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Internship u European Online Academy

The European Online Academy offers internships.

Interns will assist project officers and managers with organising the academic programme. EOA internships offer knowledge in European integration, networking with various European partners as well as the improvement of organising facilities.

The EOA-team expects interns to hold a Bachelor or equivalent degree and have proven knowledge of and interest in European integration. Fluent oral and written English is essential; French and/or German is very useful.

Interns are expected to work 3 months part time at the Berlin office. Internships are unpaid.

Please apply with your CV and a motivation letter at: cife-berlin[at]
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STIPENDIJA - Global Awareness Scholarship Program, Dickinson State University


Dickinson State University is still accepting Global Awareness Scholarship applications for the 2007-2008 academic school year!

To be eligible for this prestigious award, students must have completed secondary school and secure a TOEFL score of 525 PBT or higher (197 or higher on the computer based test or 71 or higher on the internet based test. Students with native proficiency or have taken equivalent tests may also qualify for this award).

Our Fall semester begins August 20th and there is still time to complete the admission process.

To learn more about Dickinson State University and the scholarship program visit or contact:
Thy Yang
Director of Multicultural Affairs
Dickinson State University
291 Campus Drive
Dickinson, North Dakota 58601 USA
+1.701.483.2598 Phone
+1.701.483.2831 Fax
[email protected]
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#29 STIPENDIJA - Kanton Sarajevo

Post by razmazena »

Konkurs za dodjelu stipendija talentovanim učenicima i studentima u 2007. godini

Budžetom Kantona Sarajevo za 2007. godinu izdvojeno je 260.000 KM za stipendiranje talentovanih učenika i studenata.

Pravo na stipendiju imaju učenici osnovnih i srednjih škola i redovni studenti visokoškolsih ustanova Kantona Sarajevo po sljedećim kriterijama:

a) Učenici osnovnih i srednjih škola koji su na takmičenjima iz predmeta: Matematika, Fizika, Informatika, strani jezici i Likovna kultura u školskoj 2006/2007. godini učestvovali na na međunarodnim olimpijadama, osvojili prvo, drugo i treće mjesto na niovu Bosne i Hercegovine, prvo i drugo mjesto na nivou Federacije BiH i prvo mjesto u Kantonu Sarajevo.

b) Učenici koji su ostvarili izuzetne rezultate na susretima naučno-tehničkog stvaralaštva i smotrama mladih talenata školske 2006/2007. godine, a na prijedlog Narodne tehnike Kantona Sarajevo.

c) Učenici osnovnih muzičkih škola i Srednje muzičke škole koji su školske 2006/2007. godine na federalnom takmičenju učenika muzike pojedinačno osvojili specijalnu i prvu nagradu.

d) Učenicima romske nacionalnosti osnovnih i srednjih škola za posebne rezultate postignute u školskoj 2006/2007. godini, a na prijedlog nastavničkih vijeća osnovnih i srednjih škola.

e) Učenici s posebnim potrebama koji su ostvarili izuzetne rezultate u području umjetničke kreacije: Stipendije za ove učenike predložit će sljedeće javne ustanove: Centar "Vladimir Nazor", Škola za srednje stručno obrazovanje i radno osposobljavanje, Centar "Mjedenica", Centar za slušnu i govornu rehabilitaciju i Centar za slijepa i slabovidna lica.

f) Radi postizanja kvaliteta obrazovnog procesa, redovni studenti druge i viših godina na dodiplomskom studiju koji su u školskoj 2006/2007. godini ostvarili prosjek ocjena najmanje 9 i nisu u toku studija obnavljalli godinu.

g) Redovni studenti koji su na domaćim i međunarodnim takmičenjima ostvarili značajan uspjeh, osvojili nagradu.

Od ukupnog broja stipendija, maksimalno 10 stipendija će se dodijeliti učenicima iz tačke I podtačka b), 10 stipendija učenicima iz tačke I podtačka d), 25 stipendija studentima iz tačke I podtačka g), i 25 stipendija učenicima iz tačke I podtačka e).

Od ukupnioh sredstava koja je odobrila Vlada Kantona Sarajevo za stipendije talentovanih učenika i studenata (260.000,00 KM), 10% se izdvaja za djecu Srebrenice koja su bez oba roditelja (26.000,00 KM), a na prijedlog Fondacije "Djeca Srebrenice".
Izdvojena sredstva će se dostaviti na račun Fondacije "Djeca Srebrenice".

Kandidati konkurišu za dodjelu stipendija na osnovu konkursa koji raspisuje ministar: Konkurs, objavljen u dnevnim novinama i na web stranici Minstarstva obrazovanja i nauke Kantona Sarajevo, obavezno sadrži ukupan iznos sredstava namijenjen stipendiranju.

IV Dodjelu stipendija svojom odlukom odobrava ministar na prijedlog Komisije.

U slučaju da dva ili više kandidata imaju jednake uvjete za stipendiju, prednost će se dati kategorijama lica naznačenih u Zakonu o dopunskim pravima boraca.

Iznosi stipendija za učenike i studente će ovisiti o broju kandidata koji zadovolje Kriterije, a utvrdit će ih ministar na prijedlog Komisije.

Stipendija se dodjeluje samo po jednom osnovu iz ovih kriterija.

Stipendije se isplaćuju odjednom ili u nekoliko rata, ovisno od priliva sredstava u Budžet Kantona Sarajevo. Sredstva dobijena stipendijama se ne vraćaju.

Spisak stipendista bit će objavljen u sredstvima javnog informisanja i na web stranici Ministarstva obrazovanja i nauke Kantona Sarajevo

Uz prijavu na konkurs, koja obavezno sadrži adresu i kontakt-telefone, kandidati su dužni da prilože:
- Ovjerenu fotokopiju diplome (dokumenta), za učenike iz tačaka Ia) i Ic);
- Odluku Narodne tehnike Kantona Sarajevo, za učenike iz tačke Ib);
- Odluke škola/ustanova za učenike iz tačaka Id) i Ie);
- Originalna uvjerenja/potvrde (ili ovjerene kopije istih) visokoškolske ustanove u statusu redovnog studenta, da student nije obnavljao godinu tokom studija i prosjeku ocjena ostvarenih u akademskoj 2006/2007. godini, za studente iz tačaka If) i Ig).

Neblagovremene i nepotpune prijave se neće razmatrati.

Konkurs ostaje otvoren 25 dana od dana objavljivanja (objavljeno 11.07.2007. godine).

Prijave sa traženom dokumentacijom dostaviti lično na pisarnicu Kantona Sarajevo (šalter sala), ili poštom preporučeno s naznakom "Stipendije za talente"- ne otvaraj, ulica Reisa Džemaludina Čauševića broj 1. (kontakt telefon 033 562 128).

S ciljem pojednostavljivanja procedure doznake sredstava kandidatima koji dobiju stipendiju u skladu sa ovim Konkursom potrebno je da aplikant u prijavi navedu naziv banke i broj tekućeg računa, odnosno štedne knjižice na koji/koju se sredstva mogu doznačiti.
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Post by nebojeplavo »

New York City, Washington D.C. or London

Scholarship / Financial aid: $47,000
Date: full time for one year begining with September 2008
Deadline: October 5, 2007
Open to: law, journalism, international relations, or area studies graduates with degrees
This year Human Rights Watch will award four fellowships to recent graduates of law schools or graduate programs (master`s degree and above) in journalism, international relations, area studies, or other relevant disciplines. The Alan R. and Barbara D. Finberg Fellowship is open to any candidate who meets these criteria. The Leonard H. Sandler Fellowship is restricted to graduates of Columbia
Law School. The Arthur Helton Fellowship is restricted to graduates of New York University School of Law.
In addition to the fellowships offered by Human Rights Watch, graduates of the Yale University School of Law may apply directly to the law school for the Bernstein Fellowship. Human Rights Watch encourages prospective Bernstein fellows to make arrangements to work with Human Rights Watch and to include those arrangements in
their applications to Yale for the fellowship.
Fellows work full time for one year at Human Rights Watch, based in New York City, Washington, D.C., or London. Fellows monitor human rights developments in various countries, conduct on-site investigations, draft reports on human rights conditions, and engage in advocacy aimed at publicizing and curtailing human rights violations. Past fellows have conducted fact-finding missions to,
among other places, Albania, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Brazil, Burma, Cambodia, Colombia, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Egypt, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Hong Kong, India (including Kashmir and Punjab), Iran, Israel, Kenya, Malaysia, Moldova, Namibia, Nigeria, Pakistan, the Philippines, Russia, Rwanda, South Africa, Sudan,Syria, Tajikistan, Uganda, the U.S.-Mexican border, and Venezuela.
Applicants must have exceptional analytic skills, an ability to write and speak clearly, and a commitment to work in the human rights field in the future on a paid or volunteer basis. Proficiency in one language in addition to English is strongly recommended.
Familiarity with countries or regions where serious human rights violations occur is also valued. Fellows must be law, journalism, international relations, or area studies graduates with degrees received after January 2005 and before August 2008, or must provide evidence of significant, comparable, relevant work experience.
Fellowships begin in September 2008.
Salary and Benefits
The salary for the 2007-2008 fellows is $47,000, plus excellent employer-paid benefits. The salary for 2008-2009 fellows is currently under review.
How to Apply
Please send a complete application packet that includes the following:
a.. cover letter
b.. résumé (curriculum vitae)
c.. two letters of recommendation
d.. unedited, unpublished writing sample
e.. official law or graduate school transcript (applicants in one-year graduate programs should supply an undergraduate transcript with a list of their graduate school courses)
Complete applications (including transcripts and recommendations) for 2008-2009 fellowships must be received by October 5, 2007, so applicants should allow sufficient time to collect the required materials in advance of the deadline. Complete applications should
be sent to Human Rights Watch, Attn: Fellowship Committee, 350 Fifth Avenue, 34th Floor, New York, NY 10118-3299.
Applicants must be available for interviews in New York from early November to mid-December 2007.
Emailing/Faxing Parts of Your Application
Applications must be submitted by mail, under a single cover. However, under truly extenuating circumstances and only with prior written approval from us, you may send in an application or part of an application by email or fax, by the deadline of October 5, 2007.
Lateness of an application does not constitute extenuating
circumstances. Emailed or faxed applications will not be accepted without prior written approval from Human Rights Watch.
The Bernstein Fellowships
The Bernstein Fellowships established in honor of Robert S. Bernstein, founding chair of Human Rights Watch, provide financial support to allow two Yale Law School graduates to pursue full-time international human rights work for one year. (Please note that the Bernstein Fellowships are administered through Yale Law School.
Applications for the Bernstein Fellowships should not be sent to Human Rights Watch.)
Trebalo bi vise da bude na ovom sajtu:

http://www.hrw. org/about/ info /fellows.html
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Post by nebojeplavo »

American Councils for International Education

American Councils for International Education is pleased to announce the Junior Faculty Development Program competition for Academic Year 2007-2008.

The Junior Faculty Development Program is program of the U.S. Department of State and Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, and it provides university instructors with a semester-long opportunity to expand their knowledge and expertise in their academic field by attending classes and working with faculty members at universities in the United States . Individuals may apply for fields in the humanities and social sciences.

The competition is open to citizens from Albania , Armenia , Azerbaijan , Bosnia and Herzegovina , Croatia , Georgia, Kazakhstan , Kyrgyzstan , Macedonia , Montenegro , Serbia , Tajikistan , Turkmenistan , and residents of Kosovo.

To qualify for a JFDP Fellowship, an applicant must:

* hold a university degree;
* be currently teaching at an institution of higher education;
* have at least two years of teaching experience at an institution of higher education; and,
* have a mastery of the English language.

The primary and distinct goal of the JFDP is to provide university instructors from the places listed above with training in their academic fields. Participants in the JFDP are also encouraged to forge relationships between U.S. universities and their home universities, in order to support ongoing contact and collaboration. JFDP Fellows work closely with faculty mentors from host universities in the United States to develop their knowledge in their fields of study, to gather new academic materials and resources, to garner new educational perspectives, and to enlighten U.S. faculty and students on education and life in their home countries. Throughout their stay in the United States , JFDP Fellows observe and listen to courses, attend academic conferences, and may be
invited to teach or co-teach classes at a U.S. university. Fellows do not earn academic degrees, credits or transcripts through the JFDP, and must return to their home countries after completing the program.

Each JFDP Fellow will spend a total of five (5) months (January-May 2008) in the United States . American Councils is responsible for placing Fellows at U.S. host universities and for providing logistical support for the Fellows throughout their stay in the United States . The JFDP Fellowship provides round-trip international and domestic transportation, medical insurance, monthly stipends, and a professional development fund. In addition, ECA and American Councils sponsor events and activities for JFDP
alumni after they return to their home countries.

Applications may be downloaded at the JFDP website and http://www.americancouncil The deadline for applications submission in September 7, 2007.

If you have any questions, please contact us at info@americancounci

Deadline for applications: 07/09/2007
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Poziv za natječaj
Program stipendija francuske vlade

Francuska vlada nudi svake godine studijske stipendije za Master 2 (postdiplomski studij) studentima iz Bosne i Hercegovine. Ove stipendije se odnose na sve studijske discipline. Stipendijski program uključuje troškove smještaja i boravka, kao i zdravstveno osiguranje studenta.

Kandidature (CV + pismo motivacije) se mogu poslati do petka 19. oktobra 2007. g-đici Cécile Derbois, Atašeu za univerzitetsku saradnju, putem elektronske pošte na adresu [email protected] ili na poštansku adresu Odjela za kulturu i saradnju Ambasade Francuske u Bosni i Hercegovini : Obala Isa-bega Isakovića 6, 71000 Sarajevo

Uslovi :

- Imati diplomu o završenom studiranju ili upravo završavati univerzitetske studije
- Aktivno znanje francuskog jezika (govorni i pisani jezik) da bi se mogli pratiti časovi na francuskom jeziku
- Biti državljanin Bosne i Hercegovine

Kriteriji odabira :

Studenti koji su diplomirali mogu se kandidovati za ovaj program stipendija francuske vlade, bez obzira na vrstu studija.

Stipendije su prvenstveno namijenjene studentima koji odlaze u Francusku u okviru saradnje između njihovog univerziteta i nekog francuskog univerziteta.
U okviru takvog partnerstva, studente će odabrati profesori sa oba partnerska univerziteta (francuskog i bosanskog), u dogovoru sa Odjelom za kulturu i saradnju Ambasade Francuske.

U slučaju da student ne ide u okviru saradnje, selekciju će obaviti Odjel za kulturu i saradnju Ambasade Francuske.

Osnovni kriteriji su kvalitetan CV, motivacija studenta i osnovanost njegovog studijskog projekta.

Posebna pažnja će se posvetiti budućem profesionalnom projektu studenta.

Prioritet za dobivanje stipendije, između dva jednaka dosjea, će se dati studentima sa boravištem u Bosni i Hercegovini.
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Scholarship Competition for Citizens of South Eastern European and Balkan Area Countries ( Slovenia , Croatia , Serbia , Montenegro , Bosnia and Herzegovina , Macedonia and Albania )

MIB School of Management of Trieste , Italy is pleased to announce a competition for scholarships for citizens of South Eastern European and Balkan Area Countries ( Slovenia , Croatia , Serbia , Montenegro , Bosnia and Herzegovina , Macedonia and Albania ).

The Scholarships will go toward tuition fees to attend the IX edition of the Master in Insurance and Risk Management (January 2008 - December 2008).

The Scholarships will cover up to 100% of the tuition fees (equivalent to 18.000,00 EUR - eighteen thousand EUR).

The amount of the scholarships will be discounted from the overall tuition fees.
Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- Academic degree (or equivalent qualification) .
- Good working knowledge of English (TOEFL certificate is recommended) .

MIB School of Management will award scholarships to the best candidates on the basis of educational qualifications,
professional skills and motivation shown during the entrance interview.

To be considered for a scholarship, the application form for the programme must be completed on-line at

In order to finalize the application, the following documents must be received:
- Degree certificate
- Two letters of recommendation
- A certificate demonstrating adequate knowledge of English such as TOEFL (verification of skills may be made directly by the School)
- A deductive reasoning test score such as GMAT (alternatively, verification will be made directly by the School).

The documentation must be received by November 12, 2007 at the following address:
Ms. Barbara Sepic
Admissions Officer
MIB School of Management
Largo Caduti di Nasiriya 1
34142 Trieste - Italy

Participants admitted to the Master in Insurance and Risk Management can also apply for honour loans at banks that have an agreement with the School.
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Post by nebojeplavo »

Two PhD Studentships
We invite applications for 2 three-year PhD scholarships in Social Anthropology researching home-making on Bosnian borders. The scholarships, funded by the Leverhulme Trust, are worth Ł15,468 per year, to start September 2008. The researchers will work on two individual PhD dissertations, supervised by Stef Jansen, under the umbrella of the collaborative research project Transforming Borders: a Comparative Anthropology of Post-Yugoslav 'Home'. Each project will involve one year of ethnographic research in a small town: one on the border between Bosnia-Herzegovina and Croatia , and one on the border between Bosnia-Herzegovina and Serbia (precise locations to be negotiated). Within the parameters of the wider project, researchers will have considerable room for manoeuvre to develop their research along their own interest.

Deadline for initial application: 21 January 2008.

For detailed information see:

* how to apply

* eligibility

* financial details of the scholarships

* practical organisation of the three years of PhD study

* theoretical and methodological framework of the project

If you are interested in applying, please first read all the information provided on this website. When developing your proposal, pay particular attention to the framework document, including the notes on room for manoeuvre. After that, you may contact Stef Jansen by email on stef.jansen@ manchester. for clarification or for discussion of your research ideas.

For more information please visit http://www.socialsc iences.mancheste nes/socialanthro pology/about/ news/
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Post by nebojeplavo »


Studiranje u Češkoj?!

U Češkoj postoje 64 registrovane institucije visokog obrazovanja. Od tog broja 27 javnih ili državnih univerziteta nude studij na ukupno 135 fakulteta. Ostalih 37 institucija ima privatni status. Standardni period studija su tri godine. Apsolventi stiču zvanje Bakalar Bc. (ili prvi stepen visoke škole). Standardni period studija prema magistarskom programu je 4-6 godina, a u slučaju da nastavlja na trogodišnji studij traje 2-3 godine. Apsolventi stiču titulu: inžinjer (Ing.),magistar (Mgr.), inžinjer arhitekture (Ing.arch.), doktor medicine (MUDr.), stomatolog (MDDr.), doktor veterine (MVDr.). Standardni period studija doktorskog programa traje tri godine. Apsolventi stiču akademsku titulu doktor (PhD.) ili doktor teologije (ThD.).

Šta se u Češkoj može studirati, po kojim uslovima i na kojem jeziku?

Studiranje na privatnim školama za visoko obrazovanje se uglavnom plaća. Za više informacija o uslovima studiranja i prijemnog ispita obratite se direktno toj instituciji. Kandidat iz BiH može studirati na bilo kojem državnom ili privatnom fakultetu, ako ispunjava tražene uslove. Neki od fakulteta nude studiranje i na engleskom jeziku, koje se večinom plaća. Studiranje BiH studenata na češkom jeziku je besplatno!
U tom slučaju student dobiva isti status kao i češki studenti, tj. mogućnost stanovanja u studentskom domu, ishrana u menzi, jeftinija karta za gradski prevoz, itd. Studentski sistem u ČR je napravljen tako da su troškovi studenta svedeni na minimum. Često je dovoljno za početak osnovno poznavanje jezika, a neki umjetnički fakulteti prethodno znanje jezika uopšte nezahtjevaju. Češki jezik je moguće učiti na Filozofskom fakultetu u Banja Luci. Kurseve organizuje Ambasada ČR u BiH i Udruženje čeških sunarodnjaka Češka beseda u Sarajevu. U Mostaru i Tuzli moguće je dogovoriti individualne časove.
Šta nudi program stipendiranja?
Ambasada Češkoj Republici u Bosni i Hercegovini posreduje nekoliko načina programa stipendiranja, na češkom ili engleskom jeziku. Studiranje na češkom jeziku podrazumijeva kurs jezika, koji se odvija u ČR prije početka ili u toku studija. Stipendija je obično u visini koja pokriva normalne troškove studenta.

Šta trebam uraditi ukoliko imam interes za studiranje u Češkoj Republici?

Do 2. Novembra 2007. godine dostaviti Ambasadi ČR poštom (Franjevačka 19, 71 000 Sarajevo) ili faxom (033 447 526) ili emailom ([email protected]) sljedeću dokumentaciju:
• formular zahtjeva (ćete pronaći na;
• dokaz o završetku studija sa ocjenama:
 prijave za bakalarski ili petogodišnji magistarski studij: kopiju mature (ako ste već položili) i svjedočanstva svih završenih razreda;
 prijave za dvogodišnji ili trogodišnji magistarski studij kopiju diplome kao i spisak završenih ispita sa ocjenama;
 prijave za doktorski studij kopiju svih diploma i spisak završenih ispita sa ocjenama.
Fakultativno možete priložiti drugu dokumentaciju kao što su kopije preporuka profesora, dokazi o završenju jezičkih ili stručnih tečaja itd.
Kandidati, koji pošalju svu dokumentaciju u navedenom roku, će biti pozvani u Češku Ambasadu na razgovor, koji će se održati u novembru ili decembru 2007. Studentima će istovremeno biti date na raspolaganje detaljnije informacije o mogućnostima studija i stipendija u Češkoj kao i odgovori na druga relevantna pitanja.

Kome se obratiti za dodatni savjet ?

Ukoliko imate interes za studiranje u ČR bez stipendije a želite savjet kako pronači odgovarajući smjer, fakultet, kako predati prijavu, gdje učiti češki jezik i sl. možete pronaći odgovore na našoj internet stranici gdje se nalazi i formular zahtjeva, pregled visokih škola u ČR i informacije o kursu češkog jezika. Možete se obratiti i Ambasadi ČR u BiH telefonom na (033) 447 525 ili emailom na [email protected], rado ćemo Vam pomoći. Za opšte informacije o Češkoj Republici preporučujemo
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Post by nebojeplavo »

The Egyptian Government (Cairo Demography Centre) is offering scholarship, for a limited number of Bosnia officials, to obtain the;
''General Diploma ''in the field of ''Demography''. The Embassy has the honour to extend an invitation to the Ministry to convey the names of the interested candidates for this one year course (from January to December 2008). The conditions and requirements that the candidates should meet are as follows:

1- Holder of University Degree
2- Full command of English language as classes are conducted in English
3- Previous experiences in the fields related to population and development will bee an asset.
4- Names, personal history and filled in application forms of candidates should be sent to the Embassy by August 31, 2007.

The Egyptian Government shall cover the tuition expenses (7000 U.S. dollars per student). Moreover, the successful candidates shall benefit from a round trip air ticket (Sarajevo –Cairo-Sarajevo) as well as around 1000 Egyptian pounds (130 euros), as a monthly contribution for their accommodation and daily expenses.

More details: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Department for international Scientific, Technical and Cultural cooperation
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Grant of the Province of Styria in Cooperation with the University of Graz for Students from South-Eastern Europe – GO STYRIA

Summer semester 2008

General Information

In cooperation with the University of Graz, the Province of Styria offers a new grant for klix students from South-Eastern European countries starting in the winter semester – “Go Styria!”. For the summer semester 2008 18 more scholarship months are available.

The Department for Scientific Affairs of the Province of Styria takes a very strong interest in the process of South-Eastern European integration and sets a course in those countries who are not – or not yet – members of the European Union. Styria, as a link between the EU and Eastern/South- Eastern Europe, adopts an active role in the scientific and cultural exchange between the countries and has the necessary preconditions to integrate the research competences and to utilise the available synergetic opportunities.

Against the background of a long standing, varied and intensive cooperation with the regions of South-Eastern Europe, the University of Graz was the first university in the Germanspeaking world to set a university-wide focus on “South-Eastern Europe” as the profilesetting core of its university development concept. Thanks to its expertise and acquaintance with both the needs as well as the potentials for cooperation of the South-Eastern European region, the University of Graz has been an important forerunner within the EU for the realisation of the vision of European-wide integration for a long time. As part of an extensive circle of partnerships, the university takes these historically developed and in many areas important connections into consideration.

Application Requirements

Those entitled to financial aid are students from universities of South-Eastern Europe (Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Albania, Greece, Cyprus, Turkey, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and Moldova). Applicants schould be at least in the 7th semester of a diploma programme or at least in the 2nd semester of a master’s programme, or already write their master’s or doctoral thesis. The selection of the grant holders takes place in a joint process of the Province of Styria and the University of Graz . The academic quality of the applicant is decisive for the success of the application. Depending upon the intended aim of the studies or research, proof of the command of German and/or English is to be provided.

The maximum length of time of financial aid for go styria! is five months. Grant awards for shorter research stays are occasionally possible.

Submission Deadline

Applications have to be received by the Office of International Relations of the University of Graz no later than Wednesday, November 7, 2007. Only those applications that are complete and received on time will be considered! We cannot accept faxed or emailed applications!

Application Documents

- Filled-in “Application for Admission to Studies” form – please fill it in by computer or use block letters!
- Confirmation of registration for studies (part of the application form)
- List of certificates
- Curriculum vitae (German or English)
- Description of intended aim of studies and/or research (German or English)
- 2 letters of recommendation (German or English)
- Copy of passport

Amount of Grant

“go styria” includes the following benefits:
· Grant in the amount of EUR 600 per month
· Waiver of tuition fees at the University of Graz

After the Stay Abroad

Every grant holder has to submit a report about his or her stay in Graz to the Office of International Relations within three months after the end of her/his stay abroad:

The report should give an overall impression of the stay abroad, providing information both on professional benefits as well as general experiences there. The reports will be made public on the homepage and thus made available to new applicants.

Contact person in the Office of International Relations

Doris Knasar
Tel: +43 / 316 / 380-2213
Fax: +43 / 316 / 380-9156

Open to the public:
Mon - Fri from 10 am to 12 pm, Wed from 1 to 3 pm
and after making an appointment by telephone
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Post by nebojeplavo »

Call for Applications
************ ********* ********* ********* ********* *****
Doctoral Program in Political Theory
Luiss University - Rome
************ ********* ********* ********* ********* *****
1. Presentation
The Luiss University of Rome (Italy) announces a Call for Applications for its Doctoral Program in Political Theory, academic year 2007-2008. Luiss University welcomes graduate students who are willing to work within a stimulating international community. Admissions will be offered to eight (8) klix applicants, four (4) of which will be granted an annual scholarship, covering the entire length of the program. The grant for this year amounts to roughly 900€ per month.

The length of the program is three (3) years of full-time academic research, including three terms of full coursework in the first year. Candidates are also expected to write a doctoral dissertation in English by the end of the third year.

2. Program and requirements
The Luiss Ph.D. Program in Political Theory is centered on an interdisciplinary perspective. The program covers four main areas of study: philosophy (ethics and applied philosophy, political and social philosophy, and issues in contemporary philosophy), political theory (ethics of international relations and human rights theories), law (international law, humanitarian law, and international criminal law), and politics and economics (international political economy, development policies, sustainability theories, international relations, and theories of globalization) .

Currently, about twenty faculty members teach in the program. They include both Italian professors and several international visiting professors. Currently, we have 25 students, roughly half of whom are international.
Applicants are required to have majored in an area of social sciences, humanities, or philosophy; however, applicants who have degrees in other disciplines will also be considered on the basis of their curricula vitae and research proposals.. Studentsadmitted will start onthe Spring semester of 2008. The average yearly course-load ranges from six to ten hours per week and each term is approximately three months long. All courses are taught in English. Knowledge of Italian is not required.

3. Applications
Students interested in the Ph.D. program must apply by completing an application form. Application forms are available at www.
http://www.luiss. it/ricerca/ dottorati/ politicaltheory/ pagina.php? icat=9

Or can be inquired at infophd@luiss. it

Applications must abide by the format attached to the call for application (“bando di dottorato”) which can be found in the “Requirements and applications” .

Applications must be sent to the following address:
Ufficio Dottorati di Ricerca
Direzione Didattica e Ricerca-
Luiss Guido Carli - Viale Pola, 12
00198 Rome - Italy
(Specifying: Application for the PhD Program in “Political Theory”)

The deadline for applications is November 16, 2007 (postmarked) . Applications sent by certified mail must include a return receipt (that is, a receipt that the application was delivered; since many countries have their own expedition procedures, be careful to check it out with your local post office). Only the applications sent by certified mail before the above deadline will be considered. With regard to this, compliance with the deadline will be proven by the post date of the accepting post office.

Applicants must submit
- The official transcripts of their undergraduate degree (students who have a Master degree are also required to submit these transcripts) ;
- a writing sample in English (between the 5,000 and the 10,000 words);
- two letters of recommendation by professors or relevant professionals in the field;
- Curriculum vitae;
- A short research proposal (max. 5 pages long).

For inquiries: infophd@luiss. it

Program Advisor:
Dr. Daniele Santoro (email: dsantoro@luiss. it)

Contact numbers and info:
phone: +39.06.86506. 568
+ 39.06.86506. 779
fax: + 503
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Post by mamica papucarka »

Imal sta za ALU, ali mimo Balkana??? Treba mi hitno kakva informacija :roll:
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Post by nebojeplavo »


Applicants are invited for Chevening Scholarships funded by the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office for the academic year 2008/2009.

The scholarships for Bosnia and Herzegovina:

? are for full-time postgraduate study at a United Kingdom university

? include academic fees, living costs and travel to and from United Kingdom

? are meant for one-year study programmes (law, economics, international relations, banking, accountancy, journalism and management. High academic achievers in other subjects will also be considered, along with good candidates for newer universities offering non-traditional subjects.)

Candidates will:

? be Bosnia and Herzegovina citizens with a first degree at the time of applying

? have relevant work experience

? have the capacity to be leaders in their field, and be committed to playing their part in the future of Bosnia and Herzegovina

? have excellent written and spoken English

? be available for interview in Sarajevo the week beginning 5 February 2008

The selection panel will welcome evidence that you have looked for information on the courses available and can discuss your preferences.

The Chevening scholarship programme is administered by the British Council.

Further details and application forms from: http://www.britishcouncil. ba


Applications to:

British Council

Ljubljanska 9

71000 Sarajevo

Applications received after the closing date will not be considered.
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Post by nebojeplavo »

Stipendije za postdiplomski studij u Maleziji

Binary univerzitet iz Kuala Lumpura dodijelio je 5 stipendija drzavljanima BiH koje su namjenjene za pohadanje postdiplomskog studija iz oblasti MBA (Master in Bussines Administration) i MSc ITM (Master in Science in Information Technology Management).

Studij traje 16 mjeseci
Starosna granica za kandidate je 50 godina.
Stipendija podrazumijeva kompletnu skolarinu, troskove ispita, troskove studenske vize i troskove registracije.

Troskove smjestaja snose kandidati, a na raspolaganju im stoji hostel univerziteta. Informacije o cijenama i ostalim uslovima se mogu naci na internet stranici Univerziteta my

Upis bosansko-hercegovac kih kandidata predviden je za aprilski rok 2008. godine.

Uslovi koje kandidati moraju zadovoljavati :

Zavrsen fakultet bilo kojeg smjera sa minimalnim prosjekom ocjena 8,5 (CGPA 3.0),
Minimalni TOEFL rezultat 650 ili IELTS 7.0
Kandidat ne moze biti primalac neke druge stipendije (od strane vladinih ili privatnih agencija).
Primljeni kandidati moraju odrzavati minimalni CGPA 3.0 za svaki semestar kako bi se stipendija mogla produziti
Sama prijava ne garantira stipendiju.
Formularu za prijavu se mogu dobiti u MVP BiH-Odjel za medunarodnu naucnu, tehnicku, obrazovnu, kulturnu i sportsku saradnju.

Krajnji rok u kojem kandidati trebaju dostaviti svoje prijavne formulare na adresu Binary univerziteta je 15.12.2007.godine.
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Post by aNTropocentrio »

The Committee on Eastern European Economic Relations (OA) in cooperation with the Delegation of German Business in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Internship Programme of German Business 2008
The objective of the programme is to provide internships for qualified candidates in German enterprises for a period of 3-6 months in Germany. The programme is supported by the German Federal Government. Most of the costs incurred during the internships will be borne by the German side. The internships in Germany will begin in May-June 2008. Criteria for the applicants: - Educational profile: Studies related to economics and/or engineering/technical - Age: The applicants should not be over 30 years old. - Level of education: students in higher semesters and graduates with some professional experience. - Languages: Very good knowledge of German and / or very good knowledge of English The internships will be provided by some of the most renowned German companies in various sectors. Detailed information and the online application form can be found on our website:
Please apply online by December 28, 2007. For more information contact Mr. Sascha Markovic: [email protected].
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#43 Re: Stipendije

Post by Itsoktobealone »

Samo Chevening ;)
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#44 Re: Stipendije

Post by Kinaski »

dize frajer temu deceniju staru :D
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#45 Re: Stipendije

Post by Itsoktobealone »

Neka, nikad nije kasno za obrazovanje :D
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#46 Re: Stipendije

Post by cenecimoveocino »

ovakve stvari treba ubuće stavit da se banuju :izet:
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