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#18476 Re: Republika Turska

Posted: 03/08/2017 08:24
by Mohamad Sissoko
Tourists visiting Turkey in the first half of the year spent about $1.2 billion on clothing and footwear.

According to Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat) data, 13,708,152 people from abroad, including 2,260,827 Turkish citizens, visited Turkey from January to June.

Tourism revenue was $8.8 billion in this period, with $6.8 billion from foreign visitors and about $2 billion from Turkish citizens visiting from abroad. Personal expenditures of tourists reached $7.5 billion, while tour package expenditures reached $1.2 billion.

The food and beverage sector attracted the highest amount as tourists spent $1.97 billion followed by international transportation at $1.326 billion and accommodation at $1.036 billion.

Foreign citizens and Turkish citizens living abroad spent $390 million on health in Turkey and $618 million on domestic transportation. Tourist spending on sports, education and culture in Turkey exceeded $95 million.

While 13.2 percent of tourist spending ($1,175,753,000) went for clothing and footwear in the first half the year, souvenirs constituted 5.4 percent of their expenditures, at $477,058,000. While other spending reached $327 million, they paid $46 million for carpets and rugs.

$10 out of every $100 spent on souvenirs

Tourism expenses, which consist of the expenditures of citizens living in the country and visiting other countries, amounted to $2.2 billion in the first half of the year. Personal spending amounted to $1.724 billion in tourism expenses and package tour spending reached $520 million.

People allocated 50 percent of their personal overseas spending to food, accommodation and souvenirs, as $443 million was allocated to accommodation, $439 million to food and drinks and $212 million to souvenirs; $10 of every $100 was spent on souvenirs.

#18477 Re: Republika Turska

Posted: 03/08/2017 20:09
by ElRe

#18478 Re: Republika Turska

Posted: 04/08/2017 19:19
by ElRe
2017-2018 expectations for Turkish economy ... sh-economy

Turkish-made anti-drone weapon in high demand in the international market ... nal-market

#18479 Re: Republika Turska

Posted: 04/08/2017 19:34
by Point.
Kakvo laganje.

#18480 Re: Republika Turska

Posted: 04/08/2017 20:08
by japin_mutapi
samo da rata ne bude

#18481 Re: Republika Turska

Posted: 05/08/2017 13:52
by mousstapha
U Daimleru se ne osvrcu na politicka natezanja. Prosiruju kapacitete u Turskoj. ... 1c187.html

#18482 Re: Republika Turska

Posted: 05/08/2017 19:21
by sunceKOtepsija

-Istanbul-pravovremenom reakcijom turskih snaga sigurnosti uspjesno razbijen performanst u organizaciji armensko-gulenovskih profesionalnih protestanata-podrzanih od strane pedera i lezbejki (jedna se cak pokusala kamuflirati prerusivsi se u statuu :roll: )
Velike akcije sirom Turske :thumbup: u Tekirdagu uhapseno 30 osoba osumnjicenih za clanstvo u gulenovskoj teroristickoj organizaciji-navedene osobe su prema sapstenju policije aktivno koristile ByLock-android aplikaciju popularnu kod clanova gulenovske teroristicke organizacije
-u Istanbulu uhapseno 158 osumnjicenih clanova gulenovske teroristicke organizacije
Dokaz da borba protiv gulenovsko teroristickih elemenata nije ni izbliza gotova-Kako prenosi CNNTurk-na podrucju Osmanije pronaden veliki broj Gulenovih knjiga. Pripadnici zandarmerije su po izlasku na teren evindetirali ukupno 57 knjiga ciji je autor gore spomenuti. Knjige su odnesene na vjestacnje-za osobom ili osobama koje su se pokusale rijesiti dokaza o povezanosti sa gulenovskom teroristickom organizacijom se traga.
Penzionisani pripadnik turskih snaga sigurnosti-koji je zbog povezanosti sa gulenovskom teroristickom organizacijom uhapsen i protiv kojeg se vodio postupak-preminuo usljed zatajenja srca u 52. godini. O kakvom ne-covjeku se radi dovoljno govori i to da ga se cak i srce odreklo -odbivsi da kuca za izdajnika i armensko-jevrejskog placenika :thumbup: Patriotski cin srca koji zasluzuje sve pohvale :thumbup:

#18483 Re: Republika Turska

Posted: 05/08/2017 19:47
by Krokodajl
Srce treba ukopati uz najvise drzavne počasti, a tijelo baciti iznad Amsterdama.

#18484 Re: Republika Turska

Posted: 06/08/2017 09:42
by ElRe

#18485 Re: Republika Turska

Posted: 07/08/2017 02:12
by Kikibombona
Nova izjava velikog sultana! :D
President Erdogan: Superiority doesn't come from Turkishness or Kurdishness. Whoever that is closer to Allah is superior.

#18486 Re: Republika Turska

Posted: 07/08/2017 09:33
by japin_mutapi
dobro je pa nije ko u libiji

#18487 Re: Republika Turska

Posted: 07/08/2017 14:38
by ElRe
Kikibombona wrote:Nova izjava velikog sultana! :D
Whoever that is closer to Allah is superior.
I? Sta je pogresno rekao? Vjernik tako razmislja ma na kojoj funkciji bio.

#18488 Re: Republika Turska

Posted: 07/08/2017 14:40
by ElRe
Turkish airports see surge in number of passengers, cargo ... gers-cargo

Kada IGA bude operativan brojke ce biti jos impresivnije.

#18489 Re: Republika Turska

Posted: 07/08/2017 16:00
by Point.
Zasto nastavljas sa ovim laznim clancima?

#18490 Re: Republika Turska

Posted: 07/08/2017 16:15
by Mohamad Sissoko

Turkey’s BIST 100 stocks hit record level

The Borsa Istanbul stock exchange opened 559.78 points up on Aug. 7 to reach 109,105.09 points, its highest ever value.

The BIST 100 jumped 0.52 percent to record its peak, the latest of several record highs this year.

The banking and holding sectors rose 0.62 percent and 0.42 percent respectively, while the mining sector performed best, up 2.58 percent.

The wholesale and retail sector showed the day’s biggest drop, down 0.07 percent.

The BIST 100 reached to 108,545.31 points at Friday’s close, and the day saw total trading volume of 5 billion Turkish Liras ($1.41 billion).

The U.S. dollar/Turkish lira exchange rate dropped to 3.5290 at 9.30 a.m. local time (06.30 GMT) on Aug. 7, compared to 3.5370 at Friday’s close.

#18491 Re: Republika Turska

Posted: 07/08/2017 17:32
by NajdraziVodjaa
Mohamad Sissoko wrote:
Turkey’s BIST 100 stocks hit record level

The Borsa Istanbul stock exchange opened 559.78 points up on Aug. 7 to reach 109,105.09 points, its highest ever value.

The BIST 100 jumped 0.52 percent to record its peak, the latest of several record highs this year.

The banking and holding sectors rose 0.62 percent and 0.42 percent respectively, while the mining sector performed best, up 2.58 percent.

The wholesale and retail sector showed the day’s biggest drop, down 0.07 percent.

The BIST 100 reached to 108,545.31 points at Friday’s close, and the day saw total trading volume of 5 billion Turkish Liras ($1.41 billion).

The U.S. dollar/Turkish lira exchange rate dropped to 3.5290 at 9.30 a.m. local time (06.30 GMT) on Aug. 7, compared to 3.5370 at Friday’s close.
Ima li kraja Turskom napretku? i po tvojoj procjeni kada se ocekuje da Turska bude ekonomski nadmocnija od citave EU? U cemu je tajna ovolikog uspjeha i ekonomskog rasta i je li moguce da ga iko zaustavi?

#18492 Re: Republika Turska

Posted: 07/08/2017 22:16
by ovo_malo_duse
Konzorcij sa Siemnsom na celu pobjedio na tenderu za projekat vjtroparka og 1 Gigawat /satu instalisane snage vrijednosti 1 milijardu eura.

Za ne upucene, to je vise nego sve nase hidro i termoelektrane zajedno.
Jos cemo i struju uvozit od Turaka. ... cPbW_PG0sw

#18493 Re: Republika Turska

Posted: 07/08/2017 22:27
by atmel
2013. godine je proizvodnja Elektroprivrede BiH iznosila ukupno 7473 GWh.
Elektroprivreda BiH raspolaže sa 1682 MW instaliranih proizvodnih kapaciteta, od čega je 517 MW ili 30,7% u hidroelektranama, a 1165 MW ili 69,3% u termoelektranama.

#18494 Re: Republika Turska

Posted: 07/08/2017 22:49
by salik79
ovo_malo_duse wrote:Konzorcij sa Siemnsom na celu pobjedio na tenderu za projekat vjtroparka og 1 Gigawat /satu instalisane snage vrijednosti 1 milijardu eura.

Za ne upucene, to je vise nego sve nase hidro i termoelektrane zajedno.
Jos cemo i struju uvozit od Turaka. ... cPbW_PG0sw
TE Tuzla 779 MW, HE Jablanica 180 MW, HE Salakovac 210 MW, ....nema potrebe dalje nabrajati....

Da ne nabrajam dalje, hajde sto ne znas ispravno napisati mjernu jedinicu (cuj 1GW po satu :D ), nego ne znas osnovne racunske operacije...Bolje ti se ne petljati u ono sto nije tvoj fah. ;-)

#18495 Re: Republika Turska

Posted: 08/08/2017 00:21
by sunceKOtepsija
uskoro na novoj lokaciji u ljepsem ambijentu :thumbup:

#18496 Re: Republika Turska

Posted: 08/08/2017 09:40
by ElRe
FDI into Turkey upward despite political rift with EU ... 1502140327

Automotive exports soar 41 pct to $2.4B in July ... 4b-in-july

#18497 Re: Republika Turska

Posted: 08/08/2017 12:23
by RatRodRob
Recep Tayyip Erdogan dolazi u Srbiju sa 150 privrednika :lol: :lol: :lol: ... /170808032

#18498 Re: Republika Turska

Posted: 08/08/2017 14:19
by sunceKOtepsija
Akcija turskih snaga sigurnosti protiv clanova FETE aKa gulenovska teroristicka organizacija u Aksaraju uhapseno 16 osoba medu njima i visoka duznosnica navedene organizacije koja se krila na trznici prodajuci mahune-hapsenje je proteklo bez problema-kada je vidile da je provaljena odlucila je poci sa organima pravde do policijske stanice (uz malo tersanja) bez pruzanja otpora :thumbup:

#18499 Re: Republika Turska

Posted: 08/08/2017 14:39
by JThomas
jesu li mahune oduzete?

#18500 Re: Republika Turska

Posted: 08/08/2017 15:00
by ElRe
Turkey’s industrial production sees year-on-year increase in June ... sCatID=344