolla02 »

Evo pustam i ovu pjesmu koja nije za ovaj topic, ali posto je toliko dobra grijeh bi je bilo izostaviti

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#35 Re: Power Metal

Post by Gradonacelnik »

Da Jorg Michael je svirao i u Rage i u Mekong Delta, ali u saxonu je bilo dosta raznih muzicara tipa Pitera Gilla koji je svojevremeno svirao i u Motorhead-u, kao i Fritz Randow koji je svirao u Sinner i Victory, pa i sadasnji bubnjar Nigel Glockler bio je clan nemackoga Thunderstorma, manje vise su sve to opet heavy, ali i pomalo power bendovi, no niti jedan nije bas pravi power band, mada zavisi kako ko to gleda, jedini mozda pravi power bi bio Jorgov Stratovarius, mada je i to simfonik power metal, dok su Rage, grave digger i ostali manje vise speed heavy metal:)
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#36 Re: Power Metal

Post by bierkof »

One more metal fun reporting for duty! :twisted:

Running wild je stvarno vise heavy nego power ali nije bitno evo meni njihova najdraza pjesma...
btw. ne znam nikoga da je toliko lud za running wild, iako su meni stvarno posebno dragi...

Mada ja vise volim death i trash metal ali cesto pustim i power, kao npr hammerfall, Dark Moor, stratovarius, Iced Earth, blind guardian, symphony x...
Ali nakon carcass-a sav ostali metal mi je bezveze
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#37 Re: Power Metal

Post by corolla02 »

bierkof wrote:One more metal fun reporting for duty! :twisted:

Running wild je stvarno vise heavy nego power ali nije bitno evo meni njihova najdraza pjesma...
btw. ne znam nikoga da je toliko lud za running wild, iako su meni stvarno posebno dragi...

Mada ja vise volim death i trash metal ali cesto pustim i power, kao npr hammerfall, Dark Moor, stratovarius, Iced Earth, blind guardian, symphony x...
Ali nakon carcass-a sav ostali metal mi je bezveze

Dobro dosao Vojnice!
Kako nema ba, pa sta vidis na ovom topicu!?
Ja ih pratim od '92, imam njihov svaki CD, i poceo sam sa Under Jolly Rodger sto mi je bila prva kasseta od njih. Kako fenomenalno. Inace jedva cekam ovaj najnoviji da izadje UJRII, ali je izgleda nesto zapelo pa se nadam da ce biti uskoro....

Iced Earth- ovaj bend mi nikad nije legao, nemam pojma zasto!?

Pa da nastavimo tamo gdje smo stali:

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#38 Re: Power Metal

Post by corolla02 »

Gradonacelnik wrote:Da Jorg Michael je svirao i u Rage i u Mekong Delta, ali u saxonu je bilo dosta raznih muzicara tipa Pitera Gilla koji je svojevremeno svirao i u Motorhead-u, kao i Fritz Randow koji je svirao u Sinner i Victory, pa i sadasnji bubnjar Nigel Glockler bio je clan nemackoga Thunderstorma, manje vise su sve to opet heavy, ali i pomalo power bendovi, no niti jedan nije bas pravi power band, mada zavisi kako ko to gleda, jedini mozda pravi power bi bio Jorgov Stratovarius, mada je i to simfonik power metal, dok su Rage, grave digger i ostali manje vise speed heavy metal:)
Dobro kazes, svi trcali za parama po bendovima naokolo....
Saxon ima zesci zvuk od Solid Balla kad prelaze u Njemacku da snimaju za SPV
Rage i Victory, sve super bendovi.
Ne treba zaboraviti ni Warlock!

btw, jel imas ista od Sinnera, posebno "Touch of Sin" ?
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#39 Re: Power Metal

Post by corolla02 »

Idemo dalje...

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#40 Re: Power Metal

Post by corolla02 »

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#41 Re: Power Metal

Post by corolla02 »

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#42 Re: Power Metal

Post by corolla02 »

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#43 Re: Power Metal

Post by corolla02 »

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#44 Re: Power Metal

Post by corolla02 »

Hey, Mr. Pope, Mr. Military Man
Kings and Queens
More evil that it seems
You lie, you cheat, you betray, you kill all the way
You wade through blood in your boots of steel
You hide the truth from its reveal
The world's bleeding wounds will never heal
So look in the mirror and see who you are
You made our lives an abbatoir
A man-eating machine that's what you are
Pile of skulls, conspiracy
Beware of the revealing key
No dance of joy, no harmless spree
No chance for you to hide or flee
Liar's tongue, tricks of deepest dye
Snake-skinned pack
You're evil and you're sly
Injust, you hunt, you hate, you take all the way
You're cutting throats with poisoned blades
Your recklessness overflows the graves
You try to make us all your slaves
So look in the mirror and see who you are
You made our lives an abbatoir
A man-eating machine that's what you are
Pile of skulls, conspiracy
Beware of the revealing key
No dance of joy, no harmless spree
No chance for you to hide or flee
Tears and pain, never ending shame
Bloodsucking lice
Play their evil game
Your doom is sealed, the truth revealed all the way
Headless you still run around
You can't believe you're losing ground
On your knees to take the count
So look in the mirror and see who you are
You made our lives an abbatoir
A man-eating machine that's what you are
Pile of skulls, conspiracy
Beware of the revealing key
No dance of joy, no harmless spree
No chance for you to hide or flee

Long Live Running Wild
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#45 Re: Power Metal

Post by corolla02 »

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xl2xGWo3 ... re=related

Masked souls and blackest minds, mandrakes of the dark
Pitch and poison in their veins, they wear the evil's mark
Corruption, hate and deepest scorn they teach
"Obey and work!"the holy law they preach

They've sold your soul, your flesh and blood to the whims of evilgods
They've changed the world to hell on earth to save their evilplots
With murder, war and treachery they rule
If you trust in their machinery you're a fool

Masquerade, hiding their black-heart
Masquerade, evil and dark
Masquerade, treason and lies
Masquerade, covers their evil eyes

They rule the world by telling lies,
dripping poison in your ear
Keeping up appearances, revelation is their fear
They control your mind with hate and evil lies
Religion is the devil in disguise

Masquerade, hiding their black-heart
Masquerade, evil and dark
Masquerade, treason and lies
Masquerade, covers their evil eyes

So open up your clouded eyes the conspiracy to see
If you wipe away their evil world,
there's a chance of livingfree
The acient tales tell holy laws: The truth!
So be aware of what they are and they'll lose

Masquerade, hiding their black-heart
Masquerade, evil and dark
Masquerade, treason and lies
Masquerade, covers their evil eyes
Masquerade, hiding their black-heart
Masquerade, evil and dark
Masquerade, treason and lies
Masquerade, covers their evil eyes
:evil: :evil: :evil:
:evil: :evil: :evil:
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#46 Re: Power Metal

Post by mark II »

Poslušajte Kill the King od Rainbow - to je prva prava power metal stvar :) . Većina ovih novih bendova ju je obradila - Stratovarius, Hammerfall, Jorn Lande, Primal Fear itd. Ritchie Blackmore je tata powera :)
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#47 Re: Power Metal

Post by corolla02 »

mark II wrote:Poslušajte Kill the King od Rainbow - to je prva prava power metal stvar :) . Većina ovih novih bendova ju je obradila - Stratovarius, Hammerfall, Jorn Lande, Primal Fear itd. Ritchie Blackmore je tata powera :)
Dobar prijedlog!
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#48 Re: Power Metal

Post by corolla02 »

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#49 Re: Power Metal

Post by mark II »


Evo kako je to obradio Stratovarius. Rainbow - Kill The King.
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#50 Re: Power Metal

Post by corolla02 »

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